What should an ideal girl be like? If your girlfriend has these 20 qualities, hold her tight!

Let's tell the truth...

Have you ever wondered why some representatives of the fair sex do not have time to fight off gentlemen even before buying their first bra, while others have huge problems with their personal lives?

Moreover, those who are ready to marry “anyone” are often more attractive in appearance than those who are looking for gentlemen.

Fate? Luck?

Well, okay, if you so want, then 5% of 100% can be attributed to fate.

But what about the remaining 95%?

I propose to listen to the direct culprits of the failed personal lives of many ladies - gentlemen.

The ideal girl through the eyes of men : what she is like and what needs to be done to become desirable and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex - the topic we will talk about today.

She has a sense of humor

Any girl will say that she likes guys with a sense of humor.
At the same time, few people think that this works in both directions. A girl with a cool sense of humor is a rarity. And the more valuable and attractive it is. What should an ideal girl be like? For starters, one who knows how to joke and understands jokes. She can laugh at herself, so she has no complexes.

A good sense of humor is a sign of a lively and original mind. Such a woman knows how to defuse the situation and can turn a problem or conflict into a joke.

Therefore, if you come across a cheerful girl on your way, do not pass her by.

Which girl's appearance is more attractive?

No matter how important character is, a girl’s appearance still plays an important role. Certain features of style, image, and presentation determine a woman’s success among the stronger sex.

These most often include:

  • Femininity . Brevity, a flirtatious look, smooth movements - every man determines for himself whether a girl is feminine or not. But the fact that the majority loves feminine ladies is an irrefutable fact.
  • Long hair . Someone considers long hair to be one of the main attributes of a girl, not accepting short hairstyles “like a boy.” There are men who are indifferent to the amount and length of hair, but for others, long hair looks extremely attractive.
  • Cloth . Here, the opinions of the stronger sex also differ: some like girls in impeccably feminine dresses, while others believe that comfort for their girl is above all else and are indifferent to what she wears.
  • Heels . Some men literally go crazy when they see a girl in high heels, because they immediately change everything: their gait, their figure, and their whole image. More conservative representatives of the stronger sex believe that girls do not have to suffer in uncomfortable shoes to make the right impression.

There are so many men, so many opinions, so when trying to attract a man, you need to try to remain yourself; this is valued much more than high heels or long hair.

She respects your friends

The ideal girl for a guy is not the one who controls all his communication, but the one who understands how much you need friends. I bet you definitely have a friend who started dating a new girl and completely gave up on all his friends.

And not because he became uninterested, but because she believes that his friends are a bad influence on him. Like, they will take him to whores and all that. This is complete bullshit!

A girl cannot and should not forbid you anything. You are in control of your life, and if you want to communicate with friends, the ideal girl understands and respects your position.

If she makes a choice: “Either me or your friends” - run away from her. A normal man finds time for both his beloved and friends. An adequate woman understands this, and therefore respects your friends and communicates with them without problems.

Examples of lovers of non-standard beauty

In the female understanding, the ideal of every guy is a long-legged model with a trained body. But such girls are not always happy in relationships. But there are a lot of examples when seemingly non-standard beauty became the subject of a cult.

A girl who doesn’t fit the description of a beauty can also be ideal, crowds of fans line up behind her, but the “prey” goes to only one guy who will appreciate the versatility of his beloved’s personality:

  • Ashley Graham is an American plus-size model who has been photographed for all the leading fashion publications in the world. And for her husband, cinematographer Justin Erwin, she became the most ideal girl in the world.
  • Famous couple Hugh Jackman and Deborah Lee Furness. The wife of the Australian handsome man is 13 years older than her husband and is not distinguished by classical beauty, but the actor admires his beloved so much that he does not even pay attention to other women.
  • Priscilla Chan, a girl with an ordinary Asian appearance and a tendency to be overweight, managed to win the heart of one of the youngest billionaires in the world, Mark Zuckerberg. She was able to conquer him with her intellect and directness, according to the words of the spouses.
  • Another Hollywood handsome man, Josh Hollway, whom all women from 15 to 75 dreamed of, out of great love married a completely unremarkable woman, Yessika Kumala. For him, this is the main beauty, and the couple has been happily married for many years.

There are many such examples, so you shouldn’t focus on appearance; men only pay attention to it at first. It is better to develop your intelligence and communication skills, learn to be feminine and desirable, and reveal your sexuality. Then one day you will meet a guy on the way who will say: “Here she is, the girl of my dreams!”

She takes into account your mood

When everything is fine with you, she rejoices. When you have some problems at work, and you come home angry and tired, she doesn’t nag you or bother you with all sorts of complaints. She understands that you need to rest.

The qualities of an ideal woman may vary, but if she can show empathy, appreciate her. A girl like that is worth a lot.

She has goals4

A woman should not just be an appendage to her partner, but show herself as a separate person and fill herself with quality content. A proper girl without self-love cannot love a man. When she knows how to pay attention to herself, value herself, allow her desires to be fulfilled and do what she wants, then mutual understanding develops with her partner. It helps personal relationships. She respects him, his interests and desires.

She says nice things to you

Women believe that only they should be given compliments, and men do not need pleasant words. But this is absolutely not true.

Every man is pleased to hear that he is smart, interesting, and that he looks great. Because this is not just recognition of your merits - it is an incentive to become even better and move on.

If a woman knows how to unobtrusively and beautifully praise you, thank you for something, do not let her go. This is a rare and very valuable quality.

Likes the same things

1. As psychologists say, people who are not on the same wavelength with each other have practically no chance of building a strong and harmonious union. But as soon as you meet a person who loves the same films, supports the same football team, is the same passionate fan of outdoor activities, the shares of your future life together will skyrocket. Undoubtedly, you and your girlfriend may have different ideas about details, minutiae and nuances, which ultimately will not in any way affect the eloquent fact: common interests will not only bring you closer together, they will be an excellent precondition for the fact that almost 90% of the time you will be to be in the same stream with the chosen one.

She's sexy

And it’s not about miniskirts or deep necklines. Some even look very sexy in a tracksuit. The main thing here is to be able to present yourself.

When a girl just smells of sex, it’s impossible to tear yourself away from her. She knows her worth, understands her strengths, but does not stick them out, but presents them beautifully. Such girls are interesting to talk to because they are not stupid at all. She knows how to be passionate and knows how to add fire to your relationship.

Sexuality does not equal vulgarity, they are completely different things. If you meet a really sexy girl, make her yours.

What kind of girls do modern guys like?

Modern ideas about attractiveness have their own characteristics. If previously girls were valued for their meekness and taciturnity, now guys prefer something completely different:

  • Men like bright women who can attract attention. A holiday girl who brings positivity and good mood will be able to win any man.
  • Guys really like interesting girls: they have hobbies, their eyes always sparkle, they will definitely find a topic for conversation and figure out how to spend an interesting evening.
  • Athletic girls are more likely to please a man. Firstly, they are able to captivate with their fit figure, and secondly, athletic girls are always on the move, there is no place for laziness in their lives and they are able to captivate anyone with them.
  • Guys prefer that a girl has a riddle that they can solve. They like to play with a woman, get to know her and discover a new side every time.

Nowadays guys love extraordinary women. She must be active, have a favorite activity that makes her eyes sparkle, and be able to captivate her, in which case she will be guaranteed the interest of men.

She supports you during difficult times

A sweet, caring woman nearby is, of course, good. But it is much better when your beloved becomes your partner.

Every man wants his woman to always support and be on his side. Yes, she will not always agree with you, but she will only express this in private, and in public she will defend your rightness.

And no, the ideal girl-partner does not shoulder the solution to your problems. She helps you find a way to solve them.

What kind of girls attract guys and men without much difficulty?

A man will easily be attracted to a sexy girl with an outstanding figure, long legs and a short dress. The question is what will follow after such attention is attracted. The ideal girl with a chiseled figure, long hair and ample breasts is more often chased by those who do not plan a further relationship. Only a girl who is honest in her beauty and character can attract a man and capture his attention for a long time: without unimaginable makeup, the absence of which will frighten a man the next morning, without frilly outfits or feigned mystery. Girls who do not try to pretend to be modest or, on the contrary, slutty girls, but try to emphasize their advantages, are liked by men the most.

Guys don't like it when ladies bend to their tastes. The fake emotions, character traits and appearance with which a woman tries to win a man are immediately visible. Therefore, the main rule in attracting the attention of the stronger sex is to be natural, friendly and real. For every character trait or appearance feature there is sure to be a lover.

She is intellectually developed

You may like silicone boobs and pumped lips purely visually. What if there is nothing to talk about with their owner? Empty girls get boring very quickly.

If a girl doesn't know how to hold a conversation and can't talk to you about something important, you won't last long with her. Because any cute silly girl is no different from the same dummy. Why waste time on them?

Portrait of an ideal girl for most men

When drawing up a portrait of an ideal woman, men as one, despite the difference in age, nationality, social status or their own tastes, want to see next to them someone who will have the following traits:

  • She loves herself, but is not selfish. I am sure that she knows about her merits and is proud of them. She won’t have to be constantly consoled or reassured.
  • The woman is attractive, sexy, takes care of herself, and has good taste.
  • Feminine. Just by her appearance, a girl should make a guy want to protect her, protect her from an aggressive world. Men's clothing and rude behavior deprive the person of charm and charm.
  • She is an optimist, smiles often, and is in a good mood. Cheerfulness is something that should certainly accompany a friend.
  • He will support you, no matter how crazy the proposal may seem. She does not run away from difficulties, she is always ready to help with advice, deeds, or to cuddle and reassure.
  • Respects the guy's feelings. If a girl listens to his opinion, it means she respects her gentleman and appreciates him.
  • Takes into account the mood of the beloved, does not put pressure, does not impose his interests.
  • He knows how to love and accept love, demonstrating his feelings without hesitation.
  • Knows how to forgive mistakes, does not try to make a big problem out of a small one.
  • Has a sense of humor that matches the guy's preferences.
  • Respects the guy's social circle and his relatives.
  • Takes care of your health.
  • Intellectually developed, educated, constantly developing, self-improving. If a girl reads a lot, without giving up her social life, then she is almost ideal.
  • She should be an uncomplicated lover, ready to try something new to please the guy.
  • Honesty and loyalty are the basis of trusting relationships. A liar or cheater is perceived by a guy as a traitor. If a girl is not capable of demonstrating basic decency, then she is very far from ideal.
  • Financial independence. She may earn less than the guy, but she should have enough cosmetics for coffee with her friends.
  • Patient girls have a greater chance of becoming perfect. Constant whims and frivolous behavior are tiring, and hysterics and brawlers scare away guys.
  • Doesn't try to shoulder the responsibilities of a man. If a girl tries to become a leader, constantly commands, controls, the guy will quickly run away or forever fall under his thumb.
  • Knows how to inspire. A woman motivates a man, makes him go to higher goals, achieving them. She should praise the guy, admire his successes, achievements, encourage and motivate. The guy should have the desire to lay the whole world at her feet.

Many guys, when choosing a girl, immediately try to find out what kind of relationship she has with her father, and they are absolutely right. In psychology, it is generally accepted that the problems of fathers and daughters are often projected onto the conscious life of a mature girl. If she has a good relationship with her dad, then she will behave calmly with her boyfriend.

Hair and eye color

Preferences regarding hair and eye color depend on the individual guy. Perhaps, in his mind, the ideal beauty is not a blue-eyed blonde at all, but a brunette, and even with green eyes, or maybe even a redhead with colored lenses. One thing is for sure: guys like it when a girl has an open, shining look, she often looks into her eyes, and sleeps well.

Three layers of mascara, unnatural false eyelashes, bright shadows - all this is appropriate on stage. But not in the company of a guy who wants to admire the beauty of his partner’s gaze, and not try to find it under tons of makeup. Light makeup that emphasizes the eyes and matches the overall look is what you need.

Hair color, length, texture can also be different. Most guys prefer long-haired girlfriends, considering luxurious curls an integral sign of sexuality and beauty. But some are attracted to girls with fashionable short haircuts or bright hair, African braids or extravagant hairstyles. The main thing is that the hair should be clean, and the styling should not be tightly varnished.

Intelligence and sense of humor

A beautiful doll is not a girl yet. Few people like it when a girl, instead of maintaining a dialogue, answers all the guy’s questions with monosyllabic “yes, no, I don’t know.” With an ideal companion there is always something to talk about, she is not afraid to express her opinion, and constantly offers some interesting ideas. Such a girl constantly wants to develop, reads a lot, watches good movies, listens to high-quality music. Looking at her, the guy himself will want to conform, thereby receiving an incentive for development and personal growth.

A sign of a girl with intelligence can be the ability to clearly formulate thoughts about her plans, interests, and hobbies. Such a person must be confident in her life values ​​and have a clear idea of ​​what she expects from the relationship.

A smart girl will not gossip behind the back of her friends, acquaintances, especially a young man. She is full of inner nobility, which does not allow her to fall to the level of market traders.


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At the same time, she has an orderly sense of humor. But it is very important for guys that the girl not only laughs at something funny, but shares the tastes of the young man. If a young lady sincerely laughs at a guy’s jokes, responds to them with funny sayings, prefers the same comedies, entertainment shows or comedians as the guy, and is not offended by harmless barbs, it will be much easier to build a relationship.

Another thing is when a friend constantly reproaches a young man for vulgar and stupid jokes, offensive humor, then it is better to break up with her, since communication will constantly turn into quarrels.

Figure and height

Of course, guys like fit, slender girls, although there will always be exceptions. It doesn’t matter what parameters a girl has, whether she’s skinny or has an appetizing figure, tall or short. The most important thing is that the figure is proportional and radiates health. Few people like extremes: overweight or excessive thinness. A girl must take care of herself. Even fat women attract guys, many of them are plastic, flexible, graceful, although they are far from ideal.

An ideal girl should constantly take care of herself, regardless of her body type. She eats right, goes to gyms or dances, runs in the morning, and avoids bad habits.

Genetic instinct forces men to choose the most beautiful, healthy “females” to reproduce their offspring. This guarantees the survival of the offspring and their usefulness.

Clothing style and makeup

Guys like it when a girl has a strong sense of style. She has a good taste. This woman knows what to wear and where, and what things are inappropriate, for example, a neckline at a meeting with the parents of a young man.

At the same time, a girl should not be obsessed with things and spend her savings on new designer shoes or the hundredth handbag. Addiction to trends and good taste are two different things. When it comes to style, guys mostly follow their own taste. There is a much greater chance that an informal girl will attract the attention of an equally young man. And a guy in a business outfit will like a young lady in an elegant outfit and laconic hairstyle. A couple should look harmonious, so men subconsciously pay attention to the style of their chosen one.

Makeup should also be discreet and natural. Men are always scared off by ladies wearing Apache Indian war paint. The less makeup on a girl’s face, the better; a light foundation, a couple of layers of mascara, and a discreet lipstick are enough.

But what is worth taking care of is the condition of the skin. Young ladies with an even, radiant complexion look younger and more attractive.

A guy's ideal girl is one who dresses up and wants to look beautiful for him. Sometimes she can please her beloved with an evening dress and high heels, she does not allow herself to wear things that are worn out to holes while she is sitting at home, and she does not dress up in vulgar outfits to go to the store. If a girl sees that a guy cares about how she looks, she will put even more effort into her image.


The smell of a woman is her continuation. It is believed that the natural aroma of a woman's body is a key factor that determines whether a man will like a lady or not. Even a beautiful girl can be repulsive if a man doesn’t like the smell. And this is not a matter of personal hygiene, although the smell of sweat also attracts few people. A natural feminine scent is as individual as fingerprints. Only she has it, but how many men she can drive crazy is a mystery.

The natural smell needs to be emphasized with perfume. But it is worth choosing it so that it is as close to natural as possible. The wrong choice of eau de toilette will only spoil the impression, causing a headache for the man. In addition, you can’t pour a whole bottle on yourself at once.

The intimate side of the issue

A man wants to see a girl next to him who is capable of arousing sexual desire in him by her mere presence.

But it is sexual compatibility that is important, and not just the young lady’s ability to perform a theatrical performance of the Kama Sutra in bed. If a guy is sexually active, then he is looking for a partner to match himself. It is important for most men that a woman is proactive in intimate matters, does not hesitate to open up to her partner, voice her desires to him, and ask him about his own.

The girl’s refusal to satisfy the guy’s sexual request pushes him to search for someone who can and will enjoy it.

You don't have to be a guy's personal porn star. But you shouldn’t limit yourself only to missionary positions and classic sex. The more a girl allows herself in bed, loves and knows how to bring a guy to the peak of excitement with caresses, and is not afraid of experiments and dialogue with her partner, the greater her chances of becoming an ideal companion for a guy.

Character traits

A girl's character is as individual as her appearance. Therefore, it is impossible to say that any specific personality or behavior characteristics can be called ideal, since the subjective assessment of each individual guy is again included. But some characteristics that everyone likes can still be highlighted:

  • Positive. It’s more pleasant to look at a smiling person, and an optimist will still support you in any situation. This woman is happy with life, which is contagious.
  • Confidence, self-esteem. A beautiful, confident girl will never leave her lover alone on the path to achieving her goal.
  • Ambition. When a woman knows what she wants, she easily achieves what she wants. You feel more confident next to her, you want to amaze her, conquer her, impress her.
  • Self-sufficiency. If a woman is dependent on a man, then something is going wrong. A normal girl always has a circle of her own interests, friends, goals, and does not live only for the sake of her boyfriend.
  • Mental maturity - an infantile young lady who is afraid to be responsible for her actions is unattractive. Even children's thinking does not allow them to fully understand the true state of affairs. A mature woman is ready for a serious relationship and starting a family.
  • Guys also value modesty, honesty, kindness, determination, gentleness and tenderness.

This is not a complete list of qualities of an ideal girlfriend that every guy would like to see next to him. Someone will complement it or exclude a number of traits, but when choosing a female character, it is best to rely on these basic qualities.

The Idea of ​​an Ideal Spouse

The girl, ideal in all respects, is entrusted with the mission of becoming an exemplary wife in the future. This is why guys make so many demands on their future spouses. But in essence, if a girl is ideal, she will be able to adapt to her lover.


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To become an ideal wife for your husband, you must have the following qualities:

  • Support and understanding - a strong man in difficult times always needs the hugs of his beloved woman.
  • Reliability, responsibility - these qualities underlie trust, without which relationships cannot be built. An ideal spouse keeps her promises, you can rely on her and trust her with important information. Such a woman will not betray, will not cheat, will not slander behind her husband’s back.
  • Wisdom, flexibility - the ideal wife will give in or find a compromise solution, take a step forward after a quarrel. Moreover, he will do everything possible to prevent a conflict from even arising!
  • Caring - the ability and desire to take care of loved ones makes a woman ideal.
  • Restraint, prudence - such a woman keeps her emotions under control, does not talk idle, and is devoid of bad habits. Each action is performed deliberately, assessing possible risks.
  • Decisiveness - even if the man is the main one in the couple, the woman will have to face decision-making in everyday life. Few guys like it when his wife constantly distracts him with phone calls, asking for advice on trivial matters.
  • A good housewife - the ability to provide a man with comfort in his personal territory immediately elevates a girl to the rank of an ideal wife. She cooks deliciously, keeps the house tidy and comfortable, and her husband never worries about unironed trousers or missing socks.
  • An ideal wife does not manipulate her loved ones and treats others well.
  • An exemplary wife will never control her husband, not allow him to do anything, be jealous without reason, or invade his personal space without asking. She trusts, so she does without checks.
  • Unconditional love - without it, there is nowhere in an ideal relationship. An ideal wife accepts her lover with all his shortcomings, even seeing his merits in them. You rarely hear criticism from her, comparisons with more successful colleagues or friends, attempts to bring to light the secrets of the past, or negative statements about plans.

In order for a spouse to show herself as an ideal woman in marriage, she will have to completely share her husband’s interests and hobbies, look in the same direction with him, be a best friend, a reliable advisor.

She's good in bed

You can't build a strong relationship without good sex.

If she constantly comes up with excuses, doesn't show initiative, and categorically won't accept anything other than the missionary position under the covers with the lights off, think about it.

The ideal woman is the one who wants you. She shares your preferences and loves to have sex with you.

Able to share unpleasant experiences

3. Girls experience colorful and stormy emotions about everything, be it joy or worry. It is very difficult to build real everyday communication with someone who is not used to openly sharing anxieties and fears, talking about her experiences. Your chosen one is pure gold if she openly shares with you the reason for her bad mood and, for example, talks about omissions with colleagues at work.

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She is financially independent

And I'm not saying that she should earn more than you. But a self-respecting, smart girl will not sit on your neck and ask for money for all sorts of little things - she has her own, albeit small, finances.

When a girl depends on you financially, she behaves differently. She will be submissive and afraid of losing you because you are the only source of money. And it looks pathetic.

Of course, the main expenses should be on you. But a girl should be able to earn money for a new lipstick or a meeting with her friends.

Sex goddess 11

One of the most important qualities of the right girl is complete compatibility in bed with a man. This parameter makes many guys think about a permanent partner or starting a family. The right girl is always ready to make love with her man, she doesn’t come up with excuses, she doesn’t manipulate sex and doesn’t refuse because they had a fight the day before.

She coincides with a man in his desires and is open to experiments. Everyone has their own requirements, so this parameter can be anything. However, the right girl is not one who has never had sex before or is very modest. She is an open, modern, capable person, but not very experienced.

She takes care of herself

Have you noticed that many people, as soon as they find themselves in a relationship, neglect themselves and stop taking care of their appearance? Well, well, she found a mate, so there’s no need to try.

The ideal woman will never carry around a dirty robe and stretched sweatpants. She wants to look beautiful for you, so she will take care of herself.

What a girl shouldn't do in a relationship

What shouldn't a girl do in a relationship? We all make mistakes, including in relationships. Many of them can not only cause conflict, but also destroy your relationship.

The first is jealousy, often women are very jealous and aggressive every time a man communicates with his female friends or even just looks in their direction. This can’t help but be stressful, try to restrain your ardor a little.

Never violate a man's personal space. Opposite sexes have completely different views on life and different situations that occur in it. So, for example, if women like to pour out their souls, then men, on the contrary, try to cope with difficulties themselves. Do not impose your attention when it is not needed, do not control it.

And lastly, don’t demand the impossible. If your man came home and forgot to tell you how much he loves you, give you a bouquet of flowers or just buy your favorite juice - he’s just tired, working too hard, and now he just needs peace.

She doesn't take on a man's responsibilities

Women who take on the responsibility of solving all the problems and boss everyone around are repulsive. Because that's what men should do. The ideal girl knows that you need to be supported, but she won’t take the reins from you.

And if a woman decides everything for you, manages everything in your family, takes responsibility for your financial situation, check if you have balls. Perhaps she took them from you too.

Make compromises

Being yourself doesn't mean you don't have to give in to anyone. On the contrary, a girl who has retained her individuality should appreciate the guy’s individuality and in no case suppress him. The entire system of relationships is built on this.

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Such balance can only be achieved by learning to give in to each other. The ability to find a compromise solution does not come immediately. It will take time before a guy and a girl learn to hear and understand their partner and to mutually give in.

Compromises are based on love, mutual respect and the desire to maintain relationships for the long term. Only couples who have learned to find compromise solutions can be truly happy, because each partner expresses his own opinion, which is heard and accepted by the other side.

For example, if at the beginning of a relationship a girl can make a claim to a guy if the birthday gift did not live up to expectations, then after a few years, having learned to understand her partner and appreciate his care, she will no longer become hysterical about this, but will be sincerely happy about this manifestation attention.

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