Find out what a girl thinks about you: 6 reasons why girls touch their hair

Body language is very eloquent, and the human brain is capable of reading information on a subconscious level. The ability to correctly understand certain signals from your interlocutor will help you establish contact with him. This especially applies to girls, mysterious and incomprehensible creatures. One of the brightest gestures that makes men think is when a girl straightens her hair during a conversation. If she does this in front of a mirror, everything is clear here, she wants to look good and make sure that her hair is not disheveled and her hair is styled well. But if this gesture is present during a conversation, then it reveals the girl’s deeper feelings and intentions.

A girl touches her hair - it means a lot

There is an opinion: if a girl straightens her hair, it means she wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex or is flirting. This is true, but there are other reasons for this gesture. You can straighten your hair in different ways, and each such gesture has its own explanation. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish exactly what signals a girl gives; this will greatly facilitate the understanding of the mysterious female nature.

Women's hair games hide much more

If a girl touches her hair when communicating, what does this mean? Below are six reasons.

  • Habit. Yes, this gesture may not mean anything other than habit. It is distinguished by its intrusiveness, more often manifested when a girl is nervous or when she is bored. In this way she finds peace and relaxes. Therefore, you should not be fooled into thinking that the lady is flirting. Then her movements would be measured and smooth.

Important! Unfortunately, the seemingly harmless habit of constantly touching your hair leads to negative consequences: it is fraught with the development of a disease leading to baldness.

  • If a girl constantly straightens her hair when talking, this indicates that she is worried or unsure of herself. This one differs from the gesture when a girl wants to attract the attention of a man by more abrupt movements. The more excited she is, the more often the girl touches her hair, thus trying to find support and calm down.

  • The gesture differs from the previous one when the girl straightens her hair, throwing it from one shoulder to the other. This action is associated with the desire to please a certain man. It is aimed at making him want to touch the girl. Such a gesture is unconscious, it is at the level of instincts and manifests itself when a lady is really interested in a man.
  • If a girl exposes her neck while adjusting her hair, such movements indicate her openness to communication and desire to be on an equal footing with a man.
  • If a woman pulls her hair back so that her shoulders are exposed, this means that she is determined to have closer contact with the man she likes. Sometimes, baring her shoulders, the girl also presses her cheek to her shoulder. And by this gesture one can judge her vulnerability and defenselessness, which she seeks to demonstrate to a man (of course, on a subconscious level), and, accordingly, receive protection. Also, this gesture indicates a desire to touch a man, to feel the warmth of his body.

If a lady throws her hair back, then we can judge her as an open and internally free person.
These are the main reasons why a girl touches her hair. Take a closer look at exactly what gesture she uses, and then her true motives will become clear.


“A woman is a mystery,” says popular wisdom, and we are sure that every riddle has a solution. It’s worth being a little more attentive and body language will tell you a lot of interesting things about its owner, and the video in this article will answer the questions that arise (see also the article “Lush hair: secrets of creating a beautiful hairstyle”).

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Text \ Photo Ekaterina Posted 06/14/2015



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  • Comments »

    Freud: what women hide when they go through their hair

    Sigmund Freud, the famous psychologist, believed that there is something sexual hidden in every habit. In each or not, we’ll leave this question to be sorted out by psychologists, but hair for a woman is of no small importance in terms of sexuality. This means that the way she treats them speaks about her sexual behavior. Read and take notes.

    Why does a girl pull her hair?

    If a girl pulls her hair, it means that “quick sex” will suit her perfectly. The same is indicated by the gesture when a woman twirls a curl of hair around her finger. She loves experiments and variety in bed. Usually she is in a good mood, but if the day is not going well and she is not in the mood for lovemaking, then she will say so directly. And the man’s sad eyes will not bother her in any way.

    Women straighten their curls from the forehead to the back of the head

    Another type of woman is those who move their hand from the forehead to the back of the head while straightening their hair. Having met such a representative of the fair sex, know: you will have sex in the dark under a blanket. And even if not exactly so, you will have to work hard for the lady to agree to love games. Because such a gesture is typical of modest and shy people.

    Runs fingers through hair when talking to a man

    A girl who touches her hair, running all her fingers through it, is vulnerable and tender; this movement reveals a romantic person. Such young ladies have enough sensual touches; this is not only the most important component in sex for them, but also an important, and sometimes the only, way to obtain the highest sensual pleasure.

    Starts to pull hair out at the ends

    Please note: if a girl, touching her hair, tries to pull out a few hairs, then there is no need to talk about her diplomacy - the girl does not possess such a quality. So, if you make a mistake in bed, she will say so directly and without undue tact. But this is for the best: it quickly goes away, and you will have the opportunity to correct mistakes.


    The fact that a woman likes to do everything according to the rules can be seen in the habit of straightening her hair from bottom to top. Then, when inviting her to dinner, try not to miss anything: candles, flowers and other “correct” conventions must be observed.

    Doesn't straighten hair at all

    And if, when talking with a girl, you just can’t see how she straightens her hair for the reason that she doesn’t do it, then know: there are such ladies too. And they love to dominate. Both in life and in sex, of course. They set their own conditions and do not compromise.

    The situation when a girl often straightens her hair during a conversation is clear: habit, excitement or disposition towards a man will reveal exactly how she does it. But if a man straightens a woman’s hair, this means that he has tender feelings for her. So a woman's hair can say a lot about feelings and emotions, and convey what cannot be said out loud.

    What does it mean if a girl touches a guy: I reveal the secret of female touch

    Recognizing the flirtatious movements of women is like walking on eggshells. She will touch and pat you, make signs that scream: “I am yours, take me!”

    You like her, you respond and ask her out. There you try to kiss her, but she... refuses to participate in this. You are confused and think “Why? What did I do wrong?"

    On the other hand, women get angry and hurt when a guy doesn't respond or doesn't understand their sexual innuendos. We ourselves rarely initiate or ask a guy out for many social reasons.

    What does it mean when a girl touches your shoulder?

    So, you must be able to read signals and touches in order to:

    Arms and shoulders are the most accessible hot spots for women to touch. I decided to write what it means if a girl touches a guy: about the different ways women touch men’s shoulders and how to react to each of them

    A man pulls his hair while talking. Human gestures and their meanings

    It often happens that a person who is interested in you unconsciously mirrors your movements. This shows that the two of you are on the same page, which means intimacy between you can increase. This is why dancing is considered an intimate or sexual activity - it makes you mirror each other's movements!

    Head tilt to the side is a primary indicator of interest; girls often do this during a conversation to show that they are involved and agree with you, and also to expose their neck, thereby showing you that she is comfortable with you.

    What does it mean when a girl taps a guy on the shoulder?

    A tap on the shoulder means a lot of things - and it's usually NOT sexually suggestive. Therefore, you should look for other sexual behavior before judging her intentions.

    Signs she's touching your shoulder to flirt with you:

    She does this often and unnecessarily. She doesn’t immediately remove her hand, leaving it lying on your shoulder. Tapping on the shoulder turns into rubbing.

    Signs she's just a friendly person:

    ✘ She asks an important question and is really interested in the answer, not in you. ✘You're distracted, so tapping your shoulder is the only way to get your attention. ✘She quickly removes her hand.

    The girl wants to please: perfect makeup and hairstyle

    A woman's appearance has a powerful effect on the stronger sex, and women know this. Therefore, a woman tries to please her beloved man by carefully choosing her hairstyle and makeup.

    Important: Girls, do not overdo it with makeup, sometimes the result can be disastrous.

    The fact is that a woman’s and a man’s concept of beauty can be very different. Women who are too sleek, expensively dressed and ideal in appearance seem inaccessible and cold to men. Although men really value grooming, naturalness and neatness in women.

    A girl touches the hair on a man's head

    Long hairLunar calendar

    Author Oksana Knopa

    Body language is very eloquent, and the human brain is capable of reading information on a subconscious level. The ability to correctly understand certain signals from your interlocutor will help you establish contact with him. This especially applies to girls, mysterious and incomprehensible creatures. One of the brightest gestures that makes men think is when a girl straightens her hair during a conversation. If she does this in front of a mirror, everything is clear here, she wants to look good and make sure that her hair is not disheveled and her hair is styled well. But if this gesture is present during a conversation, then it reveals the girl’s deeper feelings and intentions.

    A girl touches her hair - it means a lot

    There is an opinion: if a girl straightens her hair, it means she wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex or is flirting. This is true, but there are other reasons for this gesture. You can straighten your hair in different ways, and each such gesture has its own explanation. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish exactly what signals a girl gives; this will greatly facilitate the understanding of the mysterious female nature.

    How women attract attention and how men attract attention. What are the differences?

    Men and women are not always in a hurry to admit their feelings. But in the presence of the object of their sympathy, some of their gestures cannot remain silent about sympathy. Subconsciously they attract attention to themselves. And sometimes only a very observant person will be able to read the meaning of these gestures.

    The difference between female and male gestures is that a woman shows her weakness and femininity, and a man tries to demonstrate his strength.

    What do men do

    What do women do

    What does it mean when a girl leans on your shoulder?

    Such an action excludes her from the “friendship” zone and pulls her towards the “seduction” zone.

    Signs she's flirting with you:

    ❤ At this moment she says something personal. ❤ She says something vulgar. ❤ A girl wants to compliment your perfume or smell you (that's when she decides whether to sleep with you or not). ❤ She tests your physical strength (some women do this to decide whether to go to bed with this man).

    Signs that this is a friend zone:

    ✘She's just gossiping and doesn't want anyone to hear. ✘She almost fell and wanted to keep her balance. ✘ You are much taller than her, so she needs to lean forward to talk to you. ✘She does this to everyone.

    What does it mean if a girl takes your hands

    A rather intimate gesture that encourages you to hug her back and kiss her. But, as usual, everything is not so simple.

    Signs she's flirting:

    She initiates the movement, not you. She touches the shoulder and runs her hands along her arm. She holds you tightly and pulls you towards her. She may lean or rest her head on your shoulder. Even after you have crossed the road or when the rain has stopped, she still clings to you.

    Signs that this is just friendship:

    ✘ You just cross the road. ✘ She immediately pulls away. ✘ She was cold. ✘ It’s dark and she’s holding on to you so she doesn’t get lost. ✘ You share one umbrella.

    Hidden Desires

    About horror, openness and attention-seeking

    A woman straightens her hair when talking - a gesture that is one of the most common and, with small differences, can be interpreted in completely different ways.

    Pay attention! This gesture is often confused with the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex. But in the 2nd case, the lady will act slowly and without haste, allowing the man to see her hair and hands.

    The habit of twirling hair around your finger often goes back to childhood. The cost of such an innocent habit is the development of trichotillomania, a disease that is difficult to correct and can lead to alopecia

    Interesting to know! In Rus', only unmarried girls could walk with uncovered and loose hair; married ladies demonstrated their status as spouses by covering their heads.

    This is interesting: What is hair mascara - description, rules for selection and use Since ancient times, thick and shiny hair was considered a sign of health, so ladies subconsciously following the “call of the ancestors” show their “health” to a man who is in search of a companion.

    Such a gesture means to attract a man’s gaze!

    Baring a shoulder is a sign of a lady’s defenselessness and vulnerability, but don’t worry, she likes this role

    Hair and female sexuality

    Sigmund Freud is a famous Austrian psychologist who made a great contribution to the development of sexology and sexopathology. Grandfather Freud has his own view of the subconscious movements of the body, including those associated with hair.

    What it means when a lady straightens her hair was perfectly clear to Sigmund Freud, the great psychologist and psychotherapist.

    Modern psychologists have put a lot of effort into finding the connection between a woman’s sexuality and the way she treats her curls. Curious what happened to them? Let's move on.

    Touching your hair with your hands was interpreted by Sigmund Freud and is directly related to sex appeal

    Freud's grandfather theory

    Girls who quickly fiddle with a strand of hair with their deft fingers and constantly twist it around their finger will agree to “quick sex” and are not against the most non-standard tests in bed.

    Such ladies are occasionally prone to the blues or a bad mood, but if now the stars align in such a way that the lady is not in the mood for intimacy, she will tell you about it straight to the forehead and will be completely indifferent to your disappointment and real sadness in her eyes.

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    Representatives of the lovely half of the world's population, who every now and then run all their fingers through their curls, are vulnerable and romantic natures who prefer caresses to sexual intercourse. Sometimes, to achieve an orgasm, such girls only need touching.

    What does it mean if a woman straightens her hair, running all her fingers through her curls? Before you is a romantic and vulnerable nature

    Take a closer look at your chosen one, what is she doing? Every now and then he tries to pull out one or two hairs? In front of you is a lady who can hardly be called diplomatic, but rather the opposite.

    She will not be afraid to tell you to your face that you did not live up to her hopes in bed (if this, God forbid, happens). But she is very quick-witted, so the “knight” will always have a chance for rehabilitation.

    The habit of straightening your hair from bottom to top with two hands indicates that the lady is conservative to the core and will seek the same from you. If you make the most mundane decision, for example, inviting her to dinner, you will have to think about everything down to the smallest detail - flowers, candles, the color of bed linen and even a photo as a keepsake.

    A small note on seduction: those who like to straighten their hair from bottom to top are conservative and a little old-fashioned in relation to the opposite sex

    But there are also those who are actually indifferent to their hair, do not fiddle with it or touch it. Such ladies in sex will prefer to be “on top” in the literal and figurative meaning of the word. In life, such ladies dictate their terms, do not renounce their own principles even in bed, declaring this straightforwardly and categorically.

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    Having considered what it means when a woman straightens her hair, it is worth mentioning those who are completely indifferent to their curls. Before you is an imperative, independent and restive nature.

    Bonus: She touches your shoulder together + other body language signs

    The only way to know if she really likes you is to add up as many love signs as possible. Combine touch with other signals.

    Don't think that you can draw conclusions based on one touch. Look for consistency and clues.

    Here are some body language signs to look out for:

    Do her eyes widen when she sees you? If yes, then that's good.

    When we see something we like, our pupils automatically dilate and a sparkle appears in our eyes. True, this is quite difficult to notice.

    If you feel like she's looking at you longer than your average friend, then she really likes you.

    Another good sign is when she says something funny to others and immediately looks at you. She wants to make sure you smile too.

    She plays with her hair, neck or jewelry - she subconsciously wants you.

    She constantly touches you for no reason. Even if she's just sitting next to you, she'll move her hands so they rub against you or move her legs to touch yours. Keep in mind that this only works if there is enough space around it.

    A girl's touching a guy includes stroking his hair, the back of his head, and his back. What does it mean if a girl touches a guy? And the fact is that if she does this with attention, following her movements with her eyes, and keeping her hands on you, then she is in love with you and really wants to continue communication.

    Your Tatyana Kreker

    Some video tips about touching:


    Frank calls

    Signals such as stroking are even more revealing. They tell their partner about sexual desire. For example, a lady may stroke her shoulders, thereby demonstrating a desire to be hugged. Hints of intimate connection are also contained in the unconscious stroking of one’s thighs. The desire to win over your partner and encourage him to get to know each other more closely also manifests itself in light touches of himself.

    If a woman, in the presence of a man she likes, begins to behave a little stupidly - laughing provocatively loudly, embarrassed like a schoolgirl - then she is attracted to the man as a potential intimate partner. It is clearly high time for the man to move on to more active actions. Loud laughter coupled with long inviting glances is a direct invitation to contact with sex in the future.

    By the way, Russian women behave much more modestly and restrainedly than European and American women. They can flirt with their partner for a long time, going a long way from timid glances on the sly to loud open laughter and stroking. This reveals the mentality of our women, who were brought up in the belief that a young lady should under no circumstances approach a man on her own.

    American and European women are much simpler in this regard and even somewhat lazier. If they like a guy, they are unlikely to perform the “peacock dance” in front of him for a long time and, after several “checks” with their eyes, they will immediately approach him to get acquainted. In some countries (for example, the Netherlands), emancipation is so strong that ladies are almost always the first to take the initiative.

    If the same Dutch woman liked a guy, she herself will approach him, get to know him and even shower the handsome man with compliments. Dutch men are so used to this that they do not understand any “opaque” or “transparent” hints. Moreover, they often expect the ladies to take the initiative.

    The reason is misfortune

    Dr Peter Hills, who teaches psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, and Dr Michael Lewis from Cardiff University, have published a paper which suggests that unhappy people tend to avoid eye contact.

    They are more likely to pay attention to a new hairstyle, beautiful shoes or the scent of perfume. Perhaps this happens because the suffering person does not want to immerse himself in the true emotional state of the interlocutor. He has his own problems “through the roof”!

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