How to make a man miss you: proven powerful techniques that can attract him to you

One interesting thought has come to all of us more than once: “What if you can convey your feelings and thoughts to another person without words, only by the power of the mind?” How much more convenient would it be to live, work and love? Maybe this is all from the realm of science fiction, skeptics will say, but I have personal experience, thanks to which I believed in the power of thought. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in it or not. There are different methods of mentally transmitting information remotely. Let's pay attention to the most effective of them.


The definition of the term “telepathy” is:

The ability of human consciousness (thinking) to transmit its thoughts to another individual at a distance.

Of great importance in this technique is the ability to create by imagining a phantom of a certain person (not to be confused with a ghost), that is, to evoke in the mind the image of the addressee. Thought, according to this theory, can spread to any distance; it has no physical barriers. The transfer must take place in a state of altered consciousness.

What is sent mentally to the addressee: love, passion, sometimes hostility and hatred. If everything is clear with the message of bright feelings, then the negative, as many religions and the Universe itself teach, returns to the sender with a boomerang effect. Therefore, it is not worth the risk.

But today I don’t want to delve into the specifics of telepathy and will share with you working methods of transmitting information by the power of thought, thanks to which you will make a man think only about you.

Losing a loved one instantly13

There is no need to create unnecessary illusions when you are in a relationship with a man. Girls often make the mistake of thinking that a man has fallen for her like a snotty boy and won’t go anywhere now. If a woman changes her attitude towards a man, towards herself and begins to stoop to low actions, the wonderful state of a guy’s love will disappear without a trace.

He will stop building relationships with someone who, instead of delight, will begin to cause irritation and annoyance. Little by little his affection and passion will weaken, and the man will begin to avoid her. To avoid such a tragedy, learn to behave with dignity.


A scientist from Russia, naturalist and academician V. I. Vernadsky at one time put forward a theory of the relationship between man and space. He argued that human consciousness, interfering with the biological shell of the Earth, forms a subtler and higher sphere, which he called the noosphere. He presented the idea of ​​spontaneous emergence associated with the birth of the first person and the subsequent transformation of the noosphere under the influence of the human mind. In short, it turns out that the consciousness of people controls the mental shell of the globe.

According to the scientist's idea, man becomes a creator, a creator, a geological force. The academician attributes all scientific activities to this subtle sphere.

According to his theory, thoughts come into contact with the biological sphere and change it. Our thoughts come from the field of a special mental shell, and do not arise in the head on their own. Now the paradox is clear, which is that during the silence of our mind, incomprehensible thoughts appear out of nowhere and attack our head like a swarm of bees. We transmit our desires and ideas to the noosphere, and they purposefully or completely spontaneously go to another person. In an effort to fulfill our desires, we tune our minds to create certain thoughts and, with the help of visualization and pronouncing certain phrases, transmit our messages to the noosphere.

Therefore, I highly recommend saying affirmations for love so that your man finally starts thinking only about you.

You can read affirmations for happy love here >>>

Be yourself7

To be an ideal partner for the guy you love, a girl must first of all remain herself. This applies to both external and internal qualities. You should not lighten your raven-colored curls if a man likes blondes. There is no need to get eyelash extensions or change eye color using contact lenses if your loved one prefers “blue-eyed dolls.”

You don’t need to go on exhausting diets to lose weight for the sake of a man who criticizes a woman’s curvaceous parameters. Losing weight is possible and beneficial only if you want it yourself. The same applies to character traits. A girl with increased emotionality and activity should not lock herself within four walls or make an effort to control her raging emotions.

Lovers of dancing and motorcycle racing should not take up boring knitting and embroidery. And vice versa. If your soul prefers parties to the comfort of home and reading books, you don’t need to make an effort on yourself and “change” for the sake of your partner. You must always remain yourself. This is exactly the kind of young lady that the one destined for by Fate itself will appreciate and receive.

Application in life

The common man, in principle, is more interested not in science, but in how scientific theories and hypotheses can be applied in one’s own life. Women have especially succeeded in this regard. It’s interesting: why some ladies, with quite ordinary appearance and often inflexible character, attract much more attention from gentlemen than some beauties and intellectuals. What's the secret?

Sometimes you look at a woman and the partner walking next to her and don’t understand how she “hooked” him, how she seduced him. A familiar paradox, isn't it? Let's move on to the methods that will help you attract the right person.

Sassy tongue6

No matter how good a woman is, if she is too comfortable and flexible, she will no longer be appreciated and respected. Don't forget about your personality and character. Many men are excited and worried by the behavior of a beauty who can hurt his pride, respond with an original barb and sometimes be a daring and “witty” interlocutor. It is important not to go too far, and not to humiliate a man’s dignity during quarrels.

You cannot stoop to low and disgusting insults. Especially in the presence of other people. Never joke about intimate topics. It is strictly forbidden to touch upon the size of the penis and sexual abilities of the partner during a conversation. Such topics can cause a deep wound to the soul of a lover. No hot sex with a truce will erase the burning offensive words addressed to him from memory.

We create conditions for a miracle

Before you try the method of attracting a man, you need to honestly answer three points:

  1. Decide on your motives. What attracts you to this person: love, sympathy or anger and jealousy. Negative messages to the chosen one through the Universe are fraught with reciprocal bad energy. And we don't need this.
  2. Attitude towards the chosen person. Who is he to you? Husband, ex-husband, just an acquaintance, loved one? This is important, and even more important is how you really feel about it. In your subconscious, you must keep a positive image of the man you will mentally attract. Under no circumstances do this as revenge on him or your homewrecker friend.
  3. Attitude towards yourself. If you have low self-esteem, then it is unlikely that you will be able to make your chosen one fall in love with you with thoughts about him and telepathic calls for intimacy. First of all, you need to do auto-training aimed at increasing female self-esteem and actions to increase the level of attractiveness: makeup, fitness, massage, hairstyle, wardrobe. You cannot subjugate the will of another person, order him to love you just because you want it. The potential chosen one should also want this. The transmission of thoughts only speeds up the process of the birth of love and friendship, but without proper preparation and work, the relationship may not begin at all or end quickly.

We believe in miracles, but sometimes we don’t know that we create a miracle with our own hands: work, faith, hope and love.

Preparing for the conspiracy

The conspiracies presented here belong to white magic. They are harmless because they will not bind a person forever, they will not force them to fall in love and go against their true feelings. On the contrary, they push and strengthen what is initially in the heart. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. resort to magic only as a last resort. Remember that this is not entertainment, but a serious ritual;
  2. in the process, focus on positive feelings towards your partner. You can’t be angry or despise him, because you plant these emotions in the guy’s soul;
  3. pronounce the text in an affirmative intonation and in a confident voice;
  4. read the plot during the day or evening, but you can look at the lunar calendar and choose the most favorable days;

Making a man think about himself

The first, and very effective method is called mental suggestion.

You should practice this method mentally all the time. To experiment, you need to be close, preferably in the same room, with the man whose thoughts you are going to penetrate. Bewitch him with your gaze, make him want to be with you. Start mentally sending phrases to your loved one with your power of thought and energy (not out loud, although some hunters for men do this and speak loudly): “You, (name), love me!”, “You can’t live without me!”, “Name beloved, you constantly think about me!” At the moment of transmission of thought, when you suggest something to him, you need to imagine that a certain blue luminous ray is emanating from you and connecting you with a dear person.

A ray tunnel with sparks and overflows is an opened energy channel. It can be used to transmit mental messages. Confidently and persistently convey your thoughts to a person using beam visualization, imprint your image in his mind and soul. This method will help inspire your chosen one to think about you, but alas, it will not work with a stranger.

A man should at least know you. But I know several stories with a happy ending, when, for the sake of experiment, girls set up a “random” meeting with the goal of winning and charming a man.

Sincerity and understanding12

There is no need to be cunning with a man, to deceive his hopes. Whatever happens, always be sincere and honest with your partner. Listen to his stories with interest and enthusiasm, provide support and patience in any situation. When a man finds understanding and sincere interest in his partner, he will understand that in her person he has acquired a kindred spirit, which he is afraid of losing and “missing.” He will cherish and appreciate more strongly the woman in whom his soul resonates.

Make me think about you from a distance? Easily!

When you love someone, you want the object of your adoration to always be there and think about you all the time. Is not it? Everyone wants to dissolve in the man they love, but what if he is far away? How to control his thoughts from a distance?

At one time, this method helped me attract a man with the power of thought.

What do we have to do:

You must direct your thoughts in a certain direction and focus. If your betrothed is far away and it’s night at this time, you need to imagine how he sleeps. Relax and turn on visualization, stop thinking about everything, concentrate mentally on your man, try to enter a state of meditation.

Continue to breathe deeply and evenly. Imagine your boyfriend in every detail (eyes, hair, lips, smile). When the image in your head is collected and your thoughts are focused on it alone, you need to mentally transport yourself into his body, penetrate his consciousness, his thoughts.

After this, carry out the suggestion by saying to yourself commands that encourage you to remember you, love you and think only about you.

Thought phrases should sound like this: “I miss (your name)”, “I need to call (your name)!”.

If the experiment was a success, then soon the man will definitely call or write you a romantic SMS.

This technique, aimed at instilling certain commands and actions with the power of thought, cannot be used by women (girls) who are in an interesting situation (pregnant) or who are in poor health due to health problems, since thoughts, being material, take up a lot of energy, needed for other purposes.

Catchphrase: “Easy in sight!” didn't just arise out of nowhere. The method that conveys desires to the recipient with the power of thought also works in life. Even if people don’t do anything specifically for this, but just think about someone and create a picture in their head.

Open gradually11

How to make the man you love very much miss? First of all, a woman should not be an “open book” for her partner. You shouldn't tell your loved one about everything that's going on in your head. With each event, you can surprise and delight your partner with unexpected talents: sing a song in a karaoke bar with rehearsed vocals; recite a love poem written as a teenager during a romantic dinner.

Let the man understand that in front of him is an amazing woman who impresses him more and more every time. Try to improve and reveal your inner talents. This way you will make yourself happy too

How to make your ex think about you?

We all would like to control the person we love. So that your ex's thoughts are occupied only with you, and not a single girl can take your place. At the moment of separation, many women begin to go crazy in separation. The imagination draws terrible pictures of betrayal, and the thoughts are spinning in my head: “He has fallen out of love!” Being far away from each other can cause you to lose a special connection.

To avoid this and make your ex-man think about himself, we move on to the following method:

It's no secret that when a man thinks about you, he falls in love more and more. But here it is important to wait the right time and not impose yourself first. Over the course of 2-4 weeks, the man’s brain re-digests everything that happened between you, but without unnecessary emotions. If during this time you did not contact him first, then you did the right thing! He already misses you, all that remains is to push him to take the first step.

For this method, a woman needs to imagine that her chosen one is standing in front of her naked. In her thoughts, she reaches out her hand to him, touches him and gently strokes his skin. A woman should focus on a specific area of ​​the body (any). While performing this exercise, a strong magical connection is established remotely with a partner.

A “magic touch” from a distance can bring a man to a state of euphoria. This person will belong to you both body and soul.

If, after this practice, your ex-man tries to get in touch with you, do not under any circumstances ignore his attempts. Now is the best time for reconciliation!

Attracting attention from a psychological point of view

How to interest a man by correspondence and is it possible to drive him crazy?

Representatives of the stronger sex have their own weaknesses, which are useful for women to know about. Knowing some psychological characteristics, it will be easier to please and feel more confident in relationships:

  1. Men have to deal with refusals more often, because they are supposed to take the first step when dating. This requires courage and self-confidence. Therefore, indecisive guys need to give hints about their location.
  2. It is difficult for passive and ugly men to attract the attention of girls.
  3. Society values ​​success in love relationships. In male companies, it is customary to make fun of inexperienced and timid friends.
  4. It is not customary for men to ask for help in the art of communicating with the female sex. They can only envy their naturally sociable and charming rivals.
  5. Men understand people worse than women. Developed female intuition and social skills provide a great advantage in communication.

Psychology of relationships

When thinking about how to make a man run after you, you should turn to psychology. The most important thing is that a girl should not be too accessible. All males are hunters by nature and love the excitement of chasing prey. You can’t immediately let your chosen one into your space. A woman should beckon, intrigue, appear and disappear again. Then she will become a long-awaited prize that will be difficult to give up.

The other extreme is excessive shyness. Modest girls who are afraid of everything and who are even difficult to persuade to go to the cinema are not very interested in modern guys.

Egyptian method

Another effective method that will help make your chosen one think about you constantly. This practice was known back in Ancient Egypt. It is known that Egyptian women knew how to attract and seduce a man. There was something magical and attractive about them.

The method is suitable for those who want to conquer and attract a person, but not yet a loved one. And also for those women who have been in a relationship with their betrothed for a long time and have suspected him of cheating. The method will help awaken former passion and restore faded feelings in your husbands.

So, this method is performed during the full moon and in complete solitude.

First you need to create a special atmosphere of beautiful meditation, maybe erotic. Turn on relaxing music, remove unnecessary objects around you and distracting sounds.

  1. We light incense and candles.
  2. We put on light clothes: a transparent nightgown with lace. If you wish, you can undress naked.
  3. Next, turn off the light and go to bed.
  4. At the same time, we breathe slowly and deeply, deeply.
  5. Let's throw all unnecessary thoughts out of our heads and start visualizing.
  6. You need to imagine your energy coming out of the solar plexus area and slipping like a beam onto the streets of the night metropolis, reaching your loved one’s house and penetrating into his room. Here it is implied that the girl and the guy do not live together yet. If the desired object is a husband sleeping in the next room after a quarrel, then everything will be much easier to do, and the result will be almost lightning fast.
  7. Imagine yourself as a breathtaking Egyptian queen (Cleopatra), from whom everyone goes crazy, but you don’t need everyone. You only need one, the chosen one.
  8. Returning to the beginning, we release a ray from the chest (solar plexus) to a loved one. When your beam in your thoughts has reached the recipient, begin sending him thoughts and desires through this portal. Let them be daring, erotic and crazy. Do not be shy. Turn on your feminine energy to its full potential. And when you feel pleasant warmth or a slight burning sensation, it means an energetic response has arrived, your object of adoration has responded.

Visual method4

Of course, you shouldn’t constantly run after your loved one and remind you what you look like. With the visual method, your task is to remind yourself, but within reason. Sometimes take the time to please your man with your beautiful photo. Men look at a woman's body anyway, so let it be your body.

Pamper your lover with erotic and other beautiful pictures. Looking at them, he will remember you, desire you and constantly think about your meeting. In addition, you can give your loved one a small item, such as a phone keychain, a bracelet, or a decorative item for your home or car. This item will remind you of your pleasant memories together.

How to get another person to call

Let's look at an example from life. A lonely divorced woman wanted a call from an old acquaintance, her former lover, whom she had not seen for several years. The idea is good, because you need to arrange your own destiny. All that remains is to mentally force the man to call her, and in such a way that he is sure that the thought of the call belongs to him.

What she did for this: she conveyed to him, using the noosphere, her desire to communicate by telephone and came up with what he would say during the conversation. She needed the man to have an irresistible desire to talk to her. She kept his image in her head, remembering the details of his appearance, his manner of speaking, and constantly gave him the command: “Call Natasha (your name).”

To this visualization the woman added the emotion of joy. And when the call came three days later, she saw the name of that same person displayed on the screen of her mobile phone, her happiness knew no bounds.

With the power of thought, she was able to transfer the desire into his consciousness over a distance. Incredible, but true: we transmit thoughts to each other with the power of our minds. Proven by life. Following such an experiment, we can attract to ourselves, in theory, any person we need. In practice, we only need “our” people, destined by fate.

If you drive more quietly, you will continue 3

To make a man miss you, you need to carefully monitor the development of the romance. A very fast start leads to a fast ending. If a guy is truly dear, you shouldn’t rush things. Let the young man seek the affection of the lady of his heart. You shouldn’t immediately run into bed with him and show all the tricks that you are capable of. Men are hunters. When they immediately get what they really want, their interest gradually wanes.

They stop appreciating and cherishing a woman whom they can quickly subjugate. Their feelings will go out without having time to really flare up. The same cannot be said about the young lady, in whom the inaccessibility of the Snow Queen and the sweet warmth of Gerda are intelligently intertwined. Any Kai would want and appreciate such a girl. He will think about her day and night, cherishing in his soul those moments when he will throw his beloved woman onto his love bed.

Recommendations from an expert

  • Conveying thoughts to each other, if they are good and kind, is not only possible, but also pleasant. Positive thoughts are creative and inspiring, while negative thoughts have a destructive effect.
  • You need to visualize desires in a good mood and health. Remember that bad energy responses also come in response, just like good requests to the Universe.
  • It is important to understand that you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. If your target has been happily married for a long time and loves another woman, then you should not pursue him in every conceivable and inconceivable way, including a telepathic attack.
  • By interfering with the aura of someone else's love, you can cause a lot of trouble. This will have a detrimental effect not only on strangers, but on ourselves.

Do not forget about the great power of love and those who walk side by side with it: forgiveness, mutual understanding and compassion. Only true feelings can create a real miracle!

Enticing messages4

When a love affair breaks out between you, you can change your strategy a little. The touch-me-not should smoothly turn into a seductive cat. When a man is at work, the temptress sends her lover hot and enticing messages, mentioning what surprise awaits him in the evening when he comes home from work.

It is worth mentioning the factor that there is nothing else on your naked body except the robe. One or two such SMS can drive a man crazy, looking forward to the end of the working day. He will fly home on the wings of love and passion, and languidly yearn for his soul mate all day.

Auditory perception

Choose a word that he will associate with your relationship. It is best if it is a praising epithet, uttered by you during or after sex: amazing, magnificent, divine, etc. Mention the chosen word in messages, flirting with your loved one on the phone, during romantic meetings.

Be sure to tie the “key” to positive emotions. Even a “code” heard from other people will instantly return the guy’s thoughts to you.

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