Social behavior

The topic of social behavior is of great importance in modern social psychology. Social behavior involves psychological influence on people and the occupation of a specific position among them. As a rule, this type of behavior is considered as the opposite of individual behavior, which, in turn, is not related to the position a person occupies in society, and to the relationships that develop between him and the people around him, and is also not designed to affect individual people. or society as a whole of any influence.

Psychologists distinguish several types of social behavior. We will consider the following:

  • Mass behavior
  • Group behavior
  • Sex role behavior
  • Prosocial behavior
  • Competitive Behavior
  • Obedient Behavior
  • Deviant behavior
  • Illegal behavior
  • Problem behavior
  • Attachment behavior
  • Maternal behavior
  • Some other forms

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Sex role behavior

Gender-role behavior is behavior that is characteristic of people of a particular gender and is associated with the main social roles performed by these people in the life of any society.

Mass, group and sex-role behavior are characteristic of groups and individuals and depend on what social functions they perform and what goals they pursue. The following types of social behavior describe a person in the process of his interaction with other individuals.

Characteristics of the concept

Scientists involved in various social sciences believe that the social behavior of an individual is a characteristic of the mutual processes of individuals, with mutual communicative relationships manifested in a certain environment and setting, and depending on the conditions of the current situation and the environment. At the same time, depending on different factors, an individual’s behavior can differ radically.

For example, an outwardly calm and phlegmatic person in conditions of increased danger is capable of radically changing, becoming collected, active and caring. Or again: workers came to work shifts, some of them are interested in the quality of their products, while others, without much desire, perform their duties because it is necessary, otherwise you will not receive a salary. The former want not only to receive remuneration, but also to benefit society; the latter are not interested in the fate of the product being produced; they want much more to receive money for working hours.

People behave differently during mass meetings and rallies. Some walk calmly, without disturbing the column and order, while others try with all their might to cause discord, to show their deviations and negative opinion of what is happening. Each of the people in society is a participant in socio-political events, but behaves purely individually, according to their worldview, views, interests and needs.

The behavior of society is especially pronounced when two or more individuals interact and depends on economic, political and cultural factors. The scientific concept of behavior in society includes a combination of processes associated with satisfying the physical, material and spiritual needs of the individual, expressed as a reaction to the environment. Therefore, the subjects (actors) of social behavior will always be not only an individual, but also a group of people (small or large), with their own attitudes, preferences and actions, depending on the level of socialization of the structure of society.

Social behavior is always characterized by a norm - a generally established rule that an individual must follow. The norm fully justifies the status expectations of subjects and helps direct people’s actions in the right (by the standards of a given society) direction. With the help of norms, individuals undergo socialization and are determined by the role they will perform in society.

An individual's status expectations help him develop certain tactics of action in relationships with other people, which will be expressed in a behavioral model. A conscious, intellectually developed person is able to coordinate his own behavior, depending on the age group. In childhood and adolescence, people’s behavior is influenced by agents (parents, educators, teachers, coaches); in adulthood and old age, people rely on acquired knowledge, life psychology, established beliefs and worldview.

Therefore, social behavior, consisting of actions that change under different conditions, is calculated to exert a certain influence of one individual on another. The older generation is able to set an example of their own attitude to ongoing social processes and guide the younger generation to choose a social role, using the example of their own model, life experience and accepted norms.

Competitive Behavior

Competitive behavior is when people around him are perceived by a person as potential or real competitors, and he enters into struggle or competition with them. This behavior is designed to achieve advantage and victory. type A behavior is associated with competitive behavior , according to which a person is impatient, irritable, hostile and distrustful, and B behavior , according to which a person does not seek to compete with anyone and expresses a friendly attitude to everyone.

Problem behavior

Problem behavior refers to any behavior that causes psychological problems in a person. In most cases, problem behavior consists of behaviors that are incomprehensible and unacceptable to others and may be maladaptive, destructive, or antisocial.

In addition to other forms of social behavior, one can also find those that characterize close relationships between people. These types are attachment behavior and maternal behavior.

The place of financial values ​​in the structure of economic behavior of modern youth

Young people easily adapt to socio-economic conditions. The economic behavior of modern youth is determined by the economic interests, values, norms, rules, skills and abilities that regulate the economic behavior of modern youth. Economic culture consists of behavioral stereotypes and economic knowledge, values, needs, preferences that arise from the needs of the economy and affect it both positively and negatively. The wealth and activity of economic consciousness determine the intelligence, variability and creativity of economic thinking, the freedom and professionalism of the economic behavior of modern youth, which affects the level of profit. An individual chooses an acceptable model of economic behavior for modern youth, determined by their attitude towards money.

It is advisable to consider the economic behavior of modern youth as a social result, conditioned by a combination of expedient and unconscious subjective motivations of people, determined by the peculiarities of mentality, institutional matrix, value orientation of youth, conditions of the socio-political and economic structure and personal economic environment.

The founder of the behavioral approach in economic sociology is M. Weber. Within the framework of the theoretical foundations of social interaction, M. Weber conducted a study of one of the areas of reasonable action - the economic behavior of modern youth. M. Weber considered the economic behavior of modern youth as “an a priori typological construction of reasonable preference, a representative model of social actions implemented in the sphere of production.”

A fundamental view of the economic behavior of modern youth was proposed by V. Pareto. V. Pareto classified economic action as a category of logic, when a young man can think about both a specific goal and actions, and the result of his behavior is his conclusions. The merit of a sociologist is considered to be the development of models and forms of behavior in the social environment, based on social norms, stereotypes, and traditions. In the structure of economic action, V. Pareto identified goal, interest, and opportunities.

G. Simmel made a great contribution to clarifying the essence of the economic behavior of modern youth. G. Simmel conducted a comprehensive study of the social institution of finance and considered it as a rational justification for human actions. According to him, finance reveals the axiological field of commodity exchange; Finance has a direct impact on culture. The sociological view of the institution of finance, presented by G. Simmel, is aimed at its relationship with such real components as: Independence, greed, fraud, lifestyle, etc.

Scientists V.I. Verkhovin and V.I. Zubkov determine the economic behavior of young people as a model of social actions associated with the use of numerous economic values ​​and aimed at obtaining benefits. According to P.A. Knyazev, this is a social result caused by a combination of “...rational and unconscious motives of young people, which are determined both by the conditions of their worldview, institutional matrix, value orientation, and the specifics of the economic environment: social, political, economic and personal.”

The formation of value-normative personal parameters of the economic behavior of young people occurs as a result of value-normative self-regulation of the social system, as a result of the real practice of adaptation of our compatriots.

Political power is the organizer of the authoritative construction of norms of market economic behavior of modern youth, but the conditions of the personal economic environment and material motivation determine the tendencies of social adaptation of modern youth of different age groups and social classes to a stable market economy, which contributes to the formation of a market model of economic behavior of modern youth, the predominance of adaptive survival strategies.

The global financial crisis introduced additional distorting conditions into the production and economic sphere of Russia, which influenced the modification of the economic behavior of modern youth.

Maternal behavior

In general, maternal behavior is the behavior inherent in mothers in relation to their children, as well as the behavior of any person in general, which is similar to the behavior of a mother in relation to a child.

There are also some other forms of social behavior that are interconnected with the relationships of people developing in society. Such behavior can be called behavior the purpose of which is to avoid failures and achieve success, gain power or subordination to someone; confident or helpless behavior, as well as some others.

Factors and levels of behavior

In society, an individual’s behavioral goals depend on the natural and social environment around him and other factors, which include:

  • biological and physical qualities (health, the presence of certain abilities, endurance);
  • emotional component and psychological type of a person;
  • the presence of goals and objectives that determine the role of the individual and his desire for leadership and obtaining a certain status;
  • attitudes towards economic and political processes in the state;
  • perception of other individuals, analysis of their behavior during interaction;
  • the ability to adapt to changing internal and external conditions;
  • ability to pass levels of specialization;
  • development of situational human behavior;
  • the instinct of self-preservation in stressful situations and during various disasters.

Social behavior depends on one’s own and third-party assessment of actions, the actions of surrounding people, emerging motivation, psychological aspects, and political consciousness. Often the behavior of individuals is unconscious or spontaneous, arising under the mass imposition of ideas from formal and informal groups, spontaneous actions of the crowd.

The levels of social behavior of subjects are always characterized by several components.

Among them:

  1. Individual's reaction. This refers to attitudes, emotions and actions that arise after spontaneous mass events.
  2. Habitual actions. They reflect the model of interaction with others developed over the years, as well as established relationships.
  3. Purposefulness of actions. Characterized by balanced decisions, consciousness and achievement of the assigned task.
  4. Implementation of planned goals. A person implements projects (material or spiritual) that he has determined for himself in advance.
  5. Human behavior is controlled by methods established by the state and society that correspond to real processes and historical events.

The methods used include:

  • accepting and demanding compliance with social norms;
  • establishment and widespread regulation of legal norms;
  • requirement to fulfill moral and ethical principles.

All types of methods listed are considered applicable to each individual throughout his life, but depend on the age group. For example, a child cannot be forced to follow many adult rules, but social behavior skills, basic culture and ethics can be taught. Therefore, one mother’s child behaves calmly in the presence of strangers, while the other’s child is capricious and defiantly hysterical. Which mother is the best agent - the answer is obvious.

At the state level, approval of lawful social behavior is reflected in regulations. Based on legal norms, documents reflect the desires of society to resist unlawful behavior, protect the individual from the negative actions of other individuals, and serve as prevention against unlawful acts.

Other forms of social behavior

The desire for success is a special form of social behavior that influences a person’s success and, to a certain extent, his fate. The desire for success was most developed in the last century, and today it characterizes a huge number of successful people.

Avoiding failure is an alternative form of striving for success. This type of behavior manifests itself in a concern about not being last among other people, not being worse than them, not becoming a loser.

We can also distinguish such types of social behavior as the desire to communicate with other people and its opposite – avoidance of people. A separate form can be called the desire for power and the desire to maintain power , if a person already has it. The opposite of the last two is the desire for submission.

Another form of social behavior that scientists have paid attention to is confident behavior, when a person is self-confident, strives for new achievements, sets new tasks for himself, solves them and achieves new results.

However, it is quite common to see how capable people who want to achieve success and have the ability to do so fail due to uncertainty and excessive anxiety in cases where they should not have been shown. This behavior is called helpless behavior , and is defined as behavior in which a person, having everything he needs to achieve success, remains inactive, thereby dooming himself to failure.


In all areas of sociological analysis, the problems of youth are problems of the entire society in which their development and formation as a subject of social relations takes place.

After the collapse of the USSR, Russia switched to a market paradigm for the development of economic and social relations. For this reason, the sociocultural situation in Russian society can be characterized as contradictory, diverse, with fragmented value orientations and uncertain ideological and ideological spheres. This situation can be called natural, since every time the state undergoes radical changes, society reacts to them by changing and sometimes creating new values, standards, patterns of behavior and social norms. This transition is crucial for the relevance and social significance of the study of the financial behavior of youth in Russia, since it is the young generation that determines the competitiveness of the Russian Federation.

The socio-economic changes that have taken place have brought to the fore the problems of employment, earning potential and financial behavior of young people. In order to correctly understand the characteristics of the financial behavior of the younger generation, it is necessary to take into account many factors, each of which has its own impact on the socialization of the younger generation. At the same time, with the transition of the Russian economy to capitalist conditions, money took a dominant place in the lives and consciousness of people, which was not perceived before. Money is considered the most important human value in the modern world. We are faced with the problem of including money in the circle of all possible human values ​​as the most important value.

It can be noted that young people are better adapted to the new conditions of a market economy and demonstrate a greater ability to overcome stable patterns of economic behavior than older generations. Especially in the economic sphere, one can understand the gap between generations of Russians.

Modern youth is the first generation that was formed and grew up in a transitional market economy, in conditions of deformed institutions, an ideological and moral vacuum. Due to the fact that socio-economic factors determine a person’s economic behavior, the models of economic behavior of young people should differ from the models of older Russian citizens and, of course, from Western models of financial behavior. Since there are quite a few methodological approaches to studying the behavior of young people, we can say that it is necessary to study changes in the financial behavior of young people under the influence of the dynamics of the development of modern society in Russia.

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