Latent tendencies of sexual desire in women as a cause of coital anorgasmia

Youthful hypersexuality is a normal phenomenon. Young people aged 19-25 simply need sexual release. With age, the need for sex becomes less urgent. However, there are exceptions.

Hypersexuality is an urgent need for several sexual contacts per day. Moreover, sometimes a man or woman cannot be satisfied with one partner. Hypersexuality can be congenital or caused by certain events, hormonal changes, and psychological trauma.

Types of sexual constitution

Sexuality is closely related to one of the three categories of sexual constitution. With a weak sexual constitution, secondary sexual characteristics appear late, after 14 years, and are not so pronounced. In particular, men have wide hips and narrow shoulders, while women have narrow hips and flat chests. The need for sex in men arises only a few times a month. Women may, in principle, not enjoy sexual intercourse.

Average sexual constitution is the most common phenomenon. In people with this type, secondary sexual characteristics appear at the right time. They rarely stand out from the crowd due to their abundant hair or too curvaceous figure. People with an average type of sexual constitution usually want to have sex several times a week. Without external causes and psychological problems, frigidity and impotence do not threaten such people.

Sexual desire in people with a strong sexual constitution manifests itself early, as do secondary sexual characteristics. Both men and women have abundant body hair. Women have wide hips and large breasts. In men, the Adam's apple stands out; very often they have wide shoulders and narrow hips. For this group, hypersexuality is the norm, since the need for sex arises every day.

Increased attraction to the opposite sex occurs during puberty in boys and before the menstrual cycle in girls. Falling in love, stressful situations, strong emotions also contribute to increased production of the corresponding hormones.

One of the significant anomalies of sexual life is an abnormal increase in sexual sensations and ideas and the resulting strong and frequent need for sexual satisfaction.

The fact that the sexual desire and desire for procreation inherent in every normal person has not received a dominant meaning in a person’s life must be explained by centuries-old upbringing; Moreover, despite the temporary ebbs and flows, sexual desire, being only an episode in the feelings and aspirations of cultured people, imparts to their social and moral feelings a higher, noble, sublime character, giving wide scope for both personal and social activities.

Further, moral and criminal laws keep the sexual desire of a cultured person within certain boundaries established in the interests of society and protecting in particular the modesty and morality of the latter; these laws force a person to overcome his attraction when it runs counter to altruistic social requirements.

If these requirements could not be fulfilled by a normal, cultured person, then there would be no family, no state, these foundations of moral and legal community life.

In fact, in a normal, mentally healthy person, who has not lost his mind and prudence due to poisoning with alcohol and other similar drugs, sexual desire never reaches such a height as to capture all his thoughts and feelings, absorb him completely, force him violently, uncontrollably, impulsively strive to satisfy sexual desire with oblivion of moral and legal laws, and even after performing sexual intercourse, destroy oneself in an insatiable craving for new pleasures.

Sexual desire of this type is certainly pathological. On occasion, it can lead to sexual affect of such strength that, with a darkened consciousness, in a state of mental insanity, under the influence of an irresistible desire, a violent sexual act is committed.

Such phenomena have still been little studied from a scientific point of view, although they are of great importance for the court, since in such a state of mind, when natural sexual desire, having reached a pathological height, comes into conflict with all moral and legal norms, there can hardly be any talk of sanity. For society and for the forensic doctor who has to give an opinion, it is very important that such cases of irresistible attraction, leading to severe and extremely abnormal sexual affects, occur only among persons of a certain category, among degenerate people, and almost exclusively on the basis of hereditary degeneration.

Unfortunately, the number of people with various signs of physical and mental degeneration is quite large in modern society, especially in cultural centers. In connection with the perversion of sexual life, especially due to moral dementia of a degenerative nature, monstrous, most terrible sexual crimes often arise with the assistance of alcohol, which would be a disgrace to humanity if it were assumed that they were committed by normal people.

The commission of such crimes by degenerates, and in some cases by abnormal people, is accompanied by violent actions or impulsive delirium. This nature of actions is characteristic of mental degeneration.

The mode of action corresponds to hereditary or acquired properties and largely depends on the potency or impotence of the person in question.

Such pathological sexuality is a terrible misfortune for a person, because he is constantly in danger of violating moral and criminal laws, losing honor, freedom and even life. Alcohol consumption and prolonged sexual abstinence can always cause such strong sexual affects in such degenerates.

Along with severe manifestations of pathological sexuality based on mental degeneration in the form of “Violent actions,” a less dramatic expression of excessive sexuality occurs more often. We encounter this form in its weakest degree. In people whose sexual passion is constantly in need of satisfaction, it is very strong in nature, and the whole meaning of life, all the happiness of their life lies for them.

in satisfying sexual desire; however, they do not have painful attractions, they can usually control themselves, maintain external decency, and not compromise themselves; Otherwise, they strive to use every opportunity for their own purposes and take advantage of it to an excessive extent. The next stage is represented by “skirts”, Don Juans, whose whole life is spent in the indiscriminate satisfaction of their sensuality, and, as people with a perverted moral sense, they do not stop at either seduction, adultery, or even incest.

Observation 11

P, house manager, 53 years old, married, without severe heredity and epileptic phenomena, a moderate carouser, without symptoms of premature old age, discovered, according to his wife, throughout his married life (from the age of 28) excessive sexual passion, sharp lust, significant potency and was insatiable in sexual pleasures. During copulation, he was “like a beast, wild, trembling all over, sniffling,” so that the somewhat cold wife felt disgust and performing marital duties was torture for her.

He tormented her with jealousy, and soon after the wedding he seduced his wife’s sister, an innocent girl, and fathered a child with her. In 1873, he took her and the child into his house and thus had two wives, and he preferred his sister-in-law, which his wife considered the least evil. Over the years, his lust increased and his potency decreased. He often helped himself by masturbating, even immediately after copulation had taken place, and he was cynically not embarrassed by the presence of his wives. From 1892, he began to engage in debauchery with his 16-year-old pupil, usually forcing the girl to masturbate him. He even tried to force her to copulate with a revolver in his hand. He made the same attempt in relation to his unmarried daughter, so that he often had to protect the latter from his encroachments. At the clinic, P. behaved calmly and decently, explaining everything by increased sexuality. He didn't justify his actions, but he couldn't help himself with anything else. His wife's coldness forced him to resort to adultery. No mental disorders are noticeable, but all ethical feelings are absent. During the 25 years of marriage there were several epileptic seizures (!). No signs of degeneration are noted.

Based on my research, I consider this sexual hyperesthesia to be a sign of functional degeneration. Whether such a phenomenon can be acquired, accidental in a person not burdened by heredity - this question must be subjected to scientific research. It is argued that this is possible due to poisoning with cantharidin, alcohol, with simultaneous strong sensory arousal, then due to peripheral irritation, such as itching in the genitals, eczema, etc., especially during menopause.

It should also be noted that in a completely normal person the degree of sexual passion is subject to large fluctuations depending on age, the constitutional state of the body, lifestyle, the influence of somatic diseases, etc. Starting from the period of puberty, sexual desire quickly rises to a significant height, in total It is more pronounced between the ages of 20 and 40 and then slowly decreases. Marriage preserves and curbs sexual desire.

Changing the object of sexual intercourse increases the strength of attraction. Since a woman is usually more abstinent than a man in sexual relations, a sharp increase in her sexual need should be viewed as a pathological phenomenon. Residents of large cities, to whom everything reminds them of the sexual sphere, to whom everything excites them to sexual pleasure, (other things being equal) have more passion than residents of the village. A luxurious, pampering, sedentary lifestyle, the predominance of animal food, the use of alcoholic beverages, spices, etc. have a stimulating effect on sex life.

In women, sexual activity is enhanced during the postmenstrual period. In neuropathic women, excitement at this time can reach pathological heights.

The intense concupiscence of consumptives even in the later stages of the disease is noteworthy. In general, hyperesthesia of central origin due to predisposition is often a partial phenomenon of mental exaltation1. In these cases, when the cerebral cortex, and with it the psychosexual center, are in a state of hyperesthesia (abnormal excitability of fantasy, facilitated associations), not only optical and tactile, but also auditory and olfactory sensations are sufficient to determine erotic ideas.

Magnan reports about one girl who, since the onset of puberty, discovered an ever-increasing sexual desire and satisfied it through masturbation. Gradually, this increase in sexual desire reached such an extent that the very sight of any man brought her into extreme excitement, and since she could not vouch for herself, she locked herself in the room each time until the attack passed. In the end, wanting to calm the painful passion, she began to give herself to the first man, but neither normal sexual intercourse nor masturbation brought her relief, and she had to be placed in an institution for the mentally ill.

In parallel to this, we can cite the following case. We are talking about a mother of five children, who, suffering greatly from an insatiable sexual desire, repeatedly tried to kill herself, then was admitted to a hospital for the mentally ill. Here her condition improved, but she no longer trusted herself and I was afraid to leave the hospital.

Many expressive cases of this kind, relating to both men and women, are given in the author’s article “On some anomalies of sexual desire,” observations 6, 7 (Archiv für Psychiatrie, VII, 2).

How strong, dangerous and severe sexual hyperesthesia is for persons suffering from this anomaly is shown by the following two observations.

Observation 12.

Sexual hyperesthesia. Masturbation in front of students at school. Ts, 36 years old, married for 12 years, father of 7 children, school director, constantly masturbated during class, and although the side of the pulpit facing the students was closed, they noticed it. One day the night before, he drank a little more than usual, before the start of the lesson he had trouble and during the lesson, at the sight of a 15-year-old student who had excited him for a long time, he fell into a state of sexual passion, he got an erection, and he, without controlling himself, grabbed the genitals, after which ejaculation immediately occurred. Only then did he understand what had happened, understood the shame of what had happened and tried to make sure the girls didn’t notice anything.

He could not point out the darkening of consciousness, the lack of memory during this sexual passion.

Since his entire previous life was impeccable, the court assumed that he was in a sick state at that time and subjected him to an examination. My research revealed the following. C came from healthy parents. Two relatives were epileptics. At the age of 13, a severe concussion of the brain followed by an acute weakening of reason, which lasted three weeks. Since then, severe irritability and intolerance to alcohol.

From the age of 16, the awakening of sexual life in a very strong form, with strong sexual irritability, so that just reading obscene books, the sight of a photograph of a woman was enough to quickly induce ejaculation. At the age of 18, copulation occurs occasionally. Most often, it was enough for him to touch the woman’s hand for orgasm and ejaculation to occur. Married at the age of 24. Sexual intercourse 3-4 times a day, masturbation and “mental copulation” at the same time.

Since the birth of his 4th child, due to economic considerations, he was forced to abstain from sexual intercourse, he rejected condoms, helped himself by self-masturbation, touching a woman and the daytime emission caused in this way, but this did not satisfy him, he was constantly sexually aroused and almost every 6 weeks he came to such a state that he lost his will and reason, and, in order to protect himself from sexual aggression towards a woman, he masturbated intensely. Since this relative abstinence, Ts was so hot-tempered and irritable that he often beat his wife and children for no reason, shouted at them, and raged. It happened several times that during such strong emotions he lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and wheezed in a peculiar way. After a few minutes he came to his senses, but did not remember what had happened. He had a similar attack three days after the offense was committed.

I found C to be an intelligent, developed man, full of remorse and shame. He understood that he could no longer be a teacher at a girls' school, and complained about his unnatural, unlimited sensuality. He made no attempts to justify his action, but pointed out that due to his insatiable lust, excessive work (up to 12 lessons daily), he had recently completely upset his nerves. There are no signs of hair on the head, the parietal part of the skull is convex. The genitals are large, flaccid, and generally normal. The patellar reflex is greatly increased.

My conclusion was that C suffered from painfully increased sexual power, in all likelihood, also epilepsy, and committed the offense in a state of pathological affect, when his ability to control himself was reduced to a minimum. Ts. was released from further prosecution and received a pension.

Observation 13.

On July 11, 1884, R., 33 years old, a servant, was admitted to the clinic with paranoia of persecution and sexual neurasthenia. The mother was a neurasthenic subject, the father died of a spinal cord disease. Strong sexual desire from early childhood, and from the age of 6 it is already conscious. From the same time onwards there was masturbation, from the 15th year pederasty, and sometimes sodomistic acts. Subsequently, sexual abuse in marriage with the wife. From time to time, aberrant impulses, attempts at cunnilingus, giving his wife Spanish flies because her lust did not match his own. After a short marriage, the wife died. The patient's financial situation worsened, and he was deprived of the opportunity to have normal sexual intercourse. Again masturbation and the use of an animal's tongue (as part of a sodomistic act) to achieve ejaculations. At times, priapism and a state close to satyriasis. Then, as sexual neurasthenia and hypochondriacal attacks intensified, a weakening of excessive desire began to be noticed, to the satisfaction of the patient.

As a unique form of sexual hyperesthesia

It should be noted that there are cases
of women
who have a strong need for sexual intercourse with a certain man, and this need urgently requires satisfaction. “Unhappy love” for another man can quite often occur due to mental or physical (marital impotence!) dissatisfaction in marriage among passionate women, but in the absence of severe heredity it is usually suppressed by ethical principles. The situation is different in pathological cases, that is, on the basis of mental degeneration.

Fetishism almost always plays a role here. Sexual desire is irresistible, sometimes occurring periodically. Attempts to fight it cause a painful state of fear. The painful need is so strong that all considerations associated with shame, an insult to morality, and female honor recede before it, and this is done without any shame, even in the presence of her husband, while a normal, mentally healthy woman strives in every possible way to hide this terrible secret.

Magnan (Psychiatrische Vorlesungen. bbers, von Möbius. H. 2, 3) reports, based on his practice, two impressive cases of this kind. One particularly significant case involved a young lady, the mother of three children, with an impeccable past, but the daughter of a mentally ill person. One day, without any embarrassment, she told her amazed husband that she loved a young man and would commit suicide if she was prevented from having an intimate relationship with him. Just let her satisfy her ardent passion for 6 months, and then she will return to the hearth and home. Currently, her husband and children are nothing to her in comparison with her lover. The unfortunate husband took his wife to a remote area and subjected her to medical treatment. This pathological love of married women for other men still needs scientific coverage from the point of view of sexual psychopathology. I

observed 5 cases belonging to this category. In all of them we were talking about persons burdened with severe heredity (degenerate). The painful state occurred in paroxysms, in one case it recurred several times and differed sharply from the relatively healthy period of life. In a healthy state, deep remorse for what happened always appeared, which, however, was recognized as an inevitable misfortune, depending on a mentally abnormal state.

During the period of a painful state, there is sometimes complete indifference to the husband and children, reaching the point of disgust for the former, and a simultaneous complete misunderstanding of the meaning and consequences of scandalous behavior for women's and family honor and dignity. It is remarkable that in all cases the offended husbands and relatives understood that the cause was a painful condition, before their opinion was confirmed by medical research.

In contrast to the non-psychopathic, although overly lascivious, ordinary Messalina, in this case sexual promiscuity is only an episode in the life of a previously virtuous woman, then illicit intercourse is strictly monogamous and the satisfaction of sexual desire does not represent the whole essence of a morbid delusion. The latter facts, as well as the fact that the unfortunate woman does not give herself to all men, but only to one lover, are very important for distinguishing this condition from nymphomania. In three of my cases, the grossly sensual moment was not in the foreground at all, and the impetus for the violation of marital fidelity was the charm of the character of the fetish, mental properties, and in one case, the voice. In two cases, however, I was able to prove that this was a case of real sexual hyperesthesia with the complete coldness of the husband; in these cases, a simple touch caused an orgasm, and sexual intercourse gave the greatest pleasure. Of course, in these latter cases, complete sexual submission arose (see observation 234 below).

When does hypersexuality become a disease?

A sharp increase in libido, which is accompanied by a loss of control over emotions and actions, promiscuity and even harassment, is already a problem. Underage teenagers who are fixated on sex and satisfying sexual needs in various ways, including perverted ways, also need a treatment session.

Pseudohypersexuality is more common. A similar diagnosis is given to people who, through countless sexual contacts, try to hide their own self-doubt. For example, a man with a small penis tries to increase his list of sexual partners. In this case, sexaholism is a psychological defense against unpleasant reality.

Hypersexuality can be a consequence of emotional trauma during puberty, difficult family relationships, or an attempt to escape from constant stress. There are many psychological reasons.

What causes attraction? i

The traditional version of the mechanism of sexual desire is hormonal. This is what the vast majority of scientists adhere to. Hormones act as a mediator that controls the brain, so it is true that sexual desire originates in a person’s head. In men, the main hormone responsible for desire is testosterone.

The higher its level in the body, the stronger the desire. There are many fans of a less traditional version of the emergence of desire, which says that desire is an intangible “something”, something that is given from above. Regardless of the reasons for the emergence of sexual desire, one thing is certain: for one girl it can be very strong, for another – none at all. At the same time, a woman’s appearance does not always play a decisive role.

Why is abstinence harmful?

Having sex and enjoying it is a natural process that is absolutely normal for any person. Therefore, the need to satisfy this need is inherent in us for a reason. Abstinence for a sufficiently long period of time can cause your health to deteriorate and your mental state to become unbalanced.

Abstinence for women is unacceptable due to the following reasons:

  • stagnation occurs in the pelvic area, leading to problems in the genitourinary system;
  • there is a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • irritability and unconscious dissatisfaction with life in general appear;
  • a lingering bad mood appears;
  • uncontrollable hysterics periodically occur, and tearfulness is revealed;
  • depression appears;
  • a feeling of persistent stress appears;
  • Severe headaches occur periodically.

Abstinence for men is unacceptable due to the following reasons:

  • problems appear in the form of congestion in the genitals, especially in the prostate;
  • previously unnoticed problems with premature ejaculation and the duration of sexual intercourse in general appear;
  • there is a sharp gain in excess weight;
  • Chronic fatigue, depression, and a feeling of persistent depression appear.
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