Are you afraid of men? Find out what the reason is and how to...

May 31, 2022

Women's logic is incomprehensible to men. It’s strange in our age to see a woman running away from a man’s help, from courtship, from compliments, and, well, from personal meetings. Some women are afraid of all this. And very strongly.

There are various reasons for this behavior that triggered the defense mechanism of fear. This is a natural reaction. Reaction to threat.

These reactions interfere with living, loving, working, and communicating fully. The woman is afraid of what is unlikely to happen to her.

The fear of men is called androphobia. That is, a woman cannot control her fear at the sight of the opposite sex, she begins to panic, and it is very difficult to live with such emotions. The girls have very strong anxiety, panic may begin, but still she understands that the fear is not from a threat to life, but she cannot cope with it. It is important to contact a specialist in time.

Fear occurs at any age, after about 20 years.

It happens that a woman experiences unpleasant emotions from men and, without realizing it, begins to “suppress” this negativity with alcohol and all sorts of destructive means, which will lead to alcohol or other addiction. It is necessary to track the fear during and begin treatment.

How to protect yourself

If a woman continues to live with her husband,
in this case it would not hurt to enroll in self-defense courses. This may seem funny, but in practice it has saved more than one life. Learn some techniques that will help you in the fight against the tyrant. Leave on time if you see that your spouse is aggressive. Do not give in to provocations, go to another room. It is best if the room is locked. Make sure your phone is always available so you can call and call for help at any time.

How to protect yourself from a tyrant if your wife wants a divorce

The first thing you need to do is prepare the ground for a new life. That is, it is necessary to take and hide all the necessary documents, such as a passport, birth certificates of a child, marriage, papers confirming property, and a bank card. The next stage is to provide yourself with finances for the first time. If you are a housewife, get a job, or save in advance and keep money with relatives. No bills, just cash. If you decide not just to leave, but to run away from the tyrant, you need to know the exact time when he will not be home. Think through everything in advance: what things you will take with you, where you will go. If you don’t have relatives or friends where you can stay, find out in advance the address of the center where they help women who find themselves in a similar situation. If your life partner hits you, stop beating and contact the police. Wasting time thinking in this situation is dangerous. Try not to contact your tyrant husband under any pretext. Divorce is only possible in court. Try not to be alone on the street at night - no one knows what’s in the head of an angry man.

How to live with a tyrant husband: advice from a psychologist

What can you do to make a tyrant leave a woman alone? To do this, it is necessary to analyze and identify the reason for such aggressive behavior. For example, if outbursts of anger occur under the influence of alcohol, it is necessary to minimize possible feasts, or keep guests until the last minute, until the husband falls asleep first, or try to avoid communication with an inadequate husband.

In addition, do not be afraid of losing such a husband. If he feels that you are not afraid of being left without him, he will behave more restrained. But do not provoke open quarrels. If you are not happy with something, let him know and end the conversation. Say several times that you need to be treated with respect, otherwise you will break up.

What not to do

In order for there to be no tyranny in the family, a woman must know exactly how to behave and understand exactly what should not be done under any circumstances!

  1. Do not leave domestic violence unpunished. Even if you have decided to forgive your loved one, you cannot do it just like that. Let him seek your forgiveness. As soon as the tyrant feels his impunity, his “test” attacks will become systematic, which each time will take on an increasingly greater scale of disaster.
  2. Don't cry when you are humiliated. If you can fight back, don't be afraid to defend yourself. If you are a shy person by nature, gather your strength and move away so that he does not see your tears.
  3. Don't make your husband jealous. Women mistakenly believe that this way they can awaken his love. On the contrary, in a fit of jealousy, men become very aggressive, which can negatively affect your health.
  4. Don't threaten to file a police report. If you decide to film the beating, do not share your plans, otherwise you may face more serious physical harm.
  5. Never ridicule, joke, or speak ironically about your husband, especially in the company of friends or strangers.

Strategies for avoiding close relationships

  • “Other people reject me” - a person is convinced that no one wants to approach him or start a relationship with him, he projects his own fear of approaching him onto other people, which is why he notices only those manifestations of other people that prove their reluctance to communicate with him .
  • “People cannot be trusted” - a person is convinced that everyone around him is unreliable, mean, evil, so he does not let anyone close to him, he looks for it again and again, and finds confirmation of this, ignoring the good deeds of other people.
  • “I scare everyone away” - a person behaves in such a way as to repel, scare away other people so that they do not want to come closer.
  • “It should always be easy in a relationship” - as soon as conflicts arise, a person with such a strategy breaks off the relationship, moves away or starts new ones, he believes that relationships should always be easy and pleasant, and if some problem appears in them, then this bad relationship.
  • “I’m not ready for a relationship yet” - a person is convinced that he is not yet ready for a relationship, but he needs to wait until readiness appears, years go by, but nothing changes, a person with such a strategy does not realize that the reason for unreadiness is fear, he believes in just waiting.
  • “You must always show your success, strength and good mood” - a person believes that in a relationship you cannot show your vulnerability, your pain, your failures, as a result, you create only superficial relationships where no one knows your real self.

How to behave correctly with a man

It is extremely necessary for a single woman to overcome fear and try to learn at least a little coquetry in behavior with men

Be bolder in a conversation, don’t avoid making eye contact, and smiling is an important skill. You have to make an effort to make this behavior become habitual.

If necessary, a woman should change her image, even if not radically right away, but take into account the details that men will obviously like and gradually add them to her wardrobe.

If you are still afraid to take the first step, you cannot start a conversation, you feel tense in the presence of men, you blush - set yourself up to always be ready to respond in a friendly manner to the attention suddenly shown to you. This attitude will one day help overcome the barrier

If you are given a smile or a phrase, you should be able to respond to it. A well-timed conversation can be the beginning of a new relationship.

Possible consequences

And there is only loneliness ahead
. Naturally, any fear poisons a person’s life and leads to the development of any difficulties or troubles. As for the phobia in question, we are talking about the following results:

  • loneliness;
  • absence of family, children;
  • unsuccessful career, a woman is afraid to boldly climb the career ladder;
  • inability to communicate with the boss, lack of communication skills can lead to loss of position.

Treatment: how to stop being afraid of a man?

A woman who asks the question: “I’m afraid of relationships with men, what should I do?” – is already beginning to move towards recovery. Anyone who has accepted the presence of a problem can get rid of anxiety and build normal relationships, have a family and children.

Experts note that the disease (with the right approach) is steadily corrected and treatable - the main thing is the girl’s desire and careful work with a psychotherapist.

The following methods are used in the fight against androphobia:

  • Group therapy - all problems are discussed out loud;
  • Modeling behavior. The specialist and the patient rehearse behavior in possible situations;
  • Hypnotherapy – obtaining positive attitudes on a subconscious level;
  • Correction with medications.

To understand how to stop being afraid of men, you need to independently form positive thoughts and try to overcome barriers and start communicating with the opposite sex.


In simple words, the definition of “fear of men in women” is the answer to the question of what it is – androphobia. Girls who have been exposed to the disease consider men to be the focus of evil and negative qualities, a source of danger and pain.

The problem “I'm afraid of the guy I like” is spreading more and more and is affecting different strata of society. By the way, androphobia is sometimes also characteristic of men - representatives avoid communication with their own gender.

It is necessary to highlight the main group of frightening signs that may indicate androphobia:

  • Fear of males, reduction of contacts;
  • Rare communication with people of the opposite sex, lack of friends and romantic relationships;
  • Refusal to visit public places where there may be a crowd of men.

In severe forms of androphobia, physical symptoms may develop:

  • Panic attacks;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Feeling of difficulty breathing.

It is often almost impossible to diagnose the disease in the early stages on your own. Sometimes an untreated illness ends sadly - a tendency to alcoholism and drug addiction appears, and suicidal thoughts may appear.

You found out why the problem “I'm afraid to live with a guy” can arise. It's time to figure out what causes androphobia.

Where are the reasons?

The reasons for fear of a man can come from different sources:

Father's tyranny in childhood

In childhood, the basic psychological patterns are laid down that influence human behavior in adulthood. The father's excessive power in the family, his tyranny and despotism can leave a deep imprint on the child's psyche. A girl, a woman, deep in her subconscious, will be afraid of a man, will experience fear especially of a type similar to her parent.

Mother's strict education

The fear of relationships with a man is born as a result of strict upbringing by the mother, who, trying to protect her daughter’s chastity, deprives her of communication with boys. The girl is strictly forbidden to be friends with them. She is told that this is indecent and even vicious.

An even more negative situation is when a mother calls her daughter slutty for an evening date with a guy, reinforcing the educational process with a ringing slap in the face. Subsequently, the girl strives to suppress physical attraction to men, because this is bad and necessarily punishable. The relationship evokes the disgust and fear that the woman experienced as a child, punished by her mother for showing interest.

Sad experience gained in an unsuccessful marriage

An unsuccessful marriage, in which the man dominated, humiliated the woman, deprived her of the opportunity to communicate on equal terms, for a long time and deeply creates an unreasonable fear of future new relationships. The idea that all men will behave this way is firmly planted in the mind.

Male violence

If the husband allowed him to drink too much, did not skimp on his expressions and let his hands go, the woman will remember the sad experience for a long time. Having freed himself, he will indulge in peace and solitude with pleasure, shying away from the possibility of new meetings.

Lack of self-confidence as an attractive person

The situation when a loved one leaves for someone else drives you into stress. Experiencing a breakup, the girl convinces herself that she was abandoned for her lack of intelligence and attractiveness. The unfortunate person becomes a hostage to her fears, afraid that she will certainly be abandoned again. This prospect is frightening and prevents you from making new acquaintances.

Interesting Facts

Finally, two interesting facts about fear of men:

  • Recently, the term “social androphobia” has become widespread. The media creates the idea that men are insensitive creatures - this modern trend leads to a reduction in life expectancy and an increase in diseases among the male sex;
  • Very often, unenlightened people confuse the concept of illness with feminism. It is worth understanding the basic differences between a socio-political movement and a pathological condition. Feminists do not oppose males, but only defend their freedoms and rights.

We talked about the symptoms and treatment of androphobia - if you are faced with a pathological condition and find signs in yourself or a loved one, we recommend that you urgently consult a specialist. Be careful and take care of your mental health!

Complications after recovery

The more severe the infectious disease, the higher the chance of complications after recovery. Thus, approximately a third of those who have recovered experience complications from the central nervous system and the psyche.

Many survivors talk about fatigue and malaise, difficulty finding words, remembering, and decreased concentration. Some describe their condition as a kind of fog after COVID-19. Researchers report that one in three people regularly experience headaches and dizziness, loss of smell and taste, and muscle weakness.

“Many negative psychological reactions appear after recovery,” Olga Markina shares her experience. “Sometimes symptoms do not appear immediately, but several months after recovery. Patients experience malaise, drowsiness, and decreased stamina. Many people experience anxiety and fear of re-infection, even to the point of hypochondria and phobia.”

A professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland reports that he believes that in about 30-50% of those who recover, there is an increased risk of future mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Also, about half of people who had symptoms of coronavirus suffer from insomnia and depressed mood.

Recent studies say that one in ten coronavirus survivors develop post-traumatic stress disorder, and a third develop depression and anxiety disorders. In addition, 54% of people develop chronic fatigue syndrome within three months of infection.

A new but not yet peer-reviewed study reports that people who recover from coronavirus are more likely to experience intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, parkinsonism, Guillain-Barré syndrome, dementia and insomnia than those who recover from other common infections, including influenza.

Symptoms of a phobia

There are many different symptoms of this disorder. Typically they vary from person to person. They are divided into two categories: psychological and physical.

As for psychological symptoms, some people are afraid of any attachment and run away from it. At the same time, convincing myself: I am afraid of relationships and any manifestation of romance.

Others may enter into an alliance, but they end up becoming possessive or jealous.

Psychological symptoms also include:

  • feeling powerless and confused in your emotions and personal life;
  • severe anxiety and nervousness;
  • maximum suppression of internal experiences;
  • completely avoiding places where couples meet, such as parks and movie theaters;
  • avoidance of marriage and other wedding ceremonies;
  • isolation from the outside world.

Physical signs of the disorder include trembling, rapid heartbeat, fainting, chest pain, sweating, numbness, breathing problems, and nausea.

Panic and anxiety attacks are also common. The patient suffers from frequent dizziness, a desire to run away from everyone and cry for no reason.

Psychological block

There is a category of people who have a huge barn lock hanging on their hearts, the key to which cannot be found. They can be cheerful, open and cheerful people, but they stubbornly refuse to let anyone into their hearts.

It is often said about such people that they do not love anyone. This is partly true. Even at the slightest hint of an emerging feeling, they stubbornly extinguish it within themselves, and if this fails, then they stop communicating with such a person. The reason for this behavior could be unrequited love or an example of a bad relationship.

Let’s say, if a couple you know or in a family, the parents didn’t get along well with each other, but at the same time they loved each other. Then a clear attitude arises that love only brings suffering, and therefore this should not be allowed.

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