How to make a man want you madly: follow these instructions

How to turn his head

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“Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” says the old saying. And it is true. If you want the man you like to go crazy over you, first of all, make him really bored. Let him feel that you are terribly missed.

He may be your husband or a friend whom you are madly in love with; he could be an ex-boyfriend you want to get back together with; or he is your new acquaintance with whom you want to build a strong relationship - in other words, if your goal is to be with this man, let him miss you thoroughly.

What to do to make a guy show love

So that a man gets bored and can confess his feelings

So that a man misses you, make sure that your communication always takes place on a positive note. These meetings should be like a breath of fresh air for him. On dates, be interested in his affairs, joke, laugh at his witticisms, be charming and cheerful. Talk enthusiastically about your affairs and listen with interest to what he tells you. If a person enjoys being in your company, then, of course, he will miss you.

Think about whether you are spending too much time together. If you see each other almost every day, then the guy simply does not have time to truly miss you.

Some men cannot admit their feelings, doubting their reciprocity. To give your chosen one confidence, show him that you like him too. To do this, take an interest in his affairs, flirt with him, ask him for advice.

To run after you and fall in love

In general, they run after those who at least periodically try to “run away.” Girls who are too predictable and always ready to date gradually become uninteresting to their lovers.

A guy will certainly fall in love with you if you always look great, there are no complaints or dissatisfaction on your lips, and you yourself are passionate about some entertaining hobby. When a young man calls you, you should not immediately pick up the phone and try to stretch out the conversation as much as possible. Periodically miss his calls, and then tell him that you were busy and did not hear the ringtone. Of course, you need to mention that you were distracted by some very interesting activity - dancing, a painting lesson, classes with a coach at a sports club, etc.

How to make a man miss you

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There are several ways to do this. First of all, remember that you need to do this playfully, easily and beautifully.

So, no matter who the object of your affection is, follow these fifteen correct steps. Make him miss you!

1. Stop communicating with him

© fizkes / Shutterstock

When you miss someone, you will agree that it is difficult to voluntarily refuse to communicate with this person.

It is quite natural that you have a need for daily communication, sometimes even spending hours on the phone or chatting.

But if you want a man to really start missing you, you have to “move on.” Don’t call him, don’t write messages, and even more so, don’t flood him with these messages on social networks.

Just disappear!

If you constantly appear in his life, it is quite reasonable and natural that he simply does not have time to miss you. Let the man understand that he misses you, let him feel that he feels bad without you.

Most likely, when you stop contacting him, calling or writing, the object of your affection will wonder where you are, and what’s wrong with you, and why you suddenly disappeared.

So, rule one - evaporate, stop contacting, disappear from his life. This is a very difficult task for women because they like to constantly communicate with men who are not indifferent to them.

It is much easier for a man to endure separation, but even despite this, most likely, if he is not indifferent to a woman, very soon he will begin to miss her. Therefore, if you want to hook a man, be sure to try this tactic!

2. Make him wait


If you are like most women, then you have an irresistible desire to answer his calls and texts with lightning speed.

When your crush calls or texts you, your first reaction is to respond immediately, especially if you've been waiting a long time for him to show up. This is the main mistake of most representatives of the fair sex.

Do you really think that if you make him wait too long, he will disappear or lose interest in you? This is definitely not the case. And what's the result? You respond to his message or call with lightning speed.

But at this moment a man may get the feeling that you are just sitting by your phone, waiting for him to deign to remember you. And he guesses correctly!

Remember that men are hunters at their core; they like to pursue a woman. By answering him at the speed of light, you simplify this very hunt. He simply becomes uninterested. After all, you are an easy prey for him.

Therefore, wait a break, take a walk, go to the store, meet your friends, or just watch your favorite movie, and only after that answer a call or message.

To some, these little games will seem too stupid, funny and funny, but such simple tricks really work, they make a man think about you and get bored. Therefore, patience will help you when it comes to answering a call or message as quickly as possible.

Types of Guys

All men are different, they have unique characteristics and character traits. But according to personality type and behavioral characteristics, they can be divided into categories. Knowing what type a guy is will open up more opportunities for seduction for a girl.

READ How to understand that a guy wants you: signals and signs


Such guys are distinguished by endurance and endurance, they are concerned about their appearance and are obsessed with sports. Regardless of whether it is a hobby or the main activity, for an athlete his passion will always come first. But there are ways that will make him break away from his studies and pay attention to the female gender. To seduce a representative of this type, a girl needs to take the following steps:

  • begin to admire his sports results and achievements;
  • support, believe in him;
  • share interests.

A harmonious relationship with a representative of the type develops in cases where the girl is also a sports fan. If this is not the case, there is a risk of remaining in the background, since for a passionate athlete his activities, competitions and team will always come first.

smart ass

Intellectuals are admired; there is always something to talk about with them. As a rule, these are enthusiastic men, immersed headlong in some kind of mental activity. They are often introverts, so it is important for a girl to understand the mental characteristics of this type.

But such guys have a significant drawback - they are difficult to approach and are markedly shy. As a rule, smart people have a lot of complexes, and every failure on the personal front leaves a deep mark on their souls. To interest an intellectual and make him desire love with a girl, you need to make special efforts:

  1. It is necessary to gradually move towards rapprochement, it is better to start with building friendship.
  2. It is important to admire his intellect and achievements in the field of mental activity.
  3. It is necessary to take the initiative into your own hands, since smart people rarely take the first steps, fearing that it is not mutual.

The main taboo in communicating with an intellectual is jokes about his hobbies or failures in life. In general, you need to be careful with humor, since any careless statement hurts your fragile inner world.

Bad guy

Typical macho, stealer of women's hearts. This type is especially attractive to young girls. He is brutal and confident. A bad guy is capable of conquering anyone with just his gaze and appearance, he knows this and therefore skillfully uses his qualities. To please such a man, you just need to be yourself, radiate sincerity and goodwill. If you connect the power of your sexuality and charm, he will want intimacy and building a romantic relationship.

READ I want sex: causes of hypersexuality, ways to reduce libido

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that such relationships can quickly fall apart. A brutal guy does not tolerate stability - he is an adventurer, with whom a calm home girl will have a hard time. But in romantic relationships, representatives of the brutal type have no equal.

How to interest a man

3. Always end the conversation first

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So, the man of your dreams called you, and you, after waiting for some time (see the second point above), finally answered him.

This is where rule #2 comes into play: you should always be the first to end a conversation. Try to be the first to write “see you tomorrow,” “good night,” or other phrases that mean goodbye.

Make sure you hang up first or send a goodnight text. The purpose of this trick is to make him want more.

As a rule, it is a woman’s inaccessibility that plays a key role in a man’s desire to possess her. Remember that by nature men are hunters, and everything that is difficult for them to reach automatically arouses their interest.

And although it is always very difficult to end a conversation first, because if you like a man and want to communicate with him for as long as possible, be sure to do this. Believe me, this is how you ignite his desire and make him want you more.

Most likely, the man will soon want to contact you again, and you will have another chance to communicate, but the communication will already take place on the initiative of the man himself.

Spells to bring passion back into a relationship

Over time, any relationship comes to stability. Likewise, passion cannot burn forever. It is during this period that breakups and betrayals occur. How to return your former passion and pour new strength into love?

Read the plot to make a man want you and enjoy the hot nights!

4.1. For 33 candles

  1. Take 33 candles and place them throughout your bedroom. After midnight, strip naked and light candles.
  2. Read the plot:

“I light candles - I awaken the love of my dear (man’s name). Like 33 candles burning with a hot flame, so let it burn for me (your name) with insatiable passion. My Beloved will thirst for my caresses, hug and kiss, and dare other beautiful girls. Only my hands will obey, Only my voice will tremble, Only lie on the bed with me. And therefore be it!”

  1. When the candles burn out, collect the cinders and melted wax. Bury in the morning under a dry tree.

A woman must have a lot of energy, so-called sexuality, so that she can attract a man.
But it is not enough to have such energy, you also need to bring it into activity. You also need to understand that there is no fatality in Fate. But such work cannot be instantaneous. And everything depends on the individuality of the person; there is no single template according to which a master can build his work. As always, any work with any problem begins with diagnosis, determining the causes and a work plan. Portal expert Elena




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4.2. For period blood

Rituals with menstrual blood are considered black rituals and require special care in their execution. But they differ in speed of execution and strong effect.

  1. Add a few drops of menstrual blood to the wine.
  2. Read the plot:

“I light a fire on the blood, I conjure in the name of the Servant of God (the man’s name). Come, fire, into the heart of the dear, Kindle a crazy passion, Crazy passion - Eternal Love. I call upon your love forever and ever, I conjure you to love me (your name). My word is true. Amen!"

  1. Drink wine just the two of you!

REMEMBER! This conspiracy is very strong. It's difficult to remove. Do it only if you are sure that you are ready to live with this man all your life.

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Evil eye

19.08.2019 / 21:17



Hello! As soon as a man appears in my life for whom I begin to feel a strong feeling, everything immediately collapses, and for nothing! For a very long time I have not been able to find my destiny, despite numerous options.

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What to expect next from such a relationship?!

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Hello, sympathy happened immediately, at first sight, we talked online, went for a walk a couple of times, then he disappeared for a couple of months, but he resumed communication, a month of daily correspondence, we went to a cafe and he stopped responding, I don’t write much, I don’t want to impose myself so openly, hint...

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4.3. On the mirror

A mirror is often used as a magical portal between the real and astral world. Energy through the mirror is transmitted instantly and has great power. A spell with a mirror to make a guy want only you will be powerful and fast!

  1. Take a mirror and position it so that the moon can be seen in the reflection.
  2. Read the plot:

“As the beautiful face of God’s servant (the man’s name) is endlessly reflected, So his love for me multiplies in the moonlight, So it will draw him through all the obstacles into my little hands, May he inflame for me with unprecedented passion, May he carry me in his arms, whisper tenderness into your ear, And without me you will wither and wither, like without light and air! For the mother moon, heavenly power and dark matter will help me! Let it be so!"

  1. After reading the plot, place the mirror with the reflective surface down. And go to bed.

REMEMBER! There are NO conspiracies WITHOUT consequences!

Magic works according to the laws of universal balance. If you want to get something, you have to pay for it. If you use a conspiracy to attract love or return a loved one, be prepared for a payoff.

But the payoff is a small thing compared to the consequences that await you if you make a mistake when reading the plot. If you make even a slight mistake, the result and retribution will be the most unpredictable.

Therefore, carefully study the article about the possible consequences of conspiracies. Anyone who wants to read the plot on their own needs to know them. Find out how to avoid mistakes and avoid bad consequences for yourself and your loved one.

The same article contains real stories of people who tell how they tried to practice magic at home and what came of it:

Consequences of conspiracies. Stories and reviews>>

4.4. On the picture

The impact on a person through photography is very strong. Photography is a carrier of human energy, so the result is quick and effective.

  1. Wait for the moon to rise. Place your photo together in the moonlight and read the plot:

“I unite our images, I awaken passionate and strong love in you. With the silver moon I will lure you to me, No one will take you away from me, no one will make you happy, No one will need you without me, If you go to the water, you want to drown yourself, if you go to the mountain, your heart will twist with longing. You will reach out to me everywhere, you will reach my porch, and you will stay there. As I said, so it will be!”

  1. Always carry photos with you.

Do not forget that you yourself influence the timing of the magical effects with your intense anticipation, constant doubts, panic, inability to let go of the situation, incorrect behavior with the object, and failure to observe the secrets of the ritual.
Remember that in magical matters, haste can only do harm. Let the result come more slowly, but last longer. Portal expert Elena




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4.5. On a pin

Pins are used whenever they want to regain what was lost and cement relationships.

  1. Take two photographs: yours and the man’s.
  2. Fasten them with pins and read the plot:

“I don’t break our images, I bind us forever. I call upon the souls of sorcerers, sorcerers, and seers to help me, I command them to submit to my will. (The man’s name) will pine for me, desire me alone, yearn for me. The whole witch army will take you by the arm and lead you to me. Just as a needle enters paper, so seething passion, burning my soul, will enter my heart. Let it be so!"

  1. Read the plot 7 nights in a row.

How to attract a man's attention

4. Limit your use of social media

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To interest a man, a woman needs a slight aura of mystery around herself. Excessive activity on social networks quickly and surely destroys this mystery, making your life accessible to everyone.

Putting your personal life on public display has long ceased to be something strange and unusual.

But if you're too active on social media, it may not work in your favor when it comes to dating a man.

Advice to modern girls would be the following: do not update your statuses too often, limit the number of photos you share, and, of course, try not to hang out online 24 hours a day.

Many girls, after taking a test or quiz, share their results on Facebook. Should not be doing that. This can be a very annoying factor for all those who are online at that moment.

In addition, there is no need to communicate with your boyfriend on social networks. If he posts a status or posts photos, don't comment or like them.

Try not to immediately look at the messages he sends you. Maintain the image of a person who is too busy to constantly be on social networks, much less wait for a message from a man.

This cold shoulder on your part may seem difficult since he's so cute in that last Instagram photo, but try to follow this advice. So the likelihood that a young man will fall into your love network increases significantly.

How to hint to him that it’s time to lose weight and exercise

You don’t have to immediately hint at his excess weight, but use a trick. If you live together, tell your boyfriend that for health reasons you will have to eat healthy for a while. Tell your chosen one that such changes are not easy for you, and you need his support. Accordingly, you two will have to follow some kind of diet for a while. You can do the same with the gym - say that you are going to play sports, but you are bored and want him to keep you company.

If you know that your boyfriend might be interested in wrestling classes, then give him a subscription to attend them. Of course, this will not help much in losing weight, but it will begin to instill in the young man a craving for sports. Plus, he'll likely see a lot of better-conditioned guys in training that he'll want to look up to.

You can use this trick. Buy him a T-shirt in the size he wore a while ago. When you discover that an item is small, embarrassedly say that for some reason you were sure that this was its size. If previously a young man did not pay attention to his excess weight, now he will have a reason to think about it.

— The Power of Intentions and the Law of Attraction


As already mentioned, this technique triggers the Law of Attraction in your life. Because a strong desire expressed out loud can only mean one thing: “I want exactly THIS to happen in my life now! "

It is very important to remember the accuracy of the wording. You should not evaluate your condition (How tired I am). You express a desire for action for a certain result (Now I'll have a good rest!).

Each of your desires initially has a mechanism for its fulfillment. The power of intention can put this mechanism into action. Desire itself is weak, because it cannot remain stable for long enough.

All changes in life are carried out using two principles: Attention and Intention. The first attracts energy, the second transforms it. If you think about something and focus your attention on it, then in reality it gains strength. Everything that is deprived of attention withers, disintegrates and disappears.

It is intention that enhances the action of this mechanism; it is an organizing force. Of course, the technique is much more complicated than the simple exercises that were given at the beginning of the article. We must learn to focus our attention on one single object. As a result, such unshakable determination is achieved that no interference simply can distract you and scatter your attention. All obstacles seem to disappear from consciousness.

Having learned to subjugate this power, you can create whatever you want. You may also be interested in Esther Hicks' article, The Law of Attraction.


Rules for reading conspiracies for sexual desire

If a mistake is made during the ritual, this can result in major problems for the fortuneteller: loss of sleep, deterioration in well-being, headaches.

To avoid consequences, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Read the spell at any time of the day, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.
  2. Learn the text by heart, pronounce it loudly and clearly, without hesitation. It is forbidden to swap phrases and add expressions of your own.
  3. Do not tell anyone about the ritual, do magic in complete solitude and silence.

The main requirement is faith in yourself and your own strengths. If a woman doubts the result, then nothing will work out for her.

— How to develop the power of decision to control reality?


To develop the power of creative thoughts, you should regularly perform the following visualization exercise.

1) The practitioner lies down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

2) He gradually relaxes and enters a trance. To do this, he consistently relaxes all the muscles of the body.

3) Having entered a meditative state, a person imagines that his body has expanded and occupied a space twice its volume.

4) He visualizes how the body grows and increases in size.

5) Gradually the body will reach the size of the room in which the practitioner is located.

6) The practitioner continues to increase the size of the body and occupies the space of the entire house.

7) It continues to grow, reaching the size of a city, country, continent and planet.

8) Gradually, man becomes of gigantic cosmic proportions and surpasses the solar system, galaxy, supercluster, etc.

9) You don’t have to stop and continue further: the universe at infinity is far from alone!

The larger you can imagine yourself, the greater mystical capabilities you gain. You become part of the cosmic mind, you become it yourself.

The more space in the universe your energy body occupies, the greater abilities you will gain!

Find out how to make your dream come true.

To concentrate energy and create matter from your own virtual photons, you need to develop a powerful will. This is the only way to master the power of materialization!

Will is the ability of consciousness to control one’s body and mind, to direct efforts in accordance with one’s intention.

There are many methods for developing an iron will. The principle here is very simple: he who has power over himself has power over the whole world.

The following technique for developing willpower, despite its simplicity, is complicated in that you will have to overcome yourself: overcome your laziness.

1) The practitioner stands at attention. Hands along the body. The back and neck should be straight and in line.

2) Now he freezes and does not move. A person watches himself, not allowing the slightest movement of his body.

3) On the first day, the practitioner stands motionless for only one minute. The next one there are two. Every day you need to add one minute of immobility.

This exercise must be performed at the same time, on an empty stomach, in the morning or in the evening. After 30 days you will reach the 30 minute mark, after 2 months you will be able to stand for an hour.

This simple exercise will change your life dramatically! You will gain power over yourself and your world. The main thing is to believe. The power of faith works wonders.

This exercise was used by ancient yogis to achieve their goals. This practice strengthens the body, calms the mind, and gives great intention!

By practicing volitional standing, you will gain a harmoniously built and beautiful body, clear, logical thinking; You will develop psychic abilities.

In the future, having set a task before standing, formulated your desire or intention, it will certainly come true - thanks to the powerful willpower!


Black egylet

Egilet is a love spell of a sexual nature. Immediately after it is carried out, the victim will feel a strong attraction to the witch and cannot look at other people.

For the ritual you will need:

  • photo of a man;
  • a set of needles of different sizes;
  • black candle;
  • paper.

How to make your husband always want his wife:

  1. On the waning moon on Monday or Tuesday, place a candle in the center of the table and light it.
  2. Place the man's photograph on a piece of paper and wrap it like an envelope. Fasten the corners with needles and cast a spell.

Black magic ritual.
Hide the package under the mattress. It is important that the husband sleeps on this bed - then he will not be able to make love to anyone other than his wife.

Christian prayer

Praying to the Lord will help return your spouse’s desire and interest in a woman. You need to turn to God in a quiet, deserted place where no one will disturb you.

The prayer must be read repeatedly, in a quiet and confident voice, by the light of a burning candle and in front of the icon.

You can come up with any text - the main thing is that it is sincere. If you can’t compose, then you should light a fire and, looking at the smoke, whisper:

Read the prayer over the smoke of the fire.

The fire element will strengthen the energy flow and make it so that the Lord will hear the prayer.

—What does conscious intention give us?


The technique of mindfulness allows you to fully use a special cosmic force for your own purposes. In addition, you also:

1) develop a sense of responsibility for your life; 2) learn to manage life, actually becoming its master; 3) you have the opportunity to paint events in certain tones, setting the emotion for your action in the intention (I will do it with enthusiasm, with great pleasure, I will show optimism, I will meet with great joy, etc.); 4) you can focus on the most important thing for a given time (you can reflect the focus itself in the words: I have the intention of focusing on...).


Women magnets for men

If they leave sweet and sincere women who madly love and idolize their man, then for whom? The answer lies on the surface: for the sake of those who love themselves. No, these women are not arrogant and do not engage in narcissism - they just know their worth, and it is high.

Such a woman is proud, willful and has an “iron” character. She will never put a man’s interests above her own - they are always equal. And she won't let him get too close, but she won't lie or use rude tactics - she plays fair.

This challenging woman, a mystery woman (not to be confused with a rebus woman) will always be attractive to a man because she is unpredictable and keeps him in constant suspense. He will never be sure that she belongs 100% to him and depends only on him. He will dream about how he can get her and never let her go, this is what drives a man crazy.

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