Strong attraction to a girl: a reason for joy or the risk of becoming addicted

The biggest problem with guys is that they lie. And the problem with guys, which is even bigger, is that they lie to themselves. And, of course, they lie to everyone around them. And how does this lie manifest itself, you ask me?

Do you remember the girls who pretend to be God knows what, pretending that “she’s not like that.” She doesn't have sex, eats rainbows, and poops butterflies. Personally, people like this make me sick. I try to avoid them on the tenth route, fortunately there are always plenty of completely normal girls around.

The only things worse than “not that kind of” girls are guys who don’t know what they really want. Modern men know only one way to get sex from a woman: this is to dance in front of her, fluffing her tail, demonstrate her serious intentions and desire to get married, shower the woman with resources, in the hope that she will give.

In fact, the man just wants to have sex. But it demonstrates something completely different. And he does this solely because he does not know any other way how to quickly seduce a girl. The guy desperately wants sex. Of course, he can go to a prostitute and relieve his tension inexpensively, and in the remaining 58 minutes, he can also chat with her. But going to prostitutes is not comme il faut, so guys demonstrate incredible seriousness of intentions and desire to get married, in the hope of ending up in bed right now.

But what's worse is that some guys sincerely believe what they say and do at that moment. And the strangest ones end up getting married and then suffering for the rest of their lives.

The very first thing a man should ask himself when going to a woman is: “What do I really want.” And, most likely, it will turn out that he wants - just sex, without any special obligations, and then we’ll see.

The paradox of the situation is that women also want sex . Moreover, they do not want any special obligations. But - we are forced once again to listen to the nonsense of another boyfriend about how he wants a family and to become a father.

Of course, if you promise a girl to marry, then, as a result, she may give it. But the consequences will be unpredictable. Firstly, the man lied - and this is not good. Secondly, after sex, the man tries to run away, pretending that he ended up there by accident. And this already infuriates the girl. And makes you take revenge.

Therefore, in order not to aggravate karma and not to deceive girls, read about how to quickly seduce a girl.

When a girl wants, she looks special

If you want to know how to understand that a woman wants you, then pay attention to her appearance. The woman will look like a lioness going hunting. Posture, grace and impeccable appearance. She will try to think through everything to the smallest detail to please you. If a colleague has suddenly changed and is trying to communicate with you more often, be sure that she wants you. You will constantly catch her glances at you, but if she flirts with you, shooting her eyes at your friend, then most likely the flirting is not addressed to you, but the girl is simply trying to arouse jealousy. But even in such a situation, you can always turn everything in your favor and get great sex.


Dear men, remember that you shouldn’t play with other people’s feelings. If a lady shows interest in you, then most likely it comes not only from the body, but also from the soul. Therefore, if a girl has nothing to catch, tell her about it directly, do not warm your pride with her help, act decently towards women. Also, you shouldn’t reassure the lady by promising her mountains of gold after sex.

Decide everything while you are still on the shore, before the swim, tell the woman about your true intentions, it is possible that she does not need more than just intimacy from you, but this is not always the case. In order not to hurt, try to talk to the frequency before going to bed and find out what it means for both of you. Don't deceive each other and have a strong relationship!

A girl’s desire is revealed by her facial expressions and poses.

A girl can say that she doesn’t like you, but show the exact opposite with her behavior. As soon as you get a little closer and take the initiative, she will immediately succumb to your charms. To accurately identify women who want you, pay attention to the following nonverbal signals:

  1. She bites her lips and licks them. This also includes biting a pendant or chain, your hair, or stroking your lips.
  2. She plays with her eyebrows and her pupils dilate as she looks at you.
  3. She often shows an open palm when communicating with you. But arms crossed on the chest is a bad sign that the girl is not very friendly towards you or is offended.
  4. The girl smiles sincerely: not only with her lips, but also with her eyes, her whole face becomes more alive and open.

From “Hello” to “Come to my place”

Time spent: from 1 to 3 hours

This is exactly the case when less is more. That is, you don’t need to have a multi-hour date. You shouldn’t wear out a girl by talking instead of going and having sex.

As soon as you find the right girl, immediately move on to seduction. Moreover, rest assured, this is exactly what the girl expects from you.

Playful banter

After a couple of dozen successful hunts, you will be able to develop your own style of seducing women for one night. At the same time, you will also understand how to quickly seduce a married woman - it is no more difficult than an unmarried woman.

But – from the very beginning you should start playfully teasing her. Girls in clubs and other establishments are used to guys hitting on them. They are also used to bossing these guys around. And they got used to the fact that all the guys around were ready to kiss their feet if only the girl would go with him. Often a girl hints to a guy that she likes him, but then she gets really dynamite - leaving home alone, or with a completely different guy.

You need to start communicating, demonstrating a fair sense of humor, while making fun of the girl herself and her friends.

Women are very sensitive to men with a good sense of humor, since most guys around are dull bores. So you have a great opportunity to stand out from the general gray mass.

Things you can joke about:

  • Over how the girl herself looks (“And how do you eat with those lips?”).
  • Over the way she communicates.
  • Over what she wears (“Is it just my imagination, or did you forget to wear a skirt today?”).
  • Over what she does (“Come on, drink this cocktail in one gulp, I see what you want!”).
  • Over how she tries to attract male attention.

At the same time, you need to stay within limits and not go too far. If you seriously offend a girl, then you can’t count on her this evening.

Great - if you make fun of yourself - girls will appreciate it.

Talk about sexual topics

Most guys are used to talking to girls politely. And this leads nowhere.

You need to immediately create a sexual atmosphere by constantly talking with girls about sexual and semi-sexual topics. If a girl supports such a conversation, you are lucky.

But don't get too deep into the sexual conversation. And this conversation should not be made an end in itself. But periodic mentions related to this topic will maintain the desired atmosphere.

To do this you need:

  • Flirt – and with the girls around.
  • Communicate interesting facts about sex.
  • Telling a girl that she looks sexy.
  • Discussing her outfit is in the context of sexuality.
  • Sexual customs of the peoples of the world.
  • Discuss others.

As soon as you understand that the girl likes this conversation, you can tick yourself - you are on the right track.

Touch her constantly

You need a lot, a lot of touch. I have already written about how to touch a girl correctly. Therefore, here I will give only the main facts:

  • The more you touch a girl, the more she trusts you, and the more chances you have.
  • The fact that a girl reacts normally to your touch means that she is pleasant and likes you - since girls are squeamish creatures, and they are very sensitive to the touches of strangers.
  • You need to start with socially acceptable touches (hands, elbow, shoulder).
  • It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of touching - along with this, the girl’s excitement will increase.
  • If you want to kiss her, kiss her, don’t ask.
  • Move on to seductive and intimate touches.
  • As soon as you kissed and started having intimate touches, it’s time to go home.

The main thing is to take your time and move persistently and consistently.

Take a walk with her

This is a very important test of how involved a girl is. 15-20 minutes after the start of communication, offer to take a walk - for example, go out into the fresh air, or smoke.

It doesn’t matter to you where you go or what you do there. The fact itself is important to you - that the girl is, in principle, ready to follow you.

Also – here you can offer the girl to go to another place. This is exactly the point I talked about at the beginning of the article. You are with a girl, everything is moving well for you, the girl is clearly passionate. Invite her to go to another place and continue the conversation there.

If a girl agrees to move with you, you’ll do great!

Build rapport

Rapport is a psychological term that refers to the level of trust and comfort in communication. You need to be in a constant state of rapport with the girl. You will understand this state immediately: you will suddenly feel very light and comfortable. The girl will feel exactly the same thing.

Therefore, you need to constantly work on trust and comfort in communication.

In fact, for some girls, rapport will be completely unimportant. For some, it is not fundamental, but for some, trust is the basis of all communication. You don't need to find out which category your particular girlfriend falls into - just build rapport.

The easiest way is to be sincerely interested in the girl and talk at the upper levels of the Dilts pyramid . Namely, to find out from her what is valuable to her, why she does certain things.

But here you can’t get too carried away. After all, you are leading a seduction, and not choosing a wife for yourself. Therefore, alternate between banter, talking about values, kissing and touching.

And everything will be fine.

Don't miss the moment

If you do everything correctly, then a moment will come that can be called “It’s time.”

That is, the girl will definitely let you know that she is ready to go with you. This moment will not last long, and if you miss it, then today, with this particular girl, nothing will happen to you.

I am convinced that you will lose more than a dozen evenings, and more than a dozen girls, before you learn to understand that this moment has come. This comes with experience.

But I'll tell you how it can be determined:

  • You are very close.
  • She touches you herself.
  • She looks at you and smiles.
  • She blushes.
  • She holds your hand.
  • She begins to say little.
  • Her breathing becomes deep.

As soon as you see at least three of these signs, it’s time to go to your home.

Invite her home

Girls expect decisive action from guys. And for some reason guys prefer a very ornate path. For some reason, it seems to a handsome and sexy guy that as soon as he utters the words “Come to my place,” the girl will immediately call the police and hit him with a sledgehammer.

In fact, the girl realized a long time ago what was going on. And if she sits next to you and is not in a hurry, it means that she likes everything, and she is just waiting for you to stop slowing down and finally begin to act.

And this is where you need to prepare the most important thing: an excuse .

The girl is ready to come to you. She understands perfectly why you are coming to see you. But - she wants you to explain to her - why you are going there, and this is not having sex.

After you find yourself in the same bed, and even later - when the girl returns home, a feeling of guilt will wash over her. And she will need an excuse that will explain that she is not a whore, but simply became a victim of circumstances and could not do anything.

Therefore, you need to come up with an excuse for traveling to your place in advance.

The excuse can be anything:

  • Listen to music.
  • Watch the series.
  • Feed the fish.
  • Charge the phone.
  • Do something incredibly important.
  • Check the security alarm.
  • Show her your collection of Metallica vinyl records.

It will take a long time before you understand which excuses for visiting you work better. You need to practice and check what gives a good conversion.

In addition, it is imperative to provide an emergency exit for the girl. The phrase is extremely simple: “If anything happens, I’ll send you home right away, don’t worry.” It is also important for a girl to understand that, once in the same room with you, she will have the opportunity to run away if she doesn’t like something, or if something goes wrong.

A girl is given away by her touching you

It’s not so easy to hide when a woman wants a man: the signs give her away. The most obvious one is that she is looking for an excuse to touch you. Either she shakes an invisible speck off your shoulder, or her foot accidentally touches yours when you are sitting next to her. A girl will not touch a guy who is unpleasant to her, and even so often. Pay attention to the expression on her face during these touches: she may be embarrassed or even openly flirt, depending on her character, but her eyes will always sparkle invitingly.

She may not touch you, but constantly stay close, violating your personal space every now and then. Usually people try to keep a distance of no closer than half a meter, and if a girl approaches you under various pretexts, then even without obvious touching it becomes clear that she is looking for your attention. She may lean towards you as if she didn't understand or didn't hear your words. You can try to support her initiative to get closer by fixing her clothes or hair and see how she reacts.

Consequences of strong attraction to a woman 3

A man can have a strong sexual desire, regardless of the circumstances, his marital status and other factors. As a rule, attraction arises unexpectedly and, like a hurricane, bursts into a man’s quiet and measured life. There are many signs that a representative of the stronger sex has a strong desire for a girl:

  • He literally can't take his eyes off her.
  • He feels awkward around her and speaks incoherently.
  • He tries in every possible way to please her and somehow stand out from other men.
  • Shows signs of attention, even if they are not always particularly noticeable.
  • He tries to somehow touch or move closer to the object of his desire.

It is a completely normal situation when a free man begins to be strongly attracted to a free girl. In this situation, he has two fairly simple options: try to get her attention or try to forget. However, forgetting the girl you are attracted to is usually very difficult.

Sometimes, attraction to a woman develops into obsession and even obsession, because not all representatives of the stronger sex know how to control and suppress their desires. Therefore, the easiest way to get rid of attraction is to try to achieve a woman and satisfy your desires. Even if nothing comes of it, at least the man will know that he did his best.

It is much more difficult for those representatives of the stronger sex who are already in a relationship or even married to one woman, and a strong attraction arises for another. As a result, a man has to either fight his own desires or succumb to temptation. In any case, this does not bode well for him. Numerous studies and sociological surveys show a disappointing picture: almost 75% of men have cheated on their wives at least once. And it is a strong attraction to a girl that is one of the most common reasons why men go to the left.

Girl's desire and gesticulation

It is not so easy to understand that a woman wants sex, and also that she is not in the mood for it. A girl can flirt, and then be indignant that you are pestering her. All because you need to ask and listen less, and look and feel more. Pay attention to her gestures:

  • she wants you if she eats her dessert too carefully and playfully, small pieces at a time, carefully licking the cutlery;
  • the girl straightens her clothes, plays with her hair, strokes herself;
  • she plays with a glass, strokes it, looking in your direction;
  • the girl tries to sit or stand in such a way as to emphasize all her charms: she exposes her breasts or butt, maintains her posture and tries to move smoothly and gracefully;
  • the girl takes out a mirror, preening herself, thus drawing attention to herself, she may also ask you to look if there are crumbs on her lips.


When a man wants to become a woman or vice versa, it is called transsexualism. Scientists believe that this is a normal phenomenon in which neither perversion nor homosexual tendencies are manifested.

It is normal for people to sometimes feel like they belong to the opposite sex. And this can indeed happen, but it is extremely rare. At the moment, this phenomenon is not surprising, because almost everyone knows about it. However, it appeared only in 1953. It was then that an American doctor encountered an unusual phenomenon and called it gender identity disorder. He carefully researched this issue and proposed the term itself.

The girl's desire and her gaze

If you don’t know how to understand that a girl wants sex, then pay attention to her look. It can be languid, playful or dreamy, but directed at you. She may feel embarrassed and look away when your eyes cross, as if she is ashamed of her thoughts. Pay attention to these signals:

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls


  • she looks at your lips as if she wants to kiss them;
  • her pupils dilate when she looks at you;
  • her gaze becomes moist, “calf-like,” and she looks at you with adoration.

How to get a girl's love

When thinking about how to win a girl’s favor, keep in mind that feelings cannot arise immediately, and mutual love does not arise in one meeting - give the girl time to get used to what is happening, and at the same time, yourself. Try not to bother your chosen one with frequent calls, unexpected confessions - all this can frighten her, give her free time (so that she has time to remember about you and evaluate how she can do without your help) and space (so that she can share with her friends that you are for her done). This will make her miss you, which is a better way to continue communication than to barge in yourself.

A girl must be pursued honestly, i.e. Having learned that she likes motorcycles, you shouldn’t pretend to be a biker if you don’t even know how to ride a bike. Be yourself, without straightening or correction, no matter how great the temptation to appear before your chosen one in the image of her ideal. The truth will come out anyway, and the degree of disappointment may outweigh her desire to stay with you. You should not strive to merge into a magazine image - this is also bad because they are all of the same type and merge after the third meeting into a single lump. By remaining yourself, you get a chance to be unique and the opportunity to hook a girl with your own features that she can appreciate. And if this doesn’t happen, then you shouldn’t be upset by the unrequited feelings of a person who is unable to accept you?

In order to make it easier to attract sympathy while remaining yourself, compliments should settle in your arsenal. Give up standard phrases, and after carefully observing the girl, note and praise what you really like about her and what is valuable to her (it is better to praise a shirt made by a girl than a beautiful gait or eyes - where the girl spent her energy, will get more response).

Becoming the one who can better than others lift her spirits, make her laugh, talk about positive things even in the most terrible situation - this will help the girl fall in love with you. Shared laughter brings people together and creates a sense of community and trust between people. And when the relationship begins to gradually warm up, you can begin to introduce a certain amount of romance.

How to get a girl's love? Give the young lady flowers, bring some goodies, invite her to a movie or an evening walk through the beautiful places of your city. Show gallantry, care and patience. Make more visual and tactile contacts, but maintain decency. Look closely, learn to talk with your eyes, and don’t look at her like at a fair. You try to touch her, but not squeeze her; it’s quite appropriate to take her hand, straighten a curl, stroke her shoulder. Touching should be appropriate in context (it’s better to hug when meeting than in the middle of a story about historical facts dug up in the library).

Each date you meet will further strengthen and develop the feelings that have arisen. Your task at this stage is not to spoil what has been achieved (by sudden disappearance, inattentive attitude, rudeness), but on the contrary, to take the relationship to a new level. When the first sympathy has appeared, girls want to make sure of the seriousness of the young man’s intentions and can arrange provocations or begin to monitor your reactions to small factors. No matter how much she says, sitting with a sad face and colorless voice, that everything is fine with her mood and she will cope, do not back down, find out what happened and help as best you can.

Surround her with beauty, lightness and a pleasant feeling of security. Watch your appearance – rushing to the salon and buying yourself a new wardrobe will be overkill, but it’s worth keeping an eye on the cleanliness and condition of your clothes, skin and hair. Find out what the girl wants to make her wishes come true, but also have a couple of options prepared in case she says “I don’t know” and doesn’t want to make a decision. Give her your hand, take her across the road, stand a little ahead in front of the transport, give her your jacket if it gets cold - let her feel protected on a subconscious level, this is much more expensive than loudly declaring “I will save you from war.”

A girl must feel special and interesting in the most serious sense, otherwise a feeling of being used will quickly settle in her soul and then there can be no talk of love, rather of hatred.

How to get the girl you love? By sending her messages in the morning and before bed, you will fill all her thoughts with you, even on a subconscious level, and by sharing joint plans for the future, you will make her heart open.

When a girl wants, it's clear from her behavior

Sometimes a girl behaves in such a way that only a fool would not understand that she wants sex. But there are also those guys who miss obvious signals. All a woman’s actions simply scream about her desire to be with you: all you have to do is not miss the moment. So, the following moments in behavior clearly indicate a girl’s desire:

  • she initiates random or non-random meetings or even takes the initiative: she is the first to call and invites her to go somewhere;
  • the girl makes an appointment under some pretext, but the place where you go clearly hints that she wants to be alone;
  • she invites you to her place under some pretext: learn to read between the lines - if a girl also meets you in a weightless robe, then your initiative is clearly needed;
  • she offers help and notices when she can be useful to you, often asking for help herself;
  • she doesn’t hang out on her phone when she communicates with you, but listens carefully and maintains the conversation - this is a clear sign, of course, if you are not her boss;
  • she begs to visit you: watch a movie, take a book to read.

Signals are false and meaningless

Guys often make the mistake of thinking that a girl's sexy appearance means she wants intimacy. It would be foolish to think that she dressed so openly by chance, grabbing the first thing that was at hand. Girls always think through their image. It may well turn out that by wearing tight-fitting clothes, exposing her shoulders, chest, legs, she is expressing herself in this way, emphasizing her relaxedness. Or maybe she challenges conventions and stereotypes, or she just likes to catch the gaze of men. This does not at all mean that she is available and ready to go to bed with you.

Talking about breaking up with a previous boyfriend is also a false signal. She is either a stupid simpleton, and therefore does not understand that such a topic is unpleasant for most men, or she is openly teasing you.

If a girl holds her gaze on you for a long time and smiles, it means that you are interested in her, and she wants to show you her affection. She evaluates you and thinks about whether you are suitable for her or not, whether it is worth continuing your communication. No more.

The common belief that playing with jewelry, hair, and eyebrows is a hint of “this” is also a misconception. Perhaps she is a little shy and nervous and does this unconsciously in order to calm down and relieve nervous tension.

If a girl gets excited and blushes, this can happen not only because she likes you very much, with all the ensuing consequences, but also due to her physiological or psycho-emotional characteristics: her face often turns red from excitement, especially when she talks to young people.

She asks special questions

If you want to figure out how to find out that a woman wants you, then you need to pay attention to seemingly innocent questions and phrases. Learn not to miss these nuances in order to know exactly about the girl’s desires. You should be wary if the following sounds:

  1. "Are you living alone?". More veiled questions may also be asked, the purpose of which is to find out whether you have someone and whether you can meet on your territory. If she finds out that you live alone, then be prepared for her to find an excuse to come visit you.
  2. “You’ll probably be busy with a girl in the evening” and similar questions with which she tries to carefully find out if you’re busy.
  3. “I don’t have a boyfriend, which is a pity, I would know how we spent this evening.” At the same time, her meaningful gaze will be directed in your direction. Try to continue her fantasies and ask what she would do with her boyfriend if she had one. This game will bring you closer and help you better understand the girl’s motives and her attitude towards you.
  4. “You smell good/look good.” Girls don't often give compliments - this is a clear sign that she wants you. This can also be a polite thing, so pay attention to other signs.
  5. “How do you like my new perfume?” She can tell this by leaning closer so you can smell her. Another similar phrase may be said: “Do you like my new dress?”, while she will correct the area near the chest, waist or hips.

Also, a girl can tease, provoke you to “tease”, as if you were schoolchildren. The signal to attack is conversations about sex, intimate details of the girl’s past experience. She may casually or jokingly talk about her sexual desires. Such topics are not raised with the first people you meet - only with those who are considered as a potential partner. The main thing is, if you see that she wants you, try not to make these 10 mistakes of men.

If you understand that the girl wants you, then it’s up to you. Just don’t forget that her desire is not a guarantee that she will give herself to you on the very first evening. Some grab hold of every guy as if it were their last chance, while others like the game of “cat and mouse” and “impregnable fortress.” Even when you see a girl’s desire, you don’t need to go ahead. Act correctly, like an experienced man, not a green youth. Everything comes not only with experience, but also with an understanding of the basics of psychology. I, Alexander Galevich, will help you with this. My story began in 2004, and now I have 20 original courses and more than 3 thousand students annually. Relationships, love and sex are also a science in which success is achieved by those who are ready to understand the rules of the game.

Selecting a location

Time spent: 1 hour

Be sure: girls love sex, want sex, and are ready for casual sex with an almost unknown man. In any case, almost every girl has had such sex in her life. And many girls have had it many times.

Of course, public opinion condemns such connections and does not approve of such girls. Therefore, girls diligently pretend that they are “not like that.” And they themselves are waiting for the right opportunity.

Why do you think any establishment in your city is so crowded on a Friday night? And on Saturday too. If you look closely, you will see that 70% of visitors to establishments at this time are girls. They sit in pairs or groups at tables, drink something and chat.

Of course, if you ask the girls why they came here, they will answer - to chat with their friends. But – we know that women lie all the time . Why do you think they came there?

The girl put on her makeup, got dressed, and headed to the restaurant to sit with her friend? Do not make me laugh. They can also sit nicely in the kitchen, drinking a few bottles of wine.

This is not why girls go to a restaurant. Moreover, in cities there are establishments where everyone understands why the girls came here.

Therefore, you need to go to the right place. The so-called “place for renting”. This is the place where you have many chances to meet a girl of your choice and go to your home to feed the fish. Well - or feed your python.

Choosing a place where to meet a girl is of fundamental importance. Choose a good place - and today you will have a beautiful girl and wild and unbridled sex at home. Choose a bad place - and again tonight you will have your right hand instead of a woman.

So, what can be considered a good place if we are talking about how to quickly seduce a woman:

  • Restaurants;
  • Bars;
  • Night clubs;
  • Theme parties;
  • Public places;
  • Places for traditional walks of townspeople;
  • Cosmetics stores.

Of course, a woman will never admit that she is ready to sleep with the first guy she comes across right now if he is good-looking and smells good. She will never admit this to anyone except her friends. And within the circle of friends, girls very often joke about this topic. And - we know that in every joke there is only a grain of joke.

And - if a girl wants adventure, just to get to know each other, or to have a good time with the subtext of sex with a stranger - she goes where there are a lot of people in her circle.

Therefore, you also just need to go where there are a lot of girls all the time. Moreover, in the restaurant, the girls are not in a hurry, they communicate relaxedly, and you can walk around the hall and see all the options. What makes such establishments very attractive.

If you decide to look for a girl for one night, for example, at an organ music concert, then most likely you will be forced to break off. I was recently at one of these – there were only pensioners there. And it didn’t look like they were ready to get acquainted.

So you find a place where there are a lot of beautiful girls and go straight there.

Place number two

And this is where you need place number two. In the language of pick-up artists, quick seduction is called fast. Fasting is seducing (sex) a woman within 24 hours of meeting her.

And quick seduction has one strategy that works very effectively. This is the Change Place strategy.

That is, you will need two places. The first is where you will meet the girl (for example, a bar or restaurant) and the second is where you will seduce her before going to your home.

How it works.

You meet a girl, you chat nicely, she laughs at your jokes, and you two have a good time together. And everything seems to be moving towards the point of going to you and doing business there. But the level of trust between you is still not enough for a girl to go to you.

Besides, what will she say to her friends? I went with this guy? Of course, her friends will understand and forgive her, besides, she has probably already done this more than once. But everything will be much easier if you invite a girl to another establishment, explaining that it is too noisy here. Or you can calmly smoke a hookah there.

And in this case, the girl is all in white. She's tired of everything here, and you're just going to another establishment. Together. This makes it much easier to agree to your proposal.

In place number two - you kiss leisurely, smoke a hookah. And nothing happened to the girl! You didn't turn out to be a maniac, she is alive and well. She went with you - and remained alive! Of course, it will be much easier for her to accept the offer to go somewhere else with you, do you dare?


What obstacles might you encounter on your way to a night with a new woman:

  • Alcohol. Of course, a slightly drunk girl is much more accessible than a sober one. The key word here is slightly. Alcohol for girls is a kind of justification for their nightly adventures - therefore, a small amount of it will be highly desirable. But a woman who drinks too much—you don’t need that. And you definitely don’t need to be accused of rape.
  • You don't approach girls. If you came to the establishment and didn’t approach any of the girls, you wasted your time. Therefore, if you decide to do something, go and do it. Don't sit on the sidelines, don't be shy.
  • You see no signs of interest. Girls constantly give signals that indicate that they are interested in you as a man. If you don’t see these signals, you will have to act at random. And this will greatly reduce your effectiveness.
  • You're choosing the wrong places. If you came to the library on Friday evening, most likely you will sleep alone tonight. You need to go where there are a lot of girls. If you are not yet comfortable in such places, start going there simply for pleasure, without any purpose. Once you get used to it, you will feel much more confident.

Online dating

Basically, to find a girl for the night, you can use the Internet. There are a lot of bored girls online on Friday night who didn’t go anywhere but wouldn’t mind meeting up.

However, this method has many disadvantages:

  • The level of girls you can seduce in this way is almost always much lower than those you will find in the establishments of the city. Or rather, all quality women hang out somewhere on Friday and Saturday evenings. They don't surf the Internet.
  • First you need to prepare your account for seduction - post high-quality photos and write the correct statuses.
  • Any girl can come to the meeting from the Internet. And this is the harsh truth of life. There may be a pretty girl in the photo of dating sites, but another monster will come to meet you. In this case, the evening will also be ruined.


Sometimes transsexualism can occur in boys who were originally raised as girls. No matter how crazy it may sound, it occurs quite often. Parents who wanted a girl but got a boy can unconsciously or deliberately make him more feminine, adjust his interests and activities, have special conversations with him, etc.

All this leaves its mark on the child’s psyche. In order not to upset or disappoint his parents, he will begin to get used to his role. With such thoughts and in such tension he will grow. At a certain stage of life, the boy will realize that he is confused and does not understand what it is like to be a man, but at the same time not be a woman. This is a serious psychological problem that requires long-term treatment.


So, a man wants to become a woman. What to do? First, accept his desire and react calmly, even if you have a negative attitude towards it. Do not disturb the mental balance of your loved one, because if he expects some kind of external support, then only from the people closest to him. If you turn away from him at such a moment, you will greatly worsen the relationship or even destroy it.

Remember that if a person repeats “I am a man, I want to become a woman,” then it is not a fact that this will actually happen. Perhaps, after several sessions with a psychologist, your loved one will understand that these desires were inspired by some conditions or pathologies.


The problem of a man wanting to become a woman has been carefully studied by psychiatrists. At the moment, medicine can offer all the conditions for changing gender. Surgeons and endocrinologists have reached the required level to carry out an operation of such complexity without any problems.

Note that over time this phenomenon occurs more and more often. If previously cases of gender reassignment were extremely rare, today an increasing number of people consider themselves transsexuals. Despite the rapid development of medicine and science, scientists cannot say for sure why such a desire arises.

What to do if a man wants to become a woman? First of all, you need to understand that this is not a person’s whim. This is a deep need that puts great pressure on the individual. A person experiences suffering and, in extreme cases, is ready to change his gender. At the same time, he is constantly on the verge of psychological stress, because he feels a gap between the male role that society imposes on him and his own self-determination. Many men say that they are scared to be in their body, they want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, modify it.

How to become a woman if you are a man&

So, at the beginning of the article we said that you need to start with psychological elaboration of your desires. You need to understand exactly whether you really want a gender change or whether this desire is caused by specific reasons. If reasons are discovered, then you need to work on them. If your desires are absolutely not tainted by any traumas or shocks, then proceed to bring them to life.

First you need to go to a special clinic. There you will meet specialists and choose your attending physician. He will continue to work with you psychologically to make sure that you understand the possible consequences and carry out such an act adequately. In addition, you will be assigned a number of tests and examinations that you must undergo without fail. This is important because otherwise you will not be able to have the operation.

As you understand, it is quite complex and expensive. It is necessary to have enough funds in order to carry out such a transformation, but one must also take into account various additional expenses, consequences and possible complications. However, this is the second question, the primary one is the state of health. Sometimes people who really want to change their gender are turned down simply because they are not suitable for health reasons. If you are lucky, you will get away with treatment for certain diseases and will soon lie on the operating table. But there may be contraindications that cannot be cured or changed. Then the idea of ​​gender reassignment will have to be abandoned.

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