The meaning of popular expressions - Panic fear, Panurgo's flock, Paris is worth a mass, Parnassus, Don't spare cartridges, Pegasus, Penates

Fear and panic grip a person not only in life-threatening situations. When faced with something unknown and frightening, causing fear, a frightened expression appears on people's faces. This brief moment of fear is quite normal. It’s another matter when such a condition lasts for a long time and is stable.


What is panic fear (PS)

Psychotherapists define such emotional well-being. According to experts, panic is a feeling of anxiety, along with confusion and panic. It can be both individual and mass. Under the influence of panic, people can commit actions whose meaning cannot be explained from a logical point of view.

By the way! During a panic attack, a person loses the remnants of common sense, this prevents him from finding a way out of a difficult situation.

Panic fear, origin of the name

Predisposing factors

The causes of panic disorders are not fully understood. There are many predisposing factors:

  1. Mental disorders may be related to genetics. If a close relative had mental illnesses, their hereditary transmission is possible.
  2. Acquired reasons include improper upbringing, for example, increased demands on the child from the parents.
  3. The reason may be tense family relationships.
  4. A predisposing factor is frequent quarrels with peers.
  5. Overly sentimental and sensitive people are more prone to this kind of disorder. If a person dwells on a specific situation for a long time and cannot abstract himself, he is more susceptible to mental disorders, including panic attacks.
  6. An attack may occur against the backdrop of a significant event that has left a negative imprint (the loss of a close relative, a natural disaster).
  7. Psychological disorders occur after operations or infectious diseases.
  8. A possible cause of the disease is fear of neurasthenia.
  9. Panic attacks often occur with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Difference from rational fears

Fear of getting sick - what is it and what is it called?

In order to warn a person about danger (real or imagined), the body, guided by the instinct of self-preservation, sends impulses to the brain that cause fear in the individual. Such signals may appear as a result of stress or emotional experience.

Important! Fear (fear) is a negative (negative) basic emotion that performs a protective function.

Psychologist A.I. Zakharov noted that the body at this moment experiences an affective state, which is accompanied by brief physiological deviations:

  • increased blood pressure and pulse rate;
  • intense secretion of gastric juice.

In addition, at such a moment, some people want to run without clearing the road, while others are overcome by paralysis and cannot take a single step.

By their nature, fears are divided into two types:

  • rational;
  • irrational.

Rational fears include those that are inherent in nature and help, due to increased emotional and physical concentration, to avoid danger. Real fears allow you to adapt to the surrounding reality and warn about possible threats to life and health. Examples of rational fears include the following:

  • fear of being bitten by animals when approaching them;
  • fear of falling from a height in the absence of a fence;
  • fear of not being able to cope with the waves in a storm and drowning in the sea.

Rational fears allow animals to survive in the wild and maintain their populations. By its origin, panic fear refers to irrational fear. Such emotions are usually called phobias, and they are uncontrollable. Translated from Greek, “phobos” means horror (fear).

Attention! Phobia leads to deformation of consciousness. Its effect is long-lasting, and its occurrence is unfounded. Such fears poison life and lead to serious mental disorders and illnesses if they are not treated in the early stages.

List of some phobias

What does tantalum flour mean? “The Torment of Tantalus” - the meaning of phraseological units and the history of expression

In our language there are stable expressions that have been used without changes for many years. Behind such turns of phrase are historical facts and events of the past, even real people. These expressions are combinations of words that individually often mean something completely different and have a different meaning. Such phrases are called phraseological units. Sometimes they use proper names. Often in our speech we encounter the following phrases: “Pandora’s box”, “Achilles’ heel” or “Tantalus’s torment”. The meaning of a phraseological unit of this type can only be understood if you know the events that led to the appearance of this expression. Most of these phrases are taken from ancient Greek culture.

Myths are the source of phraseological units

Ancient Greek culture has accumulated a huge layer of myths and legends about the deeds of gods and heroes. They have been a source of stable expressions for many centuries. One of them is the “torment of Tantalus”. The meaning of phraseological units becomes clear if you know mythology. The ancient Greek gods lived on Olympus. They had the same vices as people and spent a lot of time in feasts and fun.

Mortals were sometimes invited to these meetings - children of the gods and ordinary people. The Phrygian king Tantalus was also awarded this honor. He was the nymph of Pluto, and the gods loved him, often invited him to Olympus and visited his luxurious palace. He was very rich and lived happily. Why is it that only the expression “torment of Tantalus” has been preserved in history? Its meaning will become clear if we study the further fate of this king. Tantalus became arrogant, became proud and committed several unseemly acts, for which he was punished by the gods. He was cast into Tartarus and subjected to terrible torture.

Why was Tantalus punished?

1. According to one version, he became so proud that he boasted a lot to people about his friendship with the gods and even betrayed their secrets.

2. According to another opinion, Tantalus wanted to steal ambrosia and divine nectar from Olympus in order to give them to people. But since they bestowed immortality, Zeus could not allow this.

3. The most common version of the appearance of the expression “the torment of Tantalus” is his murder of his son. The gods often dined in his palace. And one day the king wanted to test the all-vision of the gods and, having slaughtered his son, served them a dish of his meat for lunch. But the gods did not eat it, they loved Pelops, so they revived him, and Tantalus himself was severely punished. He was banished to hell so that he could atone for his guilt through suffering.

Torments of Tantalus

What tests was the former favorite of the gods subjected to in Tartarus? He experienced excruciating thirst, terrible hunger and fear. Therefore, the phraseology “torment of Tantalus” is not

very different from its original meaning. The Phrygian king stood up to his neck in clear water, but was very thirsty. After all, when he wanted to drink, the water quickly disappeared. There were many ripe fruits hanging over Tantalus's head, but he was experiencing terrible hunger. After all, as soon as he extended his hand, the branches moved away from him. In addition, he was in constant fear because a huge rock hung over his head, ready to collapse. This is how the torment of Tantalus is described in myths.

The meaning of phraseological units today

The punishment of the Phrygian king was so revealing and cruel that this story is instructive even now. People consider the torment of Tantalus very cruel. The meaning of a phraseological unit in modern speech is various experiences or torment caused by the inability to achieve a coveted and so close goal. This is what they say about a person who endures cruel torment, endless suffering.

Often the expression “torment of Tantalus” is used when there is a lack of some vital things - for example, food or sleep. But sometimes this phraseological unit is used in relation to phenomena that are not very important, but have great value for a person. It seems easy to achieve the goal, but it is impossible. The expression “tantalum torment” can also be used figuratively to give an ironic meaning to speech.

Most phraseological units, originating in ancient Greek mythology, are used mainly in fiction and journalism. The expression “torment of Tantalus” is no exception. Its meaning is unclear to many people, and it is almost never used in ordinary conversations. But every cultured and educated person should know what it means.

Symptoms of PS

Not only is panic a manifestation of a somatic or mental illness, it is dangerous in itself. Symptoms of panic fear can indicate themselves in the following moments:

  • rapid heartbeat, increased temperature and blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness throughout the body and dizziness;
  • dry mouth, nausea, body trembling;
  • sudden urge to go to the toilet;
  • emotional hysteria from the feeling of the proximity of death.

Existential crisis - what does it mean?

An attack hits a person suddenly. It occurs in a certain situation, depending on the type of phobia, and lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. At the same time, the person suffering from fear knows the reasons for the occurrence of a panic attack; the fear that it may happen again often provokes another attack. Only a specialist will help you break out of such a vicious circle.

For your information. Periodically occurring panic attacks lead to a more complex form of the disease - panic disorder.

Symptoms of a panic attack

The consequences of attacks are expressed in general weakness, emptiness, headache and sleep disturbance.

What does Sisyphean labor mean? Sisyphus's work

Let's consider the well-known phraseological unit “Sisyphean labor”.

Sisyphus is the first adventurer of Ancient Greece, and perhaps the whole world.

The meaning, origin and sources of phraseological units are described below, as well as examples from the works of writers.

The meaning of phraseology

Sisyphean labor - useless efforts repeated over and over again

Synonyms: monkey's labor, wasted labor, carrying water with a sieve, Sisyphean's work

In foreign languages ​​there are direct analogues of the phraseological unit “Sisyphean labor”:

  • Sisyphean toil, labor of Sisyphus (English)
  • Sisyphusarbeit (German)
  • rocher de Sisyphe, supplice de Sisyphe (French)

Sisyphean work: the origin of phraseological units

As you know, the god Zeus punished the king of Corinth Sisyphus: in the underground kingdom of the dead, he had to continuously roll a heavy stone up a mountain, which, almost reaching the top, immediately rolled back.

The history is very ancient, so it is difficult to understand it properly. In any case, it can be noted that Sisyphus was not just a king, but the great-great-grandson of Prometheus, the creator of the city of Corinth, and also, oddly enough, the so-called favorite of the gods. The gods invited Sisyphus to their feasts on Olympus.

A natural question arises: why did the gods punish the gods’ favorite so severely? It looks like for what is called “accumulation of crimes”:

  • First of all, the gods were outraged that Sisyphus began to divulge to people their secrets, heard at feasts.
  • Sisyphus deceived the god of death Thanatos, who had come to take his soul to the kingdom of the dead, and kept him captive for several years. As a result, people stopped dying, the established order of things was disrupted, in particular, sacrifices to the underground gods stopped being made. The angry god of war Ares freed Thanatos, and an even more angry Thanatos freed Sisyphus from the soul and took it to the kingdom of the shadows of the dead.
  • Sisyphus deceived the gods in Hades. He managed to instruct his wife not to perform funeral rites for him. The gods of the underworld of the dead, Hades and Persephone, were puzzled by the lack of funeral victims, so they allowed Sisyphus to return to earth for a while to teach his wife a lesson and organize a decent funeral for themselves, and decent sacrifices for the gods. Instead, he remained to feast with friends in his palace.
  • As well as various crimes against people (robbery of travelers, fraud and other outrages).

So it is difficult to blame Zeus for injustice. The morally dubious success of Sisyphus was due to the fact that he was the first among the Greeks to use cunning and deception. Not only people, but also the gods were not ready for this.


The myth of Sisyphus is set out in the poem “Odyssey” by the ancient Greek poet Homer (9th century BC).

The very expression “Sisyphean labor” belongs to the Roman poet Propertius (1st century BC).

Examples from the works of writers

It used to be terribly difficult to talk when we were alone. It was some kind of Sisyphean work. As soon as you figure out what to say, you say it, again you have to be silent, come up with it. (L.N. Tolstoy, “The Kreutzer Sonata”)

This is all the quiet joy of Sisyphus. His destiny belongs to him. The stone is his property. In the same way, an absurd person, looking at his torment, silences the idols. In an unexpectedly quiet universe, the whisper of thousands of thin, delightful voices can be heard rising from the earth. This is the unconscious, secret call of all the images of the world - this is the wrong side and this is the price of victory. There is no sun without shadow, and it is necessary to experience the night. The absurd person says “yes” - and there is no end to his efforts. If there is a personal destiny, then this is by no means a predestination from above, or, in extreme cases, predestination comes down to how the person himself judges it: it is fatal and worthy of contempt. Otherwise, he recognizes himself as the master of his days. (A. Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus. An Essay on the Absurd”)

It turns out to be a bitter paradox: it is easier to suffer than to create. All Russia is a drinking Hamlet. There is only one way out. If you want to escape from suffering, create! There is no other medicine and there never will be. Even Sisyphean labor frees us from useless discussions about the uselessness of Sisyphean labor. (F.A. Iskander, “State and Conscience”)

It must be admitted that the cunning of Sisyphus has its own charm. Just as there is considerable charm in the cunning of such characters as Odysseus or Ostap Bender, who also indulged in illegal acts.

Possible causes of panic attacks

How to overcome fear and phobias yourself - ways to fight

A harbinger of an approaching panic attack can be not only an excited state, but also sudden lethargy and weakness. An attack can occur not only at the time of a combination of circumstances related to the phobia, but also have a time setting (at night or in the afternoon).

Significant causes of seizures may include the following:

  • experienced unrest and psycho-emotional stress;
  • negative thoughts;
  • hormonal disorders (menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, premenstrual syndrome);
  • the occurrence of a situation inherent in the type of phobia.

It can also be hereditary factors (genetic) or the result of a mental illness.

Attack process

At-risk groups

The most susceptible to PA and PS are:

  1. Melancholic people. Their psyche is quite weak and susceptible to negative situations. Therefore, melancholic people are the first at risk.
  2. People with a strong sense of responsibility. Such individuals most often do not know how and cannot relax, so they remain tense for a long time.
  3. Holders of bad habits, as well as people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. People living for a long time in greenhouse conditions. This lifestyle can make a person sensitive to the slightest stress. People who live busy lives are more resistant to stress, as they have to deal with it regularly. Therefore, a kind of immunity to stressful situations arises.

People who are at risk need to take preventive measures:

  • Oxygen. Take long walks more often to breathe fresh air.
  • Adrenalin. Exercise moderately, play active games, travel, communicate.
  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop individual ways to deal with stress.
  • Listen to calm relaxing music.
  • Be at peace with yourself so that intrapersonal conflicts arise less often.

Most people suffering from this disease prefer. This can be done. The main thing to remember is that before self-medicating, you should take certain measures: get examined in a hospital and rule out false symptoms of panic attacks. First of all, it is necessary to do an examination and check the functioning of the thyroid gland and brain, as well as the functioning of the adrenal glands and the state of the cardiovascular system. If the test results show that there are no problems, then we can talk about a disease such as PA and begin treatment.


Understanding what panic fears are and what they mean means a lot when choosing methods to overcome them. Preventive measures include the following steps:

  • identification of factors that are prerequisites for the occurrence;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle);
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • doing what you love.

A preventive action plan is developed by a psychotherapist exclusively individually for each person.

Appointment with a psychotherapist

Attention! Therapeutic measures include a course of psychotherapy and medication.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment depends on the cause and nature of the panic attack.

Panic is eliminated using hypnosuggestive psychotherapy methods, which are based on hypnosis and suggestion. The doctor’s goal is to formulate attitudes in the patient that would allow him to look at life differently. It is important to ensure that the patient responds correctly to somatic manifestations. When a person is in a hypnotic trance, the doctor provides verbal and non-verbal influence. The patient receives certain information that allows him to control his own behavior. If a person gets rid of the fear of death during an attack, it means that he has taken a step towards recovery.

Treatment involves the use of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. What it is? This method is often used in the treatment of panic attacks. Its goal is to correct thought patterns and behavioral habits. It is important to eliminate the factors that trigger the mechanisms of such conditions. After the session, the subconscious fixes a belief model that allows you to better tolerate a pathological attack. Thus, the person thinks that the crisis will pass and will not lead to dangerous consequences. Pathological conditions cause less fear. If you properly treat the disease and purposefully fight it, you can completely eliminate its symptoms.

Drug therapy involves the use of drugs to relieve an attack. Taking medications must be combined with psychotherapy. It is important to say that medications alone will not cope with the problem. Treatment requires an integrated approach. What are tranquilizers? These are instant action products. If a person has taken tranquilizers, their effect lasts for 30 minutes. This is how long an attack usually lasts. These tools help reduce the severity of panic. The drugs are addictive and should not be taken regularly.

Antidepressants stimulate the nervous system, but also not for long. They give results after 2.5 weeks from the start of use. Treatment with these drugs lasts 3 months (the duration of therapy is necessarily determined by the doctor). Antidepressants are taken regularly, but are not used during an attack.

Therapy involves the use of B vitamins. They are necessary to strengthen the nervous system.

Motherwort and valerian infusion do not help with a panic attack.

Compared to others, these drugs have a weak effect. They are not advisable to use to stop an attack.

If we talk about herbal preparations, they are used together with chemical psychotropic drugs. Herbal infusions in combination with medications provide the prevention of attacks in neurocirculatory dystonia.

How to get rid of panic fear

A specialist will help you select medications from the following line:

  • beta blockers - allow you to interrupt somatic symptoms;
  • tranquilizers – help to localize and overcome anxiety in its vegetative manifestations;
  • antidepressants are mandatory in the treatment of phobias;
  • neuroleptics - fight severe disorders expressed by inappropriate behavior, aggression and suicidal tendencies.

Carefully! The medications must be taken strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Self-help for a panic attack

It is possible to overcome an attack on your own if symptoms occur using the following two techniques:

  • “square” breathing - shallow breathing in a moment of panic is replaced by breathing in this way, as a result of which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases and relaxation occurs;
  • “breathing control” – inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds.

When doing the “breath control” exercise, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself as a balloon. Do this several times, achieving complete relaxation at the end of each exercise.

Square breathing method

It is necessary and possible to fight fears, phobias and panic attacks. From the many techniques for overcoming fears, you need to, with the help of a specialist, choose the one that is most suitable for each individual.

My own psychologist

When a person is overcome by panic, there is no point in calling an ambulance. There are ways to quickly relieve panic attacks.

Ways to quickly relieve a panic attack:

  1. Breathing exercises. When a person is overcome by fear, you need to start slowly inhaling and exhaling air.
  2. Muscle relaxation. You need to tense your muscles, for example your arms, then relax them. You need to repeat several times until it becomes easier. This exercise is done to shift the focus of attention and distract from the surging panic.
  3. Visualization. Turn on your imagination and imagine some beautiful and calm place where it would be nice to relax, unwind, enjoy nature, peace and quiet.
  4. Affirmations (self-hypnosis). For example, repeat mentally or out loud the following phrases: “I may be nervous, but I can handle this situation”; “These are just my thoughts, but in reality everything is fine”; “These sensations are safe for me,” etc. It is better to combine breathing exercises and affirmations.

The methods described above will help cope with a panic attack, but temporarily. To get rid of panic fears forever, you need comprehensive work on yourself.

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