How to understand a man if he says he adores you: the opinion of psychology experts

Each sense has unique characteristics that distinguish it from another sense. But there are also some similarities. If a man says to a woman “I adore you,” then he implies a specific attitude towards her. What exactly does a man want to say when he says such words? Should a confession such as “I adore you” be taken as love? Or is it a different feeling?

Many psychologists argue that a man, telling his beloved woman that he adores her, may confuse this feeling with love. But in fact, adoration primarily implies the desire to have constant intimacy with a partner. To feel such a feeling, it is not at all necessary to meet for a long time, to get to know each other, to understand and respect each other. The desire for intimacy with this or that person, as a rule, arises quickly, which means it can disappear soon. By telling a lady the words “I adore you,” a man does not need a response with mutual feeling. This article will answer the question that interests the fair sex: what does a man really feel when he talks about how he loves or adores his partner.

Are there any similarities between the concepts adores and loves?

Most people, hearing words such as “I adore you” or “I love you,” are sure of their similarity. In order to understand what exactly distinguishes such feelings, you need to experience them.

Failure to understand the differences between concepts such as “love” and “adore” leads to confusion in relationships. A situation may occur when a man says that he adores him, and a woman takes such recognition for love. This will lead to a misunderstanding of each other's feelings. This way, you will begin to take words seriously, being confident that your other half loves and wants to take the relationship to the next level. And a man, saying that he adores, does not experience real and strong love at all.

So how to untangle the relationship in this case, and where is the line of difference between the concepts of love and adoration? Unfortunately, modern science does not have an exact meaning for each feeling. But love in Ushakov’s dictionary has some description. Thus, a person who loves is considered a person enchanted. Only love forces a man to focus all his attention only on his partner.

Loves or adores - what's the difference?

Experts distinguish concepts such as “loves” and “adores” using three characteristic components:

  • Presence and strength of passion;
  • Presence of emotions;
  • Level of intimacy in a couple.

To correctly understand your other half and his phrase “I adore you,” first of all, pay attention to the presence of passion between you and the level of its strength. If the basis of the relationship is physical contact, it means that the partner does not experience strong love. Because when a person loves, he perceives his chosen one not only as an object of desire, but also in the role of an interesting interlocutor and friend.

To find out what a man means when he says he adores him, pay attention to the following points:

  • Is intimacy the most important goal in your relationship? If not, it means your other half loves;
  • Will your partner be able to forgive cheating? If a man who says that he adores does not imply the feeling of love, then he will forgive his chosen one for having an affair on the side. But a truly loving person can never even allow something like this.

Emotional characteristics are also a good way to help clarify the real meaning of a man's words about how much he adores his girlfriend. If a man loves, peace and quiet will reign in the relationship. After all, such a bright feeling as love does not need publicity. All thoughts, intentions and plans of a person in love will be directed towards his beloved.

In this case, the object of adoration may not be a single woman, but several ladies at once. If a man tells you that he adores you, then you should follow his emotions. Sooner or later, their explosion may occur, which will lead to a loss of interest and desire to continue the relationship.

Speaking about the level of intimacy in a couple, it is worth paying attention to the relatedness of the souls of the partners.

Think about how different your views, habits and behavior are from those of your partner. Does a man have to make an effort to get to know his chosen one? If not, and there is an ideal kinship of souls between you, then when a man says the word “adore,” he means “I love you.”

Another point worth paying attention to is the duration of the relationship until the moment of recognition that the man adores you. If your other half says such words after a long time from the day they met, then most likely he meant the phrase: “I love you.” But such recognition at the very beginning of a relationship does not carry the seriousness of feelings. And it is quite possible that another woman will soon appear to whom the guy will easily say the same words.

A man who adores a woman will feel like a free man, free to do whatever he wants and choose any lady for his love games. And too strong a feeling of adoration can turn a lover into an obsessed and somewhat sick person.

If you are still thinking about the confession that your other half made, then find the answer to this question: what or who does your lover think about first? If it’s about yourself, then you shouldn’t expect the phrase “I love you” from him.

Everyone knows that at first sight you can feel such feelings as passion, adoration, and strong interest. In this case, close acquaintance and knowledge of the soul are not required at all, but only a beautiful appearance is enough. A feeling like adoration is only a fraction of true love. And it is not always the case that a person who adores will begin to love over time.


Methods to make a man fall in love

Women who have encountered coldness on the part of their partner begin to blame their age or appearance. At the same time, they begin to pay attention to their body, self-care, and buy new things. Of course, appearance is important.

However, there are also more serious points. These include care, respect, and tact. To strengthen a man’s love, it is recommended to show interest in him, trust him, and be able to listen. Pleasant surprises that every person needs are also important.

The more attention you manage to show to your partner, the stronger your feelings will become. These signs indicate the emergence of a mature feeling that occurs after the end of euphoria. If you show tact and admire your partner, you can easily warm up your feelings. Male psychology is this: if a woman truly loves, how he behaves is determined by this.

What does "I love" mean?

When you first encounter the word, the thought arises of comparing it with the usual “love.” However, these are different concepts and it is obvious that the man used the one that seems closer to him and more accurately expresses emotions. The interpretation remains a mystery for the beloved: the guy sincerely says that he simply adores me, but whether this is considered a confession of feelings is difficult to understand. The logical option would be to consult a dictionary.

In most interpretations, “adore” is indicated as a stronger concept than “love.”

This is a passionate, impulsive feeling, similar to admiration for a person, his deification. But before you rejoice, make sure that the young man means exactly this interpretation, because even a girl who often feels the language intuitively needed to read the dictionary to understand the difference. Therefore, in addition to words, evaluate your surroundings:

  1. The young man could admire the behavior of the young lady in a controversial or problematic situation the day before. With his phrase, he expressed how surprised he was when faced with such a behavior.
  2. The girl reported that the request had been fulfilled. The word “adore” expresses gratitude.
  3. The guy uses the phrase “I adore you” according to the example he heard in a movie or read in a book, so he does not fully understand its meaning.
  4. A man is embarrassed to say “I love you,” but wants to express the strength of his feelings in a romantic setting. In the search for synonyms, “I adore” came up first.

The last situation occurs often; let’s consider it in more detail.

Difference between adoration and love

When in a romantic setting he says the word adore instead of love, the girl does not know how to interpret this. Such behavior can be considered recognition, but women are fixated that it should sound a certain way, so they wait for a template phrase. There is a difference in the two terms, but in the eyes of a young man it is insignificant. In addition, it is easier to communicate adoration, since “I love” evokes associations with marriage and vows of eternal love. If the young man said something different from what the chosen one expected, you should try to accept even such words with gratitude.

The phrase expresses momentary feelings that the young man tried to express openly and honestly. Thank him with a kiss or hug.

How to build a relationship with him

So, we figured out how a truly in love married man behaves and what to do with him. Now let's think, do you need such a relationship? Maybe in your case everything will be like in a fairy tale: he will leave his bad wife, marry you, and you will live happily ever after. But these are fairy tales that happen very rarely in life.

Is it comfortable to be a mistress, and how long can you stand it? No matter how great your relationship is, you will still want more. It is normal to desire the presence of your loved one all the time.

Find out more about his family relationships. It is possible that his parents will not want to part with their ex-daughter-in-law, and what kind of happy family life can one count on then? And if children are born, what will they see? Eternal quarrels and scandals?

You have probably heard more than once about how husbands leave the family, and how “quietly and peacefully” this happens. Every woman is an owner; it is unlikely that she will simply give up her “booty” to some mistress.

It is unknown how the relationship between the chosen one and his children will develop after the divorce. It is possible that he will suffer due to the impossibility of meetings. By the way, it’s not a fact that a lover will leave his wife for you; maybe he has an “alternate airfield.”

Is it worth doing?

A decent person will never leave his family for a new relationship. If he is a real man, he will try to push his feelings into the background. A woman needs to figure out for herself whether she needs a relationship with an unfree man.

Believe me, if from the first days of meeting your admirer speaks negatively about his wife, humiliates her in every possible way when talking on the phone in your presence, or from the first minutes of meeting her assures that family means nothing to him, then you should not get involved with such a person.

Perhaps the man is not telling something

Young people do not always remain honest with their chosen one. Sometimes too strong feelings and embarrassment become an obstacle. But sometimes the reason for the phrase is the desire to manipulate, to achieve a certain goal. Associated factors will help you recognize your thoughts.

Maintains a woman's interest

A young man meets a girl whom he likes in appearance, but does not feel affection for her. However, the chosen one shows her concern, constantly calls, writes, and is interested in his affairs. One evening the walk drags on and turns into a romantic date under the moonlight. He admits that he adores her, but the woman does not understand what is hidden behind these words.

In fact, the guy expresses gratitude for the feelings, realizing that he feels nothing but sympathy for the girl. To test this guess, stop calling and texting him first, and then see how often communication occurs between you.

Afraid to fully admit feelings

Sometimes a guy doesn’t talk about feelings for a long time and gets embarrassed when meeting. But one evening he plucks up courage and confesses. He says: “I adore you,” but the girl finds it difficult to understand. In this situation, most likely, courage failed again, so the young man did not dare to utter words of love. Don’t rush it, it’s difficult and scary for him to tell him about the depth of his feelings. Having relaxed, the young man will say the cherished words about love.

Expresses his admiration in a unique way

Sometimes declarations of adoration come out unexpectedly. If at such a moment you have time to look at the young man’s face, it turns out that he is surprised. This should be a dynamic situation in which the woman behaved unexpectedly boldly and brightly. Then the sympathetic man speaks of his admiration for the action. This is a momentary reaction, an outburst of feelings that does not promise permanent manifestation. There is no need to wait for further development of relations.

Hints at intimacy

In an intimate setting over a glass of wine, a young man whispers these words to his beloved, but the girl is at a loss and does not understand how to react. He is most likely trying to manipulate. Since the young man is embarrassed to use loud words, but wants to continue the evening, he replaces traditional recognition with synonyms.

Remember what actions a man did towards the woman he loved. This will help assess the sincerity of his words.

The feelings of the woman herself

In fact, for ladies, the feelings that she herself experiences for the object are much more important; this makes the relationship develop more vividly, and the sex is unforgettable. So whether a lover loves or not is sometimes a secondary question.

A lover will never allow himself to appear in front of his beloved in an unattractive, sloppy, uncollected manner.

He will try to put on better things and get himself in order. Except when sloppiness is character.

The female sex usually recognizes quite easily and quickly when they like it - their internal radar quickly shows this. But usually more serious evidence is needed later, in addition to ephemeral intuitive ones. This is where these symptoms come in handy. Or facts and signs will be appropriate for those people who rely on logic and prudence - in such cases, abstractions do not inspire confidence, only clear arguments will help calm the soul.

A person who has realized that she is an object of love, but does not want or is not ready to respond, usually pretends that she does not understand anything or fights back.

How should a girl react to such a phrase?

A phrase about feelings can convey different emotions towards a girl. Depending on the situation, the reaction may be as follows:

  1. If it's gratitude for affection, thank the young man with a warm hug. There is no passion in the couple, so parting on a friendly note is possible.
  2. A gentle kiss on the cheek will be an excellent encouragement if the young man is shy and afraid. This will give you confidence.
  3. Words of gratitude are enough in a situation where a guy expresses admiration for some act of a woman. This will show attentiveness without unnecessary romanticism.
  4. If a young man openly hints at physical intimacy using phrases like these, evaluate whether you are ready for physical contact. Voice your answer. This will clearly show whether the young man is worth trying further.

In some couples, confessions mean nothing, so they are not said at all. Young people most often believe that words are unnecessary paraphernalia, and true attitude can be understood by actions.

If a guy decides to voice his emotions, he definitely likes the girl, so try to respond with gratitude both for the pleasant words and for the feelings themselves.


Women rightly believe that men's actions can speak better than any words about love. And it’s easier for a man to prove his feelings through action rather than talk. Moreover, many male representatives can be very eloquent when conquering a lady.

However, some things a man says, or rather what he says, are proof of true love. And if you hear these phrases from him, when the candy-bouquet period has passed and, it seems, you can no longer impress your chosen one, then this is an indicator of the authenticity of feelings.

These are the words a man says that will tell you that he really loves you with all his heart:

Words of care

Questions are mostly common among such phrases. Are you cold? Aren't you tired? Can I help you? Aren't you hungry? That is, those questions that imply help from a man if you feel uncomfortable. A man is trying to find out how he can be useful, to make your life easier, even in small, everyday things.

Such concern may even be somewhat intrusive, however, you should not brush it aside. A man just wants to be needed by the person he loves. The desire to care is a very important sign of strong feelings. Try to encourage this attitude by gratefully accepting care.

"How was your day?"

This should not be a routine phrase before burying your face in a plate of dinner or collapsing on the sofa. Such a question, combined with an interested look, indicates an interest in your life. We always take an interest in the lives of our near and dear people.

Men, for the most part, are not inclined to listen to women’s monologues for a long time with all the details about the past day. But when he himself asks a question about this, and even reacts vividly to all sorts of nonsense, rest assured - he loves. Only a man in love will absorb kilometers of meaningless words from his woman. He is pleased just to hear your voice.

Declarations of love

When conquering a woman, all means are good, so at the beginning of acquaintance and at the first stage of a relationship, such confessions must be carefully weighed. When you have been together for a long time, the simple words “I love you” mean a lot. It is especially valuable when you hear them not in response to your question, when a very definite answer is implied.

If a man pronounces a confession not as a routine phrase, like a good morning wish, but completely, it would seem, out of place, then he does it quite consciously. This thought is most likely thoughtful and sincere. The most important three words can be said very quietly, indistinctly, when a man is worried, but they are worth a thousand routine confessions of “professional” heartthrobs.

Talks about his ugly “secrets”

Men very rarely share their past failures with anyone, especially if they left some kind of psychological mark on him. For example, as a child, a boy’s pants burst in front of the whole class, he was bullied at school by high school students, or his boss scolded him in front of everyone.

Such secret things can only be shared with a close woman who will not deceive, betray and will not mock later. Men generally find it difficult to tell such stories, and if he nevertheless decides to tell them, know: you are the closest person to him.

Asks for forgiveness

We are not talking about obvious things when a man is guilty, for example, of having an affair with another woman and begging for forgiveness. Here we are talking about a man’s ability to give in to little things and not go along with the principle, just because he is right here and now.

A man in love realizes that over a trifle he can lose the one he cares about. Therefore, after an absurd disagreement, he takes the first step towards reconciliation. Ambitions fade into the background or tenth plan, and he, having stepped over his pride (which can be very difficult for a man), will simply come up and say: “Forgive me.”


His behavior

Hand on heart, it should be said that in such a situation, hardly anyone can envy the “alpha male”. Short-term adventures on the side are one thing, but real feelings are quite another. Even if not everything was in order in the family, he will not dare to instantly change the established way of life, and therefore will be forced to maintain secrecy, torn between the desire to be closer to the object of his affection and the need to keep his distance. At first he will look like a confused schoolboy experiencing his first crush. Embarrassment and words spoken out of place can betray even an experienced brutalist.

How to understand that a married man is in love? His behavioral reactions will help you determine this.

One of the signs of falling in love is an unexpected change in temperament. A cheerful man becomes withdrawn and taciturn, while a shy man becomes decisive and active. This happens because he is not able to understand himself and his feelings.

His “teenage” behavior may manifest itself in avoiding contact with his beloved or, on the contrary, in unplanned communication. For example, he may suddenly organize a party for all his acquaintances, the real purpose of which will be to meet his chosen one, even if not in private. His endless questions about her, addressed to colleagues, friends - about life events, taste preferences, interests are necessary to compile a complete portrait.

He cannot resist signs of attention, he behaves gallantly: he opens the door, helps him take off his outerwear, and lets him forward. Trying to evoke positive emotions in the girl: joy, admiration, surprise, interest, he hides his shortcomings and tries to be someone he really is not. A man who falls in love comes up with affectionate names and uses diminutive forms. In addition, he is nervous in her company because he does not know how to behave and feels a desire to support his beloved in different areas: domestic, business, financial.

Psychology of behavior of a man in love

The interest of a young man may be limited to achieving just one goal - carnal pleasures, so it is stupid to rely on his words. An experienced pick-up artist can very cleverly lull the vigilance of his passion with his inimitable speeches and confessions, but at the same time his actions indicate the opposite.

To understand what a man says to his girlfriend “I adore and love!” Sincerely, you need to take into account several facts - behavior, signs of attention and non-verbal signs of falling in love.

View from the side of the object of sympathy

How to understand that a married man has fallen in love with you? Women's intuition and his non-verbal signs will make it clear that he is not indifferent:

  1. The man makes eye contact - tries to catch the eye, looks into the eyes.
  2. He often smiles next to the object of his adoration . If there is no reason, then the corners of the lips move upward. A married man in love tells funny stories to get a smile in return. If you tell him about something sad, there will be an emotional response on his face.
  3. He violates the boundaries of personal space : when talking, he comes too close, takes advantage of any excuse to be closer to his beloved.
  4. He involuntarily turns towards his sweetheart , even if they are just in the same room.
  5. He nervously twists the wedding ring , wanting to take it off his finger along with the family shackles.
  6. A married man experiences an uncontrollable desire to touch the object of desire : he touches his shoulder as if by chance, supports him by the elbow, collides with him where he can easily separate.
  7. He unwittingly copies the gestures of his passion . Such mirror behavior is well known to psychologists and is one of the signs that a representative of the stronger sex is in love.

How a man behaves if he truly loves

Does he love you or not? If this question arises in your head, and the guy says that he adores me, then you need to understand his feelings. Indeed, these words may hide a disposition towards a person of the opposite sex, but love has not yet appeared. He may shop around for a while. You should carefully observe his attitude towards the girl. Real men show their love through their actions.


A lover likes absolutely everything about a woman - appearance, behavior, habits. He notices only the good and does not attach importance to shortcomings.

A man is happy when his beloved is well

When a young man truly loves a girl, her feelings become much more important to him than his own. He is emotionally attached to the person he adores. Making her happy is one of his priorities.

Said - done

Love is not just beautiful words, it manifests itself in action. When a man promises something, he always delivers. This way he confirms his love for you.


One of the main pillars on which relationships rest. Love creates respect for a woman's thoughts and opinions. The guy recognizes the point of view of the chosen one, consults with her in making important decisions that affect both of them.


A guy in love has no doubts about his chosen one and trusts her 100%. She won’t follow her, arrange interrogations, where she was, why she was delayed. He does not prevent her from communicating with other people. When it comes to sincere love, and not selfishness, a man is able to behave with dignity. The guy is not even jealous of the past, although he understands that it happened, but the future together is more important.


This is the main manifestation of love. It happens that a man talks a lot about huge feelings, is not even afraid of the phrase “I love you,” but in reality does nothing. When a guy values ​​a girl, his heart beats at the mere presence of her or the thought of her. He will prove this with his actions, win him over with his deeds, and in the future constantly try to maintain relationships, develop and maintain the romantic fire of love.

Future plans

A man in love tries to immediately take an important place in a girl’s life. He plans a joint future, common children. Instead of “you” and “I” he begins to use “we”. The prospect of a long-term relationship opens up.

If at first glance everything is gorgeous, you spend time together, he declares his love, covers him with kisses, surrounds him with affection and attention, but never talks about a future together, which means these topics scare him.


When a man sincerely loves, he protects the girl in any sense, protects her from problems and difficulties, tries to make life much easier - he will shield her from the crowd in a crowded minibus, carry her through a puddle. If the chosen one comes upset, the young man will show a desire to punish the offenders. He protects his beloved and tries never to upset her.

Financial support

Material care, if there is no hidden motive behind it, indicates love for the girl. For 70% of representatives of the strong half of humanity, this is a sign of deep affection.

Brings you into your world

If a guy takes a girl seriously, then he goes out with her, introduces her to relatives and proudly introduces her to his beloved.


Among the common manifestations of sincere love, the following can be noted, for example:

  • If you already have a relationship, and your partner still gives compliments, shows signs of attention, and admires you, it means that he really is not indifferent to you. Especially if he does it not only in public, as if working for the public, but also in private.
  • A lover will never offend his woman, no matter who she is. No sarcasm, humiliation, aggression towards the passion.
  • Your partner easily does what will bring you pleasure: a massage, a bouquet, a nice frivolous gift... You should feel good - this is the only thing that is important to him. If he easily ignores the request, forgets about it, love is still far away here.
  • Behavior in bed. Pleasure should be mutual, and often a partner gets pleasure from how good his partner is. If he strives to get the most for himself, completely forgetting about your interests, this is not a real feeling.
  • A lover has no complaints or quibbles. If your every action causes a dissatisfied reaction on his part, if all words and actions are subject to criticism and changes, this is far from a sincere feeling. Even if I don’t agree with you, the proposed option will be presented correctly and respectfully, without authoritarian coercion or violence.

A companion in love will always make it clear to his partner that his most beloved is simply necessary, even if he has not yet confessed his love.

Signs of attention

When you are wondering what it means if a man constantly says: “I adore you,” you need to pay attention to the characteristics of his behavior, to the signs that he consciously or involuntarily shows to show his affection and love. They can be transmitted through words or actions:

  • the interlocutor often calls you by name;
  • gives you compliments;
  • is interested in your hobbies and work;
  • smiles at you all the time;
  • tries to look after him: tries to move the chair, open the doors, helps put on a jacket;
  • likes all photos;
  • kisses when meeting and goodbye;
  • makes nice little things, gifts;
  • notices any changes in your appearance;
  • speaks on topics that are interesting to the girl.

Nonverbal signs of falling in love

A man's falling in love is expressed in changes in his behavior, postures and gestures.

Consciousness does not control such manifestations, so you can calculate sympathy for yourself without a single word.

  1. The man begins to transform before our eyes. He immediately straightens up, sucks in his stomach, straightens his shoulders. He wants to look as attractive as possible to a woman; he can straighten his trousers, shake off specks of dust or fasten buttons.
  2. His legs are spread wide apart and his toes are turned towards his lover.
  3. Hormones affect his eyes: the pupils narrow, a loving gaze appears.
  4. Depending on his character, a man may be more aggressive or calmer than he is.

If a man claims he adores me

The phrase “I adore you!” It sounds very pretentious and romantic, but it’s worth finding out what it really means when a man says it. Can it imply sincere love or is it just sympathy?

When a man says to his chosen one: “I adore you!”, it means that he admires the girl at a specific moment in time, right now. This does not guarantee that he will always be with you and is going to propose and connect his future with you. In order to draw such conclusions, you need to look at his actions, behavior, and non-verbal signals.

You see a lot of evidence of his positive attitude towards you: care, affection, attention, respect. He replaces words of love with others, but very similar ones. “I adore you” - what it means when a man says this can be understood without any problems. This feeling is even more than just love. If you heard this phrase at the moment of carnal pleasures, then most likely he simply adores the one who makes him feel good in bed.

For some people, this may be a meaningless phrase like “I love this movie!”, That is, just an emotion - he liked something in your behavior or a joke.

When a friend says this phrase, it is not at all necessary that he has fallen in love. He might just say it in a friendly way as a compliment.

How to recognize love?

Serious feelings are not difficult to identify. However, there are many other situations that can be problematic to deal with.

Differences between love and sympathy

Sympathy may precede love or not develop into something more. It is caused by specific moments - a smile, a look, a gait. At the same time, there is no reason for love. It represents a strong attachment, which is based on the coincidence of goals, attitudes, and outlooks on life.

How to detect if your boss is in love?

People often experience feelings at work. The boss's crush is reminiscent of the feelings of any other person. However, this should not be confused with a kind attitude.

The following manifestations indicate love:

  • flirting - as a rule, it has no place in a business atmosphere;
  • present;
  • communication on personal topics - calls or messages on social networks;
  • non-verbal signs - if the boss is trying to touch you, there should be no doubt;
  • compliments;
  • inflated promises.
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