The article explains:
- The essence of positive thinking
- Reasons to think positively
- The power of positive thinking: how it manifests itself
- Top 5 Motivational Books for Positive Thinking
- Success Diary for Positive Thinking
- Clearing your speech of negative words
- Affirmations and affirmations for positive thinking
- Proactive life position
Positive thinking is an important part of success. These are not “rose-colored glasses,” but a way of looking at the world in which your health improves, connections with partners are easier to form, and you generally want to move on with your life. The ability to find something bright and joyful among troubles is not initially given to everyone. But this can be learned.
Positive thinking can seem formulaic and unnatural. However, scientific facts show that cheerful people live longer and cope with life's troubles more easily. Read more about positive thinking and its development in our material.
The essence of positive thinking
A benevolent view of the world, filled with hope for the best, is called positive thinking. This is how optimists look at the events of their lives. A striking example of the difference in perception is the lines attributed to Omar Khayyam about two people looking out the window. Translated, they sound something like this: “One saw abyss and mud, the other saw green spring, foliage and a blue sky. Two people were looking out the same window.” Both heroes are right, such is the world of each of them. You shouldn’t give in to the negativity that is around a lot.
Pessimists came up with an expression with a negative connotation - “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.” This is considered wrong and frivolous, and people condemn this approach. On the other hand, a considerable number of people who are stubborn in their belief in the best have actually achieved success, wealth, and fame. Not right away, but such people achieve their goals because they did not give up, did not retreat. And they cannot be considered naive simpletons, this art of positive thinking helped them find opportunities where others saw an impenetrable wall.
Sane optimists from time to time take off their favorite “rose-colored glasses” to check the course of life and correct it. But this does not mean at all that they become gloomier and lose all hope. This is just working on errors in order to eliminate them.
Disadvantages of positivity.
At first glance, it may seem that positivity has no drawbacks, but upon closer examination it becomes obvious that not everything is so simple.
Firstly , excessive positivity may indicate a person’s carelessness or arrogance. Lack of seriousness sometimes prevents you from looking at events soberly. Instead of taking the necessary measures, an overly optimistic person hopes for chance, missing the precious moment. As a result, for example, he loses a customer or even a job. There is a saying that a pessimist is a well-informed optimist. Of course, you shouldn’t dramatize either, but carelessness often leads to negative consequences.
Secondly , the positive thinking of one can be perceived as ridicule of others. Not all people tend to accept difficult situations with a smile on their face. An optimist in their company will look, at least, strange or frivolous. On the one hand, it is worth choosing your environment more carefully, forming it from like-minded people. On the other hand, optimists must be balanced by realists, otherwise solid “rose-colored glasses” will not make it possible to foresee difficulties and plan ways to overcome them. So, it is advisable for any optimist to learn to communicate with less positive people, sometimes showing a little more involvement and seriousness.
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Thirdly , constant positivity pushes towards the superficiality of relationships, especially if it begins to closely border on indifference. This is also bad. Such a person values his surroundings, friends, and partners less. Doesn’t try to keep a girl with whom temporary difficulties have begun, under the pretext “if not one, then the other,” etc. Of course, you can adhere to such a life principle, but there are no ideal people, so the “merry fellow” risks being left alone. It is not necessary to appear as an emotionless “robot”, without problems and difficulties. People love sincerity and sometimes those who are not afraid to show their concern inspire more trust in them than always positive interlocutors.
But the listed shortcomings absolutely do not negate the importance of positivity in a person’s life. It’s just that this quality must be constructive and meaningful, so as not to cloud the mind with unnecessary illusions, lulling vigilance. We’ll talk about methods for developing a positive attitude later.
Reasons to think positively
When people prefer to stick to the old traditional views of success and do not try to explore new and fresh ways, this is undoubtedly a destructive approach. Remaining passive, grumbling about life and fate, not accepting changes in society and family, such individuals seem to shift responsibility for their well-being to someone else and do not believe in their own capabilities. In the life of such a person, full of doubts, something bright and joyful really rarely happens.
It is very important to learn to perceive every life situation, any events and facts absolutely neutrally. Do not rush to paint what is happening in dark shades or evaluate it poorly. Negativity should not dominate the head, soul and heart. Otherwise, a series of troubles will energetically begin to simply stick to you, grow, and your reality will become truly destructive.
A person who looks at everything negatively only evaluates, while not controlling the situation at all. He has the impression that he is weak and subject to sudden blows of a merciless fate. Self-confidence disappears, doubts overcome, and decisive action begins to be avoided. Negativity drags on like a quagmire!
Top 5 Motivational Books for Positive Thinking
Not everyone is lucky enough to be born and raised in a positive environment. Sometimes pessimism and criticism towards everything in the world reign in the family. In this case, until the beginning of adult independent life, a person is not even aware of the power of a benevolent perception of reality. By chance, a motivating book about positive thinking falls into your hands. He receives new knowledge from the outside, the soul responds, and this is how radically different personality qualities are developed. The type of thinking and life attitudes change. The worldview is turning upside down. Agree, we are always inspired by stories of other people's success, we learn good things from those who persistently pursue their goals. And if we begin to act, good events are attracted into our lives.
3 ways to change negative programs
Books about the achievements of modern people are the best and easiest way to learn something useful for yourself and change your destiny. They give pleasure, raise morale to fight for the positive, and everything planned comes true!
Louise Hay "The Healing Power of Thought."
It is useful to read any book by this author about the formation of positive thinking. The writer is widely known. She is convinced that the root of all our problems is destructive pessimism. First of all, you should learn to think brightly and joyfully.
Joseph Murphy "Get health, wealth and happiness through the unconscious mind."
Joseph Murphy is a leader of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles, speaker and author. He wrote thirty books worthy of your attention about the subconscious, self-confidence, and managing your life. This is the result of his many years of observations and practices, one might say, textbooks on how to improve your life.
We recommend starting with the book “Get Health, Wealth and Happiness Using the Unconscious.” It talks about the power of the subconscious and our beliefs. With the help of thoughts, any person will be able to overcome fears, negativity, fill their life with well-being and happiness, peace and strength. The consequence of these processes will be improved relationships with people dear to us. The author believes that life itself is ready to support us if we rely on our inner strength.
John Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do anything."
Together with the famous Canadian writer, motivator, and personal growth coach, learn techniques for controlling the forces of the Universe! The book forces you to actively engage in making your goals a reality.
John Kehoe's work is based on a brain development program. Any reader can follow the author's advice.
Valery Sinelnikov “The power of intention. How to realize your dreams and desires."
In this book, the key is the author’s statement that we create our own lives. Based on this opinion, it is proposed to develop a certain model of human consciousness.
The reader will learn how to create an intention, manage it, and how to overcome obstacles that arise on the path to well-being.
Robin Sharma Mega Life. A 30-Day Journey to Real Life."
Already in the introductory article it promises: “this revolutionary book will change your life.” You will never regret having studied about three hundred pages about the most important things: aspects of health and a happy life, the principles of proper nutrition and breathing, physical activity and a positive outlook on the world.
As a bonus at the end of this useful story, you will receive an action plan for the month and can immediately begin improving your mind, character and body.
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Meaning of the word positive
The positive avatar of some may be negative for others; for orcs, for example, Saruman is positive, and Gandalf is negative.
And these questions begin with the word “How!” For example, the negative statement “You won’t succeed anyway!” Can be reformulated into a positive question: “How can we use all the benefits of the project and avoid possible risks?” Negative statement: “You performed a task poorly?” Positive question: “How can I avoid performing a task poorly in the future?” In general, questions that begin with “how” are most effective if we want to redirect the other person’s attention to the goals and results of the activity. It is important to remain confident in that you can reformulate any negative statements and enjoy it.
The answer is given in a schematic formula: 1) basic trust in the world leads to self-acceptance, which forms a positive parental script or anti-script “in spite of” or “in spite of”; 2) basic distrust causes denial of oneself and the environment, which contributes to the formation of a negative parental script or negative anti-script. And the rarest option: 3) basic distrust on a negative basis with acceptance-non-acceptance of oneself (the struggle of motives and internal forces) with the victory of the rational principle, which, despite everything, forms a positive anti-script. Introduction to major neurosology What is neurosis? In today's world it is impossible to find a person who has not experienced neurotic symptoms at least once in his life.
The test result was positive, that is, I want to say, it’s like in the Waserman test - positive means sick... Oh, excuse the rough comparison...
The laws that govern living matter: plants, animals and, especially, people, can no longer have a clearly expressed positive character: they are more complex, and one of the main problems of modern biology is that they are trying to find biological laws in a positive form, based on for mathematics.
And how quickly we will feel the message of courage, boldness, energy radiated by positively minded men and women around the world if we ourselves acquire a positive attitude!
Dedicated to the analysis of these two perspectives, the two parts that make up the Treatise on the Knowledge of Living should not be read in order, as is usually the case when reading books, but simultaneously, with the description of the negative serving as the basis for the positive project, and the positive project confirming the negativity.
Thus, the task of the intellect is to determine the positive and negative potentials of a phenomenon or an active factor, since both of them can have both positive and negative consequences.
If we want to maintain a positive attitude of mind at the moment of death, then we need to learn now to keep our mind from negative states and, by all means, accustom ourselves to positive ones.
Labor law has two main aspects that reflect its essence and social purpose: positive (labor law can be considered as a branch of positive law) and moral[12].
Success Diary for Positive Thinking
It's not easy these days to maintain a positive mindset all the time, no matter how the day turns out. We advise you to keep a success diary, that is, regularly, at the end of the day, you can write down your big and small achievements there - everything that lifts your spirits and brings satisfaction. It will be good to start it by remembering your school days.
With such a list of personal successes always available to you, a positive emotional aura is invisibly formed around you. Re-reading this diary when it’s sad or difficult, people begin to enthusiastically believe in their strength. Good self-support is such a repository of success. It prevents you from being disappointed in yourself and fuels your desire to fight for well-being. Plus the logic kicks in: if I could do it before, everything will work out now.
A daily five-minute boost of positivity is very important during periods of failure.
Clearing your speech of negative words
Our words are an indicator of our worldview, a characteristic of a person, her portrait. What a person says affects him, not only those around him. The more often a person says rude or loving words, the more they change his subconscious. Knowing this immutable rule of human psychology, you can intentionally form positive thinking in yourself.
Affirmations and affirmations for positive thinking
Self-hypnosis is very effective. Use life-affirming phrases (they are called affirmations), and also specifically formulate positive questions for yourself, for example: “Why am I considered a good friend?” These types of questions are called afformations.
There are different ways to learn the art of positive thinking: through video, through audio, or by formulating affirmations yourself. They are considered the most effective, because when inventing them, a person invests his own energy. There is enough material posted on the Internet.
Let's name the best examples of positive statements.
- I find new facets of beauty and harmony in myself.
- I only use beautiful things.
- I enjoy the beauty of the world.
- I am free and happy/free, happy.
- My day goes by with a positive attitude.
- In the morning I am with love and joy in my heart.
- I find the strength to feel happiness and joy.
- Everything I have brings me pleasure.
- Luck follows me all day.
- My life is inevitably, inexorably getting better day by day.
- I lovingly accept my inner world
What is this “positive thinking” and how to achieve it?
What is “positive thinking”, and what is all this for?
Positive thinking (positivity) is a type of thought process when a person sees, for the most part, advantages in solving any life situations and perceives the world around him in the most favorable light.
A positive attitude allows you to: - achieve great heights in business and in your personal life; - learn new aspects of life; — open up opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement; - build positive relationships in all aspects of life; - cope with all life’s difficulties with minimal losses; - win no matter the outcome of the case; - motivate loved ones.
How to start thinking positively? At first, this, of course, is not entirely easy...
To learn to think positively, you need to learn to track all your thoughts and emotions and try to replace negative ones with positive ones. This does not mean that you don’t need to see the negative at all - you just need to make the right choice in the direction of necessity, react to any situation quickly, but with a significant dose of optimism and, in the end, bring positive results for yourself in any matter. Thought control is not an end goal, but rather a path, and it can seem quite labor-intensive and energy-consuming. But the results are definitely worth it.
Ways to develop positive thinking:
1. Smile every day! A smile is already a positive attitude, which sends a signal to the brain that we are happy. Then endorphins are involved in the process, your mood continues to improve and your positive attitude spreads to everything around you. A good way to smile correctly can be found by reading Elizabeth Gilbert's book Eat, Pray, Love or watching this movie. 2. Keep a Gratitude Notebook.
Express your gratitude daily. It doesn’t matter to whom and it doesn’t matter why. Write down all the points in your life for which you are grateful to fate/God/chance/mother/yourself, etc. (underline as necessary), but it is better to choose as many such “sources” as possible. Thank you sincerely and to everyone. Expressing gratitude improves your mood, activates positive energy, and has a positive effect on your thinking. And in general, write down any good thoughts and things that happen to you. 3. Visualize your dream! Create your own “Wish Card”, attach even those photos that are simply unthinkable for your budget at the moment - I won’t go into depth about the differences between your capabilities and the Universe, I’ll just emphasize: the main thing is to sincerely believe, desire and devote at least 5-10 minutes a day for visualization (contemplation of your “map”) with the idea that you already have all this and are truly happy. For the completely ascetic, this option can be replaced by reflection and personal visualization of your positive desires.
4. Choose a healthy lifestyle: - cook/eat healthy food; — devote enough time to rest and your favorite hobby; — go in for sports/yoga, do not forget that regular active physical activity has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the emotional and psychological state of a person. Choose the sport that fits harmoniously into your life. - do meditation. Meditation is not only a spiritual practice, it is a healthy stress reliever that slows breathing and heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, slows aging of the body, leads to clarity of thought, expands consciousness and elevates mood. There is no one right way to do meditation. Just as people are very different from each other, so the way of meditation is different for everyone. Beginners need to experiment until they find a method that works best for them; — get enough sleep!
5. Use positive phrases. Positive words are equivalent to positive thoughts and vice versa. Try to read more positive stories, positive affirmations and developmental literature. Express your thoughts based on positive phrases, and try to use phrases with a negative attitude less and less often: “I can’t”, “I won’t succeed”, “I don’t see a way out”, “This is impossible”, etc.
Avoid unconscious speech - as the saying goes: “Silence is golden.” If you are overly expressive, it is also useful to write down positive phrases: “I am calm”, “I perceive everything positively”, “I take this issue lightly”... there are a lot of such phrases - just formulate yours in accordance with the situation that has arisen and be sure to write it down.
Create your own list of positive phrases and read it every morning/evening, don’t forget to add new ones - this way you will gradually change your thinking. 6. Monitor your thoughts and emotions. It’s impossible to think only positively all the time (although maybe it’s just a matter of time), just don’t forget about the fact that only you are responsible for your thoughts. Here only one expression comes to mind: “Thoughts create actions, and they are our whole life.” The more often you try to think in a positive way, the more pleasant emotions and moments will become in your life, it will be more difficult to piss you off - and this will save your energy for good deeds both in your personal life and in your business. 7. Set yourself up for a positive outcome. Visualize the positive result of any of your endeavors, imagine your success or desired return in every detail and believe in achieving your goal, and the law of positive energy will definitely help you too. 8. Interact with positive people. Here, of course, you can insert a short treatise on energy vampires and the harmful effects of communicating with an eternally dissatisfied neighbor. I’ll just tell you straight (and maybe not quite “how is it... humane”): exclude from your environment all the people who constantly bring only negativity, complain, bring negative emotions and irritation to you and suck the positive energy out of you . Surround yourself with positive people, sympathetic friends, cooperate only with open and positive-minded sellers of goods for your creativity, in general, in all aspects of life, look for just such people (as you know, there is always a choice, we just don’t make it sometimes). And here we are not talking about compassion at all! - over time, it is even possible that you will be able to “cure” many of these “vampires” by setting them up for positive thinking. In addition to this list, there are, of course, other ways to develop positive thinking:
- Listen to yourself, and perhaps you will find a few more sources of your positive thinking! There is no such pill that gets rid of negative thinking, in this matter you are your own doctor
— It all depends only on you, on your attitude and desire to learn to think positively and do it as often as possible!
I wish you a wonderful mood and... think positively!
Lena Lee.
PS Finally, I suggest you smile:
Proactive life position
The essence of positive thinking is the understanding that good and bad events in a person’s life are largely determined by him. We decide for ourselves whether to be optimistic or not.
Proactivity is our ability to take responsibility for everything that happens to us in life. By changing our reaction to circumstances, we change those circumstances. You can’t just go with the flow, you need to change your guidelines and values towards the positive. To do this, control your thoughts, assessments, believe in your strengths and find the opportunity to change. In this case, you will achieve all your goals. Hope for success, wait for it.
A person’s life cannot do without patterns; there are many of them. The universal principle of feedback is one of the most basic. Positive thinking attracts good events, and allows you to endure bad ones with wisdom. When you believe in yourself and know how to recover from failures, success will definitely come.
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The benefits of positivity.
Firstly , according to the principle of feedback, a person receives a response from the Universe to which he subconsciously tunes himself. Our thoughts determine words, actions, surroundings, and events. If you follow this logical chain, then positive thoughts attract more success and reasons for joy into a person’s life. This is a law of psychology that works equally in both directions. That is, similarly, a person attracts failures or disappointments. To prevent this from happening, you need to have a certain degree of optimism.
Secondly , a positive mood produces a noticeable therapeutic effect. This is due to the production of “happiness hormones”, which have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs. Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and other substances normalize blood pressure, improve metabolic processes, give additional strength and energy, and stimulate activity.
Thirdly , positivity can be considered as a guiding “star”, telling a person that he is on the right path. This statement is comparable to the concepts of vocation and destiny. When someone chooses the wrong road, disappointment or failure awaits them. This all causes negative emotions. On the other hand, by choosing the right path, a person achieves greater success. He feels "at the right time, in the right place." The whole world reinforces these feelings.
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Vivid examples of the effectiveness of positive thinking are given in the famous book of the American writer Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”. True, it is worth noting that even the author himself points out the need to supplement correct thoughts with specific measures for their implementation. It is foolish to count on a prize in the lottery without ever buying a ticket. Also, positivity, not backed up by effort, only leads a person into the world of illusions and self-deception. This is one of its disadvantages, which we will discuss later.