What is resocialization? How does the process of personality resocialization work?

The concept of “socialization” consists of many different structures on the basis of which the process of integration into society is built. The task of socialization is to instill in each individual those values ​​and norms of behavior that are approved by society . There are several concepts that are completely opposite to socialization. The names of these phenomena are formed by adding prefixes. These phenomena include “resocialization” and “desocialization.” In this article we propose to talk about what resocialization is and how it manifests itself.

Socialization (lat. socialis - social) is a complex process of including a person in social practice

Detailed analysis of terms

The term “desocialization” is used to describe the phenomenon that consists in the assignment of antisocial norms and values ​​to an individual. This process is the root cause of antisocial behavior and the acquisition of negative attitudes in the behavioral model. Desocialization is one of the factors contributing to destabilization, on the basis of which the deformation of connections with society occurs.

Understanding what desocialization is, it should be said that this process implies a partial or complete loss of social skills. Such problems affect the conduct of life and the process of self-realization of the individual. In such a situation, the person is assigned the “label” of an outcast. According to experts, the reason for the formation of desocialization is associated with the influence of stress factors and problems that arise during the initial immersion in society . It is important to pay attention to the fact that desocialization has a multi-level structure.

Partial desocialization occurs against the background of prolonged isolation from society. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in people who have returned from a long vacation or sick leave. Losing direct contact with other people changes the rhythm of life and makes a person more prone to loneliness. A similar effect is observed in people with Internet addiction, which manifests itself in the form of abuse of computer games and social networks. People with this type of addiction often replace real life with virtual space.

Psychologists note that in this case, the process of desocialization does not have a strong impact on the state of the psyche, which indicates the possibility of correction. Changing your lifestyle and changing your priorities allows you to start the process of resocialization. This phenomenon should be perceived as the independent cultivation in one’s own personality of those qualities that represent paramount values ​​for modern society. The above-mentioned events are an integral part of the formation of the human personality. During the process of growing up, a person changes his worldview, which has a certain impact on his incentives and life itself.

Desocialization is the result of a voluntary renunciation of old values

A severe form of desocialization is observed in children raised in dysfunctional families. An incorrect approach to the educational process can also have a negative impact on the development of personality. The indulgence of parents and the desire to create a barrier from the difficulties of life significantly increases the risk of various problems arising during immersion in society. A person raised in greenhouse conditions does not readily assimilate the norms of the social groups surrounding the individual. Against this background, various problems associated with performing the simplest actions are observed, among which the construction of communication connections should be highlighted.

Resocialization of adolescents is a complex process, the success of which depends on many different factors.

Belonging to criminal groups or subcultures can instill false values ​​that are directly opposed to the norms of cultural society. Such circumstances can become unfavorable ground for personal development.

Violations in the sphere of socialization can be caused by factors such as:

  • loss of a close relative;
  • job loss;
  • personality and mental disorders;
  • Act of terrorism.

Stressors can have a profound impact on a person's personality, which can lead to changes in lifestyle. Under the influence of stress, a person can greatly narrow his social circle, isolate himself from society and lose the skills of building communication connections.

There are voluntary types of renunciation of social norms and values. One example of voluntary desocialization is entering a monastery. It is important to note that the rejection of generally accepted rules in favor of spiritual enrichment allows the human person to constantly improve himself. The uniqueness of this example lies in the simultaneous occurrence of the processes of desocialization and resocialization.

Characteristic signs

Signs of mild desocialization can only be noticed by close people. This manifests itself in a change in the usual way of life: mood swings, in a reluctance to do things that once gave pleasure.

Such changes are only negative

It is important here not to confuse desocialization with a change in priorities caused by a change in worldview. When a worldview changes, some values ​​change to others

During desocialization, apathy develops. This process develops gradually. If measures are not taken on time, the mild form may turn into a severe one.

Detachment from old norms

The main sign of deep desocialization is a clearly demonstrated detachment from old norms of behavior and values. If a teenager has never been rude to adults, and his appearance has always evoked affection with his neatness and neatness, and for some time now adults are not an authority and his appearance has changed beyond recognition, then this indicates a change in norms and values.

Refusal of habitual rules of behavior

If previously a schoolgirl studied at “4” and “5” and never returned late, and for some time now the diary is replete with deuces and the girl does not return home before midnight, then you should start sounding the alarm. This is the first sign of a deep rejection of social rules and norms of behavior.

Loss of social experience

In some cases, particularly deep desocialization manifests itself in the loss of social experience. This is when schoolchildren or students completely stop attending educational institutions. Loss of social experience is also common in adults. This manifests itself in a reluctance to get a job or attend one. Instead, time is spent solely on entertainment. This lifestyle leads to personality degradation.

Removal from a specific social group

Detachment from a specific social group is determined by the characteristics of the collective and the detached individual. We are talking about cases when the moral standards of behavior of an individual contradict the moral standards of a social group. The one who withdraws from the team is considered an outcast.

How does the desocialization process work?

Many researchers in the field of psychology are interested in the question of the reasons for choosing antisocial behavior. According to experts, the choice of an antisocial model is carried out unconsciously. Many children, adopting the behavior of others, do not think about its direction. It is important to note that receiving approval from representatives of a negative social microclimate leads to an increase in the manifestation of antisociality. In the minds of many teenagers, a clear attitude is created that such behavior is inherent in every adult.

Social control makes it possible to prevent such unfavorable development. In the case when a teenager has embarked on the path of correction, it is very important that he feels support and attention to his difficulties. It should be understood that in a dysfunctional environment, values ​​such as kindness and hard work are relegated to the background.

What is personal desocialization and why is this issue of particular importance? According to psychologists, this process has a spontaneous course. Quite often, criminal elements deliberately cause desocialization in adolescents in order to involve them in criminal activities. This process is based on the technique of reward and punishment.

Resocialization means a change in a previously socialized person, a rejection of previous attitudes and ideas.

A person following an antisocial path needs strict control aimed at resocialization. Various municipal services can act as a supervisory authority. The term "resocialization" is used to refer to the process of changing behavior, which is exactly the opposite of the previous one. In a specific example, the prefix “re-” is used to denote the dismantling of negative norms and rules that were previously used by the individual. Throughout the entire process of resocialization, a person is engaged in self-improvement and discovers in himself those qualities that cause public approval.

Correction path

Resocialization is applied to an individual who has taken an antisocial path of behavior by various state institutions of social control. This concept means a certain type of change that occurs in a person, which allows him to adopt a type of behavior that is radically different from the previous one. In this case, the prefix “re-” means the destruction and dismantling of negative values ​​and norms that have been internalized by the individual. During this process, a person accepts those positive concepts that are approved by society.

Use of the term

The term “resocialization” is widely used in various fields of human activity, including social psychology, sociology, pedagogy and jurisprudence. This concept is closely related to the measures that are used in society in relation to people leading a criminal lifestyle.

Pedagogy uses resocialization as a tool through which new life values ​​are instilled in a person, which can replace those previously learned. The focus of this process is carried out in relation to people whose behavior patterns differ significantly from generally accepted rules. The main goal of such a tool is to restore lost status and change negative attitudes . In order to achieve the necessary result, the person being corrected must be immersed in a prosperous environment.

Resocialization of convicts is a term that is widely used in jurisprudence. Most often, this concept is used when resolving issues related to penal policy. This tool is used only for young people, since representatives of this age group are more susceptible to resocialization. In this example, resocialization is not the process of instilling generally accepted norms and rules, but the end result.

Socialization goes through stages that coincide with the so-called life cycles

Socialization of the baby in kindergarten

How does a child’s socialization occur in a preschool educational institution? It is worth recalling that in this case we will already be talking about secondary socialization. That is, various educational institutions come into operation, which strictly influence human life. So, in kindergarten the main role is played by the child’s learning process. It is for this purpose that specialists are developing a variety of educational programs that educators must follow. Their goals:

Creating positive conditions for the development of children (choosing motivation, creating one or another behavioral form). Thinking through the types and forms of pedagogical activity

That is, it is important to design activities so that, for example, they form a positive attitude towards the world, self-esteem, the need for empathy, etc. It is also important to be able to determine the level of development of each child in order to be able to work with each child according to his needs and opportunities.

The most important element is the socialization of the child. The program that will be chosen by preschool employees for this is also a special and responsible moment. Much of the child’s subsequent education may depend on this.

Who is responsible for resocialization

Resocialization is a series of social control measures aimed at correcting an individual with an antisocial behavior pattern. Such control is carried out by educational and military groups, schools, institutes and public organizations. Representatives of law enforcement agencies, who act as preventive structures, have special power in this matter. It is important to note that in most cases, resocialization implies the absence of measures depriving freedom. However, in the event of criminal acts committed against an individual, various sanctions may be taken.

In some cases, violation of generally accepted norms and rules can lead to long-term imprisonment. Considering the above factors, we can say that resocialization is an important tool that allows individuals to return their former social skills. Throughout this process, various methods are used to help eliminate antisocial behavior and reinforce positive attitudes. The following organizations can act as regulatory bodies carrying out resocialization:

  • educational and labor prisons for juvenile offenders;
  • correctional labor institutions;
  • rehabilitation centers for drug addicts and alcoholics.

The task of such institutions is to correct people who have taken the wrong path in life.

Prevention of school maladjustment

The first step in preventing school adaptation is to establish the child’s psychological readiness for the transition to a new, unusual regime. However, psychological readiness is just one component of a child’s comprehensive preparation for school. At the same time, the level of existing knowledge and skills is determined, its potential capabilities, the level of development of thinking, attention, memory are studied, and if necessary, psychological correction is used.

Parents should be very attentive to their children and understand that during the adaptation period the student especially needs the support of loved ones and the willingness to go through emotional difficulties, anxieties and worries together.

The main way to combat school maladaptation is psychological help.

At the same time, it is very important that loved ones, in particular parents, pay due attention to long-term work with a psychologist. In case of negative influence of the family on the student, it is worth addressing such manifestations of disapproval. Parents must remember and remind themselves that any failure of a child in school does not mean his failure in life

Accordingly, you should not condemn him for every bad grade; it is best to have a careful conversation about the possible reasons for the failures. By maintaining friendly relations between the child and parents, it is possible to more successfully overcome life's difficulties

Parents must remember and remind themselves that any failure of a child in school does not mean his failure in life. Accordingly, you should not condemn him for every bad grade; it is best to have a careful conversation about the possible reasons for the failures. By maintaining friendly relations between the child and parents, one can achieve more successful overcoming of life's difficulties.

The result will be more effective if the help of a psychologist is combined with the support of parents and a change in the school environment. In the case when a student’s relationships with teachers and other students do not work out, or these people negatively influence him, causing antipathy towards the educational institution, then it is advisable to think about changing schools. Perhaps, in another school institution, the student will be able to become interested in studying and make new friends.

In this way, it is possible to prevent the strong development of school maladjustment or gradually overcome even the most serious maladjustment. The success of preventing adaptation disorder at school depends on the timely participation of parents and a school psychologist in resolving the child’s problems.

Prevention of school maladaptation includes the creation of compensatory education classes, the use of advisory psychological assistance when necessary, the use of psychocorrection, social training, training of students with parents, and the mastery by teachers of the methods of correctional and developmental education, which is aimed at educational activities.

School maladjustment of adolescents distinguishes those adolescents who are adapted to school by their very attitude to learning. Teenagers with maladjustment often indicate that it is difficult for them to study, that there is a lot of incomprehensibility in their studies. Adaptive schoolchildren are twice as likely to report difficulties due to lack of free time due to workload.

The social prevention approach emphasizes the elimination of causes and conditions and various negative phenomena as the main goal. Using this approach, school maladjustment is corrected.

Social prevention includes a system of legal, socio-ecological and educational measures that are carried out by society to neutralize the causes of deviant behavior that leads to adaptation disorder at school.

In the prevention of school maladjustment, there is a psychological and pedagogical approach, with its help the qualities of an individual with maladaptive behavior are restored or corrected, especially with an emphasis on moral and volitional qualities.

The information approach is based on the idea that deviations from norms of behavior occur because children do not know anything about the norms themselves. This approach is most relevant to adolescents; they are informed about the rights and responsibilities that they have.

Correction of school maladjustment is carried out by a psychologist at the school, but often parents refer the child to an individually practicing psychologist, because children are afraid that everyone will find out about their problems, so they are referred to a specialist with distrust.

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Relevance of the issue

The topic of resocialization is closely interconnected not only with criminal actions. A similar process is carried out in relation to people from other categories . An important role in the development of modern society is given to the process of resocialization of people with addiction, personality disorders and mental illnesses, as well as in relation to people under severe stress due to natural disasters, terrorist attacks or road accidents.

Desocialization and resocialization are two sides of the same process: adult, or continued, socialization

People in the above categories need more than just social support. An important component in the process of resocialization is psychotherapy, auto-training and psychotherapeutic correction. In order to speed up adaptation in society, emotional stress should be eliminated.

Vivid examples of resocialization are demonstrated by such municipal services as the Church, the Salvation Army and charitable public organizations. However, such municipal services operate only in foreign countries. On the territory of the Russian Federation, specialized centers are engaged in social rehabilitation. Today, the issue of developing such centers is highly relevant, since the percentage of people in need of help is only increasing every year. Every person throughout his life is faced with the need for social adaptation . In order to achieve the desired result in this process, it is very important to relieve psychological stress and eliminate internal conflicts.

Approaches to understanding socialization

Definition 1

Socialization in the most general form is understood as the process of a person’s assimilation of social experience, its subsequent transformation into personal values, intentions, behavioral models, and orientations.

This process is two-way, has a pronounced subject-subject character, and during its implementation, the mutual influence of society on the individual and the individual on society is noted.

The course of socialization depends on numerous economic, political, social, historical, cultural, and technological factors.

In general, there are two main periods of socialization:

  • primary, which begins from the moment the child is born and ends by the age of 18, during which the individual becomes an individual, an active member of society;
  • secondary, which lasts throughout the rest of the individual’s life.

Socialization, therefore, is a continuous, permanent, social process.

Bottom line

Desocialization means a person’s refusal to accept socially accepted norms and rules in order to go to another, antisocial environment. This can happen either voluntarily or forced. For the most part, a person resorts to this form of development when he is unable to cope with the harsh living conditions in which he finds himself. As a result, he becomes maladapted, that is, an outcast from society.

If an adult must be responsible for his own decisions, then children and adolescents are victims of desocialization. They simply found themselves in an environment that was not conducive to their normal upbringing and development, which is what public organizations should deal with and eliminate.

Prognosis after stroke

A stroke is a sudden complication of a longer-term disease - a disturbance of blood flow to the brain due to venous insufficiency, vasculitis, hypertension or atherosclerosis. The outcome of a stroke will depend on the type and complexity of the disease, on the timeliness of medical care, and on which part of the brain was left without food and oxygen. Ischemic strokes occur more often - approximately 2/3 of all cases, with 15% of them ending in death, and 60% of patients have negative consequences.

In acute stroke, both ischemic and hemorrhagic, the patient may experience the following disorders:

  • complete or partial paralysis (immobilization of the entire body or one side of it;
  • paresis – numbness and loss of sensitivity of the skin;
  • vestibular disorders in the form of loss of balance, poor coordination;
  • disturbances in the swallowing process;
  • speech disorders;
  • hearing loss;
  • disruption of the bladder and intestines as a result of pelvic paralysis;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities.


Scientists have identified prognostic factors for determining rehabilitation potential, prevailing in the elderly and elderly, which negatively affect the recovery of complex motor functions after a stroke:

  • cognitive impairment (decreased memory and intelligence),
  • decreased mental and motor activity,
  • pronounced somatic burden, which significantly asthenizes patients and prevents full motor rehabilitation,
  • hypotonia of the muscles of the paretic leg,
  • imbalance function,
  • decreased attention,
  • elements of bradykinesia, often found in old age and senility due to a decrease in dopamine levels in the brain,
  • senile stiffness of joints.

In those elderly and senile patients who do not have the negative factors listed above, the restoration of walking and self-care does not differ from what is observed in young and middle-aged patients.

It should be noted that the restoration of working capacity and such complex skills as driving a car is much higher in the group of young patients: working capacity returns in more than 40% of patients.


Psychological addictions and getting rid of them through resocialization

The psychological dependence of alcoholics, drug addicts, and gambling addicts has not only a social background. In many ways, it is a consequence of injuries received by a person during his life. Having pulled the addicted person out of his usual environment, the Rehabilitation Center and its staff take on the difficult task of providing their patients with the opportunity to return to normal life without heavy psychostimulants. But it’s not enough to just stop taking prohibited and dangerous substances, you also need to adapt to new living conditions in society.

The more intense the interaction with the outside world during the period of resocialization, the more successful the procedure for integrating a person into new living conditions will be.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that psychologists help to vary the intensity of communication with the surrounding society at this stage. Depending on the success of a particular patient, options are offered for partial residence in the Center, with work outside of it, or any other acceptable methods, including the use of special social dormitories for those who are already halfway through recovery from an addiction

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Collective support is an incredibly important part of the rehabilitation program. It is at this stage that you can be inspired by the positive results of those who are also trying to return to normal life in society or have already been able to do so. Group discussion of successes and failures not only provides the necessary support, but also provides opportunities for effectively finding your own path in life. It is at this stage that you can find hobbies and new friends, form a social circle that will provide optimal conditions for completely refusing to return to harmful habits. Once formed, psychological dependence will not disappear on its own. You can and should work to get rid of it, achieving the desired results both in individual sessions with specialists and in a group, side by side with other people who have similar difficulties.


Desocialization, as a process of disruption of a person’s adaptation to social conditions, can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity. If we consider desocialization in its extreme version, then the concept of degradation can serve as a synonym for this definition. Examples of desocialization occur both in everyday life and in special conditions. For example, a person who spent a long vacation in the wild and returns to the work team in the office is a clear example of a mild degree of desocialization.

We can talk about a severe and pronounced degree, for example, by mentioning a person who returns to society after long-term treatment in a psychiatric hospital or who is in prison. A serious offense, for example, intentional murder, in itself already indicates a pronounced desocialization of the criminal, since it is a demonstration of disregard for social norms and orders. Therefore, the main purpose of punishment for a criminal offense is also the process of resocialization of the offender, in other words, correction.

In addition, desocialization can manifest itself in a global sense, representing a rather serious factor in reducing the potential of society as a whole. We can talk about the reduction and even destruction of social as well as national consciousness, through the imposition of various stereotypes through the media.

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