How to distinguish women's handwriting from men's. Choosing a man based on his handwriting: how to avoid mistakes. What does ugly handwriting say about your character?

Each person’s handwriting is a revelation of the inner essence of our souls. This is not external, factual data, but a state of the hidden unconscious. So, if a man who is outwardly feminine, or even has a non-standard orientation, will write in “feminine” handwriting, and a woman who has developed masculine traits in herself will reveal her essence in the form of a masculine, rough handwriting.

If we exclude such variations in the development of events, there are still some differences and traceable patterns in both male and female handwriting. These differences are dictated primarily by features in the field of psychology. These patterns in handwriting can be traced to genetic factors, social attitudes, upbringing and evolutionary heritage.

Choosing a man based on his handwriting: how to avoid mistakes

Choosing a man based on his handwriting: how to avoid mistakes or “show me what you write and I’ll tell you who you are...”
Women, even with bitter experience in personal relationships and a realistic outlook on life, are often very trusting.

Especially when it comes to romantic impulses and the desire to start a family. And how often we make mistakes about our chosen one!

We close our eyes to the “alarm bells”, ignore the opinions of others and hope: we will be together, and HE will become better.

But people change rarely or not at all . And how we regret later that we knew nothing in advance about the character of a seemingly close person.

Although one could find out about the advantages and disadvantages by looking at the lines scribbled by the hand of a loved one.

Causes of incorrect and ugly handwriting

The main reason why children and adults write illegibly or not beautifully is the need, in principle, to write a lot and quickly.
One has only to remember the handwriting of doctors, which is included, if not in a parable, then certainly in many anecdotes. But this problem is known not only to doctors. Even at school, children are faced with the need to quickly write down information, but little attention is paid to the quality of writing. We learn to write beautifully and hold a pen correctly only in the first grade, but after a while the need to quickly record lectures reduces all efforts to the well-known “chicken paw”.

In the pre-revolutionary era, the speed of writing was limited by fountain pens - schoolchildren and adults had to write letters slowly and carefully so as not to make a blot. With the use of ballpoint pens, such restrictions disappeared. Writing became easier, but this did not have the best effect on the beauty of handwriting.

Personal characteristics also influence the purity of writing letters. For example, it is difficult for a choleric child with a violent, explosive temperament to perfect calligraphy, paying attention to every little detail. He needs additional motivation to carefully write the lines over and over again.

This is interesting

Graphological examination, one of the research methods in criminology, allows one to determine from handwriting not only a person’s temperament, but also his gender, age, and mental state at the time of writing. The size of the letters, the force of pressure, and the sweep of the handwriting are analyzed. Some companies use such expertise for personnel selection.

A man with clear, legible handwriting

You can be confident in this chosen one and your future happy family if the handwriting is with strong pressure, the letters are rounded, there is a distance between them and he writes with a slant to the right.

If there are at least two of these three signs, this is very good.

All this speaks of his friendliness, sociability, determination and generosity. He stands firmly on his feet, happy with the world around him and with himself.

He is open to feelings and does not hide his thoughts. He is attentive to others and can sympathize with other people's troubles. With such a man, as a rule, a strong relationship is established.

The readiness to make compromises in home life is indicated by the small distance left between words.

You should be wary if:

Curls in a man's handwriting

Beautiful handwriting is a clear advantage, but... if the ornate handwriting is aggravated by weak pressure, then the woman next to you should prepare for the role of an eternally admiring fan.

The owner of such handwriting thinks only about himself, lives by his own emotions and feelings.

The woman or wife next to him interests him only from the point of view of a grateful listener and creator of psychological comfort.

He is not capable of giving, but at the same time he demands constant admiration for himself.

Should you make a decisive choice based on a man’s handwriting?

Of course, this is not all that can be said about a man’s character from his handwriting. And all of the above is not an axiom.

After all, if you feel comfortable next to a person, then is it so important how he writes?

However, when doubting your own choice and making an important decision, take a closer look: how does your chosen one write?

– Tell us how you became a graphologist? What do you need to do to learn to “read” someone else's handwriting?

– I studied graphology at the Israeli Institute of Graphoanalysis Inessa Goldberg and continue to study to this day. Today, after the passage of time, I can say that it is possible to learn to “read” other people’s handwriting, but it is advisable to have psychological education. Whatever one may say, handwriting is the inner world of a person, and it is formed precisely under the influence of psychological characteristics.


Not as young as it seems at first glance, the science of graphology will tell you what handwriting says about a person’s character. She is engaged in a detailed study of the inclination of letters, the distance between them, as well as their location on paper. The analysis reveals not only personal qualities, but also future prospects or inclinations.

In fact, the connection between handwriting and a person’s character was noticed back in the Middle Ages. The basis of graphology is considered to be a book written by the Roman historian Suetonius back in the 16th century. And after a couple of centuries, data on handwriting was systematized by Michon. The final proof of this connection was the experiments conducted by V. Preyer using hypnosis - he inspired the same person that he had different character traits, and the subject’s handwriting changed radically.

Scope and significance

The graphology method is used for career guidance , identifying the most suitable vacancies for potential employees and determining the strengths/weaknesses of personnel employees.

Also, with the help of graphology, you can improve the social climate in a team/team. Knowing the psychological characteristics of individual group members, it will be easier to divide them into pairs and teams.

It will be possible to predict the results of creative or business symbiosis of employees , and find the optimal way to interact with and within the team.

Graphology is also used when working with mentally ill people.

From handwriting you can understand (make an assumption) how quickly the disease is progressing , what state the person is in (depressed, angry, offended, excited, etc.).

If you constantly record the results of a graphological study, exacerbations can be predicted.

Forensic experts also use graphology to identify a potential criminal or profile suspects. But they use this technique only in combination with other methods of analysis.

For some people, this method is an interesting way to explore their inner world . In this case, the participants in the experiment voluntarily agree to have their handwriting studied and even look for specialists who can decipher the writing style.

General organization of handwriting

When analyzing, the first thing to check is the evenness of the handwriting. This determines from which side (positive/negative) this or that personality trait will be viewed:

  1. Smooth and perfectly organized handwriting shows an active and focused person who is always confident in his own abilities and does not have a tendency to frequent failures.
  2. Large, but not entirely organized handwriting indicates impulsiveness.
  3. Small and organized indicates that its owner uses his own strength wisely.
  4. Indecisive and timid people show small and very poorly organized handwriting - this is an insecure person who retreats at the first difficulties.

Large or small handwriting will tell about a person’s relationship with the people around him. Many people want to know what the small size of letters says about a person, because statistics show that the number of individuals with small handwriting slightly exceeds the number of people accustomed to large letters.

To begin with, you should mark the boundaries - letters that reach 3 millimeters in height are considered average. Accordingly, small ones are up to 3 mm, and large ones are from 3 mm.

  1. Owners of large handwriting are always sociable and active, they can support any conversation and cheer up the most boring company.
  2. Too small letters indicate modesty and reluctance to attract attention. Although it should be noted that people who write in small handwriting love to think, it is difficult to expect bold actions from them.
  3. And medium-sized letters go to people who always know how to find compromises. They realistically assess their strengths and can adapt to any situation.

O. Naumova “Correcting handwriting” Album-simulator

By purchasing a trainer, you will receive:

  • a ready-made handwriting correction tool;
  • 100 pages of interesting exercises;
  • 30 graphomotor exercises with varying levels of difficulty;
  • additional developmental exercises for coordination, dexterity and endurance of the fingers;
  • professional methodology, proven in practice.

With the help of this exercise album, you can help your child write beautifully, studying at home at a time convenient for you and without the help of specialists.

The child will receive:

  • improving handwriting;
  • development of attention and coordination of movements;
  • dexterous and resilient fingers;
  • development of thinking.

Recommended age 6-13 years.

The simulator can be used for group or individual training at home or school. And also for the development of fine motor skills in preparation for school.


Lines and strings

No less important are the lines and lines that characterize a person’s reaction to various external stimuli (surrounding events). The person’s subconscious plays a role here, since the line for writing a word is chosen not at the physical level, but precisely at the subconscious:

  1. Smooth lines are observed by a reliable person who will always fulfill a friend’s request and will not let you down in difficult situations.
  2. Pretentiously straight lines indicate too many knowledge control questions.
  3. Uneven lines are observed in those who lack strong internal stability.
  4. An upward directed line indicates optimism, and a downward directed line indicates a pessimistic owner.

Certain distances between lines and words give characteristics about the behavior and thinking of an individual.

People who are constantly confused prefer to have small spacing between lines. Handwriting that speaks of a person who is attentive and makes informed decisions is the large spaces between the lines.

The volume of mental and physical space is shown by the intervals between words:

  1. A person who is able to adequately perceive the external picture and respect social inequality has the same spaces between words.
  2. Distances of different sizes indicate a fickle personality who communicates only with people he likes, and simply ignores the rest.
  3. Narrow spaces characterize a closed person who allows others to get close to him. Such a person does not require too much personal space, but prefers to be more close to other people.
  4. Large spaces between words reveal the owner's fear of contact with others. It will be very difficult to make acquaintance with such a person, but when approaching him, he will seem to be a rather interesting interlocutor.

Slant letters

The characteristics of handwriting tell about the level of emotional reactions, as well as the degree of understanding of others.

  1. The strict verticality of the letters hides a calm and calm person, who is often indifferent to others at a time when others experience completely different feelings.
  2. If the letters are slightly tilted to the right, then this is direct evidence of a soft reaction to the environment. Such a person cannot be called restrained, since before showing emotions, he first thinks everything over carefully.
  3. An increased tilt to the right shows emotional tension and impulsiveness.
  4. Cold people tilt their letters to the left when writing. They protect themselves from irritants as much as possible and often act selfishly towards others.

How employees are selected

In some European countries, personnel are selected according to clear rules, one of which is a graphological examination - this will be the last step in the test. The final decision to accept an employee for a position is made only after the boss knows exactly what the person’s handwriting says (there are examples below).

Only worthy people are hired for financial positions in the United States. They have to take quite difficult tests, where handwriting plays an important role. A graphologist can make a verdict that a person is prone to deception, and then he will be refused.

Passing the examination is not always easy. For example, people whose hallmark is clumsy handwriting, which indicates a person prone to quarrels and fickleness, are unlikely to obtain a prestigious position in many countries.

An initiative and creative person is usually considered for the position of director. But in order to take this place, you must have the right handwriting: the letters must be wide and of different sizes, and the presence of the correct relationship between curves and corners is also necessary. In addition, the required handwriting feature for the position of director is a straight or slightly raised line.

I am writing to you - what more? 7 interesting facts about handwriting

Every year on January 23, the world celebrates Handwriting Day. Otherwise, this unusual holiday is called Handwriting Day, which was established to remind us of the uniqueness of each of us’s handwriting. The chief expert of the 1st department of the forensic department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk region, Evgenia Voropaeva, spoke about the subtleties and hidden features of the handwriting “Omsk Here”.

Evgenia Voropaeva

“Today they began to write less, and this affects the “quality” of handwriting. Modern children are increasingly writing messages using gadgets, and handwriting requires certain skills and training of hand muscles, which is why beautiful handwriting is rare among young people today

, says the expert.

According to Evgenia Voropaeva, she can determine the author of the text, that is, prove that the written words were written by a specific person. But psychologists and graphologists are involved in determining character traits and drawing up a psychological portrait.

In a conversation with an expert, we learned the following interesting facts about handwriting.

By handwriting you can determine the artist, that is, the person who wrote the letter or note. You can even determine the gender.

— The handwriting of men and women is different. But there is a very fine line in the differences here. Some men have handwriting elements inherent in women - roundness, ovality, while women have softer handwriting, the expert assures.

Handwriting can tell about the psychophysical state, or whether a person had an unusual writing instrument, or whether the person wrote uncomfortably bent over, lying down or while walking, or perhaps the person was intoxicated - the letters will tell everything with their characteristics.

There are techniques that help determine a person’s age and physical characteristics using handwriting.

- For example, it is clear from handwriting that a person has poor vision, often these are elderly people. They develop farsightedness, they cannot see up close, and they develop individual peculiarities in making handwritten notes,” says Evgenia Voropaeva.

By comparing text writing at different periods of a person’s life, an expert can identify some health problems. Handwriting may change if a person has suffered some serious illness, for example, a stroke or heart attack, he or she experiences numbness in some muscles, and impaired written-motor skills. Changes appear in the writing style that are independent of a person.

To understand who owns the signature, one document is not enough; a person’s handwriting can change throughout his life, as has already been said, but the features remain (the combination of letters, the writing of a specific letter). Therefore, the examination requires several handwritten notes, several documents, preferably written in different periods of life.

Even tracing a signature through glass or tracing paper does not guarantee that it will be considered authentic.

“If there are a sufficient number of samples, you can determine the forgery of the signature and from it identify the person who executed it on the document,” says Evgenia Voropaeva. — There are several directions in the methodology of studying a signature to determine whether it was made by this person. You can do it “by eye” - see how the signature was put and repeat the manner, you can do it against the light, put a sheet of paper on top and circle. But all this is established using certain methods.

Similar handwritings exist, but none are identical. Even twins may have similar voices and gaits, but their writing style will be different.

- This is rather from the field of psychology. Geminis, like all children, often copy their parents' writing style and signature. Include some elements of writing in their words. According to fingerprinting, twins have similar papillary patterns, but they are only similar, they are not the same, small details may diverge, and the same is true in handwriting, the expert believes.

There are fewer and fewer people with clear handwriting.

- Computerization has borne fruit, documents are printed, written less and less, writing skills are lost, perseverance is lost, diligent writing is lost when letters are written, cursive writing, quick writing, and abbreviations of words are used more often. Beautiful handwriting is becoming a rarity,” says Voropaeva.

But the doctors’ handwriting, which has become the hero of jokes, is incomprehensible not because doctors do not try, they simply often have to make a large amount of notes, often switch from Latin to Russian and back, because the names of drugs and diseases are written in Latin.

Handwriting experts have much less work today than 10 years ago. Then there was a surge in “credit” cases, when unscrupulous citizens, having obtained copies of passports and work records of other people, took out loans for them. The victims denied signing the loan agreement, and handwriting experts helped them prove their non-involvement in the conclusion of the agreement. Then there was a “harvest” of cases to obtain maternity capital: women were deceived, claiming that they had given birth to a child outside the walls of the maternity hospital, and, having presented the necessary package of documents, received the coveted certificate. With the help of handwriting examination, it was possible to determine the circle of people involved in the fraud, who drew up and signed false documents. Today, people turn to the help of a handwriting expert less often, but the need still periodically arises to establish the authenticity of a signature.

Remember that your handwriting is unique and can tell a lot about you. So write often, achieve beautiful writing and send handwritten letters to your loved ones. Today this is a great rarity, and they can become a pleasant surprise and an original gift.

Head of Public Relations

A cool and courageous person is ideal for this position, but the ability to communicate with people in writing must also be present. The handwriting of a public relations manager should be as clear as possible and have its own characteristics: fast pace of writing, wide handwriting, letters connected to each other. Most often, the signature of such a person ends with a small stroke.

An employee in the financial sector must be able to concentrate quickly and have a stable psyche. This is what handwriting that is easy to read says about a person. Letters should be large in size, and the distance between words should be as large as possible.

A person who dreams of working as an engineer must have a lively mind and quick reactions. The handwriting of such a person is distinguished by rounded letters, where there are some angularities. The spacing between words and lines is quite large, and the letters themselves are not too narrow.

What kind of handwriting is there: types, styles, types, options

Handwriting analysis is carried out on the basis of existing classifications.

The specialist notes the presence or absence of signs from the list.

Typically, graphologists pay special attention to:

  • efficiency (low, medium, high);
  • structure (height equals width, the distance between lines and letters is large, the width and height of letters remains static during writing, the height of lines and spacing is significant);
  • tempo (writing words and letters without lifting the pen, simplified writing of letters, monotonous writing of letters, presence of sharp elements, complex design of letters, lifting the pen from the paper while writing, presence of blunt and rounded elements);
  • coordination (presence of sinuous and broken strokes, angularity of oval elements, disproportion of letters and elements).
  • stability (characteristics of shape, size, characters and nuances of text placement on the working field);
  • characteristics of movements (round, loop-shaped, angular, straight, inclined form of movements, etc.).
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