How to compliment a girl: instructions for dummies

In this article you will learn how to compliment a girl. There are many examples and instructions here.

All female representatives like compliments, as girls love with their ears. A correctly chosen and spoken compliment can melt and win the heart of a beauty. But not many men know how to do this correctly, and girls hear banal compliments on the street every day. Below you will find information on how to give compliments to dummies. Read on.

Compliment to a girl from a guy: poetry

If you don’t yet know how to speak beautifully, then it’s better to learn a couple of quatrains, and then success is guaranteed for you. Here are a few compliments to a girl from a guy in the form of poems:

Compliment to a girl from a guy: poetry

Advice: Try not to just read the lines, but put your soul into them. This is the only way the lady of your heart will believe you and be charmed.


  1. You wrinkle your nose so cutely when you laugh (you’re nervous, embarrassed, sneezing).
  2. I love it when you twirl the curl around your finger. You look so mischievous and charming.
  3. I love it when you start unconsciously biting (licking) your lips. It's so sexy.
  4. Stretch like a cat. I just want to pet it.
  5. You always purr so pleasantly when you try this dish. Waiter, bring me three more of these, please.
  6. I absolutely cannot quarrel with you. When you get angry, you start sniffling so touchingly. It is impossible to be offended.
  7. When you are very passionate about something, you tilt your head to the side (show your tongue, frown funny, comb your hair). It's always pleasant and interesting to watch you.
  8. I love it when you lay your head on my shoulder. At these moments you seem so small and defenseless.
  9. The way you stroke my head (look at me, hug me, kiss me) when I'm upset calms me down. Thank you.
  10. Have you seen your facial expression when you are happy (excited, serious, confused)? How can you not fall in love?

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A girl compliments a man, a guy: what does this mean?

A girl compliments a man
Often the initiative to show sympathy through a compliment comes from a man. But alas, not every guy can give vent to his feelings, especially if he is modest by nature. Then resourceful women take the initiative into their own hands and speak flatteringly about one or another quality of their interlocutor. What does it mean when a girl compliments a man or a guy? There can be many variations. Here are a few of them:

  • A woman can compliment a man by openly flirting. Flirting is not necessarily used as a manifestation of sympathy. In this way, the girl can test her ability to charm without a hint of continuing the acquaintance.
  • Maybe flirting is used to arouse interest in the opposite sex.
  • A sincere compliment encourages acquaintance. This is where it is easier to start a positive conversation.
  • Flattery . Women resort to it, expressing personal hostility or for selfish purposes. The effect, of course, is not great, but as a feminine trick it is irreplaceable.
  • Ordinary sympathy or a good mood makes a woman want to give her opponent a compliment or give feedback.
  • Sometimes you want to say something nice to someone just like that , to praise, to admire the changes in appearance and habits.

In any case, the girl gives compliments for a reason. Thus, she makes it clear that she is well disposed towards the person.

1. Appearance.

  1. You have such thin and graceful fingers that I want to hold your hand all the time.
  2. Did you know that when you smile, dimples appear on your cheeks? They are so cute.
  3. Your eye color is gorgeous, so rich (deep, bright, rare, soft). By the way, this is my favorite shade.
  4. Please smile more often. Your eyes immediately begin to sparkle and you look amazing.
  5. You have such a thin waist (graceful wrists, smooth shoulder line). I really like your femininity.
  6. Stunning figure! It's easy to mistake you for a fitness trainer or an athlete.
  7. Mmm, such delicate (velvety, smooth, soft) skin. You probably take very good care of her.
  8. You are so amazing that I want to become an artist and capture all your lines, dimples, shadows on canvas.
  9. You are very beautiful without makeup, and your natural beauty is immediately visible. That's great rarity.
  10. Sorry, I was staring at you and lost my mind. Could you repeat it all again?

Why do guys and men compliment their girls or other girls?

A guy compliments a girl
Guys compliment girls because ladies expect pleasant words from their men about them. If you do not pay such attention to your significant other, she may become offended or think about the decline of the relationship. To avoid such a situation, it is worth paying a few pleasant and expected words. Why do guys and men compliment their girls or other girls?

Interesting: Psychologists are confident that compliments seduce and provide about 60% of success in relationships. True high love feelings are manifested precisely in such an expression of feelings.

In addition to this, words in relation to a fan indicate precisely those virtues for which the man drew attention to her. When a woman hears pleasant words, her passion for a man flares up. It is also worth noting the following:

  • A compliment is the most accessible tool that does not require investment, and you can always stop.
  • With the help of words you can change the mood of a girl.
  • Any man cannot stand a woman's tears. You can always calm a lady down by saying a few beautiful words.
  • A compliment helps a man change his disposition towards a woman, you can even change his attitude and look. The main thing is not to become intrusive.

Compliments can be used both to your beloved and to other girls. But whether it’s worth winning over another lady, the man must decide for himself.


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  1. I love your graceful curves. They stir my blood.
  2. I want to kiss every centimeter of your body and enjoy you all the time.
  3. Crazy about your walk. Every step, every movement of the hips teases, beckons and turns you on like hell.
  4. How do you expect me to control myself if you look so stunning?
  5. Next to you, I constantly have to control myself. If it weren't for all these people around...
  6. I really want to hug you right now, but I'm afraid that once I do this, I won't be able to resist continuing.
  7. Can you say that again? You have such a sexy voice.
  8. Stop smiling (looking, doing, talking) like that, otherwise I’ll undress you right here and pounce on you.
  9. What do I think about your appearance? Let's just say that if there was a sexuality meter, then next to you it would have exploded from overload long ago.
  10. You are my personal aphrodisiac. You excite, excite, turn off your head, play with me.

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Why does a girl compliment a girl: what does it mean?

A girl compliments a girl
If you think carefully, you can observe a tendency that a girl to a girl or a woman to another woman can freely praise and admire each other. You won’t hear that from a man towards another man. Why does a girl compliment a girl? What does it mean? Here are the answers:

  • When you liked something in the image of another lady , and you can’t resist praising it. For example, dress, makeup, hairstyle and so on.
  • I just want to do something nice , add positivity and lift my spirits. For example, when a girl is unsure of herself or girls might say this to a work colleague.
  • A compliment as flattery when you want to be praised in return.
  • Anti-compliment when a lady wants to “annoy” another. For example: “You look so great and have recovered well!”

Beautiful words, even from a woman to another woman, are always nice. This is the kind of compliment that can make your day and is something to be grateful for.


  1. I look at you and I want to plant forest belts, build residential complexes and educate an entire generation.
  2. You definitely have a fever, the temperature is about 40 degrees. No? How do you intoxicate me then?
  3. I don’t know how to do a somersault, but my heart learned when it saw you.
  4. Well, at least you carried a fire extinguisher with you, if you look like that.
  5. Are we breaking it, girl? Where is the warning sign “Caution! Causes insomnia, absent-mindedness and falling in love”?
  6. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a pirate. It looks like he has. He drank rum, grew a beard, sailed on a ship, and now he has found a treasure.
  7. They say you should take only the best from life. So I'm picking you up.
  8. I didn't need to ask where you were. And I already realized that you were somewhere nearby when I saw a bunch of men with glowing eyes.
  9. You just smiled, and my brain capitulated.
  10. A friend told me that his girlfriend is the best in the whole world. I look at you and think - he’s lying, he’s an infection.

Should you compliment a girl: is it worth it?

A guy compliments a girl
Many guys are sure that the shortest way to winning a lady is to shower her with compliments. But is it necessary to say words of admiration to a girl? Is it worth doing? Here are the assumptions:

  • If you often say words of admiration to the girl you like, you will look annoying and pathetic. She will think that you are just another, another admirer, just like everyone else.
  • Other guys are sure that you should never praise girls, and this is also the wrong position.

It is important to understand that:

  • Compliments can have a powerful impact on a girl if they are given with an open heart.
  • Words of admiration must be spoken from the position of a kind and strong man . This way they will reach their goal and the beauty will be pleased.
  • If the compliment was given only in order to seduce her faster , then this will be noticeable right away and the girl will not trust you, calling you a rogue.
  • Compliments should work for you . The words should sound admiring. If your voice is not confident enough, then you need to work on it.
  • There is no need to compliment true beauties . They are aware of their attractiveness and often hear such words. You won’t be able to stand out from the crowd like that, but will only distance yourself from the girl.
  • You should find out more about her , maybe she has been working on something lately, for example, about her appearance - she radically changed her hairstyle, enlarged her breasts. The main thing is to give the compliment playfully, and not ingratiatingly.
  • Don't focus only on compliments . If you spend the whole evening saying words of admiration, she will quickly get tired of it. Do this sometimes and between times, moving on to a different topic, entertaining the beauty.

If you are sure that words of admiration will sound pitiful at the moment and will put you in an uncomfortable position, it is better to abandon this idea. Let them remain with you, and you can still be on top with the help of your charm and charisma.

Character qualities.

  1. I have always dreamed of such a kind (affectionate, gentle, caring, sensitive) woman. I'm happy that I met you.
  2. Your determination (willpower, confidence, perseverance, any strong qualities) deserves praise. I'm truly proud of you.
  3. Thank you for always trying to understand me. Your peacefulness, non-conflict and ability to compromise are very valuable to me.
  4. Thank you for your sincerity and openness. You have no idea how important they are to me.
  5. Sometimes you are quiet and a little reserved, but that makes you so mysterious. I like your mystery and modesty.
  6. You will never get bored. You are cheerful, active and cheerful. You will always be like this, won't you?
  7. Did you come up with this yourself (did it)? What a great fellow you are! Very beautiful (creative, unusual, resourceful).
  8. I respect your desire to improve and become even better. Although every time it seems to me that it can’t get any better. But you always pleasantly surprise me.
  9. Dear, thank you for your loyalty and devotion. I'm glad that I can be calm and trust you 100%.
  10. You have amazing taste. I don’t know what I would do without your thrift, accuracy and thriftiness.

Never compliment a girl's mustache: what's wrong?

Never compliment a girl’s mustache.
This phrase can be found in jokes and memes. But, seriously, you should under no circumstances hint to a girl that she has a mustache. It is clear that according to physiology, almost everyone has fluff or small hairs, but it is indecent to talk about it.

  • Girls are sensitive to information about the presence of hair on their bodies, because they constantly struggle with it.
  • Therefore, if you want to please a woman or win her heart, never compliment a girl’s mustache, even in a humorous or, as you think, harmless manner.
  • Many guys often make such mistakes and then regret them.

Give pleasant compliments, cheer up, add positivity and enjoy life with your soulmate. If beautiful words were spoken to you, then accept them with gratitude. Good luck!

Useful lifehacks

We have reviewed the basic principles. But there are a few more mini-tips I want to share with you.

  1. Choose the right time to give compliments. They must be appropriate to the situation. You shouldn't tell a colleague at a work meeting how silky her hair is.
  2. The compliment should be short and concise. There is no need to stretch it out into several sentences. Sometimes an emotional “wow” and your eloquent look will be enough.
  3. Monitor your emotions when people praise you. Reflection will help you distinguish a good compliment from a bad one. If words instead of joy cause annoyance and irritation, then this is a bad compliment. Don't say it yourself.
  4. Praise yourself. Let this be a kind of training. After this, it will be much easier for you to praise other people.
  5. A compliment said in front of witnesses is valued much higher than one said in private.
  6. Pay attention to the positive qualities of the people you interact with. Then it will be easier for you to say nice words to them.
  7. Compliment people, not their things. Instead of saying “I like your shoes,” say “you look very beautiful in those shoes.”
  8. Praise those qualities of a person that he himself considers important. If you have an athlete in front of you, you can note his good physical shape, and if you are a scientist, you can note his brilliant mind.
  9. Don't wait for a reaction. They said nice words - change the topic. This will highlight your generosity. You praise a person not in order to extract something, but simply from the heart.
  10. Don't envy the person you praise. And don't praise someone you envy. Otherwise, your compliment will look fake. Emotions will give you away.
  11. Don't be banal, be imaginative. Let your praise be original and creative.
  12. Emphasize the uniqueness of the person. He will be pleased if your words are addressed exclusively to him. Say, for example, not “you have a very beautiful face,” but “your mole on your cheek drives me crazy.”
  13. You can praise a person not only verbally, but also in writing. A person will be able to return to them again and again and remember you.


You yourself know a lot of clichéd compliments that are said in films, and just banal phrases that apply to almost all girls.
This is also the wrong way. You need to concentrate on something interesting. A girl wants to feel special, so give her that opportunity! Say not just that she’s great, but also highlight what exactly

. She needs confirmation of your words, otherwise everything will look, again, like banal flattery.

Highlight your virtues

As we have already said, the girl herself is well aware of her shortcomings. And about the advantages too. But if you notice this very advantage, then she will be doubly pleased to receive a compliment
. Such advantages are immediately visible, especially if the girl was preparing for a date.

It could be an unusual beautiful hairstyle, a good perfume, a nice dress, whatever. Your task is to notice this and say exactly about it. This will be the most accurate and applicable compliment at the moment.

No literature

Don't shower a girl with compliments taken from books
. In literary works this is sweet and romantic, but in reality it looks very artificial. A compliment should not be drawn out. This is an accurate expression of your thoughts about a specific person.

Otherwise, the very essence of the compliment will be lost in the stream of other words and will not be perceived so brightly.

Be careful with phrases that have intonation meanings

For example, the expression “You are so smart,” depending on the intonation, sounds like a compliment and like a mockery. The same goes for the phrase “Wow, what kind of person are you...” (continue further to suit your taste), which sounds like an unpleasant surprise at someone’s abilities. Evaluative passages like “Nice” or “Nothing like that” are equivalent to a dismissive reaction, so in this case even remaining silent would be the best idea.

By interest

Consider the girl's interests.
Think about what compliment you would like to receive if you were in her place? Of course, first of all it is appearance. But she's not only concerned with her appearance. She clearly has other hobbies and interests. Perhaps she is studying or working, in which case, find out how she is doing and praise her in the areas where she showed effort or showed good results.

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Constant training

In any business, it is important to constantly train in order to achieve some special results.
This means that you should constantly practice giving compliments, and over time you will learn to find the right words with a snap of your fingers, they will come to your mind. Make compliments your habit, say them to all the girls you see, using the above rules. At first it will not be easy, you will have to work on your imagination and your vocabulary. Besides, you can’t always just walk up to a loved one and, out of the blue, give a compliment. But over time, you will get used to the fact that people receive compliments from you, a small piece of goodness. Very soon you will feel it. How will people's attitude towards you change? Everyone will think you're a good, sweet guy. And you don’t need to look for a separate reason to give a compliment. You can find it out of nowhere and make the person happy.

Her influence.

  1. Thanks to you, I want to be better, stronger, more successful.
  2. Your support makes me feel like I can move mountains.
  3. I'm really happy with you. And this is entirely your fault.
  4. Your words always inspire me and increase my self-confidence.
  5. My life really got a lot better after I met you.
  6. I am not the most reserved (open, decisive, neat) person. But your presence makes me change for the better.
  7. What would I do without your advice (golden hands, help, borscht)?
  8. When things get difficult for me, I remember that you are always there and love me, and it becomes much easier for me.
  9. Thank you for taking care of me. This is nice and very important to me.
  10. You alone know how to make me laugh (rethink something, see the positive, keep fighting).
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