Melancholic personality type: compatibility, characteristics and temperaments

All people are different in character. It is formed throughout a person’s life: in the process of education, socialization, and the formation of a stable value system. It is based on an innate personality trait – temperament. In psychology, there are 4 types of temperament: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic. The character of a melancholic person is the most contradictory and ambiguous.

What does a melancholic person look like?

Who is a melancholic person?

A melancholic person is an impressionable person with a vulnerable soul. Who is a melancholic person? He is an introvert and is characterized by constant worries, anxiety, and emotional outbursts. Such figures of science and art as Chopin, Descartes, Newton, Michael Jackson, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, S.A. Yesenin, were famous melancholics.

Important! In psychology, melancholic is a type of temperament that is similar to choleric temperament. Like choleric people, these are very emotional people. However, the main difference between these two types of temperament is that a melancholic person is a person who worries, hiding it from others, while hot-tempered choleric people express emotions publicly, sometimes lashing out at others.

What types of temperament are there?

This division was first made in the 2nd century by the ancient Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher Claudius Galen, who made a huge contribution to anatomy and psychology. Let's analyze each temperament and give a detailed description.

– Choleric

These people behave like a volcano. Cholerics can often be short-tempered and irritable. It is quite difficult for them to control their emotions, since for any reason, even the smallest, they can explode. Usually they are very proactive and energetic people, with great zeal they perform any work, but only that which they like.

Because routine and monotonous work quickly tires them, as a result of which they lose at least some interest in it and become unproductive. It is worth noting that choleric people tend not to complete assigned tasks. This may greatly interfere with their ability to build a career in “office jobs,” but they can excel in creative professions—such as artists, musicians, etc.

– Sanguine

This personality type is characterized by a balanced nervous system. Such people love to come into contact with others and can easily adapt to new environmental conditions. They are often the center of everyone's attention in companies; they are called the “soul of the company.” They are distinguished by expressive facial expressions and pantomime. Sanguine people, like choleric people, are emotional, but their feelings are not so deep and pass quickly.

Moreover, sanguine people are constantly in a good mood. Their distinguishing feature from choleric people is greater self-control and patience. They are very productive at work, but the most significant success can be achieved from them when the process itself captivates them. Since they are more impatient and inattentive, only a job they like deprives them of these shortcomings.

– Phlegmatic

This type is the most balanced of all. It is very difficult to anger or infuriate such a person, and if you succeed, they quickly calm down and come to their senses. Phlegmatic people hardly react to psycho-emotional shocks and do not know how to sincerely rejoice or empathize. They have low self-esteem and often underestimate their own achievements in the face of others.

– Melancholic

These are exactly the people with whom it is difficult to find a common language, and to communicate in general. Melancholic people, unlike phlegmatic people, are very vulnerable. They are characterized by quiet speech, timidity, retardation of movements, and hyperbolism. Also, probably the biggest drawback of melancholic people is a tendency to suicidal thoughts and actions.

There are cases when melancholic people, unable to cope with difficulties, committed suicide. It is difficult for such people to climb the career ladder. Since any stress, be it a remark from the director or the tension of the work process, can put a lot of pressure on a sensitive person and lead him to a nervous breakdown.

Distinctive features of the melancholic temperament

Types of human temperament and their brief characteristics

You can recognize a person with this type of mental organization by the following simple signs:

  • Such an individual worries about any failures and gets upset easily, but it is unusual for him to throw out negative feelings on others;
  • In the team he is considered withdrawn, as he strives for loneliness;
  • Such people are very impressionable and vulnerable;
  • They are characterized by innate shyness;
  • They are prone to constant introspection (at the same time they are very self-critical);
  • These are slow, inert people, since their nervous system is weak;
  • With a finely organized psyche, such people often have highly developed aesthetic taste and creative abilities;
  • They are well versed in art;
  • They have the ability to empathize, their empathy is sincere;
  • They avoid taking responsibility for a common cause, working in a team; they prefer to be not a leader, but a performer;
  • Touchy, but at the same time easy-going (this helps them maintain friendly relations with a narrow circle of people).

Attention! You should not think that all melancholic people are the same, that their main characteristics are sadness, depression, despondency, a tendency to complain about life and suffer for real or fictitious reasons.

Melancholic characteristics of men and women

What is a person's Nordic character like?

The description of a melancholic person in behavior and activity is associated with gender.

Melancholy couple

Attention! In the behavior of men and women, melancholic temperament can manifest itself in different ways.

Melancholic man

Melancholic men look like intellectuals with good upbringing and aristocratic manners. They are serious, punctual, tactful, and efficient. In addition, their positive trait is the habit of keeping promises.

In relationships with the opposite sex, such a gentleman is always attentive and caring. He has been looking for his life partner for a long time. On the one hand, he needs a sensitive and gentle girl who can understand his individual characteristics, and on the other hand, in a relationship, his chosen one must be a strong leader. When he finds her, he remains faithful to her all his life.

Additional Information. Women are attracted to this type by their romantic nature and ability to organize beautiful dates. At the same time, a lady may refuse to court him, discovering his low self-esteem. Self-doubt complicates both the personal and professional spheres of life for a man with this type of temperament.

Characteristics of a melancholic woman

Melancholic women differ from people with other types of temperament in their excessive sensitivity and vulnerability. Any sort of showdown is alien to them. Having to explain or prove something to someone tires them out. Such girls do not like to make new acquaintances and avoid noisy companies and parties. Their husbands are often childhood friends, classmates and classmates.

A woman with a melancholic temperament is a wonderful housewife. This means that she knows how to create coziness at home, cooks deliciously, and loves cleanliness and order.

Additional Information . Despite the fact that a melancholic girl is feminine and attractive to men, her relationships with the opposite sex are difficult due to an inferiority complex caused by the low level of self-esteem inherent in this temperament.

Educational work with sanguine people

Educational work with sanguine people.

In relation to lively, sociable, energetic sanguine people, you need to rely on these characteristic qualities, trying to help them assert themselves among their peers and develop their own individual style of activity. At the same time, it must be taken into account that such traits as composure and neatness are formed in sanguine people with greater difficulty than in children with other temperaments. Frequent condescension towards “small”, at first glance, violations of rules and order (did not put away textbooks, scattered pencils, did not hang a coat on a hanger, etc.), lack of control over behavior and actions contribute to the destruction of useful habits in sanguine people (makes it difficult for them to formation).

The sociability of sanguine children attracts those around them, but often the external form of behavior masks not very attractive character traits (stickiness, intrusiveness). The pliability and plasticity of the nervous system, which facilitate easy entry into new environments and new activities, sometimes turn out to be a negative side: the child changes one toy after another, has many companions, but not a single friend, takes on everything, but rarely finishes what he starts. Therefore, one of the tasks of raising a sanguine child is the formation of stable attachments and interests.

A sanguine person is prone to wit, quickly grasps new things, and easily switches attention. Jobs that require quick reactions suit him best. He quickly gets tired of the monotony. As soon as an activity loses its attractiveness, the child tries to stop it and switch to something else.

In all such situations, you should ensure that the work started is completed, pay attention to quality, and avoid superficial and careless completion of the task. Poorly done work can be offered to be done again. You should not allow frequent changes of activity - the habit of taking on everything and not finishing it can become a character trait.

It is very important from an early age to teach a child to be attentive to his peers, to help establish strong, deep relationships between a sanguine person and his peers, so that his new acquaintances do not crowd out old attachments. One should not limit the liveliness and activity of a sanguine person, but it is useful to teach him to restrain his impulses, if necessary, and to take into account the claims of others.

Educational work with choleric people.

With regard to choleric people, it is necessary to take into account that often it is precisely their characteristic activity, mobility, assertiveness, and emotionality that help them occupy a favorable position in “children’s society.” Therefore, it is advisable to use their favorite outdoor and sports games when forming the “I-concept” and optimizing the relationships of these children with their peers.

Cholerics are easily excitable and, as a rule, very energetic. The difficulty of teaching and raising an excitable child is often aggravated by the wrong attitude of adults towards him, who at any cost try to impede the child’s activity and restrain his mobility. There is no need to forbid him to be active, there is no need to lead him by the hand or lecture him. It is much more expedient to support his useful hobby, to strive to organize his life in such a way that his activity finds useful use. We must take into account the fact that a choleric child is easily excited, it is difficult to stop him, calm him down, and put him to sleep.

In no case should you use “strong measures” of influence - shouting, slapping, threats. This only intensifies the excitement. You should speak to an excitable child calmly, but demandingly, without persuasion. Since these children have a naturally weak inhibitory process, they should not be reproached for being overexcited. We need to help curb it, and jokes and humor will be appropriate here.

Strange as it may seem, the “tireless” choleric person needs a particularly gentle regimen. It is advisable to limit anything that excites the nervous system, especially in the afternoon, before bed.

Excitable children benefit from all types of activities that help develop intelligence and concentration: board games, construction, sawing, drawing - in a word, everything that can captivate and requires perseverance. It is very good if a child has a permanent work assignment, it disciplines him and develops the ability to manage himself.

At the same time, there is no need to be zealous in limiting the physical activity of choleric people (and sanguine people). Increased emotionality, reactivity, and assertiveness of a choleric person can, due to his inherent impulsiveness and lack of restraint, lead to complications in his relationships with peers. It is difficult for a choleric child to follow the rules of communication: speak calmly, wait his turn, give in, take into account the wishes of others. He should be taught this patiently, using approval, reminders, and sometimes comments. From choleric schoolchildren, the teacher must constantly, gently but persistently demand thoughtful, calm answers, cultivate in them restraint, an even attitude towards comrades and adults. While performing a training task, choleric people should develop the ability to consistently carry out work according to a specific plan; it is necessary to demand from them a conscientious attitude to work throughout the entire task. But at the same time, we must not forget about the special power of playful communication, relying on motives of activity that are significant for younger schoolchildren. (game, competitive, self-affirmation, etc.)

It is important to appreciate the determination, courage, energy inherent in such children, the stability of their interests, and the often manifested initiative.

Educational work with phlegmatic people.

In the process of academic work, a phlegmatic student is often hampered by his slowness. In cases where it is necessary to quickly think, quickly remember, quickly do something, a phlegmatic person shows complete helplessness.

At the same time, if he remembers, then for a long time and thoroughly. The teacher must intensify the activities of phlegmatic students as often as possible, fight indifference, excessive calmness and slowness, force them to work at a constant pace, evoke an emotional attitude towards what is being studied, towards the process of activity. A common mistake when raising phlegmatic people is making demands on the child without taking into account his natural characteristics, showing dissatisfaction with sluggishness and awkwardness. Shouts, threats, and pushing have never helped a single phlegmatic person become fast. On the contrary, such a strong irritant as a shout has an inhibitory effect on the child, and instead of rushing, he acts even more slowly. There are times when a child suddenly exhibits an uncharacteristic pace of activity, but the fast pace requires a lot of tension from the child, and the “reserves” of this tension are small. Another mistake adults make is the desire to remove the child from everything that requires effort and immediately come to his aid. In this case, the child will never become active; he may develop self-doubt and a desire to avoid everything associated with the word “quickly.”

It is important to be patient and from an early age to teach a slow child the techniques of dressing, washing, caring for things, various types of household work and self-care. You can think about accelerating the pace of learning only when the child has mastered the correct techniques, and in the beginning the main thing is not to rush. It is necessary to develop the activity and mobility of phlegmatic people gradually, observing the feasibility of increasing the pace. It is important to encourage even minor manifestations of agility and mobility. Slow children need to create such conditions so that lethargy and inactivity do not turn into laziness, and evenness of feelings does not turn into their poverty and weakness. Situations that require resourcefulness and quickness should not be avoided, but it is also important to praise such a child for displaying these qualities. You can call on competitive games to help, and sometimes an alarm clock or an hourglass - teach you to finish the task before the bell rings. Children with a sedentary nervous system prefer quiet games and activities. It is important for the teacher to take this into account, especially in optimizing the interpersonal relationships of a phlegmatic person with peers. In didactic games and constructive activities, such qualities of phlegmatic people that are significant for success as poise, tolerance, the ability to concentrate for a long time, equanimity, self-control, diligence, and accuracy become especially noticeable to others. These qualities should also be relied upon when helping a phlegmatic person develop an individual style of activity.

In order to overcome possible inertia and lethargy, phlegmatics should also be included in such types of activities that require physical activity from the child - gymnastics, outdoor games, hiking, collective work, etc. In these cases, the success of the overall child depends on the pace and rhythm of the child’s work. business, and if he is too slow, he may let his comrades down. But slow children should not be combined in collective work with those whose pace is much higher. This is important to consider when conducting sports games and exercises.

Due to their high rigidity, phlegmatic people slowly get used to new living conditions. It is difficult for these children to get used to school, to teachers, it is difficult to adapt to a new regime, new requirements, to part with their parents, to meet new children... Phlegmatic people need help to overcome these difficulties. To develop the ability to adapt to new conditions, it is useful to give your child assignments that require communication with children or with adults. This kind of activity also helps develop communication skills in introverts.

If the child gets down to business, you should not leave him alone, otherwise the “building up” period may be prolonged. It is difficult for a phlegmatic child not only to start a task, but also to finish it. You should warn him in advance about the need to finish the work, but do not interrupt him abruptly. It is very good if a phlegmatic person is friends with an active child. But we must be careful that the energetic comrade does not take all the initiative into his own hands. All this will help turn a “quiet” phlegmatic person into a diligent, careful, thoughtful, hardworking person who is significant to his peers and a beloved comrade.

Educational work with melancholic people.

Also, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of melancholic students. In academic work, melancholic people are not able to tolerate strong and prolonged stress, which is explained by the rapid transition of cells from the brain to a state of protective inhibition. Students with a melancholic temperament should develop sociability, a sense of collectivism, and cultivate a sense of friendship and camaraderie. When teaching a melancholic child, it is especially important to observe a gentle regime and the principle of gradualness. First of all, you should limit the noise, the number of toys, and narrow the circle of acquaintances, because the baby cannot tolerate strong irritants. But at the same time, it is necessary to teach the child not to be afraid of noise, to treat a new person calmly and without anxiety, and to be able to actively act with a new toy. The circle of acquaintances should also be expanded gradually, starting with one calm peer. After the child gets used to it, this circle can be expanded. Children with a weak type of nervous system have great difficulty joining a team, do not easily break away from their mother, slowly get used to the routine, cry for a long time, refuse classes, and do not talk with their peers. The first days of such a child’s stay at school require great attention from the teacher. It is necessary to show attention and sensitivity, it is important to win the child over, to inspire trust (otherwise he will suffer for a long time).

Children with a weak nervous system require careful treatment: you cannot raise your voice at them, show excessive demands and severity, punish them - all these measures will cause tears, isolation, increased anxiety and other undesirable reactions. You should speak to such children softly, but confidently, and do not skimp on affection.

Melancholic people are suggestible, so you cannot emphasize their shortcomings - this will only reinforce their lack of confidence in their abilities. The attitude towards anxiety should be ambiguous. After the removal of adaptation stress, anxiety can become a condition that will stimulate activity and self-regulation of the child’s activities. Melancholic children are characterized by high sensitivity to mistakes made and at the same time a high level of self-control. This ensures fairly high productivity and quality of work, and high learning ability. It should be taken into account that melancholic people are introverts. They often plan their actions without prompting from other people. It is very important to help them find friends, overcome shyness, self-doubt, and excessive anxiety. Melancholic people need to develop a desire for activity and the ability to overcome difficulties. The positive emotions of these children should be supported.

Children with a weak nervous system require relatively frequent rest. Success in working with melancholic people also involves relying on their valuable qualities - sensitivity to emotional influences, the ability to empathize, empathy, etc. Children of this temperament usually find it easier to express themselves and assert themselves in artistic activities (musical, visual, etc.). It is important to take this into account in the process of educational and correctional work.

Psychological and pedagogical recommendations for conducting a lesson, taking into account the temperamental characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

Knowledge of the temperamental traits of children allows us to more correctly understand some of the features of their behavior and makes it possible to vary the methods of educational influences as needed.

First of all, it should be noted that the teacher’s ability to specify methods for organizing students’ attention, taking into account the individual characteristics of their temperament, is very important.

Already at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher must organize the attention of schoolchildren, create their readiness for serious mental work.

Knowing that the attention of a sanguine person is characterized by mobility, the teacher from the first minutes of the lesson should try to keep such a student in sight and direct his concentration to academic work. There should be nothing foreign on the desk.

To switch the attention of choleric schoolchildren, it is necessary to find methods for quickly involving them in educational work that are appropriate to the given situation.

Some knowledge here comes from the teacher’s addresses to the student with questions such as: “What was assigned for homework?”, “What difficulties were there in preparing for the lesson?” ; involving schoolchildren in distributing class notebooks and helping the teacher prepare to use instruments and visual aids in class. You should not treat such children harshly.

For children of melancholic temperament, slow concentration at the beginning of the lesson is indicative. An oral questioning, a test, a new type of activity are strong irritants for them, causing increased anxiety.

Knowing this, the teacher should strive to divert the student’s attention from his emotional state and direct him to academic work, which will be facilitated by creating a calm environment in the classroom.

When presenting new material, what matters is the student’s quick intelligence and the stability of his concentration. In schoolchildren with choleric temperament, when the lesson is properly organized by the teacher, in most cases we observe a pronounced stability of attention. In organizing the attention of such children, it is especially important to captivate them with work and emphasize the importance of the issue being studied. To maintain the concentration of a sanguine person, they should be involved in answering questions on previously known material.

Students with a phlegmatic temperament, when listening to new material in cases where speed and intelligence are required, do not always have time to follow the teacher’s train of thought. In such cases, you should present the material at a more measured pace and try to check your assimilation of new things. The performance of independent work in class largely depends on the individual approach to children of different temperaments. A choleric person often lacks endurance in overcoming the difficulties encountered. It is necessary to encourage the student to demonstrate balance in behavior, perseverance and patience in work. Some students with a sanguine temperament often get distracted from their work or do it too hastily. This leads to mistakes that could have been avoided. It is important to encourage such students to exercise self-control in their work. The attention of a melancholic student is usually unstable, the child is not confident in his knowledge, and constantly doubts. The teacher should maintain a sense of self-confidence in the child from the very beginning of this type of work.

During an oral question and consolidation of knowledge, it is also necessary to pay attention to the emotional state of melancholic people. Some teachers do not have the patience to wait for the student to concentrate and begin to answer.

Balance should especially be observed when communicating with children of choleric temperament. The reason for the strong agitation of a choleric person in many cases is ignorance or misunderstanding of any issue. A calm explanation of the question by the teacher will help reduce excitability. Schoolchildren with strong development of phlegmatic traits usually speak slowly and sluggishly. The teacher's desire to rush such children does not always lead to positive results.

Activating the memory and thinking of students with a sanguine temperament is greatly helped by a variety of techniques for consolidating new material and questioning. The teacher also needs to pay attention to the tone in which the remark is made. In relation to sanguine schoolchildren, firmness in the tone of a comment has a positive meaning; a choleric person is influenced by remarks made in a calm but demanding tone. The tone of comments to melancholic children should be gentle and considerate. The harsh tone of communication has an inhibitory effect on such children. Evaluative remarks often bring them to tears. The teacher’s implementation of a pedagogically justified approach to schoolchildren with different types of temperament is an important psychological prerequisite for the success of their studies and extracurricular activities.

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Benefits of being melancholic

The role of temperament and character in a person’s professional self-determination

Melancholy has both positive and negative characteristics. The positive qualities of these individuals include thoughtfulness, developed empathy and psychologism.



Instead of acting at random, melancholic people carefully weigh and think about everything. In their professional activities, this habit helps them reduce risks. Due to their tendency to constantly analyze their actions and thoughtful decisions, melancholic people are always valued by their superiors.

Developed empathy

The ability to empathize with the grief of others makes a melancholic person an excellent friend. He perfectly senses the slightest changes in the mood of his friends, and knows how to read their emotional state by the intonations of their voice. Friends value him for his ability to support and say the right words in difficult times. In addition, melancholic people know how to share not only grief with a friend, but also joy.


Possessing a subtle, sensitive psyche, melancholic people know firsthand how easily a careless statement can hurt the soul. This means that the melancholic person is well versed in the psychology of people. A melancholic person is a careful interlocutor, an attentive listener. He does not impose his opinion on anyone and is in no hurry to lecture others.

Phlegmatic person

Level out the influence of the specifics of emotions - excessive slowness.

  1. Keep in mind: emotions, time pressure and authority are arguments for others. A phlegmatic person must remember that his behavior in an extreme situation may be incomprehensible and even unacceptable to others. Indeed, with any form of argumentation and pressure (“We won’t have time to submit the work,” “You are slowing down the work of everyone else,” “The head of the company is dissatisfied with your delay!”), the phlegmatic person completes the work only as quickly as he is used to, and does only what he was told in advance, or better yet, what was indicated in the instructions. This infuriates his colleagues, especially since even in a stressful situation it is useless to push, threaten or remove him. Realizing the reasons for such a conflict situation, the phlegmatic person must explain that he understands everything and will patiently wait for an objective, preferably written, argument (“Please be so kind as to provide the documents, upon receipt of which, as soon as possible!” Otherwise, unfortunately, I won’t I can’t change it”).
  2. Learn empathy and tactful communication skills. Reacting too slowly to feel the interlocutor and show tact in communication, the phlegmatic often gets into trouble. He needs professional communication training and even some familiar and proven schemes for organizing it.

Mitigate the influence of speed of switching dynamics.

  1. Give yourself enough time to absorb the information. When other employees have already understood everything and are starting to work, the phlegmatic person is just beginning to realize what needs to be clarified and what questions to ask in order to begin building an action plan. He needs to calmly and carefully “digest” the argument. Preventing the invasion of suppression and sublimation, its typical forms of defense, requires a sufficiently long temporary accumulation and summation of the corresponding signals so that they exceed the personal threshold. Therefore, he himself must reserve time for clear planning and structuring of his actions. However, it is not necessary to demonstrate your desire to act only after developing the intended program, since such systematicity may seem exorbitant and annoying to others.
  2. Imagine a new task as a development of the old one, start building a graph of your subtasks. The phlegmatic person is convinced that in a hurry it is impossible to come up with and do anything significant. He believes that a task must grow from within for a long time and only then can it be perceived as meeting serious internal needs and promoting inspiration. With this position, he does not tolerate parting with each previous task and the need to switch to a new one, which requires re-arranging all the planning. But it’s a completely different matter when the task is not fundamentally different, but related to the previous one and requires only some adjustment of plans. That is why it is so useful for a phlegmatic person to imagine the situation as a development or continuation of the old one.
  3. Consider the role of the age of communication partners. In old age, representatives of all temperaments shift somewhat from choleric to phlegmatic. Due to the age-related slowdown of reactions, the interval of the past taken into account when constructing behavioral strategies also increases. As a result, it becomes possible to synthesize events over longer time periods than in youth. By prolonging a larger interval of the past, even elderly choleric patients are able to look into a more distant future. Therefore, when calculating the possible behavior of an individual, it is necessary to take into account not only temperament, but also age.

Disadvantages of a melancholic person

Like people with any other type of temperament, melancholic people have a number of shortcomings and weak character traits. The main ones are touchiness, vulnerability, dependence on other people's opinions.


Such an individual can be offended by any little thing: a harsh tone of voice, a rude word, criticism of his work. Being offended, they stop talking to others, behave demonstratively, and wait for an apology. However, this model of behavior is by definition considered infantile. Touchiness does not contribute to the establishment of constructive interaction; melancholic people are often misunderstood. They annoy others.


Excessive impressionability of an individual gives rise to vulnerability. These sensitive natures are always close to tears. They may burst into tears not only when contemplating a touching scene in a film or reading a novel, but also when their superiors express dissatisfaction with their work. The vulnerability of an adult melancholic person complicates the interaction of work colleagues with him. Because of this feature, they are considered whiners.


Dependence on other people's opinions

Melancholic people are excellent performers; they try to avoid a leading position. This is due to the fact that they are afraid to openly express their opinion and prefer to adhere to the opinion of the majority. They often show conformity. This prevents them from making decisions on their own. They tend to shift responsibility to others in any matter, even those that concern their problems personally.

Important! The pros and cons of the character of a melancholic person are not a death sentence for him. A person can systematically work on himself, eradicating his shortcomings. This can be done independently or while working with an experienced professional psychologist.


It is easier for a person with this type of temperament to occupy the position of a subordinate. He prefers to simply do his job well. The most suitable professions are: artist, accountant, programmer, scientist, nurse, psychologist. They like work related to analytical thinking and the search for the meaning of life (see How to find your place in life).

A melancholic person has a hard time tolerating:

  • Huge responsibility, risk, fast pace of work;
  • Tensions in the team, conflict situations, intrigues (see: Got stuck at work);
  • Long work without breaks (need breaks every 2-3 hours);
  • Constant cooperation (effectiveness of individual work);
  • Changeability, lack of social insurance and fixed wages.

It is important to realize that such a specialist will be extremely indispensable in situations that involve the disclosure of creative potential, calculations, forecasting, learning new things, showing empathy, helping other people

Melancholic at work

People with a melancholic type of temperament are categorically not suitable for those areas of work where the employee is required to respond quickly and make independent decisions. It is difficult for them to constantly be in tension and concentrate on instruments and devices. Professions that require constant communication with different clients are not suitable for melancholic people, since representatives of this type of temperament have low resistance to stress and get tired from excessive communication.

Such employees do not like teamwork. Participation in corporate events is also a burden for them. For people of this type, individual work is suitable, which involves the possibility of working in a free schedule: while at the workplace, sensitive people dream of coming home sooner, to a familiar, cozy environment. Freelancing and remote work are suitable for them.

Important! When choosing a profession, individuals prone to melancholy should pay attention to the area of ​​work where the emphasis is on the quality of work of one employee.

Pros and cons of character

At first glance, it may seem that a melancholic temperament has more disadvantages:

  1. Closedness and difficulty communicating with people. Melancholic people avoid noisy events, preferring loneliness. They greatly underestimate themselves and have difficulty revealing their true feelings.
  2. Tendency to pessimism and depression. They, of course, are not born pessimists right away, but often become one after encountering life’s difficulties and various troubles. Melancholic adults often complain about fate and believe that they always lose in everything.
  3. Lack of resistance to stress. A melancholic person cannot be called stress-resistant. He experiences any minor troubles as a huge grief. Therefore, the nervous system of melancholic people quickly depletes. Constant overexertion can block their activity and prevent their creative potential from emerging.
  4. A melancholic person has an increased sense of anxiety. He is always on the lookout for trouble.
  5. Melancholic people are quite slow and get tired quickly, so they need frequent breaks while working.
  6. Tendency to judge people by inflated standards.

Nevertheless, all the weaknesses of this type can be easily compensated by its significant advantages:

  1. Empathy and the ability to wholeheartedly feel other people's emotions. A melancholic person can listen to the experiences of another person, sincerely sympathize and even offer practical advice.
  2. A developed sense of aesthetics and the ability to see beauty in the most unexpected things.
  3. Powerful creativity and rich imagination allow a melancholic person to create real masterpieces in art.
  4. The ability to deeply analyze, high intelligence and innovative thinking of a melancholic person help to develop science and make important discoveries.
  5. Tendency to serious relationships both in love and friendship. Representatives of this type of temperament carefully choose their environment, so they have a limited circle of friends. At the same time, the melancholic person will be the most devoted and reliable friend who always keeps his word and fulfills his promises, as well as a faithful life partner.

Melancholic and relationships

In relationships with the opposite sex, melancholic people value sincerity, trust, and mutual care. Regardless of gender, the partner must be stronger emotionally. It acts as a shield for him from the negative impact of the outside world.

Melancholic in relationships

Attention! Those who build relationships with a melancholic person need to be prepared to listen to his constant complaints about work colleagues, picky bosses, and low wages. A saddened soul does not expect her lover to solve all her problems, she just needs to talk it out. If an attentive partner, after complaining, hugs, kisses, and says that everything will be fine, the melancholic person will become happy for a while.

Raising a melancholic child

Parents of a melancholic child should not worry about a dull, lonely existence awaiting him in the future. In order to help a child socialize and succeed in life, they need to develop his communication skills and enroll him in arts and crafts clubs.

Parents must teach their child to cope with difficulties. In case of failure, support him with encouraging statements and focus on his achievements. In addition, parents of a melancholic child need to take it for granted: the speed at which they perform any task will always be lower than that of their peers with a different type of nervous system. There is no need to rush such a child. Haste will negatively affect the result of work and the emotional state of the child.

Attention! The main thing in raising a melancholic person is to create in him the confidence that he is loved for who he is. Such children need frequent stroking, hugs, and parental kisses. If his parents believe in his abilities, he himself will also believe in himself and achieve a lot in life.

Melancholic and other types of temperament

It is most difficult for a melancholic person to find a common language with a choleric person, because choleric people do not choose expressions, often raise their voices, like to make comments, and the melancholic person is traumatized by all this. In addition, choleric people cannot resist making fun of a friend, and melancholic people do not understand jokes. If choleric people paid more attention to the emotional state of others, were more tactful, and knew how to apologize, then relationships with such people would be smoother and longer lasting.

Melancholic and choleric

Relationships between a melancholic person and people of the same type of mental organization will be unproductive. There is a risk that these people will drown in mutual grievances and despondency. Instead of constructive interaction, they will sit in different corners of the room and sulk at each other.

A phlegmatic person is not the best option for a relationship with a melancholic person, because the latter will be sure that his partner is indifferent to him. In such a union, the melancholic person will not receive emotional support. He will suffer from the coldness of his partner. A melancholic person needs constant verbal encouragement, admiration for his actions, declarations of love; phlegmatic people are not inclined to openly demonstrate feelings.

For an ideal relationship, a melancholic person needs a cheerful, fiery person who will not allow him to fall into depression and despondency. A sanguine person would be an excellent match. With his cheerfulness, positive and optimistic attitude, a sanguine person infects any (even the most sad) melancholic person. In addition, sanguine people love to arrange pleasant surprises, which melancholic people so need.

Happy in a relationship

Thus, to briefly answer who a melancholic is, he is a very sensitive and vulnerable person who will be faithful and devoted to those who truly love him.

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