By controlling your thoughts, you control your reality! How thoughts shape our reality + video

The neural interface makes possible what until recently was considered science fiction - the exchange of information between the brain and an external device, that is, the control of objects with the power of thought.
There are several organizations in Russia that are closely studying this technology. Already this year, the Avtomatika concern of the Rostec State Corporation plans to launch the neural interface for sale.
About how to control reality with the power of thought, about the history of this technology and modern developments - in our material.

What is the power of thought and how does it work?

So, a thought is a unit of energy - a mental wave emitted by consciousness and aimed at realizing what was planned.

Every thought contributes to the final picture of the future. Although the remoteness of the materialization of thought in time for many makes it almost invisible.

The power of a thought depends on the intention and emotional content put into it. Confidence in your right to have what you want, the desire to go towards your intended goal and a positive emotional mood fill the mental image with energy, bringing the moment of its materialization closer.

Fears and doubts block the flow of energy in the direction of the goal and turn the vector of materialization in a negative direction.

Scrolling through the worst scenarios in your thoughts, especially in combination with emotional experiences, is an energetic contribution to the development of negative events.

What is encoded in the IMC

Unfortunately, it is not possible to quickly and frequently switch from one mental task to another, and this severely limits the speed of operation of a BCI that is controlled using mental tasks. Of course, developers often try to replace discrete control with gradual control, which could dramatically increase the amount of information transmitted through the BCI, but it turns out to be too inaccurate. In addition, due to the inevitable strong “noise” of the EEG signal by the electrical activity of various neural systems not directly involved in control, even the recognition of discrete commands usually requires repeated repetition of a mental task or its execution for a sufficiently long time (at least several seconds). Only in this way is it possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio to the required extent and achieve acceptable accuracy values.

Why wishes don't come true

The thought is material. But in just one day, a person is capable of generating thousands of mental forms, many of which may be incompatible and even contradict each other. Such work of the mind dissipates the power of thought into many useless expenses. The mental sphere of consciousness of the “restless in mind” is like a ball of fireflies that move chaotically, pushing each other out of a given trajectory. For this reason, no thought is often realized in the form of the original idea.

Conflicting thoughts and desires create energy impulses of the opposite direction. The emitted units of multidirectional energy balance each other and, without reaching the goal, dissipate in space. Thoughts similar in energy quality, on the contrary, will resonate and merge, greatly increasing their strength and ability to achieve materialization.

Superposition of mechanical waves in space.

The superposition of mechanical waves in space is a picture similar to the one that arises when conflicting desires are transmitted. She is incomplete and discontinuous. That is why it may seem that the power of thought does not work. Wishes don't come true. But the whole point is that people tend to produce mutually extinguishing ideas - faith in success with periodic interspersions of anxieties, doubts and fears, which leads to the effect of annihilation.

I'll explain in more detail. On the mental-energetic plane, there are such types of interaction of energy waves as:

  • merger
  • exchange
  • annihilation

Merger - when unidirectional mental images unite and produce a synergy effect. That is, two similar units of energy in fusion produce a greater effect than the sum of their separate forces. This effect can also be expressed by the formula: 1+1=3.

Exchange is when two different, but not mutually exclusive, mental images combine to create a third result. Then the desire may not be realized exactly as you expected, but with an overall positive outcome.

Annihilation is when the energy of two opposing thoughts extinguishes each other. And then the desire that has arisen is not fulfilled at all, although it seems like efforts were invested. Let's say you visualized what you wanted, but at the same time allowed yourself periodic bouts of disbelief.

Annihilation is the result of the meeting of constructive thought and fear. As a result, the mutual destruction of energy flows of opposite directions “I want” and “what if I can’t” occurs.

Thus, depending on how this law works and what thoughts come into interaction, the realization of the intended desire may be close or far from the original idea, or may not happen at all. And the reason for this is precisely the law of annihilation. It is this that sometimes confuses practitioners and makes them think that the power of thought does not work.

What is a brain-computer interface (BCI)

Back in 2011, at an international conference on BCIs in the Austrian city of Graz, it was noted that not a single experiment had shown the existence of a fundamental difference between the capabilities of invasive and non-invasive BCIs, and a completely logical explanation was given for this. Both BCIs receive signals only from the cerebral cortex, which is why the underlying structures of the brain and spinal cord, which are responsible for all the nuances of natural movement control, cannot be involved in interaction with them. But within a year, researchers from Pittsburgh, led by Andrew Schwartz, a renowned specialist in motor physiology, were able to train a paralyzed patient, in whose cortex two 96-channel electrode blocks were implanted, to control a robotic prosthetic arm with seven degrees of freedom. Nothing like this has ever been achieved using non-invasive interfaces. And, most importantly, there is little reason to hope that comparable progress will be possible with non-invasive BCIs.

The power of thought and energy drain

The problem of wasting energy on useless thoughts lies in the natural fickleness of the mind.

As a rule, people do not record and control the flow of their thoughts. And many often don’t even remember what they think about most of their time. Therefore, most of the power of thought is scattered in space into random images that rarely coincide with people’s real desires.

Without conscious control, the brain occupies itself with whatever it has to: going through situations of the past, replaying fears about the future, doubting, fantasizing, analyzing. At the same time, most of the work of the mind on which we spend energy is of no benefit.

Thoughts that provoke an outflow of energy:

  1. Replaying past situations in memory. The exception is the analysis of a past situation in order to draw a conclusion and resolve an unresolved problem. The hanging problems of the past pull part of the energy resource onto themselves. And their resolution releases new reserves of strength.
  2. Thoughts about a sky-high future. On the one hand, thoughts about the future are an energetic contribution to your future world. This can be helpful when planning and visualizing a goal. But if the pictures of the future are too divorced from reality, this is a waste of energy. Goals must be realistic and comparable over time, otherwise the likelihood of achieving them is very unlikely.
  3. Fears and doubts. These are the main enemies on the way to the goal. The power of thought is supported by faith, and lack of faith in one’s own strength is the path to defeat. Doubt is the antagonist of faith, which is an essential condition of any materialization.

Craniotomy with seven degrees of freedom

The most striking research related to BCIs, which has been the subject of articles in the most prestigious scientific journals, is the so-called invasive BCI. To “connect” them to the brain, a neurosurgical operation is required, most often the implantation of electrodes directly into the brain. This is a serious risk, unacceptable for healthy people and undesirable even for seriously ill patients. In addition, the cost of such operations on humans is very high. Therefore, research using invasive BCIs will continue to be performed primarily on animals for many years to come.

Generally available commercial BCIs, as you might guess, are non-invasive BCIs. Their electrodes read electrical signals coming from the brain directly from the surface of the scalp. In other words, these BCIs use the same electroencephalogram (EEG) that is now required when issuing a medical certificate for the traffic police.

Two mental principles

Each thought is a quantum of energy of a certain strength, frequency and direction.

Thought has a torsion nature. That is, the direction of thought is determined not by the charge, as in the particles of an atom, but by the direction of its rotation around its own axis.

Negative thoughts create torsion fields with a left-handed spin , the energy of which is aimed at destruction and dissipation - increasing entropy.

The power of a person’s thoughts, aimed at creation and positivity, creates right torsion . Such vortices (magnitudes and powers of a different level) participate in maintaining cosmic order. An example of this is the law of attraction, as a guarantee of the integrity of any system.

My history

You know, it will sound corny, but I just watched the movie “Carrie” and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a trivial reason inspired me to engage in self-development and master telekinesis. At first, I simply decided that I needed to gather all my will into a fist, look at the object for a long, long time and wait for it to move. She literally glared at things, but they remained in place. I meditated before starting, but I was constantly distracted, thinking about something else.

After two weeks of such useless practice, I gave up for a while, because I began to think that it was impossible to do this in real life. Fortunately, one of my friends shared the exercises with me and told me what was wrong in my method (almost everything). He mentored me and rejoiced at my success, and now I want to help you. Don't waste your precious time by following the wrong techniques. Better start practicing right away. Then you won't have to relearn.

When I started training, I was suspicious of success. Here's another piece of advice: never doubt yourself. You will definitely succeed, just believe in yourself and motivate yourself when you fail. You can't imagine my delight when I finally moved the paper off the table. Immediately my eyes widened, I was in shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window or door was open, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day the same thing happened, soon the leaf gave in to me and allowed me to do whatever I wanted.

The main thing is to endure until your first positive result, after which you will no longer want to give up what you started. This gives so much strength and positivity, and then learning begins to proceed faster and more confidently. Now I can move objects with just the power of my thoughts. With practice my skills have improved, it takes less time, plus I can now move something quite heavy.

How to control your reality with the power of thought

The power of thought and the fulfillment of desires are incredibly close. Esotericists say with one voice: the power of thought works wonders! But, nevertheless, in order for the tool to work properly, it is important to carefully study the instructions for its use. And you already know a lot about the principles and possible mistakes when using it, dear readers. Now I suggest you get acquainted with the subtle nuances that will allow you to use it more effectively and avoid misunderstandings.

The secret of fulfilling desires: thoughts into which additional energy of feelings and intentions are invested are more powerful. You can think about something fleetingly. Or you can consciously create a thought-form-desire and fill it with your will to realize it.

Other factors that strengthen the power of thought:

  • Emotional uplift . States of joy and inspiration saturate mental forms with energy, pushing them toward rapid manifestation in matter. Thoughts born in a state of happiness and love resonate with the entire Universe, which also gives them additional power. However, it is worth noting that thoughts in disharmonious states: strong resentment or aggression, during an outburst of anger and hatred also have enormous power and energy for embodiment. Therefore, in such states it is better to avoid negative thoughts at your own or someone else’s expense. On the other hand, anger and rage can be used for good if their energy is directed towards active action and the development of will.
  • Altered state of consciousness . Thoughts scrolled in a special altered state of consciousness have a strong impact on space and are realized quickly. This altered state is achieved through prayers, mantras, meditation, and breathing practices. Ancient priests and magicians were able to control space through changing their states. There is a version that the famous Pyramids of Giza were built in this way, using one of the methods of influencing the power of thought - telekinesis.
  • Intent . This is the will to action, a feeling of strength and right to do something. To intend means to want, dare and be able to. To want means to have a desire. To dare is to have the courage to claim what you want. And to be able means to be able to realize what is planned. The power of thought, supported by the right intention, can greatly influence events and realize desires in a short time.

Putting it together

Point by point, the process of connecting everything into a test bench looked like this:
1. Install the necessary software for Emotiv from here

. From the entire set we need a connector and an Emotiv BCI.

2. Connect Insight to your computer

and test the connection.

3. Install Node-RED

. This is such a wonderful thing that allows you to conveniently process data and signals. Using the huge number of modules available, you can put together some kind of utility in a couple of minutes: send yourself a telegram notification about upcoming rain, process a bunch of raw data, and all that.

4. Add to Node-RED Emotiv Toolbox

as a module. Here it is described what it is. Installed in a couple of clicks.

5. Assembling Hicat.Livera.

It is assembled so-so: if everything is done according to the instructions, the battery will constantly fall off, one of the screws will block the rotation of the camera, and so on. This requires a little creativity.

6. Connect the robot to the computer.

This does not require any additional software; it is controlled via WebSocket; all you need to do is be on the same Wi-Fi network. True, it’s not so simple here either: it turned out that not all files were written to the memory card by the manufacturer, so I had to figure it out, download it from the repository and rewrite it. In general, the classic brilliance and poverty of Kickstarter projects.

7. Mastering Flow in Node-RED.

We take signals from trained commands in Emotiv BCI, clear them of noise at a threshold and send the resulting power value to the robot. A third of a second after each signal, we reset the voltage on the motors. It turned out like this:

The map itself for Node-RED can be downloaded from here and imported into your Flow.

Then all that remains is to practice and try.

Realization of thoughts and agreement of the soul

Every thought is reflected in the entire structure of the human soul. On the physical plane, the thought process is associated with the passage of electrical impulses along the neural connections of the brain. On the astral plane, a thought is accompanied by an emotional reaction. The mental level checks the thought for logical meaning. And at the level of the soul, thought receives a response from the Higher Self.

The Higher Self or soul responds to the emerging mental image with resonance and acceptance only if the thought is harmonious and if it does not conflict with the Universal Law. If the mental image is destructive and false, the Higher Self responds with refusal and rejection, which is reflected in the sensory background of the transmitter.

Sometimes, the logic of the rational mind can drown out the voice of the soul and force a person to set exclusively rational goals for himself. However, the power of thought in this case will still largely depend on the agreement of the inner spiritual essence. Thoughts and ideas that find agreement with the spiritual essence receive a powerful additional impulse for their materialization. That’s why it’s so important for a person to be able to listen to his heart when making a choice. It is believed that it is through the heart chakra that a connection is made with the immortal Higher Self. And only the goal that is chosen by the aspiration of the heart, and not the mind, contains the true purpose of the soul, which is why it finds additional assistance from the highest cosmic forces of the Universe.


The plan was simple:
Step 1.

We take an EEG device that reads brain activity.
Step 2.
We train some kind of algorithm that allows us to determine mental commands with sufficient accuracy.
Let's try several types of mental commands (more on this later). Step 3.
Connect to some moving thing.
Step 4.
We try to complete a simple task, for example, drive from point A to point B.
Step 5.
We draw conclusions from all this, if it’s time. If not, then repeat steps 2 and 4.

Yes, similar experiments have previously been carried out by a number of specialists: there are many tests of the P300 approach, which allows you to type text with your thoughts (it turns out very accurately, but it takes a long time), to control various prostheses and other devices. Nothing new is happening from a scientific point of view in the current experiment; the goal is to try brain control personally and draw some conclusions from the sensations and thoughts around the BCI (brain-computer interface).

Thinking about the future

It won't be long before brain-controlled interfaces become part of people's everyday lives. Garten believes that with all this, technology can transform into other forms that are more relevant to people's daily activities.

“There may be another device other than glasses or a cell phone element... something that sits behind the ear and holds quite naturally. A new technology may emerge that will become the core of our communications of the future.”

How many years will it take before BCI becomes mainstream? Everything depends not only on the pace of innovation, but also on user acceptance. Garten says it will be 20 to 25 years under current circumstances before the technology becomes as popular as touchscreens are today.

Neural interface market

According to Markets and Markets forecasts (October 2016), the market for neural interfaces will begin to grow following research into brain disorders and injuries, as well as disorders of its functioning. Moreover, the demand for biocompatible materials will further drive the market growth.

Among the factors limiting the growth of this market, Markets-and-markets mentions primarily the lack of qualified technical specialists to create and maintain complex neural interfaces.

And, nevertheless, according to Alliedmarketresearch forecasts (2015), the size of the neural interface market will increase from 2014 to 2020 by 12% and by 2022 will become one of the most knowledge-intensive technologies in the following areas (in descending order of market share): : medicine, games and entertainment, communications and telecommunications, smart homes.

Interestingly, the total share of semi-invasive and invasive neural interfaces on the market will be even greater than the share of non-invasive neural interfaces. “We are all practically cyborgs,” said the most famous modern innovator and inventor, Elon Musk, in an interview.

According to Alliedmarketresearch, the growth of the neural interface market depends on the development of medicine for brain disorders that affect the movement of body parts, the improvement of healthcare infrastructure in dynamically developing countries such as India and China, as well as the use of sensor technologies and neurotechnologies in the field of games and entertainment.

Among the major players operating in the neural interface market are primarily the American Mind Technologies, as well as the Irish Covidien, the Australian Compumedics, the American Natus Medical, the Japanese Nihon Kohden, the American Integra Life Sciences, CAS Medical Systems and Advanced Brain Monitoring.

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