How to manage your thoughts, mind and inner world

Consciously decide to ignore negative thoughts

The biggest problem is that sometimes we feel some satisfaction from constantly discussing the problem and thinking about something negative. If we subconsciously want to stop bad thoughts, we will never be able to stop them. That's why the first step must be a conscious and clear decision to stop repeating such thoughts. You must be aware of their negative meaning and not allow them to come back to you. This decision is a necessary step in controlling your thoughts.

April 28, 2018


Kaye Ramos Learning from life. Advocate for optimism. I strive to become better every day. I try to put my soul into each of my stories.


Our life seems cloudless until things start to go wrong. One, two, three... It’s just a stone’s throw from stress. And what next?

You live day after day with a sense of satisfaction and peace of mind: no health or work problems, no unresolved relationship issues, and no worries about paying off debts.

You may not have untold wealth, but you are fulfilled, positive, and almost everyone around you feels it. Your good mood is contagious.

Everything seems perfect until life throws up a surprise: health problems, unexpected relationship tensions, or financial problems arise. Your defenses begin to break down.

At first, the motivation to move towards your dream disappears. Then negative dialogues with oneself begin, which poison life, and, as a result, the desire to do anything disappears. Photo source: Рexels, author

Before you can consciously turn away from this path, you have already lost control of your life. Depression arises, which constrains all your actions. And the only thing you are still good at is doing nothing.

Negative thoughts surround you, and no matter what direction you start to move in, the darkness continues to deepen.

The hard truth is:

  • Negativity will always be attracted to us on its own, unless we deliberately exclude it from our lives.
  • There will always be problems in life. It's only a matter of time before you encounter them. Problems are a kind of test of our endurance, ability to fight and win.

Many people lose their heads when faced with obstacles. They become fixated on the negative, thereby depriving themselves of any progress. Sit back and wait for the waves to recede before they take effect. And unbeknownst to themselves, they fall deeper and deeper.

I was one of them, and I hope that I will never return to that state again. I know what it's like to get caught up in negative thoughts. I missed a colossal number of opportunities by replaying my failures in my head. With my passivity, I attracted all the mortal enemies of productivity.

The Biggest Enemy of Productivity That Will Destroy All Your Goals

Negative people are more prone to anxiety and depression. When you are depressed, you are unlikely to create anything. Rather, you will hide from reality instead of facing it face to face. You will find any excuse for your inaction.

You may not realize that you are attracting the main enemy of productivity: passivity. It makes depression worse. If you don't take the right steps, the brain will deal with passivity in its own way and make depression worse.

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for cognitive skills. The left lobe regulates movement and positive feelings, the right lobe regulates nonverbal abilities and negative emotions.

By understanding how you can activate your left prefrontal lobe, you can trigger significant changes in your mood and subsequently in your behavior.

The classic case of Phineas Gage sheds light on the important functions of the prefrontal cortex. Gage was a respected worker and was described by everyone as considerate, understanding and compassionate. An accident at work turned his life upside down. The metal rod entered Gage's skull and damaged much of his left prefrontal lobe. He survived and regained cognitive abilities, but lost control of impulses and emotions. This started the problems. The former friendly Gage turned into a nervous and rude person. He died 20 years after the incident, and scientists examined his brain.

The case of Phineas Gage shows that with the right intervention, brain function can be restored.

“This was the first time that it could be said with certainty that brain injury entails any changes in a person’s personality. The changes that occur as a result of injury do not last longer than two to three years. Even in cases of severe injury and disability, rehabilitation is possible.” Malcolm MacMillan , author of “A Strange Shape of Fame: The Story of Phineas Gage” (the book has not yet been translated into Russian)

The main idea of ​​the story is that the brain is plastic, and we can always program it to behave the way we want. As Canadian neuropsychologist Donald Hebb said: “Neurons that fire together wire together.”

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If you want to take control of your life, start with your command center—your brain.

When you know how the brain works, you can always find a way to channel it in a positive direction. You will consciously approach your behavior and direct it towards development; you will be able to initiate actions that will help relieve negativity and overcome a depressive mood.

Five Ways to Control Your Mind and Fight Negative Attitudes

Recent research in the field of neuropsychology demonstrates the changeable nature of the brain - neuroplasticity. Our mind is plastic and can be changed depending on what you “feed” it.

We often don't realize that our actions attract negative thoughts and depression. With the necessary information, we can change the situation.

1. Act like you have everything under control.

When we encounter negativity, the first reaction is to retreat and become passive. We choose sleep over productivity. But to change the current situation, it is necessary to make conscious efforts.

In theory, it seems like there's nothing difficult about acting like you're in a good mood. But in practice the opposite happens. After all, how do you put on a smile when everything seems to be going down?

But our brain perceives even the smallest action as important. Behavioral activation is a form of therapy used to combat depression. When you smile, you activate parts of the brain associated with positive emotions. Engage the neural pathway that connects the facial muscles to important parts of the brain. The movement you make can affect the signals your brain receives.

When you use the muscles on the right side of your face, you activate the left hemisphere. Accordingly, by moving the muscles of the left side of your face, you connect the right hemisphere. When you smile or frown, you send certain signals to the brain that activate the hemispheres. A simple smile can activate the left hemisphere, which is responsible for positive emotions, while frowning can activate the right hemisphere, which is responsible for negative emotions.

2. Feel like you are in a different situation.

There are so many things running through your head at the moment and life seems so unfair. Instead of taking action, you lie on the couch, drink wine and hope that the problems will resolve themselves. And before you know it, you're already caught in a vicious circle of regret.

It's easy to convince ourselves of how much we suffer in life, especially when faced with certain circumstances, and it's easy to dwell on every negative moment, not noticing how many good things happen every day.

But once the mirror neurons are connected, something good happens. Mirror neurons are brain cells that make us feel and respond to an action performed by another person.

When someone accidentally hits their head on a door, you feel what it feels like. This is the reason why your heart starts beating faster when you watch a sports match. That's why you wince when you see someone eating unfamiliar food and wince at the unpleasant taste. This is the reason why you empathize with others' grief or rejoice for others.

You can change your mood by activating mirror neurons.

“We seem to be programmed to perceive other people as being similar, rather than different, from us. Deep down, we identify the person standing in front of us as someone identical to us.”

Vittori Gallese , professor of neuroscience

When you feel sorry for yourself, think about someone who is facing great challenges in life.

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In any situation, there are positive aspects, you just need to make an effort to see them.

3. Enjoy natural light like you're on the beach.

Many people, falling into depression, close themselves off from the outside world. They remain in a dimly lit room where no natural light penetrates.

A small amount of light changes biochemical processes in the brain. The brain receives signals from the retina, determining whether it is dark or light outside. The retina sends this information to the pineal gland, which triggers actions depending on the situation.

If it's dark, the pineal gland releases melatonin, which makes you sleepy. When melatonin levels are high, serotonin levels decrease. Serotonin regulates mood, and low serotonin levels are one possible cause of depression.

It is not surprising that many people fall into a depressed mood in winter, when daylight hours become much shorter. I tested this from my own experience. From a tropical country with a constantly scorching sun, I moved to the USA. And I spent the first months of the winter practically locked up, watching the snow fall and fall.

Now I understand why people in my country are constantly happy, despite the economic situation.

When you start spending more time in light, your brain chemistry triggers positive feelings. The brain resorts to the necessary hormone to maintain a positive attitude. Good artificial light that imitates natural light also helps fight apathy.

4. Change the script in your head

People who replay negative scenarios in their heads over and over again are unlikely to be able to do anything. They constantly feel sorry for themselves, regretting what they don't have.

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If you want to achieve something but doubt that it is possible, you have already missed half the chance.

Your left hemisphere processes the speech and stories you feed yourself and interprets the nature of this information. It also processes positive emotions. By changing the narrative in your head, you connect neurons with a positive outlook on life.

The right hemisphere sees the whole picture and always works in conjunction with the left. When you add positive parts to your story, the left hemisphere transmits information to the right, which creates a picture of what is happening.

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You are what you think because your thoughts influence your actions.

  • Our mind interprets our thoughts as instructions and commands.

  • The body reacts according to our thoughts.

  • Understanding the power of your thoughts, make sure your stories have positive twists.

  • Your views stimulate your creativity.

  • You consciously choose how to respond to every event in your life.

  • You purposefully choose life-affirming thoughts.

  • You focus on what good things are happening in your life.

5. Be more active than you are now.

Even a small action can have a significant impact on your mood.

When you exercise, you oxygenate your blood. The heart actively pumps blood, the flow to the brain increases, you feel cheerful and calm. Physical activity increases norepinephrine levels, which increases heart rate and improves brain function, which in turn improves mood.

Plus, aerobic exercise can improve cognitive performance and productivity, which helps you respond to problems when they arise.

Research shows that people who lead an active lifestyle process information better. The positive effect on mood is achieved by the frequency, not the duration of the exercise or the intensity until the mood is balanced.

A simple walk in the park or a lap around the house will push you in a positive direction. When you move, you feel lighter.

  • You lift yourself above a depressive situation.

  • Reduce stress levels.

  • Improve your mental health.

  • You increase your energy levels, self-esteem and improve your body image.

  • On the other hand, without physical activity, you exhaust your body and brain.

  • You are in control of your life when you are able to influence your mind.

When negative thoughts overwhelm you, shift your focus and look for ways to combat them. Take the time to learn how to use the power of your mind to your advantage.

The brain is an amazing organ, but only a few take advantage of its capabilities.

By controlling the conditions in which your mind operates, you take control of your life. You become more productive instead of drowning in thoughts about your shortcomings. You improve actions that bring you closer to your goals. You become effective in every aspect of your life.

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Self-development #Thinking #Awareness #Psychology #Emotions 

How do your thoughts define you?

This is a technique that allows you to discover how negative thoughts arise. Every time a thought arises, you must ask yourself, how did you come to think this way? You can try to answer this question and find out where these thoughts are coming from. Additionally, by asking yourself this question, you can stop a negative thought at the very beginning when it appears and before it can grow to incredible proportions. You are not a victim of your thoughts, you just have to reject them in time.

Is it possible to control thinking?

Yes, you can direct your thoughts, but it requires training. Moreover, you do not need to live in a monastery, cave or forest to achieve this result. You can do this while living in the same conditions as you do now.

The main thing to remember:

  • It is not enough to simply want to quiet your mind and control your thoughts;
  • It's not enough to try once or twice.

If you want results, you need to strive for them with all your might. Success in every area of ​​life requires some effort.

Thoughts constantly occupy our mind, constantly coming and going. They can be related to work, relationships, plans, goals, health and much more. Sometimes these thoughts cause stress and anxiety and keep you from sleeping at night.


Meditation is the best way to learn to control your mind because it helps you calm down and control your thoughts. Meditation also helps bring out our inner layers of peace and unity with ourselves. If we can take advantage of the relief that our heartbeat gives us, then there is no room for negative thoughts in our mind. However, remember to meditate regularly because if we let go for a moment, we can easily lose our balance.

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David Goggins: Face the Real You

Only 40% of people use 100% of their capabilities. The mind has a control - a survival mechanism, it can be compared to a machine. The car wants to go faster, but the one who controls it does not allow this.

The survival mechanism protects us from pain and suffering. The mind always has a tactical advantage over you, in any situation. He knows when you are scared, when you are weak or when you are lying. And he wants to take you to where you feel comfortable. But we need to decide: do we control the brain, or does it control us?

We give up when we feel uncomfortable and hurt by listening to the mind's excuses. But it is at this moment that you need to go further and take back control. Then the mind begins to wonder: it wants to go left, but you go right. At this moment, new possibilities open up in you. When the mind says stop, you need to move on, at that moment you will reveal yourself. You will face your real self.

The easy path is punctuated with directions on how and where to get there. The difficult journey is uncomfortable and scary, but it’s worth it!

David Goggins: How a 135 kg guy turned himself into a superman (Video podcast)

The power of the subconscious

The subconscious mind is a great source of inspiration, intuition and creativity. It is estimated that it makes up about 92% of the entire brain. This means that consciousness occupies only 8% of the human brain. As you can see from these relationships, it is only natural to be interested in the power of the subconscious mind.

This is the part of the brain that is always active, even at night. The subconscious controls all functions of the body. But it can also play a big role in your daily life.

Let's say, for example, you got up in the morning in a terrible mood. It is very likely that events throughout the day will resemble this particular type of thinking. Simply because the thought patterns of the subconscious influence the interpretation of what happens to you and how you interact with the world.

Likewise, if you get up in a great mood, then you are more likely to have a more favorable attitude towards problems throughout the day. As you can see, different thinking patterns can play a huge role in how we live our lives.

Situations can be interpreted in completely different ways depending on our mentality. It may be that we are dealing with two completely similar experiences, but our subconscious is causing us to interpret them differently.

Developing the right hemisphere of the brain

This technique is based on unlocking the full potential of your mind. If you learn to “turn on” your right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, then you will learn to realize what you want, relying not on cold reason, but on intuition.

To learn to master your creativity, you need to learn to completely relax your mind and body. In this state, the frequency of your brain waves is reduced, and it is retuned to the right half. By the way, the desire visualization technique is based on this approach.

In a peaceful and relaxed state, your mind will be activated and you will be able to try to find answers in unity with your Subconscious, which in a normal state can be extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to get to.

Alpha waves: what are they?

The human brain goes through from 1 to 20 cycles in one second, where 20 is the state of wakefulness, and 1-4 is the state of sleep. The cut-off value is 10 - this is the alpha value. Being in this state, a person can hear his intuition, develop extrasensory abilities and awaken healing powers.

To make the visualization of desire work, you need to know how to enter the alpha state, when a certain bridge is formed between our Subconscious and Consciousness. If you relax your body and mind, the frequency of alpha waves will fluctuate in the range of 8-15 cycles.

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