Take the test and find out your character by handwriting and signature

It is not difficult to determine the character of any person by handwriting. The manner of writing speaks about temperament and even mood. There are books and textbooks on forensics that describe different types of handwriting with a detailed description of the person to whom it belongs.

When applying for a job, employers also pay attention to your letter. It is easy to determine the inner world of the applicant.

You can determine the compatibility of people by handwriting. Is your soulmate right for you?

A lot of information about a person's character is given by his writing style. Below we will show this with an example.

Graphology is a useful science

Indeed, it helps psychologists, police officers, and managers “get to the bottom of” a person and get to know his character better. We, too, can get a little closer to this knowledge if we become acquainted with the intricacies of analysis. Nuances when determining character:

  1. The volume of handwritten text must be at least 4 lines.
  2. The recording should be made with a pencil or fountain pen that conveys the thickness of the pressure.
  3. You must have a signature.
  4. The best analysis can be done with 3-4 texts written on more than one day.

Having the texts, the analysis should begin.

  • If the letters on the piece of paper are well written , then they were written by a confident, energetic person who respects discipline. Such a person is always calm, because he is incredibly confident in himself and his actions. He cannot be called unsociable. Everything is within acceptable limits.
  • If the text is written with barely noticeable pressure , then you have a romantic, even voluptuous, dreamy nature. She does everything slowly, but at the same time remains responsible for what she has done. Often the author of the handwriting is not a strong-willed person.

Appearance by handwriting

You can determine not only character by handwriting, but also appearance:

  • Short stature. The writing of words has strokes, the letters are elongated. The letters seem sweeping and trying to “grow.” Letters ending words are often not fully spelled out.
  • High growth. The letters, as in the previous case, have strokes, but are not stretched. They walk in even rows, looking like a fence. It doesn’t look ornate, but it’s not solid. The pressure may be uneven.
  • Average height. The letters at the beginning of the line are characterized by condensation. Towards the end of the line the letters become rarer. The last characters may be written below the line.
  • Slenderness. Punctuation marks appear small. Letters can be elongated.
  • Completeness. The pressure on the same letter is uneven. More often, the second part of the letter has stronger pressure. There may be unfinished characters.
  • Blondes. Blonde-haired people tend to have a legible writing style. Toward the end of the line, the letters may become narrower. As a rule, the symbols are not large.
  • Brunettes. The letters are raised above the line. Capital letters may have decorations. All elements are carefully designed and have a beautiful shape. The lines often go up.

What the tilt tells you:

  • If there is a slight tilt to the left, then the author puts his own passions above others and is critical of others.
  • With an independent nature, the letters “fall” strongly to the left. He has a personal point of view on any topic.
  • If there is a slight tilt to the right. Before you is a balanced, calm person. He likes to be in good company and is not afraid of solitude either. But he is prone to unpredictable mood swings.
  • A purposeful, persistent citizen writes with a strong slant to the right. This is a born leader. If he decides something, he will see it through to the end. In love, but jealous.
  • If the text is not slanted, then you have a harmonious personality, but stubborn, combining emotionality and prudence. A decision is made only after a scrupulous analysis of the pros and cons. An example of leaning to the left.

The size of the letters is also important:

  • A sociable person who learns everything new writes in large letters. This is a leader who is capable of joining any team and is endowed with the gift of persuasion.
  • The author of small letters is a secretive, reserved and calculating person . In his work he is pedantic and not afraid of responsibility. Concentrates all attention on what he is doing.
  • Creative people write broadly, while economical and rational people write narrowly. An example of narrow letters.

Handwriting examples with explanations

Sweeping handwriting

Characterizes a generous person. But at the same time, he can be careless and negligent in his work.

Condensed handwriting

This type of writing is characteristic of picky, petty people. They usually have many complexes. Perhaps this is a thrifty person, but he can also be quite stingy.

Illegible handwriting

The owner of such a letter is a rather nervous person. Very energetic. Perhaps he is in a hurry, he has a lot to do.

Pale handwriting

Defines an insecure character with a sufficient number of complexes. These are lonely people who do not seek communication. There are many romantic natures among them.

Solid handwriting

A style of writing with a fairly strong pressure on the pen. The character of such a person is firm and energetic. Talks about confidence in your actions. Perhaps even too self-confident. Among people with this style there are many workaholics.

Trembling handwriting

The character of the person is depressive. Constant self-doubt. Subject to various phobias and fears.

Large handwriting

A person with an open and kind character. He easily makes connections and is open to new acquaintances. Has the makings of a leader. It is easy to communicate with him and he is emotionally stable.

Small handwriting

Small letters indicate a reserved and purposeful character. Perhaps this person is a little closed in on himself and leads a secretive lifestyle, not for show.

Drawing handwriting

Character lazy, relaxed. Such people are in no hurry and do nothing. They will delay solving problems for a long time or even leave everything to chance.

Wavy handwriting

Changeable natures in mood. Tendency to adventure, resourcefulness and deception.

Straight handwriting

Restrained and reasonable people with a pleasant character. They have adequate self-esteem. It's easy to communicate with them.

The line goes up

The person is an optimist in life.

The line goes down

Pessimist with low self-esteem.

Letters written separately

Creative character with well-developed imaginative thinking. They have creative abilities.

Sharp, angular letters

The person is focused on himself. Selfish by nature.

Smooth, rounded letters

A loyal person with characteristic signs of pliability and pliability. Their lifestyle is to go with the flow. They don't set goals and don't try to achieve them.

Left slanted handwriting

The nature of the critic. This is a selfish person. His interests come first. He's stubborn. His point is absolutely correct. It is impossible to convince such a person; it is not recommended to enter into an argument with him.

Handwriting slanted to the right

The author of such a letter is a strong, purposeful person. But he can also be quite jealous.

Determining character by angles and roundness

Examples of different types of handwriting:

  • A kind, sympathetic person writes in round letters. This is a soft, compromising personality. Such people become a support in a difficult situation.
  • An egoist can be recognized by his angular handwriting. He relies only on himself and demands the same from those around him. Independent, stubborn, does not tolerate orders.

What do the lines tell? To determine character from a line, you should give the subject a blank, unlined sheet of paper. Cheerful, optimistic people cannot write directly; the lines will definitely climb up. For a pessimist - down. A calm, reasonable person will go straight. The jumps will be made by those whose mood is not constant.

What does a person’s internal structure reveal?

This important aspect is recognized by the density:

  • A closed person writes in a neat handwriting. If you manage to find an approach to her, then you will not find a better friend.
  • An open, cheerful, friendly personality writes expansively . True, it is characterized by optionality and frivolity.

Letter connection:

Purposeful, logical, straightforward people do not make a break between letters. An extraordinary, talented person, from whom one should not expect logic, makes a gap between the letters.

How to find out character by signature

no less than the style of writing :

  1. The cunning, observant citizen makes many hooks.
  2. A simple signature reveals a confident person.
  3. Various elements show originality
  4. An artist and inventor can be recognized by their curls and strokes.
  5. The author of the crossed out signature is energetic and impulsive.
  6. An active but distrustful citizen will be identified by an underlined signature
  7. The author of the signature in the circle is unsure of himself, timid, very shy.
  8. If the first letters of the signature and last name match, then this is a modest person who correctly assesses his potential.
  9. A narcissistic, ambitious citizen will definitely highlight the first letter.
  10. A cheerful disposition will give out waves and zigzags.
  11. A disciplined person will definitely put an end to it at the end.

The manner of writing, like a signature, can change throughout life, which means a person can improve himself.

What is needed for handwriting analysis

You can analyze text written with your own hand on a white sheet of paper without lines or cells. It is advisable to use a simple pencil to examine the degree of pressure. To analyze your writing style, you can get recent entries or write a new text. There is no point in analyzing old notes or notes; a person’s character can change over the course of several years.

The verse is written on an album sheet

To check someone else's handwriting, you can invite the person to write any text: favorite quotes, quatrains. The main condition is that at least 4-5 sentences must be written on the sheet. When writing the first two, a person may be worried, but he writes the last sentences calmly - you can determine the character from them. At the end you need to sign.

Important! When a person writes a text for analysis, he begins to think about how the writing looks. Some people begin to draw letters out of character in order to make them more beautiful. In this case, the description of the character will be incorrect. You need to write at your usual pace, without thinking about quality.

Determining character from a sheet of paper

Graphologists, called upon to recognize a person, pay attention to the piece of paper on which the text is written. A slob or a greedy person can take any sheet, even a crumpled one, but a neat person will only write on a blank piece of paper.

The style of writing on the first page is very different from the writing on the last. For a graphologist, this is a significant clue. Character decoding is done on the last page. Pay attention to the pressure of the pen.

A strong personality is revealed by strong pressure. Here is a workaholic. Light pressure is a characteristic of a calm romantic. Wavy lines speak of a person’s resourcefulness.

Features of writing about temperament:

  • The choleric person tilts to the right, and his letters turn out tangled with strong pressure. The distance between words is always different.
  • The phlegmatic person makes different distances between the letters, and the characters themselves turn out bold with inconsistent thickness.
  • Sanguine people have beautiful handwriting. The letters are placed in a sweeping manner, and the lines are uneven.
  • A melancholic person cannot leave even fields. The letters are dancing and have elongated strokes and dashes.

Occupation by handwriting

Handwriting character and appearance are not the only things that can be learned about a person from the way he writes:

  • Uneven, sloppy. Characteristic for pharmacists and businessmen.
  • Jerky, galloping. Characteristic for people studying and working with languages.
  • With lots of touches. People who do mental work often have professors.
  • Descending. A characteristic feature of poets, dreamers, philosophers.
  • Vertical, simple. Feature of mathematicians and engineers.
  • Wavy. Characteristic of creative people, artists, sculptors.

How to find out personal qualities

  1. Signs of an intelligent person. Letters without decorative elements, the slope is either absent or barely noticeable. The distance between words is the same. The letters are round, neither large nor small.
  2. The stupidity is revealed by hooks, different distances between words, and uneven pressure. Particular attention is paid to capital characters.
  3. A hot-tempered personality is indicated by symbols that rise above the line. The endings of the last letters in a word go down below the lines.
  4. Strong-willed individuals apply even pressure, but the letters do not separate. The number of strokes is small. The letters are round and the writing is clear.
  5. Composure is revealed by uneven lines, but the last word is always in its place. The letters are written neatly, but the distance between the words is different.
  6. Balanced people have beautiful handwriting, although the text may seem difficult to read at first.
  7. Abusive people often underline the letters, but spell them out carefully.

Test your character

How to pass the test? Each feature of the letter is given points, then added up.

Letter size:

  • Very small - 3 points
  • Small - 7
  • Average - 17
  • Large - 20

Letter slant:

  • Tilt to the left - 2 points
  • Slight tilt to the left - 5
  • Tilt to the right - 14
  • Sharp tilt to the right - 6
  • Direct writing - 10

Letter shape:

  • Round - 9 points
  • Square - 10
  • Spicy – ​​19

Line direction:

  • The lines are creeping up - 16 points
  • Sliding down - 1
  • Straight - 12

Intensity (sweep and degree of pressure):

  • Easy - 8 points
  • Average - 15
  • Very strong - 21

Connecting words:

  • Connection of letters in a word - 11 points
  • Letters separately from each other - 18
  • Mixed spelling - 15

Test score:

  • Neat letters, carefully written handwriting - 13 points
  • Handwriting is uneven, some words are clear, but others are difficult to read - 9
  • The letters are written carelessly, the words cannot be made out - 4

Differences in handwriting between men and women

A person’s handwriting always says a lot about his character, while male and female writing styles differ from each other. It is generally accepted that girls' handwriting is always even and legible, while men's handwriting is rude and sloppy.

Boy and girl

Girls often give letters a rounded shape, write in a sweeping manner, and even small letters look legible. Often words are slanted to the right, with strong or medium pressure. Small letters with weak pressure may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, migraines.

Representatives of the stronger sex more often use small letters in words, and when writing, press hard on the pen or pencil. Men's handwriting predominantly consists of sharp angles and clear lines. A man can give even rounded letters an angular shape.

Note! Today, women's and men's rhythms of life are equal to each other. Representatives of the fair sex successfully combine work, raising children and playing sports. If a girl had perfect handwriting as a child, it can change with age along with the pace of her life.

The psychology of handwriting is inseparable from the psychology of personality; by the peculiarities of writing words, you can learn a lot about your colleagues and friends. One person writes each letter, another writes quickly and sweepingly - each of them has their own character and manner of behavior. When analyzing handwriting, every detail matters and can reveal what a person is hiding.

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