Asocialization. desocialization and resocialization of personality

  • What is personality resocialization?
  • Resocialization in psychology
  • Resocialization in the family
  • Resocialization of convicts
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A person must adapt to the conditions of the social world in which he lives. This will contribute to his development, acquiring the necessary connections, creating relationships with people who are interesting to him, gaining access to other people's benefits, which will help him achieve his goals faster, etc. Socialization is a criterion for a person’s adaptability to social life. Resocialization of personality is the re-adaptation of a person to social life, which certainly leads to a change in the person himself.

Each reader of the psychological help website has adapted to social life in his own way. Successful people are individuals who have managed to adapt to the conditions of the social world in such a way that they have access to numerous benefits. The less a person is adapted to society, the less successful, wealthy, and healthy he is. Often people adapt incorrectly or spend a long time in conditions that do not contribute to adaptation to society. Then resocialization is required, which will certainly lead to a change in the personality of the person himself.

How are children different from adults? The way they look at the world. Many people believe that children have a more optimistic view of the world. However, this does not allow us to look at the world soberly, as adults do. Yes, there are diseases, atrocities, and murders in this world. But there are also good things: the beauty of nature, the laughter of a child, fluffy kittens, etc.

Children differ from adults in the way they view the world. And sometimes a person becomes an adult in years, but retains his childishness in his soul. And only a few become truly adults.

Children live in dreams (romance, invisible phenomena, creatures, believe in the supernatural). Adults live in reality (the need to build a house, make repairs, work, earn money, etc.). And many people become adults in years, but everyone continues to dream of romance and supernatural powers, as they did in childhood. Why? Because a person has not grown in soul, mind, consciousness, he has simply grown in body.

The material world in which a person lives does not matter how he looks at it. But you should understand that even if you reject something, this does not mean that it does not exist. It is better not to soar in the clouds of thoughts and fantasies, but to live real life, what really exists in this world. After all, as long as you are human, you must learn to live this life. And when you find yourself in another world, then you will adapt to the conditions of that reality.

What is personality resocialization?

Resocialization does not always occur in individuals who have been away from society for a long time. Sometimes an ordinary person begins to resocialize. This can happen to anyone, and throughout life. So, what is personality resocialization? This is the re-socialization of the individual to the conditions of the surrounding society. This inevitably leads to the fact that a person begins to change his values, worldview, goals and even interests. Depending on how exactly a person is socialized, he becomes more or less fit.

Resocialization is required for individuals and can happen to absolutely every person. Thus, resocialization becomes necessary:

  1. Former prisoners.
  2. Former military personnel.
  3. Persons after a long illness.
  4. Former patients of a psychiatric hospital.
  5. Persons who lived in unfavorable conditions.
  6. Former alcoholics and drug addicts.
  7. Former slaves or kidnapped.
  8. Homeless.

Resocialization is also required in case of a change of place of residence or a change in cultural references. Often an ordinary person begins to adapt to society in a new way. This does not happen at a fundamental level, but only in certain aspects. For example, a person changes his social circle, where new friends are people with whom he has never had experience communicating. A person can simply start a new life, which completely excludes all previous habits, former friends and even lifestyle.

In other words, when an individual is forced or wants to adapt to social life in order to better adapt and receive all its benefits, then re-socialization begins. It can last a lifetime if a person is constantly engaged in his development and learning how to become a happy member of his society.

Initially, the socialization of the individual is carried out by the family, then by children's institutions (kindergartens and schools) and clubs. Law enforcement agencies can correct a person’s socialization. When a person becomes an adult, he has rights and responsibilities, the need to live independently, work, start his own family, and cope with emerging problems. All this forces him to re-socialize. Often this happens on its own, when an individual reconsiders his opinions and positions and begins to adjust his behavior. Sometimes this happens forcibly or under pressure.

Every person sooner or later undergoes resocialization. This is usually associated with the need to grow up. Resocialization is a person’s need not only to reconsider his views, behavior, skills, knowledge, beliefs, etc., but also to completely replace them, that is, to start living a new life. To start living in a new way, a person needs to abandon the old and develop something new in himself.

In healthy people, resocialization can occur at any period of life, affecting not all aspects, but only certain parts of it. In each period, one or another change in activity occurs, which only partially affects the change in life as a whole. During resocialization, a person can strengthen his previous positions or develop new ones. Even with a partial change in worldview and attitudes, a person can become more adapted to society.

The severity of the problem

The topic of resocialization is associated not only with those who have committed criminal acts. It also applies to other categories of people. Thus, the resocialization of drug addicts, patients, as well as those who have experienced stress during natural disasters, military operations or accidents is of great importance for society.

Such people need not only social assistance. To carry out the normal process of resocialization, psychotherapy and psychocorrection (auto-training, etc.) will be needed. Social adaptation of such people should not be expected unless the emotional tension of the individual is relieved.

Resocialization in psychology

Resocialization in psychology occurs as a result of desocialization or asocialization of an individual, when he gets lost in social life, does not know how to behave and act correctly, and commits destructive or incorrect actions. Resocialization is required for those who have not mastered the rules and norms established in society in order to exist within their boundaries and achieve happiness and success. Thus, resocialization becomes necessary for former convicts, drug addicts, alcoholics, and seriously ill people. However, resocialization can also occur in healthy individuals who understand that their behavior patterns and attitudes do not work and do not give the desired results, which is why they feel the need to develop new models and beliefs.

In a healthy person, resocialization can occur several times. Every time a person finds himself in a new environment, he needs to adapt to it. Thus, entering kindergarten or the beginning of the school period forces the child to change and develop skills that will be socially approved in the environment in which he is located. The transition from school to higher education or the need to earn money also forces a person to change. Even starting a family and acquiring new responsibilities provoke partial resocialization, where a person develops skills and qualities that are capable of solving new problems and are approved in society.

No longer drawn to the past. This suggests that you have experienced it, grown from it and now you need to move forward, not dwell on the old, but even let it go, forget it.

You can get such sensations when you return, for example, to what was dear to you in the distant past. You come to the area where you once spent your childhood. You take out old toys or school notebooks from the drawer. You see a photo of you and your first loved one. All this is your past, which now simply smiles at you. But this does not amuse you, does not make you sad, because you understand that you have come far ahead, you are living a different life, you have become a different person. And everything that happened in the past remains there.

In the same way, make your present, which you want to get rid of, your past. Why should you worry about something that will not matter soon (in a few months or a couple of years). Think about whether you will be sad for what you are losing now, when time passes, will you gain new acquaintances, a new loved one, or will you find a better thing? So, why are you tormenting yourself now with something that will not have any meaning later, when you find your happiness?

Don't dwell on the old. You clearly understand this when you come across those things or people that no longer evoke any feelings or emotions in you, but once they played an important role for you. Everything passes. And what you have now will soon become of little importance to you. Don't suffer and don't let anything that happens to you now take away your joyful mood and happiness. Don't let anyone ruin your mood. Be happy. And easily let go of what prevents you from living. It would be better for you to be without things and people who “parasitize” you, than for you to suffer and suffer.

Learn to easily let go of what makes you suffer or suffer losses. Free yourself from the burden. You don't have to suffer and follow stupid moral principles. Life is given to you for happiness, not for sorrow. Therefore, only you can choose whether you are ready to be happy or whether suffering is your natural state.

Resocialization in the family

The family is the first environment in which an individual is socialized. Moreover, in it he not only acquires the first skills and knowledge, but also repeatedly develops new ones, getting rid of old ones. Socialization depends on what kind of atmosphere reigns in the family and the methods of education that exist in relation to children. The family is the first institution that teaches the child the main and important social rules and norms of life to which he must get used.

As the child grows up, he is resocialized several times. The family takes part in this. Resocialization is influenced by the worldview of parents, their methods of education and communication with the child, the level of trust and mutual support. In dysfunctional families, children are usually less socialized and adapted to life than in prosperous ones.

Use of the term

The term “resocialization” is widely used in various fields of human activity, including social psychology, sociology, pedagogy and jurisprudence. This concept is closely related to the measures that are used in society in relation to people leading a criminal lifestyle.

Pedagogy uses resocialization as a tool through which new life values ​​are instilled in a person, which can replace those previously learned. The focus of this process is carried out in relation to people whose behavior patterns differ significantly from generally accepted rules. The main goal of such a tool is to restore lost status and change negative attitudes . In order to achieve the necessary result, the person being corrected must be immersed in a prosperous environment.

Resocialization of convicts is a term that is widely used in jurisprudence. Most often, this concept is used when resolving issues related to penal policy. This tool is used only for young people, since representatives of this age group are more susceptible to resocialization. In this example, resocialization is not the process of instilling generally accepted norms and rules, but the end result.

Socialization goes through stages that coincide with the so-called life cycles

Resocialization of convicts

Convicts are healthy people who have committed acts punishable by the law of the country. They are mentally healthy, but have not learned throughout their lives the rules, laws and norms to follow and take for granted. However, acquiring the status of a convicted person is not permanent. Correctional psychology is aimed at instilling in convicts those skills and behaviors that will comply with the laws of the country.

Resocialization of convicts is the correction of personal beliefs, views and behavior in order to develop positive, socially approved habits. This requires time and the desires of the convicted themselves, who must first repent of their deeds and never return to the past.

Mechanism of desocialization

Why does a person choose an antisocial path? At the initial stage, this happens unconsciously. Children and adolescents adopt the behavior patterns of those adults who lead an antisocial lifestyle. In doing so, they satisfy their desire to gain approval from this negative microenvironment. Moreover, in their opinion, this way they become adults faster. In this case, the negative microenvironment exercises social control over the individual. In this case, adolescents or children receive praise, approval and support if they have taken the path of antisocial behavior. Hard work, mercy and kindness in such an environment are simply ridiculed.

The entire process of desocialization sometimes occurs spontaneously. However, in some cases it is carried out purposefully. An example of this is instilling criminal behavior in adolescents to involve them in illegal activities. In this case, the mechanism of punishment and rewards is widely used.

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