Declaring your love to a girl: how to say it in your own words in SMS or prose

Confession of love to a girl to the point of tears

  1. They say that loving is like being in prison, but then I prefer to serve a life sentence. Not only to show everyone how much you mean to me, but also to let them know that a free life without you is meaningless.
  2. I fell in love with you not only because of your beauty, but also because you were and continue to be the most extraordinary girl in my life.
  3. I dream of the moment when I will be the one who kisses you goodnight and says goodnight. I want to be that person with whom you cuddle at midnight, when you are cold, and when you wake up, you hear: “Good morning, dear.” I want to give you my love because I love you very much. I can't wait for you to officially become my wife.
  4. Loving you is more than the words I can say syllable by syllable. It's so real that I can't deny these feelings. It's so unique that I can't get enough of it. And I don’t want to stop looking at your smile while I breathe.
  5. Traveling alone through life has not suited me since the first day we met. I no longer want to live for myself alone, because, looking at your beauty and kindness, I dream of making you the mistress of my heart. I want to live for you, dear. I love you dearly.

List of basic human feelings

The very first person who decided to describe the five basic senses of man was Aristotle. It was this outstanding scientist who was able to give his own definition to this, even despite the fact that he repeatedly got into trouble, arguing that people think with their hearts, and bees should thank decaying bull carcasses for their appearance in the world. But this time he hit the mark. Therefore, below is a list through which you can familiarize yourself with what feelings are. This is the generally accepted opinion, including Aristotle.

Declaring your love to a girl in your own words

  1. People say that I have become a different person. Now I understand that when you fall in love, then everything changes in you and around you. That's what happened to me. Loving you has completely changed me.
  2. My love will never pass. When I was overwhelmed by problems, and my future life seemed to be in gloomy tones, suddenly you appeared, and everything gloomy disappeared like the morning fog. I don’t know how you manage to do this, but thanks to this I love you even more.
  3. I loved you from the first day we met, but then I didn’t believe these feelings. An inner voice told me that you are the ideal woman for me. When I see you, the most wonderful feelings arise in me. This declaration of love to you, my beloved girl, may not be the best thing you can write in your own words. But this is my attempt to express my feelings.

  4. Opposites attract according to the laws of magnetism. But it seems that we are two peas from the same stream, since we love the same things, dream of the same goals in life and oppose the same stupid rules. I love you. (In this article you can read about how to confess your love for a girl in a beautiful and original way?)
  5. Everything you do brings me joy and makes me smile. I realized that when you love a girl deeply, you will never be bored with her. And memories of the time spent together will brighten up any loneliness.

What are the feelings: 9 main ones

To make it easier to decide what feelings there are, it is best to imagine a person without feelings, and then the time comes, suddenly bam, and they wake up in him, and even begin to influence his life.
The previous state can be compared to a small room where all the curtains are drawn, and he hides from himself, thereby drowning out his experiences with anything. Next, a person naturally begins to constantly monitor his experiences and evaluate their nature of occurrence and the nature of their impact on his life process.

At the present time, there is no urgent need to seek solitude from one’s own experiences. They do not deceive, and make it possible to understand how to behave in a given situation. Thanks to the surging feelings, you can determine the outcome of future events.

Declaration of love to your girlfriend

  1. When we first met, I was amazed by your beauty. Now I can’t stop thinking about you because I fell in love with you so much.
  2. After I met you, the arrow of love pierced my heart. You are the girl I have always been looking for and whom I loved with all my heart. When I see you, a wave of pleasant sensations covers my insides.
  3. After meeting you, everything changed in my life. You inspire me every day to become a better person than I was before. I want to tell everyone around me how much I love you.
  4. I used to think that I would never meet a girl like you - smart, beautiful, sweet. Now that I got to know you, I fell head over heels in love. And my greatest desire is to prove to you the sincerity of my feelings.
  5. I never thought that a girl would be able to capture my heart and feelings so easily. You succeeded and I am not ashamed to admit my love for such a charming girl.
  6. When I first saw you, my heart whispered to me: “This is her.” Before this meeting, I never thought that it was possible to look at a girl for the first time and smile for no reason. I never thought that my heart would be captivated by the sweet feeling of love.
  7. Loving you inspires and lifts your spirits. You are the secret of my peace at night and the fact that I smile every morning when I look at you.

What are the senses of humor?

Try asking anyone you meet if he has a good sense of humor, in most cases the answer will be positive, which will be difficult to refute. The whole point of the question is that the ability to joke and the receptiveness of jokes is individual for each person. This is precisely the reason that one and the same joke will seem worthless, while another will find it simply excellent, and everyone here will be right in their own way.

Let's take a look at Sigmund Freud's famous quote: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but a joke is not always just a joke.” It is this expression that gives the answer to the question “What are the types of feelings of humor?”, because they are divided into different types and have a strong connection with a person’s personality.

In 2003, psychologist and researcher Rod Martin conducted a questionnaire survey with which he was able to identify up to four types of senses of humor:

Declaration of love to the woman you love

  1. In my life, you are the most beautiful woman who managed to make our life together much more beautiful. No artist can convey my feelings of love for the owner of such beauty as you.
  2. Life, love and laughter are things that occupy an important place in the life of every person, making him happy. I am happy that I experience all this with the most beloved woman - my wife.
  3. I was lonely, waiting for the woman I wanted. And then one day my heart told me: “It’s her!” Why did I listen to the voice of my heart? Because you are a real treasure to me.
  4. You are a woman who, even after many years of marriage, can make me feel like a boy in love.

  5. Darling, I have the confidence that loving you with all my heart and continuing to experience these feelings until now is the only right thing that I have ever had to do in my life.
  6. There is no other woman like you in the world for me. Loving you and seeing reciprocity in your eyes means feeling like the happiest person on the planet. (Read, 100 beautiful compliments for the woman you love).
  7. For a poet you would become a muse, for a traveler - a guiding star. But for me, a simple person, you became a dream woman - a beloved wife.

Declaration of love to a girl in prose

  1. I have never been disappointed that the main place in my heart belongs to you. I know for sure that my life will never be the same. Thanks to loving you, she has become a much better person.
  2. I will bring a smile to your face because you are more beautiful with a shining smile. I will make you my queen because no one deserves a position like you. I will forever and with all my heart love you, the only one.
  3. I can't describe how I feel for you. I know that I love you very much, but I don’t know how to show what my heart is experiencing. My feelings will never diminish, even if you can't see them. I will wait for the day when you realize that we have wasted a lot of precious time apart. I'm sorry for hurting you. I love you. (We recommend reading the article on how to properly and beautifully apologize to a girl).
  4. With this SMS I want to show you the state of my heart, which can now be read like a book. For the sake of your smile and declaration of love, I sent you this message. I love you, my special one.
  5. Your beauty and tenderness have made me selfish because I want to be the only one for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It is for you that all my dreams become reality. I love you.
  6. My love for you cannot be expressed in my words because words are simply not enough. I am filled with love for you like a river that has overflowed its banks, the waters of which spread to every part of my life. Deeper and deeper, but it will constantly grow. Darling, I love you.

Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

  1. In these confessions you will find interesting words that you can use as a guide to write your own love confession to a girl.
  2. You are the reason for my never-ending good mood. I've never experienced anything like this before. For a long time I did not dare to confess to you, but I sincerely say that I love you.
  3. There is something special about you that other women don’t have, and it attracts me. I will say that I am pleased to realize and feel that I loved you with all my heart.

  4. You have the most captivating smile I have ever seen. When I see her, my heart jumps out with joy and the realization that I have found my happiness in loving you. (You can take some ideas for a beautiful confession from these beautiful aphorisms and quotes about love).
  5. A million scarlet roses, which are sung about in the song, cannot surpass your beauty. I love hearing your voice, I love your sweet face and silky hair. My heart is overflowing with love for you and it will never let you down.
  6. When I see you smiling, then my day is transformed, even if it is a cold winter or rainy autumn day. Only a loving heart is capable of this. I love you.

SMS declaration of love to a girl

  1. Your smile and joy mean a lot in my life, which would never have become so happy if I had not met and loved you.
  2. No matter where I am, I always think about you. This inextricable connection lets me know that you and I are one and look at the world with the same eyes.
  3. Could there be anything more valuable than our love? With a girl like this, the only dimension I'm interested in is the rhythm of my heartbeat.
  4. Of the eight billion people living on earth, half are women. And among all this multitude, love flared up in me for you. (We recommend reading beautiful SMS for your beloved).
  5. Words cannot express everything you mean to me. Even declaring your love to the girl you love sounds like a simple banality in front of my feelings for you.
  6. Wherever I am and no matter what happens to me, I will think about you every day. I won't get tired of doing this again and again because I love you.
  7. Every time I see you, I smile, and my heart is filled with joy and warmed by love for you. You are the source of all these feelings in my life.
  8. Love for you is like the light of a beacon that illuminates the way home and dispels the darkness of the dark night. Nothing lights my path more than the love you brought into my life.

Cool and original declarations of love for a girl

  1. 4+1 can fit in the car. 2+1 can fit in a tricycle. 1 + 1 can fit on a bike, but only one can be in my heart, because there is only room in it for you. Darling, I love you.
  2. Your smile is like the sunrise that dispels the clouds and brightens the world. You rule my world and with your kindness you make me feel like a happy person.
  3. My love for you is forever. Even if the sky falls on my head and the sun mocks my being, I will live to love you. My heart wants to be with you because you force me to be a different person.

  4. I want you, after reading this short declaration of love, to know that I am constantly thinking about you. Where “I” is just a letter. “Love” is the most precious word in the world. “Loving you” is the best phrase to describe something special to me, that’s why I love you.
  5. I fell in love with you very much, not only for who you are, but because of who I became after meeting you. You are my pearl of great price, for which you can give up all the treasures of the world.
  6. You sweep me off my feet with your charm and beautiful smile, like the wind blowing autumn leaves from a tree. I can't wait to be the only man in your life. I want to love you forever.

Short declarations of love

  1. With every heartbeat, I love you more and more. You are the rhythm of my heart, steadily supporting me on the march of my difficult life.
  2. I wanted to promise you, move mountains or get a star from the sky, but these are hackneyed phrases. One thing I can seriously promise you is to love you all my life.
  3. I never thought I could settle down or become more serious, but I changed by loving you. Now my life is better than it was before.
  4. It seems to me that having fallen in love with you, it’s like I’m floating in the clouds. This love gives me wings to build you a palace in the clouds.
  5. Loving you every day is bringing peace to my troubled soul. Thanks to this, I know exactly what the future holds for me.
  6. Loving you is like the air I breathe. The clock ticking in my heart that made me want to live the rest of my life with you.
  7. No amount of riches under heaven can change my feelings of love for you.
  8. My love for you has no boundaries. You are the reason for everything good in my life.
  9. You mean so much to me. All I want is for you to always be by my side in my life. Was the best thing that ever happened in my life.
  10. I believe that you are one of those fantastic things that can make the world bright. You filled my heart with inexpressible joy and happiness. That's why I love you.


Should you confess your love to a girl? Both young and old, rich and poor have been recognized and continue to be recognized. Because if a person loves, then he tries to let his soulmate know about it. And although for many it is difficult to say a beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words, nothing is impossible.

In this revised and updated article, we looked at examples of confessions that a man or guy can use as a model, taking into account the characteristics of his chosen one, to confess his feelings to her. It is not necessary to write or invent entire poems; a few short, but beautiful and original lines are enough to impress your beloved.

Watch a short video with a beautiful declaration of love.

What are the feelings for a painting?

It is human nature not only to perceive the environment, but also to influence it. All the phenomena occurring around us and the objects located attract our attention with an individual attitude.

So what feelings does a person have when performing certain actions? For example, when communicating with friends, reading a book, listening to a piece of music... The answer is obvious: at this time a person can be happy or sad, inspired or upset. The expression of feelings towards painting occurs in the same way.

What is hidden behind the word “painting”?

One of the legends says that when the Greek artist Appeles painted a picture with a bunch of grapes, he left it on the terrace. And out of nowhere, birds began to fly to her from all over to peck at the painted grapes.

This legend once again confirms that the artist uses paint to convey the living world around us onto canvas. That’s why the word “painting” has such a simple and uncomplicated meaning - the artist paints life. It is this striking similarity that causes us different kinds of emotions and experiences.

Sense organs

In addition to the feelings experienced by a person as a result of certain events, there are sense organs, thanks to which the human brain forms the perception of not only the surrounding space, but also of itself. Thanks to the senses, a person’s worldview is formed.

Sense organs include: skin and nose, eyes and ears, and tongue.

These organs are responsible for what higher feelings a person experiences. By the way, experts say that each person determines for himself which of them are the highest. But at the same time, traditionally this category includes love, happiness, hatred and pain.

Some experts argue that there is a sixth sense organ - the vestibular apparatus.

It characterizes the balance and position of a person in space. All sense organs transmit relevant information to the brain, after which it enters the central nervous system, displaying those feelings that are characteristic of a particular situation.

For example, what feelings does a person experience while watching an interesting film?

Of course, this is a feeling of satisfaction. The same feeling also appears when a sweet fruit or cake hits our taste buds. A completely different feeling is caused by the situation when we see an ugly person or an unattractive city landscape. We develop a feeling of antipathy.


What are the feelings and emotions?

A person’s emotions and inner feelings reflect his attitude towards any event or situation in life. Moreover, the two named states are quite different from each other. So, emotions are a direct reaction to something. This happens at the animal level. H

the same goes for feelings, this is a product of thinking, accumulated experience, experiences, etc.

What feelings does a person have?

It is quite difficult to answer the question posed unambiguously. After all, people have a lot of feelings and emotions.

They give a person information about needs, as well as feedback on what is happening. Thanks to this, people can understand what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. After realizing the feelings that have arisen, a person gives himself the right to any emotion, and thereby he begins to understand what is happening in reality.

List of basic emotions and feelings

What are the feelings and emotions of a person? It is simply impossible to list them all. In this regard, we decided to name only a few. Moreover, they are all divided into three different groups.




Now you know what feelings a person has.

Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but each of us has experienced them at least once in our lives. Negative emotions that are ignored and not recognized by us do not just disappear. After all, the body and soul are one, and if the latter suffers for a long time, then the body takes on some part of its heavy burden. And it’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. The influence of negative emotions on human well-being and health has long been a scientific fact.

As for positive feelings, the benefits of them are clear to everyone. After all, experiencing joy, happiness and other emotions, a person literally consolidates in his memory the desired types of behavior (feelings of success, well-being, trust in the world, people around him, etc.).

Neutral feelings also help people express their attitude towards what they see, hear, etc. By the way, such emotions can act as a kind of springboard to further positive or negative manifestations.

Thus, by analyzing his behavior and attitude to current events, a person can become better, worse, or remain the same. It is these properties that distinguish people from animals.

What are the feelings?

Positive feelings

If we talk about what feelings a person experiences over a certain period of time, they can be both positive and negative. Scientists classify several feelings into a separate category, which are usually called “neutral”.

Positive feelings include:

Love has become one of the fundamental themes in world art.

Negative feelings

If we consider what feelings there are, it is necessary to mention those feelings that cause a person to have a negative attitude towards events or objects, towards objects or other people. Main negative feelings:

To determine how a person is feeling at the moment, you should consider their facial expression, gaze and general behavior.

The fact is that most people express their feelings through facial expressions and body movements.

Signs of falling in love

To make it clear how to recognize falling in love, let's look at its characteristic signs.

  1. Great excitement and trepidation. Those butterflies in the stomach that everyone talks about are a mixture of anxiety and anticipation of pleasure. A large amount of the hormone adrenaline is released into the blood - it is this hormone that causes manifestations characteristic of falling in love: increased heart rate, trembling knees, coldness in the hands and feet.
  2. Constant thoughts about the object of sympathy. It is very difficult for a person to concentrate on current affairs. Thoughts involuntarily return to a loved one. I would like to remember the pleasant moments spent together and make plans for a joint future.
  3. The desire to be close. Separation from a loved one is very painful. Life seems meaningless and empty. I want to reunite as quickly as possible and not be separated again.
  4. Increased libido. People in love constantly experience sexual attraction to each other. They are ready to have sex several times a day.
  5. Sleep disturbance. Falling in love is often accompanied by insomnia. The general excitement and riot of hormones affects.
  6. Loss of appetite. This sign is not present in all lovers. Most often, girls experience problems with appetite, since they are by nature more impressionable and emotional.
  7. Jealousy. You don’t want to share the object of your affection with anyone. Any hint of the appearance of a rival or rival causes panic. Even if there is no objective reason for jealousy, obsessive images of betrayal creep into your head.
  8. A good mood. The hormone dopamine is responsible for increased emotional levels. A person in love seems to flutter on the wings of love. Everything around him seems beautiful and inspiring.
  9. Increased emotionality. When in love, a person becomes very sensitive. For example, he can easily burst into tears during a touching scene in a film, although this is not usually typical for him.

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