How to confess your love to a girl on VK and is it worth doing so?

Confessing your love and proposing a relationship is not an easy task. Young people very often prefer to write delicately rather than talk personally about their tender feelings. When you don't have to look into your eyes, it's much easier to express your emotions and find the right words. A very logical question arises: how to confess your love to a girl by correspondence? And in such a way that you won’t feel ashamed later.

How to respond to a declaration of love.

Beautiful confessions

Every teenager in love wants to beautifully confess his love to a girl. To reduce the degree of anxiety, many prefer to use messages on WhatsApp, VK, or are going to write to their beloved on Instagram.

Here are examples of what words you can use to show your tender feelings to a girl:

  1. A day without love has no meaning. You are my meaning.
  2. Thousands of days spent in hell will be enough price for one day with you
  3. The feelings that I have for you cannot be called love. After all, this word reflects only part of what I feel for you
  4. You gave me love - the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced
  5. You are my ray of sunshine that shows me the way in the most difficult times. You are a diamond, accidentally found among an endless number of grains of sand, whose image I will forever keep in my heart.
  6. Your happiness is the best reward for me, your laughter gives me wings, and your smile illuminates the whole world with light even in rainy weather.
  7. You occupy all my thoughts, and the time spent with you seems to rush at the speed of light. I don’t want to say goodbye to you, but when I have to... The hours that I spent without you last forever.
  8. Love for you existed in my soul even before we met. At the first meeting, she did not appear, but only came out of sleep mode.
  9. If there was such a job as loving you, I would want to be the only candidate. Moreover, I would not require any payment for this work.
  10. You may not like some feature about yourself. But this is only until the moment when you can look at the world through my eyes.


One option: “*Name*, hello. I would like to have a serious conversation with you. We're friends, aren't we? Yes, that's right, friends. But, you know, lately, for inexplicable reasons, I have become so drawn to you. I don't know what's happening to me. When you're not there, I miss you. When you are with me, I am the happiest. I understand that now you can simply reject me. It's your choice. I just wanted to finally express how much I love you. As soon as I met you, you seemed ordinary to me, just like everyone else. But after getting to know you a little, I realized that you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love you".

Original confessions

Sometimes, you want to confess your love in an original way, so that the confession sounds simply magical. Do you want to confess to a girl from your class that you’ve known you for a thousand years, so that she can see you from the other side? The following confessions will help you with this:

  1. For your sake, I am ready to stop playing Dota, and even Minecraft, I love you so much!
  2. One day hundreds and even thousands of men will turn their gaze to you. Many of them will desire you. But none of them will experience the strong feelings that lurk in my heart.
  3. I look for you in every person I meet, in every person passing by, but I don’t find you. And this is my greatest sadness of all.
  4. For stealing my heart, you are sentenced to five years in prison. Or maybe we can solve everything peacefully?
  5. My heart does not stop running to you, bursting out of my chest.
  6. I begin to suspect that my mind is betraying me. He's crazy in love with you.
  7. My love for you can re-ignite the extinguished sun.
  8. The feelings that arose between us flow through our veins and, together with our pulse, beat under our skin.
  9. I would like a meeting with me to become the most joyful event of the day, and farewell to be more painful than all the troubles of this world
  10. The only series that I am ready to watch over and over again must be about you, and with you in the lead roles.

Tip #8: Involve your friends.

You can also attract recognition from your friends in your video by organizing, for example, a flash mob or a quest.

All actions of a flash mob or quest that take place are recorded on a video camera. A flash mob can be organized in the shape of a pulsating heart, in the center of which there will be a man already painfully familiar to the girl. Before such an important event, it is necessary to rehearse your confession so that everything is organized and harmonious.

Friends can also take part in the quest. Scatter, for example, certain tasks in different places of the park, after completing which the team of players will receive one letter each. At the end of the quest, friends must put all the letters together and voice this strong encrypted phrase “...I love you.” Next, you need to edit a video confession and send it to your significant other as a message.

Mysterious hints

It happens that a young man is not sure of the reciprocity of feelings. Naturally, you want to confess your love so that you won’t refuse. In this case, you can do it secretly. Recognition by hints is an excellent way out of the situation. It’s not always possible to express trembling feelings in your own words, right? For this case, there is already a ready-made text of a love confession; you just need to remember it or copy it for further sending by message.

  1. Every day I wake up grateful to the world that our paths crossed one day.
  2. You have captured all my thoughts. If I had the opportunity to start all over again, I would certainly do it, only to repeat this path again.
  3. I used to worry at the thought that my heart was made of metal. But I don’t worry about this anymore, because you are the strongest magnet.
  4. This world is perfect thanks to you, and without you its existence loses its meaning.
  5. The only drug I'm willing to get hooked on is you.
  6. It seems to me that in a past life I was a pirate. And only in this one did he find his treasure.
  7. My breath stops with delight every time I see you.
  8. My most cherished dream is to hide my face in your hair and inhale their scent until the end of time.
  9. You are perfection itself. And my duty is to remind you of this every day.
  10. There are many compliments in the world, but none of them can fully express how beautiful you are.

How to confess your love to your husband?

Men greatly value the appreciation, respect and attention of their wives.

If a husband loves fishing, and his wife always nagged him for money spent on a hobby or wasted time, then a real surprise for him will probably be a change in his wife’s behavior. Give good fishing rods or happily let you go fishing, seasoning a pleasant surprise with words of love - what could be more beautiful?

But very seriously, you can confess your love to your husband during a romantic walk together, traveling together, at the cinema or at a rock concert. It is advisable that this is not a domestic situation, of which there are too many in family life.

Neat confessions

If you have the courage to tell a girl about your crush, but the fear of rejection makes your heart ache, you can confess very carefully. The confession will look romantic, there will not be an ounce of vulgarity in it. Everyone probably wants to confess very sweetly, so much so that their beloved’s chest flutters.

  1. Have you heard Hachiko's story? I am just as ready to wait for you as long as necessary.
  2. I hope there is a place in your heart so that I can settle there.
  3. I have a little secret that I carefully keep from everyone. And I am ready to share this secret only with you. Every time I see you, my heart starts beating faster and faster.
  4. I would like to be an angel to gently touch you with my wings, shielding you from all the troubles of the world.
  5. Every time you cry, I dream of wiping your salty tears from your face with kisses.
  6. All I want in times of sadness is to hold your hand. I'm sure it would make me the happiest person on earth.
  7. Every person in this world has a dream and everyone would like it to come true. You are my dream. Do I have a chance that it will ever come true?
  8. They say no people are irreplaceable. I bet there is! And it's you.
  9. When I see you, my hands burn with the desire to hold you close to me.
  10. If I lost my hearing, I would only grieve that I would never hear your voice again.

How to confess your love in pictures?

Hearts, flowers, bright rich colors are traditional attributes of confession pictures.

You don’t have to create cards with passionate words for your loved ones yourself - there are many options on the Internet for every taste. Those who are tired of the usual hearts and cats can easily find extraordinary confessions.

What to do if you are afraid and embarrassed

Excitement before declaring love is a completely natural, albeit unpleasant thing. It's scary that the feelings may not be mutual. But in fact, you don't lose anything. But you can gain much more - a relationship with a loved one, the opportunity to constantly be near, touch.

If you decide to confess, you should take a deep breath, exhale slowly, counting to ten, and “go into battle.” It’s just difficult to start; then the words themselves will flow as if from a cornucopia. By the way, if the recognition looks creative, it can increase the chances of success.

Everyone is scared to talk about their feelings, but fear can easily turn into anticipation. One has only to think about how many times the phrase “I love you” will be uttered, to which they will certainly respond in kind... And now the impending confession is not perceived as an execution, but horror develops into exciting, impatient anticipation. Well, if you can’t get rid of the feeling of your blood running cold in your veins, you can start speaking in riddles, maybe it will be easier for someone.

It is not necessary to demonstrate feigned confidence; many girls will regard shyness as another proof of feelings. And if a usually modest young man suddenly turns into an inveterate ladies' man, this may cause bewilderment. The best advice you can ever hear is to be yourself, no matter how cliché it may sound.

General recommendations

Regardless of how and where you decide to confess your feelings, remember a few rules:

  1. Be yourself. Don't try to pretend to be someone else. You will save yours and hers time and effort if you immediately understand whether you are suitable for each other or not.
  2. Be confident in your feelings. This is especially true for those situations where recognition was preceded by a strong friendship between a man and a woman. Or when, instead of love, a person experiences passion and attraction.
  3. Learn to cope with stress, choose self-regulation techniques, and don’t get nervous.

What is the best way to confess your feelings: in person or on VK? Better in person. An important part of communication disappears online – non-verbal communication. It is what shows a person’s true reactions and emotions.

By the way, it’s easier to confess your feelings when you know that the sympathy is mutual. You can take your time and observe the girl’s behavior. We recommend reading our article “How to know that a girl likes you - advice from a psychologist” and observing your chosen one.

If you are also a girl

First, you should find out your beloved’s attitude towards LGBT people. It will be extremely unpleasant if insults are made in response to a romantic confession. If a person is tolerant of minorities, there is no need to be afraid of this.

It is not always possible to “test the waters,” because many people do not openly talk about their orientation. If you have information on this, great! If not, you will have to take a risk.

Don't be upset if it turns out that the girl is heterosexual. It's not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just that she's only attracted to guys. Yes, it hurts, but sometimes you just have to accept it and move on with your life.

A confession from a girl can be a very unexpected moment that can unsettle you. In this case, you need to give the girl some time.

If there were any hints, flirting on the part of the beloved, and it is known that she has a non-traditional orientation - this can be regarded as a green light! Perhaps she is simply too afraid to admit it? One way or another, one of you will have to take the first step sooner or later. Unsaid things may not lead to anything good.

The words for recognition can be used the same ones that are constantly heard throughout the rest of the world. There are no clear rules or restrictions here; the most important thing is that the words come from the heart.

Preparing for Rejection

An important point when deciding to confess to a loved one is the awareness of a possible refusal. The likelihood increases with short-term relationships or their absence before an explanation of feelings.

If there is no reciprocity, you should not blame the person or give up; it is better to behave with dignity and thank you for the truth. In addition, it is no secret that a woman needs to be wooed. Perhaps after some time it will be possible to win the favor of your beloved, and the situation will change radically.

At the same time, it is recommended to avoid intrusive methods; it is better to accept the status of a friend, always ready to help. If the girl does not show sympathy or interest in any communication, you will have to step aside - then this is not your destiny.

If she doesn't love or has a boyfriend

Of course, before confessing, it is worth “reconnoitring the situation.” Find out from her friends or mutual acquaintances whether the girl is currently in a relationship. If your beloved is already happy with another young man, you should not ruin her happiness.

But there are times when a couple does not advertise their relationship, and there can be many reasons for this. If the moment of declaration of love has taken place, and it turns out that your beloved is not alone, you should not be afraid and reproach yourself.

Not in all cases people reciprocate. It happens that there is simply no place in the heart for a particular person. And that's absolutely normal. The feelings may not be mutual, you just have to accept it.

It’s worth talking to the person who never became your soulmate. Discuss what kind of relationship you will remain in in the future. Maybe friendship isn't so bad after all? You should not be angry with your beloved, it is not her fault that she cannot respond in kind. And you shouldn’t fall into despair; the opportunity to see each other and communicate often remains. One way or another, life does not stand still, and one day you will definitely be able to find a person who will experience an inspiring, extraterrestrial feeling of falling in love in return. And most likely, in the future you will experience this magical feeling more than once, only with another person.

Tip #3: Find common topics of conversation.

If a girl plays the same sport, or reads similar books, or listens to the same music as the guy in love, then we can give 100% that this future union can have development and prospects. A common cause brings us closer together.

But if the chosen interlocutor is radically different from the fictitious ideal, do not be upset, because it is known all over the world that opposites attract. Don't go back, forward and only forward!

On VKontakte you can send your interlocutor an interesting video or article. It’s worth getting your potential soulmate interested, that is, discussing this masterpiece of cinema or literature together. Going through some interesting tasks and questions together, both sides will get the impression that they are solving and finding a way out of this or that situation, too, together.

TOP 10 SMS messages to your beloved woman in your own words

  1. I can talk, think and dream about you endlessly.
  2. I dream of being next to you, without thinking about anything. I don't want to waste a single second.
  3. I am not a master of pompous phrases, this is what my heart says - you are a goddess.
  4. You are a ray of sunshine that warms me every day!
  5. I looked at the flower and then at you, because the flower is not as beautiful as you.
  6. I will not remember quotes from the classics, I will say in my own words - you are beautiful!
  7. Let your dreams not disturb you, but leave behind sweet languor and good memories.
  8. May your sleep be serene and your morning be joyful!
  9. You're cool! Let's light it up tonight?
  10. When I look at you, I forget about everything.

Why is he silent

There are many reasons why the chosen one does not throw himself at his feet with confessions. It depends on them what a man’s reaction will be to recognition from a girl. Be prepared for both reciprocity and harshness, sometimes even ridicule.

  • timidity and shyness;
  • fear of being the first to make contact or move to a new level of relationship;
  • fear of being rejected (after all, guys are sometimes more vulnerable than girls);
  • your relationship is now full of romance, trepidation, he gives flowers, accompanies you home, but is afraid to scare you off with haste;
  • Non-verbal messages and feelings are more important to him; he values ​​actions above words;
  • the loved one has not yet decided on his feelings, he feels sympathy, but not yet love.

It is important to recognize the temperament of your loved one in time. If a guy is a narcissist by nature and is constantly surrounded by girls, recognition will only tickle his pride. In the opposite position, a shy person, an adherent of traditional views, will be dumbfounded by such pressure and will try to disappear from the environment. Tactics need to be carefully thought out, and not just go for broke. And, in general, do all men like it when they are declared in love, because then they are assigned the role of a driven partner? Let's figure it out.

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