16 stories about outstanding people, each of whom became famous in their own way

A guy caught a 2.3 kg stick of marijuana while fishing in Texas

Most likely, the bag of marijuana ended up in the water because some drug cartel got rid of evidence.

If he had not called the police, this would have been the first story of a fisherman who caught a 2-kilogram catch, and at home he would have told with red eyes that there was only a kilogram.

Most of all, users were interested in the question of what bait he used.

What is a goal?

To achieve a goal, you need to set it correctly for yourself. What is a goal? And this is the object that denotes the result. That is, this is what should happen at the end of the necessary manipulations or actions. For example, a person wants to learn to swim. This is already a goal. And its process will be called special classes with the help of which a person will learn to conquer the waves.

For a goal to arise, you need to set it. There are two ways to set it up. The first, direct, involves the appearance and planning of achieving a goal. The second, indirect, first reveals the process in which the whole essence of actions becomes clear. That is, the goal itself is outlined.

It also happens that achieving a goal is not the end result, but may continue if there are still unfulfilled tasks that are in contact with the completed task. Such goals are called intermediate goals. So, in order to get a job as a driver (the main task), you must have a license and be able to drive a car. These two goals that need to be achieved will be intermediate, because they need to be achieved in order to become a driver. But getting a job as a driver is the main goal, for the sake of which other manipulations are carried out and secondary functions are achieved.

Stories of successful businessmen

The following are brief summaries of the inspiring biographies of four living, successful, world-renowned business people:

  • Sergey Brin

Successful entrepreneur, computer scientist, co-founder of the Google search engine, billionaire. Born in Moscow into a poor family of mathematicians, he later moved to the USA with his parents.

Success came to the young man when he began developing a search engine (system) at Stanford University together with Larry Page (now also a billionaire).

The students successfully tested the invented search system at the university, after which they began to look for investors for further business development and found them. Just seven years later, the names of the young Google founders appeared on Forbes magazine's list of billionaires.

  • Mark Zuckerberg

Successful programmer, entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, founder and developer of the social network Facebook, billionaire. Born into a poor, large family.

Already during his school years, he became interested in computer programming and began to call himself a “hacker by vocation.” Mark developed his social network together with friends at Harvard, they were provided with financial assistance by student Eduardo Severin, later other larger investors began to appear and success was not long in coming.

  • Oprah Winfrey

A successful American TV presenter, actress, public figure, who created her own production company, as well as the first African-American woman to be included in the Forbes list, a female billionaire.

She was born into a dysfunctional family of a miner and a maid. Despite a very difficult childhood and youth, she was able to quickly achieve success through hard work. Thanks to her proactive character and active desire, at the age of 19, Oprah became a news anchor and later began hosting a talk show. At 32 she became a millionaire, and at 40 she became a billionaire. Today Winfrey, among other things, is a successful media mogul, owner of a film studio, magazine, radio network, and cable TV channel.

  • Joanne Rowling

The British woman, whose life before the resounding success could not be called happy, started in business from absolutely nothing and became a successful world-famous writer thanks to the series of novels about Harry Potter.

In five years, Joan went from poverty (living on social benefits) to her first billion. Today she is a screenwriter, film producer, and the UK's best-selling author.

What qualities characterize a personality? - examples of essays, notes

Example of a summary 1 Usually, a person’s personality traits are divided into positive and negative. Qualities are divided into these groups because they express mental processes, temperament, behavior, and the characteristics of interaction with other people and the environment.

Many qualities are innate and acquired. The latter are produced due to the influence of the environment and society. If a personality is not satisfied with qualities, she can eradicate them, and vice versa, develop them if she really likes them.

Thus, deceit, hypocrisy, rudeness, contempt, irresponsibility, a tendency to label, excessive temper and other similar qualities are negative. Falsehood makes a person lie, and hot temper makes a person scream and catch fire over a trifle.

On the other hand, kindness, caution, responsiveness, attentiveness, hard work, diligence, caring, charm, responsibility, sincerity, cheerfulness, initiative, frugality, punctuality and other qualities are positive qualities.
Hard work makes a person work, responsibility makes a person act consciously, and so on. Example summary 2
Personality is a person with unique qualities acquired during life in society.

Basic qualities inherent in a person:

  • communication skills;
  • determination;
  • responsibility;
  • mercy;
  • curiosity;
  • objectivity;
  • stress resistance;
  • oratory;
  • self-esteem;
  • making informed decisions.

Among the many definitions of personality, I am most impressed by this: a personality is a person who has individuality, as well as a whole set of qualities, thanks to which he can develop and adapt to constantly changing external conditions.
The main qualities of a person’s individuality and strong personality include:

  • diverse interests;
  • the ability, with the help of motivation, to regulate and direct one’s actions and actions;
  • possession of moral principles;
  • the ability to form adequate self-esteem;
  • having the skills necessary to live in society and the ability to identify with people and social groups;
  • presence of character, life experience, openness to any social contacts.

Example note 3 How do you understand the meaning of the concepts of “individuality” and “strong personality”? Qualities that characterize a person in my understanding:

A person as the owner of character traits and individual characteristics inherent only to him.

Strong personality

A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for his actions, for the events that happen in his life. Such people know how to rise after life's blows, after failures and start all over again.

Such people are characterized by the ability to make independent decisions, willpower, spirit, the ability to empathize and understand.

Character qualities:

1. Calmness and equanimity, sociability, optimism 2. Attentiveness, determination 3. Hard work 4. Perseverance
Example of a summary 4
Personality is the totality of a person’s qualities. Each personality has its own unique set of qualities, there are a lot of them, sometimes one contradicts the other. So, a good-natured person may have greed in his character. He treats people around him well, but never lends money or gives expensive gifts.

Distinctive features of personality are: Worldview. This is a whole system of views on the world, ideas about it, values ​​that can be realistic or illusory. For example, a seven-year-old boy, Vasya, believes that all doctors are cruel and evil. He formed this opinion after Vasya suffered from a purulent sore throat. The doctor gave him injections for a whole week; a strong painful reaction was left in the boy’s memory for a long time. But the worldview can change over time, so, having matured, Vasya will understand that he was mistaken about doctors in childhood. Character. Each person has a set of personal characteristics and qualities that determine his behavior. Character is closely related to emotionality, so excessive sensitivity can lead to touchiness, hot temper makes a person angry.

Degree of responsibility. You can tell whether a person is serious or not by his actions. Individuals who are constantly late, fail to fulfill their obligations, promises, or refuse responsibilities are called irresponsible. A responsible person, on the contrary, strives to bring all matters to the end, keeps his word, and is responsible for his own actions. Such people are always respected and valued in society, they are entrusted with responsible tasks, and appointed to higher positions. Self-esteem. An individual can distinguish himself from the rest of society and evaluate his own activities, appearance, habits and other characteristics. Self-esteem is developed through the process of comparing yourself to others. Self-esteem largely determines how society will accept a person and whether others will love him. You can notice how in the school class they tease narcissistic children who do not respect teachers and peers, considering themselves superior and much better than others. But guys with low self-esteem are also shunned; they often have few friends due to shyness and indecisiveness.

Mental capacity. From birth, everyone has their own intellectual potential, that is, the ability to develop their minds. But a person can surpass his natural abilities thanks to perseverance, determination, and his work. Example. Petya Ivanov has innate mathematical abilities. But he gets 4s and 3s because of laziness and unwillingness to do his homework. Sasha Sidorov is not good at mathematics, but he devotes a lot of time to extracurricular activities, and has already begun to earn his first A's. If desired, a person can develop his memory, logical thinking, willpower and even physical abilities.

The qualities of a person’s personality are manifested and developed in the process of communication, interaction and work activity.

Success in women's lives

Success stories of smart, beautiful and talented women are useful to read for those representatives of the fair sex who consider their gender to be an obstacle to achieving success.

Many actresses, singers, TV presenters, writers, dancers, artists, businesswomen, politicians, scientists have achieved success in life thanks to self-confidence and determination.

  • The fact that success is the ability to go towards your goal without giving up under any circumstances was proven to the whole world by the successful American entrepreneur, creator of the Barbie doll - Ruth Hendler (1916 - 2002). She said that the secret of success is the ability to find the strength to rise and move on, no matter how big the troubles may be.

Ruth Hendler (née Moscovitch) was born in the USA into a family of Polish-Jewish emigrants. She was the tenth child in the family and at the age of ten she was already working in a pharmacy as a cashier. Ruth grew up a hardworking and purposeful child. At the age of twenty-two, she married Elliot Handler, a man who became not only her husband and father of her two children, but also a faithful business partner.

It was together with her husband that Ruth Hendler organized a business in 1945, which later brought them multimillion-dollar income. The handlers named their company Mattel. Elliott initially started making photo frames in his garage, and it wasn't until Ruth came up with the Barbie doll in 1959 that the business took off.

At first, the Barbie doll was criticized and sold poorly, since at that time society had not yet seen such feminine and sexy children's toys. However, Ruth Handler made a decision that ensured her success - she advertised Barbie on television. In the first ten years of successful sales, the Handler family earned half a billion dollars.

Interestingly, the beautiful Barbie doll was named after Ruth and Elliot's daughter, Barbara Hendler, and her friend Ken was named after her son Kenneth.

Many years of hard work, the ability to find a way out of hopeless situations and one successful creative idea helped Ruth Hendler become a famous, rich and happy woman.

After the resounding success, Ruth Handler faced a series of troubles. In 1970, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and at the same time she was accused of financial fraud, sentenced to probation and the payment of a large sum of money. Serious illness, reproach and rejection followed by the loss of her post, Ruth left Mattel.

In such a difficult situation, at the age of 59, Ruth Hendler did not give up and did the impossible: she created a new profitable company, Ruthon. She began making breast prostheses, as a result of which she again earned success, love and respect. In 1980, her new successful company's total sales exceeded one million dollars.

The long success story of a woman worthy of respect, full of ups and downs, ended at the 85th year of her life.

Interesting biographies of such little-known successful female inventors as:

  • Hedy Lammar. Successful invention of the "frequency hopping" system for controlling torpedoes, the basis of modern Wi-Fi.
  • El Dolores Jones. Her success was brought by the invention of the car muffler, without which driving a car was much less comfortable.
  • Josephine Cochrane. Invented the mechanized dishwasher.
  • Erminie Cadol. She forever changed the lives of all women for the better and achieved success by inventing the bra in its modern form.
  • Marion Donovan. The creative idea came to her while caring for her newborn baby. A shower curtain, some diapers and a sewing machine were all a young mother needed to create the world's first disposable diaper and achieve success.
  • Stephanie Klovek. She saved the lives of millions of people because she invented the material Kevlar, which is five times stronger than steel. Kevlar is the basis of modern body armor.

Work on mistakes

When life goes downhill and circumstances seem stronger, you need to exhale and start over. Including reinventing yourself, because only by understanding yourself can you deal with work, family and future.

"Don't worry, he won't get far"

Joaquin Phoenix's hero is a free artist in the shackles of paralysis. After a car accident (don't get into a drunk driving car!) he is no longer a cheerful party animal, but an aging alcoholic in a wheelchair. But it turns out that the darkest circumstances can push a person who is not broken in spirit, not only to rebirth, but also to glory. John Callahan finds his calling as a cartoonist and new friends, learns to enjoy life and forgive again. The film's drama is based on the Twelve Steps program, designed to help people with addiction. This biographical, and therefore even more instructive story about how to accept yourself, turned out to be one of Gus Van Sant's brightest films.

"The Pursuit of Happyness"

From aspiring businessman to the homeless, the path to the social bottom is often shorter than it seems. New equipment for radiologists is not being purchased, but fines for illegal parking are increasing. Soon there is no money to pay the rent, and in the end the wife of an unsuccessful medical equipment dealer goes to work, and he himself ends up on the street. Moreover, together with Will Smith’s character, his young son is looking for happiness, sharing with his father all the hardships of this search. It is the child who ultimately saves the father. You can’t give up, you can’t fall into the blues and give up everything. It is better to turn life's trials into a game and not pay attention to the indifference of the world. These ingredients make up a bright story, in the tradition of the American dream. And it’s not trivial.

"The man who changed everything"

The national American game, important to the national mythology of success, has inspired more than one good film. Here, for example, is the story of Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), a former loser player who became the manager of the Oakland Athletics, a team of similar losers. Calm, ironic, outwardly gentle, Billy hires unknown players, young people, old people and almost cripples, because he has a plan. And also a brilliant assistant (Jonah Hill's first serious role!), who is guided by dry mathematical statistics. Their quiet work leads to a deafening series of victories for a mediocre team. “He who breaks through the wall always gets into trouble,” a friend points out to Pitt’s hero, and this is one of the best motivations for those who have to wait too long for the results of their work.

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