How to cope with excessive irritability - let's figure it out

Types of pathology

In total, there are four types of irritability, and each of them has been continuously studied for several centuries:

  • depressive - characterized by constant bad mood, loss of strength and mental retardation;
  • asthenic - the patient feels fatigue, depression;
  • anxious irritability - based on the emergence of fear, especially in cases where a person has experienced certain situations;
  • bulemic - based on the principles of nutrition. The patient cannot restrain himself from eating high-calorie foods, and therefore becomes irritated by his own weakness;
  • hysterical irritability - originates from childhood. A person feels his own uselessness, he has low self-esteem, so he tries to attract attention to himself with hysterics and whims.

Nootropics and neurometabolic agents

This is a wide group of drugs that have a “general strengthening” effect, improve the metabolism of nerve cells, and have a positive effect on cognitive functions (memory, attention, learning).

Used in courses, has fewer contraindications (compared to previous groups of funds). Effective for aggressiveness caused by overwork, the consequences of organic damage to the central nervous system, neuroses and personality disorders.

The main representatives of this group:

  • glycine;
  • nootropil;
  • aminophenylbutyric acid;
  • Vinpocetine.

All medications have indications and contraindications. Be sure to consult your doctor. Remember, medications must be prescribed by a doctor!

Causes of irritability

Nervousness and irritability are often based on emotional disorders, but external physical and mental influences are also identified among the factors. The most common causes of irritability are:

  • serious and prolonged stress on the brain, mental overstrain, dissatisfaction with life and stress experienced as a result of divorce, illness, etc.;
  • impossibility of solving problems - debts, obligations to the employer, etc.;
  • oversights that resulted in human casualties and destruction of property. After such a mistake, a person cannot live with the knowledge that people suffered because of him;
  • deviations in the development of the nervous system;
  • pathologies that cause depletion of the nervous system - HIV, tuberculosis, oncology;
  • drug and alcohol addiction, as well as gaming addiction.

How to get rid of irritability - this question worries many people today, since in most cases people from childhood are accustomed to selfishness or, on the contrary, to a lack of attention and love. These factors have a huge impact on the development of this pathology and stress resistance in general.

Why is everything annoying?

Anger is a secondary emotion that occurs in response to a perceived threat. Anger itself is not considered a separate disease, but it is a common symptom of various pathological conditions. Reasons why everything infuriates and irritates:

  1. Personality characteristics. Character is the background for the development of anger control problems.
  2. Childhood and education. Some attitudinal behaviors and triggers may be related to the past. The reason for persistently suppressed anger may be associated with the period of childhood: for example, punishment for expressing feelings or being watched and fear of adults in anger.
  3. State of stress. Life's difficulties, which lead to stress, deplete the nervous system and are a common reason why everything is irritating.
  4. Mental illnesses. Anger and irritability can be symptoms of obsessive-compulsive or bipolar disorder, depression, attention deficit disorder in children, and other illnesses.
  5. Hormonal imbalance. Complaints of irritability and emotional lability are typical for hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, and hypercortisolism. Also with the question “Why does everything infuriate me and make me want to cry?” Often asked by pregnant women and girls during PMS. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, in particular progesterone levels.
  6. Use of drugs and large amounts of alcohol. Drugs change the physiological processes of the body and have a detrimental effect on the psyche. Even isolated cases of use may be sufficient. The state of drug intoxication and withdrawal syndrome always become the reason why anger is inside and everything irritates.
  7. Chronic pain and somatic diseases. They don’t allow you to relax, get enough sleep and deplete your nervous system.

Irritability can be triggered by both sudden and short-term incidents and long-term situations. A person cannot always grasp the reason why everything is annoying. This means that eliminating the problem is unlikely. It happens that the response spills out immediately, but sometimes it is suppressed and accumulates. The latter option is dangerous both for health and for the environment - internal aggression can result in unpredictable aggressive actions.

Any of the reasons why everyone around you is annoying can be eliminated with the right approach. The problem is not always on the surface. Complex psychotherapeutic work may be required along with laboratory and instrumental examination of the body. If you can’t understand why everything is annoying and infuriating, an experienced specialist can definitely figure out the reason. You should not delay seeking help, because the sooner you start to deal with the problem, the less consequences there will be for both health and social life.


Irritability and aggression manifest themselves in the form of somatic and mental symptoms.
The first consists of pain, dizziness, disorders of the digestive system, disorders of sexual desire and other physical abnormalities. Mental symptoms manifest themselves in emotional stress - anxiety and irritability for no reason, isolation, fixation on problems, phobias, photophobia, increased sensitivity to temperature changes, inferiority complex and others.


Diagnosis of irritability is carried out by psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and psychologists. As a rule, identifying this problem is not difficult - patients or their relatives report changes in behavior, communication difficulties, and increased conflict. To collect complete information about the emotional state, the following methods are used:

  • Conversation.
    During the interview, the doctor clarifies when the outbursts of irritability began, what situations cause them, how they affect the patient’s life, and whether the irritability has causes that are not related to psychological characteristics (somatic illnesses). More often, patients are critical of changing their emotions and are willing to talk about problems.
  • Observation.
    During communication, the specialist notes external signs of irritability: changes in voice timbre, acceleration of speech, restlessness, fussiness, abruptness of movements. This condition can be caused by waiting for an appointment, questions from the doctor, or the surrounding environment.
  • Psychodiagnostic questionnaires.
    Tests are used to study emotional and personal qualities. The level of irritability is assessed using the Bass-Darkey questionnaire, Cattell personality questionnaire, MMPI and other methods.
  • Projective tests.
    If irritability is denied, the patient is asked to perform projective tasks that help identify hidden or unconscious personality traits. To diagnose irritability, the Wagner hand test, the Rosenzweig frustration test, and a drawing of a non-existent animal are used.

Comprehensive psychodiagnostics allows you to determine the causes of irritability

Treatment and prevention of irritability

Treatment of irritability involves an integrated approach - the work of a psychologist, taking medications that eliminate pain symptoms and excitability, for example, SilvaDeprex. The recovery process can take several months or a longer period. A significant role in the treatment and prevention of irritability is played by taking herbal remedies that help cope with nervous and emotional tension and anxiety.

What does the doctor think?

“First of all, you need to develop the property of peacefulness. A person must understand that things don’t always work out the way he wants, and he needs to be prepared for this.”

Tranquilizers (minor antipsychotics)

Tranquilizers are weaker and milder drugs compared to antipsychotics. They are used mainly once or in short (several days) courses, since long-term use can cause addiction (dependence).

Used for aggressiveness caused by overwork, neurotic and depressive disorders, as a rule, with unexpressed aggressiveness.

Basic tranquilizers:

  • brodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine;
  • diazepam;
  • alprozalam;
  • Hydroxyzine.

3.How to diagnose irritability and its potential complications

To diagnose irritability, your doctor may ask you the following questions:

  • How long have you been feeling irritated?
  • Have you experienced any stressful situations recently?
  • Is there anything that makes you more or less irritable?
  • Do you have any other symptoms?
  • What medications are you taking?
  • Do you use alcohol or drugs?
  • Do you have any other health problems?

How to deal with irritation

If you are constantly irritated, the first thing you need to do is realize that the problem is you. It's difficult and painful, but without it you won't move. Everyone around you will seem bad except yourself, and the struggle will be directed outward. As a result, the situation will worsen.

Moreover, people's patience is not unlimited. If at first those around you turned a blind eye to your irritability, with each outburst their discontent will grow. You risk finding yourself in a vacuum and losing all your close friends. I hope I didn't scare you too much with the consequences? Great, we can move on to the recommendations.


Pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and record the latest outbursts of irritation and aggression. Remember what factors contributed to the triggering of the negative reaction. Perhaps the trigger was some action or word addressed to you? Or maybe the aggression was preceded by a violation of the usual way of life and routine?

Thoroughly analyze several typical situations. You may be able to look at them from a different angle and draw important conclusions. Next time, you will be able to recognize the irritating stimulus and slow down your reaction.

Martial arts

If you can't control the urge to punch someone in the face, you can go ahead and do it. Just be prepared to get hit back. Martial arts are a great way to utilize your aggression. Boxing is best. This sport seems to have been created specifically to combat deviant impulses. It is not even necessary to resort to the help of other people; you can limit yourself to hitting a punching bag.

The fact is that irritation and aggression provoke specific physiological reactions. We may feel increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and cold extremities.

The body responds to the stimulus by mobilizing internal forces and tension that requires release. By suppressing and trying to drive our destructive emotions inside, we increase the risk of their somatization. Therefore, it is imperative to look for socially acceptable ways to relieve tension.


Regular meditation will help bring your thoughts and feelings into harmony. You will learn to manage your states and neutralize aggressive impulses.

I offer you a step-by-step technique for entering a state of meditation.

  1. Sit back comfortably in a chair, turn on some calm music and relax. Make sure that no one or nothing distracts you for about 20 minutes. Turn off your phone and ask your household not to disturb you.
  2. Select a point on the wall in front of you at approximately eye level and peer at it without blinking.
  3. When your eyes get tired, allow your eyelids to close on their own. Feel calm and peaceful.
  4. Imagine an object that is familiar to you, for example, your favorite cup. Contemplate it for at least ten minutes. Try to recreate all the details in your imagination and imagine the colors as vividly as possible.
  5. If extraneous thoughts enter your head, drive them away and return to contemplation. At first it will be difficult, the consciousness will jump and resist. Gently guide him in the direction you need without strain or violence.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, open your eyes, sit a little longer - and you can return to business. Don't get up suddenly and interrupt the session; give your body the opportunity to readjust.

After two weeks of regular exercise, you will feel the first results. Consciousness will become clearer, concentration will increase, and the emotional background will level out. You will feel control over your emotions and begin to slowly crawl out from under their power. Uncontrollable outbursts of aggression and irritation will begin to subside.

A change of scenery

Even the most beloved familiar environment can set one’s teeth on edge if one does not dilute one’s life with new impressions. This is especially familiar to residents of central Russia in the autumn. Cold and grayness can make even the most cheerful person despondent. The state of “everything pisses me off” becomes common at this time.

Give yourself a reboot and dilute your boring routine with new colors. It is best to take a vacation and go on a trip to a distant country. New places, new people, new knowledge. For your body, such a trip will be a breath of fresh air.

If this is not possible, visit a nearby tourist town over the weekend that you have never been to before. Walk along unfamiliar streets, visit museums and exhibitions. Or treat yourself to a spa weekend.

Specialist help

If irritability negatively affects the quality of life and spoils personal relationships, it is better to consult a psychologist. He will help you find out the cause of this condition and select adequate methods of influence.

Nervousness is successfully eliminated with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, art therapy, and neuro-linguistic programming techniques. After the first session you will feel much better.

Different forms of manifestation for both men and women

When talking about attacks of aggressiveness, it is important to identify female and male aggression. In men, signs of aggressiveness begin to appear in attempts to control everyone and everything. In the early stages they can be touchy, but if they deviate from their opinion, they immediately use their hands, obscene language, and screams.

In women, an emotional outburst is usually accompanied by everyday problems. Psychologists note that powerlessness and the inability to correct the situation are frequent causes of aggressive impulses against others. Sometimes they can be caused by personal problems, sometimes by problems with money, illness, and more.

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