Interpreted is... Interpreted is a synonym


As always when interpreting difficult words, it is best to consult a dictionary and look up the term “interpret.” The meaning of the word is to interpret, explain, make clear.

This concept comes from the Latin interpretatio, which means “clarification”. Dictionaries give us the following interpretations of this term:

  • Interpretive is a method or way of translating complex symbolic content into a simple literary text.
  • A narrower meaning is used by the humanities. Here, “interpret” means to interpret the proposed texts from the point of view of semantics and epistemology.
  • In the philosophical dictionary this definition changes slightly. Here the meaning of the word “interpretable” is that which explains the processes of existence of the laws of nature based on the understanding of them by the human mind.

Let's look at these definitions in more detail.


such interpretation all interpretation such interpretation all implied interpretation of others rational interpretation nonrational interpretation. Interpretation interpret if interpret occurring able to interpret and be interpreted presence of meaning in a narrow sense purpose Related words Related words Russian words from Latin words Words from

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Humanitarian sciences

Linguists interpret the meaning of the term “interpretation” as one of the methods of working with sign systems. Any letter, stone tablet, pattern on a clay shard is covered with signs of the past, which modern science is trying to explain. After all, any text or pattern carries many symbols and implied meanings. The text is interpretable - this means understandable, because interpreting ancient writings is far from the same as translating them. The difference is very noticeable - like between machine translation from a foreign language and professional one. It is not enough to read the ancient text; you need to understand what the ancients had in mind when they drew these strange signs. It is not for nothing that many scientists are inclined to believe that writing arose at the intersection of science and art.

The ambiguity of words written many centuries ago may have long been lost to modern researchers. We interpret the incomprehensible polysemy in our own way. What does this mean for understanding ancient languages? A modern idea of ​​the life of people who lived long before us. After all, modern life is rich in allegories and omissions that are understandable to a native speaker, but their meaning is lost in translation. What can we say if the text under study was written long before we were born? With the help of interpretations, we immerse ourselves in the world of the ancients and try to try on ideas about existence that existed long before us.

Meaning of the word interpret

Examples of the use of the word interpret in literature.

One thing is certain: this incident - if interpreted in this way - casts an unseemly shadow on the sinless brow of the Son of Man.
George had traveled with Zini to Bhopal and now began noisily discussing the disaster, interpreting it ideologically.

A woman endowed with the rare property of witchcraft is either simply afraid, or interprets her skill within the traditional framework of the supernatural and begins to exploit the unique gift, also in a completely traditional way.

The idea suggested by Duclos seemed so pleasant to everyone that everyone interpreted it in their own way.

True, Rabbi Nachman interprets many things in his own way or adds his own vision to the established, however, this is just a new stream in the stream of centuries-old Jewish thought, especially in its Kabbalistic and Hasidic channels.

The concept of meaning, in our opinion, surpasses, in dignity and power, the concept of set in such a way that constructive set theory, which presupposes those sets that have a referential character, are therefore semantic categories, the meaning and characteristics of the use of constants in calculus systems, meaning thereby substitution interpretation of quantification, substitution constants in place of variables, translates constants of one formalized system into variables of another, and such a translation is a linguistic translation, interpreted in a system of paraconsistent logics, which presupposes the formation of the concept of morphism.

Constructive set theory is thus a general theory of quantification, a theory of meaning formation, and not meaning itself, an interpretation of the formalism of meaning, since it interprets itself, devoid of relations of inherence between sets.

A member of the post-war List Society in Berlin and Tarnhari's comrade, Kirchhoff studied genealogy and interpreted various legends as reflections of actual historical events.

It is logical to expect that computerization will attract increased interest from sociologists and theorists and will be interpreted in models of the transformation of modern society as a key trend.

Finally, we must not lose sight of the possibility of interpreting the mentioned physiological function of Comrade Konstantinov as an action associated with his method of lightning-fast movement in space.

The historian interprets the change in the situation caused in the White Sea by Peter's rampant shipbuilding and awakening the Israeli people, sorry, the Russian people, to walking on the waters, magically catching fish, and diverting themselves from the harmful transformation of water into wine.

In other words, the interpreted formalism is a morphism, and since, as has already been clarified in the theory of a logical object, a formalism is genuine if it is a morphism, morphism is a criterion and expression of its existence, practice, then the formalism necessarily interprets itself.

In connection with the above, the famous ancient British cromlech of Stonehenge can also be interpreted in terms of its erotic-orgiastic functions.

This plot, like, say, the story of Salome, had already seduced more than one writer before Lagerkvist, but Lagerkvist interprets it in his own way.

So, as you see, long before Lipchitz and Madame Davidovich, spiritualistically interpreting the wishes of poor late Sinsheimer, removed me from the role of a ghost and appointed me a gravedigger, I already had some practical acquaintance with cemeteries.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

Exact sciences

In mathematics and other sciences, some interpretation is always implied. Any mathematical theory is based on things that do not need explanation or proof from the very beginning. The simplest example of such a logical structure is Euclidean geometry, which bases its entire base of theorems on several axioms. Each subsequent theorem builds on the previous one. Such a ladder clearly shows the interpretation of theoretical constructs characteristic of modern science in general. The simplicity of the discoveries of the late Renaissance is a thing of the past - since the 19th century, any mathematical discovery began with some assumption that did not require proof. This is how the geometry of Lobachevsky and Riemann arose. Nowadays, interpretation is the operating principle of applied mathematics, which, acting on specified principles, is capable of solving problems of a very high order.

Definition of the word “Interpretation” according to TSB:

— Interpretation (lat. interpretatio) interpretation, explanation, clarification. 1) In the literal sense, the term “I.” used in jurisprudence (for example, the interpretation of a law by a lawyer or a judge is a “translation” of “special” expressions in which this or that article of the code is formulated into “common” language, as well as recommendations for its application), art (I. roles an actor or a musical work by a pianist - an individual interpretation by the performer of the work being performed, which is not, generally speaking, uniquely determined by the author’s intention) and in other areas of human activity. 2) I. in mathematics, logic, methodology of science, theory of knowledge - a set of meanings (meanings) attached in one way or another to elements (expressions, formulas, symbols, etc.) of any natural science or abstract-deductive theory (in In the same cases when the elements of this theory themselves are subjected to such “interpretation,” they also speak of the I. of symbols, formulas, etc.). The concept of "I." has great epistemological significance: it plays an important role in comparing scientific theories with the areas they describe, in describing different ways of constructing a theory, and in characterizing changes in the relationship between them in the course of the development of knowledge. Since each natural science theory is conceived and constructed to describe a certain area of ​​real reality, this reality serves as its (theory’s) “natural” information. But such “implicit” information is not the only one possible even for meaningful theories of classical physics and mathematics. Thus, from the fact of isomorphism of mechanical and electrical oscillatory systems described by the same differential equations, it immediately follows that for such equations at least two different Is are possible. This applies to an even greater extent to abstract-deductive logical-mathematical theories, admitting not only different, but also non-isomorphic I. It is generally difficult to talk about their “natural” I. Abstract-deductive theories can do without “translating” their concepts into “physical language”. For example, regardless of any physical geometry, the concepts of Lobachevsky geometry can be interpreted in terms of Euclidean geometry (see Lobachevsky geometry). The discovery of the possibility of mutual interpretability of various deductive theories played a huge role both in the development of the deductive sciences themselves (especially as a tool for proving their relative consistency) and in the formation of modern epistemological concepts associated with them. See Axiomatic method, Logic, Logical semantics, Model. Lit.: Hilbert D., Foundations of Geometry, trans. from German, M.-L., 1948, ch. 2, § 9. Kleene S.K., Introduction to Metamathematics, trans. from English, M., 1957, ch. 3, § 15. A. Church, Introduction to Mathematical Logic, vol. 1, trans. from English, M., 1960, Introduction, § 07. Frenkel A., Bar-Hillel I., Foundations of set theory, trans. from English, M., 1966, ch. 5, § 3. Yu. A. Gastev. Interpretation of programming languages, one of the methods for implementing programming languages ​​on electronic computers (computers). In I., each elementary action in a language corresponds, as a rule, to its own program that implements this action, and the entire process of solving a problem is a computer simulation of the corresponding algorithm written in this language. With I., the speed of solving problems is usually much lower than with other methods, but I. is easier to implement on a computer, and in many cases (for example, when simulating the operation of one computer on another) it turns out to be the only suitable one.

Natural Sciences

By the beginning of the New Age, a critical mass of facts and explanations had accumulated in the luggage of mankind, which required classification and interpretation. Therefore, the principle of “run an experiment and look for the cause of the phenomenon” had become a thing of the past by that time. In the natural sciences, increasingly complex experiments were carried out on the basis of the proposed theory. The meaning of the word “interpret” has become a little different - to explain the result obtained on the basis of a theory. Any logical conclusion was verified by observations and experiments. The interpretation of the results of these experiments extended the life of some theories or destroyed others to the ground.


Programming as a science is at the intersection of mathematics and linguistics. Programmers use mathematical symbols, converting them into programs using the laws of linguistics. It’s not for nothing that all sign systems used in composing programs are called languages ​​- when typing a program, various linguistic structures known from living languages, syntax rules, etc. are used.

A programming language is needed in order to carry out certain actions with data. These actions must be performed by the “brain” of the computer – its processor. But the whole difficulty is that the processor understands only its own, rather limited set of commands. In order for the processor to understand what it needs to do, compilers and interpreters have been developed.


There are also special languages, when programming in which we turn not to the processor, but to an intermediary language, an interpreter language. The interpreter program analyzes the program line by line as it arrives at the program input. The result is a set of symbols that the processor can understand and execute. Among programmers, a virtual machine is called an interpreter.

The process goes like this: the source program turns into a certain conditional code, a set of commands understandable to the interpreter program. For example, code written in C# (C Sharp) turns into Intermediate Language - a language understandable for the Net Framework environment.

Sometimes an interpreted language allows a program to be executed without an intermediary, such as a JavaScript script that is executed directly by the browser. In this case, when an error is detected, the program has no choice but to interrupt the execution of the command and present the error to the programmer. Interpreted programming languages ​​are PHP, JavaScript, C#.


Let's return to our interpreters. The word “interpretable” is also used in modern colloquial speech. This concept is interpreted as “becoming clear to understanding.” It is in this sense that the word is used in everyday communication. Even the profession of “interpreter” appeared. This is an engineer who analyzes the entire array of data necessary to control mining. Such a varied use of a well-known word may lead to the emergence of other meanings of the word “interpreter”. But how far the new values ​​will be from the initial ones - the future will show.

How do you spell the word?

Let's find out how to write and pronounce this word. First, you need to parse the word and find out what part of speech this word is. Next, find the rule of the Russian language. Let's begin!

Analysis of words by composition

To make it clear why it is written this way, let’s analyze the word according to its composition. Analysis of the word “interpret” by composition: the word interpret has the root “interpretation”

, suffix
, suffix
, verb ending

verb endingt

Correct spelling: INTERPRET

The use of the word “interpret” in quotations

  • to interpret in a new way .
  • Even parasitism is difficult to interpret as a “strategy of deception.”
  • If you find an error in the text, write about it in the comments

    By case

    The basic form of the word INTERPRET Interpret is a transitive perfective verb, active voice




    FaceUnit number Mn. number
    1I interpretinterpret

    Past tense

    Unit number Mn. number

    Command. mood

    Unit number Mn. number


    the presentpast
    interpretinginterpreted, interpreted

    Participle - present tense, active voice

    Unit number Mn. number
    Husband. genus Women genus Neuter gender
    Vinit. shower interpretiveinterpretiveinterpretativeinterpretive
    Vinit. inanimate interpretiveinterpretiveinterpretativeinterpretive
    TVinterpretativeinterpretive, interpretiveinterpretativeinterpretive
    Kr. prib.

    Participle - present tense, passive voice

    Unit number Mn. number
    Husband. genus Women genus Neuter gender
    Vinit. shower interpretableinterpretableinterpretableinterpretable
    Vinit. inanimate interpretableinterpretableinterpretableinterpretable
    TVinterpretableinterpretable, interpretableinterpretableinterpretable
    Kr. prib. interpretinterpretableinterpretableinterpretable

    Participle - past tense, active voice

    Unit number Mn. number
    Husband. genus Women genus Neuter gender
    Vinit. shower interpretedinterpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    Vinit. inanimate interpretedinterpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    TVinterpretedinterpreted, interpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    Kr. prib.

    Participle - past tense, passive voice

    Unit number Mn. number
    Husband. genus Women genus Neuter gender
    Vinit. shower interpretedinterpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    Vinit. inanimate interpretedinterpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    TVinterpretedinterpreted, interpretedinterpretedinterpreted
    Kr. prib. interpretedinterpretedinterpretedinterpreted
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