Social inequality - how wealth and poverty coexist

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Humanity has had social differentiation from its very beginning. But with the development of commodity-money relations, the social roles of people faded into the background. If earlier it was survival of the strongest, now it is survival of the richest. At the same time, poverty has become a truly global problem. Is it true that social inequality is the main threat of our time, and can it be corrected?

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What do studies say about the amount of money you need to be happy????

A person constantly tries to measure the level of his happiness, correlating it with the amount of financial resources.
Scientists are also interested in this issue. However, they do not reason from scratch, but try to operate with facts. That is why a huge amount of modern research is devoted to the question: how much money does a person need to become happy? Among the latest studies, one can highlight the one conducted by the Superjob website. This resource is intended for job searching. The purpose of the survey was to understand how people themselves believe how much money they need.

  • As for poverty, survey participants defined its limits at 20,000 rubles per month.
  • The majority considers rich people to be those who receive more than 400,000 monthly.

During the survey, it also became clear that the amount of money needed for happiness, in addition to place of residence, is influenced by other factors:

  1. Floor. Men usually need more↑ money than women. The difference can be quite large and reach 40,000 rubles.
  2. Age. For young people, an amount of around 150,000 rubles per month is usually enough to be happy. The older generation needs much more money. Those whose age is over 45 years old need at least 190,000 rubles.
  3. Salary amount. Surprisingly, the less↓ a person’s monthly income, the less↓ he needs money to feel happy.

It is logical that as the level of monthly income increases, a person’s needs increase. This raises the question: is it possible to name any maximum amount that a person needs to be happy?

Thinking Principle No. 2

The rich work and get richer

Rich people are maximalists; they do not limit the size of their income and strive for more. Money is opportunities, and the more capital, the more opportunities.

The poor work and remain broke

Poor people are minimalists; they think, first of all, how to earn the amount necessary to pay bills and obligations, and spend everything else that remains on purchases. They can hardly imagine what an amount that is 10 times their salary is. They are accustomed to amounts that are equal to their salary. Big money scares them. They are comfortable receiving and distributing the usual amount of money. Big money means big problems, they say.

There are entrepreneurs who have their own small business or have been working for themselves for a long period of time. They know how to run a business and their business is going well. But one cannot say about them that they are rich. Perhaps they want to increase their income, but something does not allow them to do this. It is quite likely that this something is a poor person's thinking. They have practical business skills in running a business, they have the necessary knowledge, but their way of thinking can hinder their financial development. Large sums can be intimidating and can be associated with greater obligations and responsibilities.

Why are there problems with money? The reasons may be in generic programs:

Many of our ancestors were dispossessed, limited in earning money, killed, that is, money often brought pain and disappointment.

And, as you know, at the genetic and energy levels, all information, including this one, is transmitted from generation to generation.

In many families, expressions such as:

  • “We haven’t lived richly and have nothing to start with”
  • “It’s better to be poor and happy than rich and unhappy”
  • “It’s better to be spiritually rich, but poor” and so on...

These are all limiting beliefs.

Think about it, you will probably remember similar expressions in your family. You can talk a lot and, of course, certainly need to, about spirituality, BUT! Living in the material world, we must not forget about finances.

Therefore, one of the most accessible ways of educating us from the Universe is by blocking material wealth.

After all, when a person finds himself without money, he begins to look for ways to solve his problems, which means he will work on himself.

In addition, for many, this is a great moment to realize that the spiritual and material are absolutely compatible things.

I don't deserve to be rich

This attitude often prevents you from achieving success. Low self-esteem and criticism from loved ones lead to the fact that a person considers himself unworthy of big money. Again, this attitude often comes from childhood, but it can and should be fought. Everyone, regardless of status or origin, deserves to live a successful and prosperous life.

Narina Osiyan, business consultant, author of individual personal growth programs and the book “The Magic of the Word or the Secrets of the Russian Language,” comments: “Our brain was programmed from the moment of conception for certain letters and sounds. Every part of our body is programmed for a certain type of activity, which is controlled by our brain. If you “download” strange conditions into your head, don’t be surprised by the strange consequences. Money always requires a lot of attention. Because here it is important to preserve and increase. The language itself suggests: to get rich, you need to live wisely. “LIVE SMARTLY.” The keys to wealth are the words we either use or create problems for ourselves.”

Secrets of successful people

The money psychology of rich and poor people is different. To achieve more in life, take note of the secrets of successful people. By adopting their habits and way of thinking, you will change your destiny.

  1. Keep a diary. Keeping a diary helps you organize your thoughts, track negative beliefs about money, analyze the effectiveness of your behavior, and become more purposeful.
  2. Read more. The benefits of books are obvious. Reading broadens your horizons, enriches your inner world and develops your thinking. Try to develop the habit of reading for several hours every day. But don't get carried away by novels and detective stories. Read educational literature: biographies, philosophical and economic works, books on time management.
  3. Develop immunity to failure. The secret of success is confidence and optimism. Thomas Edison succeeded in creating an incandescent light bulb only after 9,000 attempts. View your failures as experiences that will help you in the future.
  4. Be creative. When creating your own business, strive not just to earn more money, but to improve this world, to make people's lives easier and more joyful. Projects that create something valuable easily attract money.
  5. Dream bolder. Set yourself goals that take your breath away. Do you feel like you won't be able to triple your income next year? Try it! The higher you set the bar for yourself, the more creative ideas you will come up with.
  6. Develop your communication skills and strive to create warm relationships with others. Don’t be gloomy and withdrawn, communicate with people of different social groups, ages, and professions. From another person you can get information on a topic of concern, valuable advice, and help.
  7. Reach out to people who are better than you. Delve into their way of thinking, emulate their behavior. Your environment shapes you - as a person, as a professional.
  8. Don't be afraid to take responsibility, don't shy away from it, learn to benefit from it.
  9. Make every effort to achieve your goals today. Don't wait for ideal circumstances. They don't exist.
  10. Turn what you love into a business. To be competitive, you need to love what you do. This is the only way you will have the energy to get up in the morning and do your best at work.

By learning to think like successful people do and gaining knowledge of the psychology of money, you will be able to see from your own experience that wealth is available to everyone.

Thinking Principle No. 7

The rich declare themselves and their virtues

Popularity is money. The more people know about you and your product, the more you can earn from it. Moreover, popularity can be monetized (that is, turned into money) in different ways. The rich use this principle to become even richer.

Advertising is first and foremost an initiative. You don’t wait for a potential buyer to find you among thousands of similar companies, you take the initiative, declare yourself and invite the buyer to use your product or service.

Poor people don't like advertising and popularity.

Poor people don't like advertising. For them, advertising is one of the ways of the rich to take money from them, while they forget what they themselves receive in exchange.

Of course, there are different types of advertising, and every year it becomes more sophisticated and intrusive. Intrusive advertising causes a feeling of rejection when it feels like they want to force something on us.

Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to express the merits of your product. Everyone has advantages. Even if a product is of the same quality as a competitor’s product, its advantage may be price, speed of delivery, production, or proximity to the target audience.

At the same time, advertising must be effective, be aimed at the target audience, and there should be no double interpretation. She should not be aggressive or intrusive. People are pleased to know that they are buying and not being sold to.

Take the initiative, declare your strengths and leave room for people to make a choice. Approach advertising from these three perspectives.

How to get rid of the poor man's mentality

First of all, admit that you are poor. Recognizing a problem is a big step towards solving it. And come to the “Wealth Gene” training to understand the reasons and understand what to do.

One of my friends is convinced that she and her husband have complete prosperity: he earns a lot so that they can both have a car, live in a “mortgage” apartment and fly to the Dominican Republic every 4 years. At the same time, before the New Year, she says: “We will need to calculate how much bonus we will receive, otherwise my husband and I (suddenly!) have accumulated 40 thousand in credit card debt.” The psychology of poverty in action.

Learn to handle money

Money loves skillful hands. Remember that first of all you need to learn to pay yourself, get rid of loans and other debts

Start keeping a family budget to understand where most of the money goes and what really doesn’t matter.

Acquire as many assets as possible

There should be more items that bring money than those that take away. Make a list of two columns, where in one write down what regularly eats up your budget, in the other what brings in money. If your only assets are your salary, you need to fix this as quickly as possible.

There should be more items that bring money than those that take away!

You can learn about what assets are worth buying and how to invest wisely in the free online master class “Passive Income”.

Redirect the fear

If you are now afraid of change, failure and mistakes, just imagine that you do nothing and continue to live the way you live, having what you have. Isn't that scarier?

Reconsider your priorities

If you have a choice between getting a new smartphone or a new sewing machine (which will help you create better items to sell), then you shouldn't have a choice! The answer is obvious.

Learn Finance

It seems to you that a mature person knows how to handle money, because that’s how life works. But financial literacy is more than the ability to calculate salaries and buy groceries. Much more.

Despite the belief that people who grow up poor will remain poor forever, this is not true. If you leave the state of affairs unchanged, nothing will happen. However, if you still decide and try, you have every chance. Getting rid of the poverty mindset is difficult, but interesting and rewarding.

Author of the article: Andrey Merkulov

An active entrepreneur, owner of a number of investment projects, an expert in the fields of real estate, marketing, and business automation.

Author of 6 books about business, current member of the AMA (American Marketing Association,, organizer of business conferences.

The extent of the gap between rich and poor

Everyone knows that there is a list of the wealthiest people, monitored by various authoritative publications. The ranking of dollar billionaires compiled by Forbes included 2,153 people at the end of 2019. This list is growing year by year thanks to new opportunities to earn big money using modern technologies. Billionaires are becoming the object of public scrutiny, with increased attention being paid to their luxurious lifestyle. At the same time, society often forgets about those who are on the other side of success and luxury.

Also in 2022, the number of the world's population below the poverty line according to UN standards exceeded $1.3 billion. Half of these people are in extreme poverty. To say that they live poorly means to say nothing: they survive in the full sense of the word! Poverty results in mortality from hunger and unsanitary conditions, poverty is inherited, and a criminal lifestyle in these segments of the population often becomes the norm.

The problem of poverty and the fight against it has been addressed by many people and communities. One of the most famous among them is the non-profit organization Oxfam. Founded by Protestants in 1942 at Oxford University as a charitable society helping the hungry, Oxfam has grown to become a global organization. It conducts humanitarian operations around the world and influences policy decisions aimed at combating poverty and hunger. Very often, in order to draw attention to the problem of poverty, Oxfam conducts and publishes interesting sociological studies, the results of which are truly impressive.

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Psychology of poverty and wealth

Most people are of the opinion that their level of well-being and financial solvency is influenced by the wealth of the family into which they were born, useful connections and a number of other factors. Poor people strive to get instant benefits that fell on them from the sky, or they dream of passive income that will bring large profits without serious effort. Therefore, instead of thinking about ways to start their own business, a poor person will buy a lottery ticket or invest money in another financial pyramid.

The psychology of a rich person has a number of differences from the thinking of a person accustomed to eking out a miserable existence. Poor people like to get into debt and take out loans even for things that are not in a hurry. For example: a commercial was shown on TV with an offer to “profitably” purchase a refrigerator in installments at a low interest rate. And the man fell for it, although he did not feel an urgent need for a new refrigerator and did not have extra money. Poor people tend to feel envy of more successful individuals who managed to get out of poverty through their own efforts.

Rich people are open-minded and open-minded, not blinded by stereotypes and negative attitudes adopted without careful analysis. Such a person is accustomed to taking responsibility for his actions and not blaming others for the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Poor people tend to blame politicians, bosses and other members of society who occupy a higher position in society for their failures. Paradoxically, they expect from them initiative and steps that will change their miserable existence for the better.

Ability to think strategically

The author of the international bestseller Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, writes: “Millions of people spend their entire lives unable to get out of poverty or even misery for only one reason: the lack of a well-thought-out plan.” The poor man's actions lack consistency; he starts doing something and then quits, switching to something else. He does not see possible obstacles and does not know how to deal with them. A rich man is like a skilled chess player. All his moves and actions are clearly thought out and meaningful. He knows how to avoid difficulties, and if this is impossible, then minimize the damage.

Other numbers

The remaining numbers do not carry any specific negative or positive load.

4 is the number of stability, constancy and even stagnation. It can mean prosperity, but not wealth, a small salary, but stable, savings practically do not grow, but do not disappear. This is why it is preferable to have 4 wallets or envelopes if the money is distributed according to goals or expense items.

5 – favorable spending. The peculiarity of this number is that money should be spent with pleasure and joy. Only under such conditions will these amounts be returned back. For example, this could be spending on a vacation, entertainment, or a gift to yourself.

For business, 5 is the number of beginnings. It is with this amount that it is preferable to open your own business. Investments are easily spent, go into circulation, but are sure to be returned.

9 – charity. If charitable programs meet this number, they will be successful. Various amounts of donations (90, 900, etc.) will also go to the good.

Of course, it is difficult to believe that by following the laws of monetary numerology you can solve all financial issues. But if there is a way to magically enhance your own cash flows, then why not try it. What do you think about this?

Focus on saving, not earning

A successful person tries to earn more. The poor place more importance on how and on what they can save. A reasonable order in spending is needed, but in order to earn money, you often need to invest first. An overly frugal person is afraid to make unnecessary expenses for fear of losing. A rich person is not afraid of failures and losses, because he knows that they are inevitable, and he can earn more.

Dmitry Kibkalo, founder of the international network of board games “Mosigra”: “If the goal is money, then all efforts should be directed there. No compromises or side goals" .

Causes of poverty

As a rule, any problem, including a psychological one, has its own root.

Problems with finances can come from the following roots:

  • Hyperprotection in the family. This occurs almost more often than personal problems. The fact is that a child who grew up in a family with total control rarely separates normally from his parents. Even as an adult, his parents try to control his life, especially his finances. And if the child tries to control income and expenses himself, they will make it clear to the child that this area of ​​life cannot do without them. Also, parents may openly not believe in their child, that he can achieve something. As a rule, this is only the fear of parents, firstly, to let the child go from themselves, using the material sphere as control. And secondly, the fear of starting to become financially dependent on your more successful child. There may be phrases such as: “Don’t waste your money!”, “She/he can’t live without us!”, “She’ll never have money.” At the same time, parents consider such control to be absolutely normal and can even put pressure on work, preventing the child from finding a normal job;
  • Inability to count money. This concept is also a valuable skill. With the remaining 2,000 before payday, you could pay for communications in advance, pay the loan amount, and even buy long-term storage products. Those who do not know how to count money begin to spend their remaining money, and then get into even greater debt;
  • The habit of feeling sorry for yourself. This habit can cost you your career. A sore lower back, disrupted sleep patterns and a bunch of other problems, which are sometimes simply far-fetched, prevent many from finding a job and starting to live a normal life, and not from surviving. At the same time, you should try to overcome this habit and start living differently. Sore back? There are a lot of useful complexes on the Internet if you don’t have money for a massage therapist. If your sleep pattern is disrupted, you can reactivate the internal alarm clock a couple of weeks in advance if you wish. Such excuses are just an illusion that leads you astray from the intended path;
  • Laziness and apathy occur during periods of particularly difficult conditions. Laziness is a consequence of self-doubt and internal disharmony. It is laziness that sometimes prevents you from working to the fullest, using all your internal resources. Many rich people work seven days a week, not allowing laziness to take over. Of course, you should take a break once a week, but no more. Otherwise, laziness and apathy will become constant companions, which will not have the best effect on your career and financial situation.

Reasons that prevent a person from being wealthy

Sociologists say that poor people usually try to avoid high-paying jobs because they are afraid of big money and responsibility - these are the main reasons for refusing gainful work. What is the psychology of poverty?

Low paid but stable job

A person who has a poor man's mentality almost always chooses a low-paid, albeit stable job. Usually in government agencies. The state will always be able to provide it. When you come to a commercial organization, there is a risk of remaining on the street after some time.

In this case, the person does not believe at all in himself and his strengths, in the fact that his knowledge and experience will be in demand. As a result, he gets a boring and tedious job, stops learning, developing, and becomes useless to anyone.

Fear of change

A person with a poor man's mentality is very afraid of change. His motto is that rather than risk losing everything, it’s better to have a little. A person with the psychology of poverty will never open his own business, will not go to get a second higher education at the age of forty, and will never move to another city to start a new life.

Minding your own business

Every person is endowed with talents. Some people already know what to do from school. Parents forcibly send other children to study at a hated institute in an unloved specialty. The result is loss of interest and disappointment. There seems to be work, but there is no incentive to achieve. A salesman who dreamed of becoming a trainer, an accountant who dreamed of having an art education - they are all doing something that is not their job, losing potential and incentive for development.

Causes of poverty

You can work around the clock and remain poor. Yes, you have what you think is a normal job. Yes, you don't make unnecessary expenses. But there is still no money. What are the causes of poverty? What thoughts and actions prevent us from following the path to wealth?

Self-pity and constant complaints

  1. Self pity

Anyone who constantly feels sorry for himself will never be rich. You may feel sorry for yourself and say that this is your fate and you cannot change anything. That you are not strong enough to succeed. That you are unhappy with your appearance, figure, age, nationality, and so on. But does all this really matter if a person wants to succeed? No, it doesn't. Only you control your destiny, and what your life will be like depends only on you.

  1. Complaints about life

Dissatisfaction with your life, work, family is the first sign of a loser. If you are dissatisfied with something, then the situation needs to be corrected. And only you yourself can correct it in order to become satisfied.

  1. Complaining about others' success

Poor people constantly complain to themselves about the success of others. If someone succeeds, be happy for that person. And get busy with your life, you can become successful at something else, instead of wasting time and energy feeling sorry for yourself.

Qualities to get rid of

  1. Reluctance to be active

In fact, laziness and passivity are the main companions of poverty. If you don't look for a new job, don't consider new vacancies, don't come up with new business ideas, you will never get rid of poverty. A passive person will always be poor. On the path to wealth, you will encounter many obstacles, which you can only overcome when you become active.

  1. Chronic greed

Chronic greed manifests itself not only in a manic desire to save on something, it can also include a constant search for even insignificant benefits (it is desirable that the benefit goes only to you, and the rest are left with nothing), refusal to give gifts to others (even close ones) people) and so on. Here you need to understand that thrifty and greedy are not the same thing. You can be frugal without being greedy.

Wrong perception of life

  1. Different understandings of success

Poor and rich measure success differently. For the poor, success is measured by money, sometimes even by a specific amount that needs to be spent urgently. The rich have a completely different way of thinking: for them, money is an opportunity to implement new ideas, launch a new business, and as a result, earn even more.

  1. The poor man wants everything at once

This is the psychology of poverty in action. A person who gets a job in a good company dreams of a big salary, and he will get it if he proves himself and waits for some time. But he wants everything at once, so he will jump from place to place, never gaining a foothold anywhere, although he could make himself an excellent career. A rich person knows that everything does not happen at once, any wealth does not appear immediately out of nowhere - you need to work on it for a long time.

  1. Poor guy doing something he doesn't like

He has no options left, since his existence depends on his unloved job. He may hate his boss, he may not be satisfied with the salary, but he will sit in his place, because he gets money here too. But everything would be completely different if the work was loved. Success can only be achieved by doing what you love.

  1. Fear of change and risk

You will remain a prisoner of the psychology of poverty if you are afraid of change. Rich people are not afraid of change, they use it as a new chance. The rich are always accompanied by risk in life, because without it no business is possible, and, accordingly, no wealth.

Relationships with others

  1. Everyone owes you

The poor perceive the people around them as if everyone around them owes them. A simple example: a person wants to receive a large salary, which would be enough for everything, but does not receive it because the boss does not want to pay him more. But the boss does not owe him anything, since this man himself agreed to this job with such a payment. A rich person will never shift responsibility for his well-being to someone else; he earns his own money.

  1. Ability to attract wealth

The rich really attract money. They spare no money for charity, they do not refuse to act as a sponsor, they enjoy communicating with people and making new connections. The psychology of poverty, on the contrary, does not allow such behavior.

  1. There is safety in numbers

A poor person will not become rich if he is alone in difficult times. Success can only be achieved with the help of loved ones, relatives and friends, even if this support is moral and not material.

Lack of a clear goal

The ability to plan is a useful ability. But they practically don’t teach it at school and don’t set an example in the family. A person rushes from one thing to another, tries to get different jobs, find himself, but he does not have a clear plan, vision of what he wants, how to achieve it and in what time frame. As a result, there is no goal, which means there is nothing to strive for. The right goal and plan answer the question of why some are rich and others are poor.

Dmitry Kibkalo, founder of the international network of board games Mosigra, says: “In management, one of the classic approaches to managed changes is this: you determine where you are now, where you want to go, steps and methods of monitoring. Often everything stops at “where are you now.” Sometimes it can be difficult to admit that the situation is bad now, and no one is to blame but you. Everything that happens in life is not the machinations of competitors, not the inefficiency of the government, not a coincidence - it is all the result of your own actions.”

Day 3. An individual approach to your finances or how to discover your inner accountant

What's so hard about keeping reports and writing down numbers? There are very few attentive and hardworking people in the world who can avoid making small mistakes. The whole secret is that a good accountant sees not only numbers, he immediately sees all the processes that may lie behind these numbers. As for the chief accountant, he knows exactly all the ins and outs of the enterprise. And such a person is indeed a valuable find for competitors. Every company has its own nuances, and a good accountant knows them all.

Each family has its own priorities, habits, daily routine, certain responsibilities and, of course, expense items. Therefore, the general scheme is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, within your family, you need to create your own “accounting”, taking into account all its specifics. In fact, its creation is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance.

To create an effective family accounting system, you need to think through everything and answer the following questions:

1. How detailed can you record your expenses? First, consider whether you need to allocate expenses according to categories. For example, transportation costs, utility bills, food, etc. Most importantly, think about how much time you can devote to recording and processing information.

2. Which family member will take notes and monitor? Talk to your loved ones, decide whether they will record their expenses themselves or maybe they will bring checks and someone else will write them down?

3. How will records be kept? It can be:

  • application on your phone;
  • special website (can be used by as many users as possible);
  • program.

The main thing is to decide how it will be most convenient for you to perform these operations. And you can easily find them using Internet resources.

4. Will you control only your expenses or will you keep track of all family members? You need to clearly define what exactly you want to control. You can control the total amount of family income and expenses, you can count only your expenses, etc. Be sure to keep in mind that if you constantly change these parameters, you will not get an adequate picture.

5. Set a deadline for implementing your plan. Divide it into stages. A very important nuance in achieving the goals of the constructed financial strategy is drawing up a plan and determining the timing of its implementation. In addition, you will constantly be able to compare the actual state of affairs with what you planned. Moreover, this will significantly simplify the task. Monitoring intermediate results will prevent excessive spending of money.

Basic recommendations that you must follow to become a good accountant in your family:

  1. Determine the level of detail of your expenses.
  2. Appointment of a person responsible for accounting.
  3. Select resources with which you can keep records.
  4. Definition of "controlled amount".

Treat planning and managing your budget as an informed choice. After all, with the help of these aspects, you will finally stop worrying about the lack of funds, and most importantly, you will be able to use them rationally. Berthold Auerbach once said: “Acquiring money requires a certain valor, and maintaining it requires prudence. Spending money is an art."

Thinking Principle #8

Rich people focus on solving a problem

Rich people focus their attention on the goal, and if a problem arises, they focus their attention on solving it.

The poor focus on the problem

The poor are accustomed to exaggerating the problems they face in order to feel like a victim and to gain the sympathy of others.

Most of all problems are solved in two ways: knowledge and money. Moreover, with knowledge, you can make sure that the problem does not arise at all.

The challenge is to grow above your problems, i.e. have enough knowledge and money to resolve emerging problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For example, an entrepreneur owns a small business. The company experienced a breakdown of expensive equipment without which production would be impossible. Restoring equipment is impossible due to objective reasons.

A big problem?

Yes, if he has just purchased or opened an enterprise, investing all his financial resources in it and is not familiar with the manufacturers of this equipment and the terms of delivery.

Not if he owns several businesses and can reallocate resources, or has sufficient capital. In addition, he may have the knowledge to solve this problem with a minimal investment of financial resources, for example, he is familiar with manufacturers or dealers of this equipment who are ready to provide it in the near future on a leasing basis. And if equipment failure occurs not for the first time, then he probably already has a ready-made routine method for quickly replacing this equipment. And the breakdown of the means of production is no longer a problem for him, but a working organizational moment.

Psychology of wealth: how to easily attract money?

The psychology of money is not only our beliefs about possible wealth, but also our feelings about our current financial situation. By cultivating a sense of well-being, you can increase your income in a short time

It doesn’t matter how dire your current circumstances seem to you.


Look around and see what you already have in your life. And try to sincerely enjoy these things. Of course, for example, modest rented housing and a boring low-paid job are not the limit of your dreams. But this is already something.


Find the largest bill you have and put it in your wallet, but do not use it to pay for goods. During the day, think about what you could buy with this amount if you wanted: take a taxi to work instead of the subway, have a snack at an expensive restaurant, buy a cute little thing you saw in a store window. By mentally spending the money you have saved over and over again, 20-30 times every day, you will, at the level of sensations, develop a calmer attitude towards a higher level of income and spending.

Imaginary bank account

You can also open an imaginary bank account and deposit an amount equal to your monthly salary into it on the first day. Your task is to “spend” every last penny of the amount on the same day. So the next morning you need to deposit twice as much money into your account and again figure out where you will spend it.

Magic box

The psychology of money is such that we often forget why we strive to improve our financial situation. Try not to focus on a specific amount by which you dream of increasing your monthly income. Thinking about the experience you want to have: travel, get an education, make a movie. By scrolling through your head about the desire itself, you bypass the financial issue of the matter, and your unconscious finds other ways to realize what you want. For example, you will be “magically” lucky and will be sent on an paid business trip to the country of your dreams.

Habits of a rich man

There are no specific habits that create success. They are different for each person, but there are key habits that enhance the energy aimed at attracting money.

Healthy sleep

Everyone knows that from 22.00 to 02.00 is the most beneficial sleep. This means that you need to go to bed not far after midnight and get up before lunch.

Waking up early increases efficiency because the brain is active in the morning.

Acquiring the habit of getting up early is very difficult, especially if for a long time a person slept until lunch and lived at night.

Solving complex issues

Business and successful people solve complex problems in the morning, freeing up the day to generate ideas and develop profitable projects.

If you put off a difficult task until the end of the day, its incompleteness will slow down the completion of other tasks.

Communication with family

If there are no toxic destructive relationships in the family, then maintaining the relationship is important. The richest people on the planet very often mention the value of family in their interviews.

Generation of ideas

Successful people believe that regardless of the need “now,” ideas need to be generated and written down daily. They are worth writing down, crossing out, thinking about. This approach helps prepare for change.

Inspiration so that your strength does not leave you

The need for hobbies is very great. While practicing a hobby, strength is restored, energy and ideological reserves are replenished.

Successful people read books, ski, play sports, paint, do crafts and much more. Hobby can be anything, the main thing is that it is fulfilling. If you only spend a resource, then the body will not thank you for it.

Analysis of the past day and successes

In order for tomorrow to become more productive, you need to evaluate today. Find and analyze errors in actions and eliminate them tomorrow. If you didn’t manage to do something, then you need to give a clear answer (not an excuse) to the question “why?”

But in addition to looking for mistakes, you also need to evaluate your actions from the positive side. Praise yourself for your achievements and successes. Celebrate progress

Appreciate the time

You need to be very careful with time. Wasting precious hours will only bring losses, both financial and moral.

Rich and successful people don’t waste time on things that don’t interest them; they know how to say “no.” You can’t go somewhere or listen to someone for a long time just out of politeness. To be polite, it is enough to tactfully explain your position. This way you can save time and relationships with someone to whom you are currently refusing communication.

The habit can be anything, but it should not be destructive, send you into a state of depression and reduce motivation and efficiency.

Wealth numbers

Money energy and flows can be strengthened if you use the magic of numbers. Wealth numbers are 3, 6 and 8.

3 means movement. If you want your investments to generate income, the numbers must add up to this number. For example, 3000, 1200, 1110, etc. If we expand the number 1200, i.e. 1+2+0+0, then it turns out 3.

6 – associated with ordinary affairs, everyday expenses. An excellent number for savings. If you want to open a deposit, then the prime number of the amount should be 6. For example, 6000, 1500, 4200, etc. (4+2+0+0=6)

8 is a very controversial number. This is a risk, a game, an easy win and at the same time a complete collapse. It means that funds can easily come and go, but a borderline state is always maintained and the loss will not be critical.

When should you... stop making money?

How much money you need to be happy depends on its “marginal utility” for a particular person. In principle, you can set this “utility limit” - a person feels the benefit and need of money as long as it brings immediate benefits,

which he or his family personally uses. Food, home, household items, housing, travel, etc. These are consumer goods and services.

Everything beyond this is capital in banks, factories, steamships, firms, etc. – this is something that can be owned and controlled, but it no longer has any real influence

! A billionaire can lead the same lifestyle as an ordinary office employee - similar food, the same number of working hours, etc., and all the emotions that he receives from his capital are already subjective (for example, self-confidence, pleasure from power, elevating oneself in comparison with less successful people, etc.).

But it is very, very difficult to find the line... All rich people think that if they lose at least part of their “productive” capital, they will lose what they live on - but this is not always the case!

And what can be called “serving money” happens - a person completely refuses to realize his own desires, starting to work for “unnecessary” money

! For example, he wants to go fishing in the forest - he has money for fishing rods, a tent, transportation, etc. - but the very fact of being absent from work can lead to the loss of some income, and the person works and does not fish!

That is, to be happy you need as much money as is required to realize your immediate desires! If you notice that the process of earning money forces you to give up your dreams and desired lifestyle

(even if financially you can afford all this) - maybe it’s time to free up time at the expense of profits?

There is an interesting point in Taoism - Taoists believe that each person is “meant” to “recycle” a certain amount of money during his life


Everyone has their own amount - how much money is needed to be happy. That is, real income may exceed its “purpose” - and a person will certainly not use it wisely, will not know where and what to spend it on, wealth may negatively affect his character and behavior, etc.

And if income is less than the “karmic limit,” then the person will be unhappy, will feel poor, his needs and desires will be very different from real possibilities, etc.

Of course, this is just a theory - and even Taoists don’t know how much money a person needs to be happy!

—— Author – Dasha Blinova, website – Beautiful and Successful

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Is poverty a blessing?

I have always been against extremes. In connection with wealth, there are two of them: an endless race for goods that are often not even needed, and ostentatious poverty, when a person disdains wealth, believing that it is above worries about material things. There are people who wear rags, don’t take care of themselves, and believe that this pleases God. Of course this is not true. I recently read the words of Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, who once said: “In my youth, I believed that man was created to suffer. Now I’m an old man and I understand that man was created for joy.” If the Lord gave you body and soul, then He also gave you talents. Realize what God has given you! If a person recognizes his talent and works on it, becomes a professional in his field and earns money thanks to this, what’s wrong with that? He provides for his family, helps his loved ones, makes the world a better place - is this a sin? Of course not.

Some people believe that the world is mired in evil and sin - but this peace was given to us by God. Has God really given us a vicious world? Or is it something else, and are we making it that way? We must look not at the depravity of the world, but at ourselves. Of course, this is difficult, but we can all live, pleasing our loved ones and Heaven.

How to think to get rich

Thoughts attract their essence. To get rich, you need to learn to think correctly about capital and get rid of any negativity that is associated with money.

Basic principles of thinking of the rich:

  • Bad habits attract bad luck, while good habits attract “alternative luck.”
  • Rich people believe in equality of opportunity. They are confident that success can be achieved with their own talent and abilities.
  • The right circle of communication is valued in a business environment. A wealthy person is unlikely to forget to congratulate a colleague or partner on his birthday, realizing that he needs a network of valuable contacts. New acquaintances and the impression he makes on people are important to him.
  • Being rich doesn't always mean earning a lot. The ability to properly allocate the budget and save money plays a huge role.
  • Only poor people believe in fate. This is a convenient position that frees you from taking decisive action to change your financial situation. A rich man is confident that his destiny is in his hands and success can only be achieved by putting effort into it.
  • Wealthy people understand that intelligence is not always the key to success. Non-standard thinking and a creative approach are important in making money.
  • A rich person is willing to take risks to increase his capital. Many large business owners have achieved success through harsh life lessons.

You think you're not smart enough to be rich

Remember how the teachers said - if you study poorly, you will become a janitor. However, the history of many people refutes this fact. F and C students often become successful much faster. They spend energy on achievements, do not think, but immediately do it, relying on intuition, fashion trends, and the opportunity that has arisen. Intelligence is important, but it is not always the decisive factor in the ability to earn a lot.

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