How to tie a girl to you so that she thinks only about you

Absolutely all guys have ever encountered unrequited love. Everyone acted differently in such a situation. Some preferred to retreat and find another object for adoration, while others went to the end and wooed the girl.

How do guys manage to fall in love with a girl who initially did not consider any relationship between them and did not let herself in? The answer to this question is very simple, such young men are purposeful, they understand and know what girls want, they can give it to them, and they also know pickup techniques. Every young person can develop all these qualities. Having mastered the basics, you will understand that making an unapproachable young lady fall in love with you is not so difficult.

Technology closer and further

This is probably the most popular advice from pick-up artists and “experts” in female psychology. And it really works for most people of both sexes. Many ladies have repeatedly witnessed such manipulation in their address and have already developed a kind of allergy to it. But you can try the method in measured quantities.

How to do it?

From the beginning of communication, devote a lot of time to the girl: answer quickly, ask her out on dates, write first. Do this for about a week, and then stop writing for 2-3 days. She will begin to think why this is happening. And the more she thinks about you, the better.

Perhaps she will be the first to write - this is a positive dynamic. If she doesn't write within 2-3 days, write again yourself. Repeat this trick, but disappear for a longer period: 4-5 days. If the girl once again does not write herself, then do not resort to this manipulation again.

The only condition that does not depend on you is that she must like you on an instinctive level. To increase your chances, eliminate the qualities that turn girls off.

How to get a phone number?

You can’t immediately move on to asking to leave a phone number - such an invasion of your comfort zone is frightening. It is appropriate to ask for a number after a conversation, at the very end of the acquaintance.

To begin with, it is better to win the girl over with light conversation, a joke or a compliment. Women leave numbers only for guys who are really interested in them.

Therefore, you need to try and use non-standard methods:

  • create a situation in which the girl is the first to become interested in the guy;
  • ask for a small favor;
  • Find out in advance from friends about her tastes and thanks to this instill trust.

The main thing is to respect personal boundaries. If a woman refuses to leave her number, you should not try to find it out from colleagues, friends, or relatives. A gross violation of privacy will give a negative result.

Investment in you

People are designed in such a way that they hold on most to what they have invested a lot of effort into. This is why it is much easier to break off a relationship that lasted a week than a relationship that has existed for several years.

For a girl to become attached to you, she needs to invest her resources in you: time, emotions, attention. If she tries to please you and devotes her time, she will feel stronger affection. If you do everything in the relationship instead of her, she will lose interest in sports.

Make me jealous.

Yes, this rule is hundreds of years old. But that doesn’t stop it from being relevant. Sometimes you have to play with women with their own weapons.

If you already know that she likes you, but you don’t see a strong desire on her part to get closer to you, it’s time to make her jealous.

Just show that you are aware that there are millions of beautiful women in the world.

This rule is especially effective in a situation where you are in the friend zone.

A normal free woman will not accept the fact that a man prefers someone else before her eyes.

Kinesthetics (touch and sensation)

To make a woman think more about you, you need to give her different bodily sensations. This includes touch, smells, sounds and other factors.

While walking, don’t be afraid to hug a girl, take her hand, straighten her scarf, tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Representatives of the fair sex remember such little things very well and reproduce them in their heads after the meeting.

Important: be careful, because not all people like a lot of tactile contact.

Hold her behind your back as you pass her forward. Give your hand when getting out of the car. Kiss goodbye confidently. Stroke your palm at the cinema. This will demonstrate to the girl your desire and excite her imagination, which will help to bind her.

Spontaneous actions

They create a “wow” effect and show you as an original partner capable of interesting ideas. This could be an unexpected surprise, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a walk in the rain, petting in a public place (if you have already had intimacy), an unexpected trip to another city, etc.

This is not manipulation, but a very pleasant sign of attention that can be used in an already long-term relationship. A spontaneous act will refresh your emotions and give you new impressions, and will also set you apart from other men who limit themselves to banal gifts on holidays.

How to make someone love you from a distance

Distance is the enemy of relationships. Many will agree with this statement. But, even if there are thousands of kilometers between you, you have the power to influence a young lady and charm her with your persona, despite the great actual distance. To please a girl of any age, if you are far from each other, you will only have to use your phone and the Internet. This makes the task much more difficult, but there is still a chance to achieve your goal. Proceed this way:

  • Call. Do not limit yourself only to correspondence in instant messengers and social networks. Call her at least occasionally so that she can hear your voice and establish contact between you. As a last resort, send voice messages. It is best to make calls before bed so that everyday activities do not distract you from the dialogue, and evening time adds intimacy to any conversations.
  • Don't write platitudes. During the day, try to write to her, but your messages should not be limited to the banal: “Hello. How are you?". Write poems, pleasant words to her, try to intrigue her. For example, write to her in the morning the following: “I saw you in a dream today. It was a pleasant and unusual dream. Very unusual." And after that, “disappear” from the network. Let her think about what you dreamed about.
  • Don't be intrusive. Keep in mind that even distance will not save her from your tediousness, so you should not write or call the lady too often. Give her the opportunity to miss you a little.

You don’t know how to make a girl who is far away fall in love with you, and do you even doubt whether you can do it? Remember: you can use pickup techniques just as effectively at a distance as you can in real life. So adapt them to the situation you are in and apply them with slight modifications.

Demonstration of masculine character

In a girl’s understanding, masculine behavior is a willingness to solve her problem, help, take responsibility when she cannot do this. For example, if your companion is sick, send her a package with healthy vitamins, flowers to lift her spirits, or order food delivery. If she has problems, solve them or find someone who will do it.

Try to take care of the girl like an adult and conscious person. Take into account her opinion, but do not allow yourself to be commanded, otherwise you will look like a little boy following his mother’s orders. Argue if you don't agree with her (but without insults or rudeness). Stand up for your opinion. Then she will become attached to you.

Change the rules.

We are all accustomed to the fact that a man achieves, and a woman agrees or does not agree to respond to these advances. It's time to turn the cards over.

Get to know her better, show her that you are interested in her. But immediately make it clear that you are not going to achieve it. Show indifference.

No self-respecting girl would put up with such injustice. She will start trying to impress you herself. Will be invested. You will see what a woman who wants to grab attention is capable of.

Finding common interests

Some men even recommend inventing these interests just to find a thread that will connect you. But I don't recommend doing this. If you don't have anything in common, you won't be able to invent interests throughout your life. You don’t just want to tie a lady to you, do you?

Therefore, try to find some joint ideas that you both like. For example, movies or music, stories from childhood and past relationship experiences, interests and hobbies.

You will find a lot of useful information in the article on how to get a girl.

The order of the ritual

Proper preparation can strengthen the love spell.

It is important to follow some rules:

  1. On the day of the ceremony, cleanse yourself spiritually: meditation, prayer, and visiting church will help with this.
  2. Before the ritual, tune in to a positive wave, get rid of anger, resentment and other negative emotions.
  3. Take a shower or bath, wash your hair, change into clean clothes.
  4. Change your bed linen so that after the love spell you go to a clean, fresh bed.
  5. Do not doubt the results of the ritual.
  6. Do not tell anyone that you achieved love through magic (especially if we are talking about the object of attachment).

Before the ritual, you should take a shower and wash your hair.

Abundance of emotions

This is one of the most important factors, because without emotional buildup it will not be possible to tie your chosen one to you. Emotions make us feel alive and are an essential part of relationships. And for a girl to fall in love with you, you need to become the reason for her positive emotions.

But feelings are needed both positive and negative. I don’t advise deliberately causing bad emotions in a girl. They will appear on their own if you do everything right, and deliberate ignorance, complaints and ugly actions will only hinder your goal. Let's discuss this point in more detail.

There are two concepts associated with emotions:

  • emotional swing;
  • emotional swing.

They don't mean the same thing. Rocking is not manipulation, but mutual pleasure. For example, you spend one day together: go on a date or have a movie show at home. The next day you go out with friends, spend time on your interests, or do work. That is, you are doing something separately from your girlfriend.

On the second day there will be a negative emotion - your lady will be bored, feel dependent on you, on the feelings that she experienced on the date. But the situation will not bring her suffering, since everything remains fine in your relationship, everyone just spends time separately, and this is normal.

Emotional swings are manipulation and a constant war between the two. Quarrels and reconciliation. Bright dates and cold ignore. Deep night conversations and conflicts based on divergent interests. This kind of situation is not the norm. She will take energy from you. You will last on the “swing” for some time, and the girl will really get attached (if she doesn’t run away right away), but then she will get tired, and you will break up.

Therefore, use the emotional buildup method, but make sure that the ratio of positive to negative feelings is approximately 80 to 20.

Preparing for the ritual

It is better to fast for 1-2 weeks before the planned ritual. You should refrain from drinking alcohol, chatting with friends, reading newspapers, watching TV and other distractions. During this period, it is important to remain alone with yourself.

Select date, time and place

The right time will help enhance the magical effect. Love spells are best cast during the waxing moon phase. Midnight is considered the best time, although dawn also has special powers.

Friday, Wednesday and Saturday are “feminine” - on these days it will be easier for you to tune in to the soft energy of the chosen girl. You should not cast magic on Sundays, as well as on church holidays, because your actions will not bring positive results.

When choosing a favorable time, many parameters are taken into account.

The ceremony is carried out in a secluded place without extraneous sounds and other irritants (if it doesn’t work out at home, then you can go to the forest).

Selecting attributes to enhance the plot

Not all people have sufficiently powerful energy to carry out a distance connection, but it can be strengthened with the help of correctly selected attributes.

You can use candles brought from church. Part of the ritual may be a photograph of the girl. But it’s better to have your chosen one’s personal item with you, be it a lock of hair, a comb, a toothbrush, or a scarf.

Active listening

This thesis was put forward by John Gray in his book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” I read this book and found a lot of truth in it from my own, female point of view.

According to the author, when a woman shares her problems with you, she does it just so that you will listen. She is not looking for advice; moreover, your attempts to give advice will irritate her greatly.

In order for a girl to become attached to you on an emotional level, you need to listen to her carefully, without being distracted by extraneous matters. Maintain eye contact, hold her hand, nod, tell her you understand how hard it is for her. She will appreciate it much more.

I'll tell you with my own example. I once worked in a very stressful office job. And often, when she came home, she complained to her partner. He, without even listening to the end of my “whining” and trying to help, began to give advice. He recommended talking to the boss, delegating responsibilities, and ultimately quitting. I was offended, this resulted in a quarrel. When I read John Gray's entire book out loud to him, he realized what he was doing was wrong. And now he never gives me advice unless I ask for it. For me, this is more important than even gifts and emotional buildup.

I'm sure if you use this trick with your girlfriend, she will become attracted to you.

Witchcraft with an item of clothing

An item from the wardrobe that a woman wears regularly or one that you are going to give as a gift is suitable.

Clothes absorb our energy. The best option would be underwear or a purely feminine outfit: a dress, a skirt. In fact, such a love spell is not much inferior to the previous one in terms of the power of action. The binding is done on clean clothes:

“Darling puts on her outfit, and with it she will absorb my love. May there be happiness in walking with us – now, and tomorrow, and forever and ever!”

The next morning after the magical ritual, hand over the enchanted item to your beloved.

Forming her need for you

What will be discussed next is much more useful than all the manipulations combined. Pay attention to this if you want to build a long-term relationship in which your partner will be deeply attached to you with real feelings.

In order to create a girl’s feeling of need for you, three components are important:

  1. Your objective significance as a person in her eyes. To do this, you need to become self-sufficient, have your own goals, hobbies, interests, personal space. That is, you must provide for a part of your life that is not related to your girlfriend. Otherwise, you risk being annoying and quickly boring her.
  2. The objective value of your relationship for her. This shows how comfortable she is with you. For the value to be high, you must have: common interests, a spiritual connection, and most importantly, compatibility. To do this, you don't need to play the role of an alpha male and try to dominate. It is necessary to form mutual understanding and honest dialogue, and not to train your companion through manipulation.
  3. The prospects of your connection. Does she have a chance to become your only chosen one? Does she see a future with you? If you do not meet her ideas of what a real man should be, then she is unlikely to be able to become attached. Most likely, this will be a relationship for sex and short-term emotions.

If you can provide these three components, then no tricks or tricks will be needed - the woman will be yours.

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Female psychology of falling in love

Any woman loves with her ears - this is an absolute truth. This is confirmed by examples when we meet couples in which a homely “little guy” somehow won a stunning beauty. But is it only with beautiful speeches that guys who do not have outstanding external data make young ladies fall in love with them, or are there other secrets? Women's psychology is such that in addition to compliments and beautiful words, she can be attracted to:

  • Money. Someone immediately brands such girls and accuses them of commercialism. This is absolutely normal, because female psychology is structured in such a way that she thinks about offspring on a subconscious level. Accordingly, when choosing a partner, any woman will think about how she will be provided for in the event that she becomes pregnant and is unable to work. It is paramount for her that she and her children do not need anything. It turns out that financially secure guys, even those who are not particularly handsome in appearance, have a better chance of being liked by a lady. However, when you meet such a person, be vigilant and “don’t run into” an ordinary hunter of wealth, for whom neither family, nor children, nor feelings, nor, in fact, you matter.
  • Voice. A woman may be attracted to words, but if they are spoken in a pleasant voice, she will have virtually no options left. Therefore, work on yourself, use techniques for training your vocal cords and voice, because it can play a decisive role in how to make a girl fall in love with you.
  • Mind. The female nature is irresistibly attracted to smart and interesting men. The smarter a guy is and the more diverse his interests, the more girls he can conquer.
  • Charisma. A man may not be handsome in appearance, but having strong charisma and knowing how to use it, sooner or later he will be able to charm a young lady with himself or even make her fall in love with him.
  • Care. Girls love to be cared for and cared for. Many people even prefer to build a “father-daughter” relationship model. Seeing your care, girls subconsciously think that you will become a good father, their instincts begin to kick in, and as a result, they fall in love with their partner. Use this technique and you will surely be able to charm anyone with your care.

As you can see, you don’t have to be handsome to win the lady of your dreams. Women's psychology, fortunately, is such that it is not so difficult to get around the barrier associated with appearance. A little financial investment, charm, care, and now - any young lady has already bowed her head on your shoulder. Try different ways to break through her defenses and you will definitely be able to find the key to the heart of any woman.

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