Restraint: being restrained or living with emotions

Morphemic analysis of the words “restrained” and “restrained”

Let's see what morphemes the word “restrained” consists of:


  • “s” – prefix;
  • “hold” – root;
  • “an” – suffix;
  • “o” is the ending.

The basis consists of a prefix, a root and a suffix - “restrained”.

The lexeme “restrained” consists of the following morphemes:


  • “s” – prefix;
  • “hold” – root;
  • “a”, “nn”, “o” are suffixes.

Let’s base it on the whole word – “restrained”.

We see that the morphemic composition of the units under consideration differs. Let's pay attention to the suffixes “an” and “nn”.

"Restrained" (adjective)

The meaning of the word “restrained” according to the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov

  • Self-controlled, able to restrain himself; smooth without harshness

Morphological analysis of the adjective

  • I Part of speech: adjective ;
  • IIInitial form: reserved - singular, masculine, nominative case;
  • IIIMorphological characteristics:
  • A. Constant signs:
  • Rank by value: qualitative
  • B. Variable signs:
    • masculine, singular, full form, positive degree
  • nominative or accusative case
  • IV Syntactic role:
  • 1) reserved – masculine, singular, full form, positive degree, nominative case

    nominal part of the predicate

    2) reserved – masculine, singular, full form, positive degree, accusative case


    Declension of an adjective by case

    CaseMasculineNeuter genderFemininePlural
    NominativeWhich? discreet , most discreet What? Restrained, most restrainedWhich one? Restrained, most discreetWhat? Restrained, most restrained
    GenitiveWhat? Discreet, most discreetWhat? Discreet, most discreetWhich one? Discreet, most discreetWhich ones? Restrained, most restrained
    DativeWhich one? Restrained, most restrainedWhich one? Restrained, most restrainedWhich one? Discreet, most discreetWhat? Restrained, most discreet
    AccusativeWhich one? Which? Discreet, discreet , discreet, discreet Which one? What? Restrained, most restrained Which one? Restrained, most restrainedWhich ones? What? restrained, restrained, most restrained, most restrained
    Instrumental caseWhat? Restrained, most discreetWhat? Restrained, most discreetWhich one? restrained, restrained, most restrained, most restrainedWhat? Restrained, most restrained
    PrepositionalAbout what? Discreet, most reservedAbout what? Discreet, most reservedAbout what? Discreet, most reservedAbout what? Restrained, most discreet

    Short form

    MasculineNeuter genderFemininePlural
    What? RestrainedWhat? RestrainedWhat? DiscreetWhat are they? Discreet

    Degrees of comparison

    Positive degreecomparativeSuperlative
    restrainedmore restrained, more restrained, more restrained, more restrainedmost reserved

    In what cases is the word “restrained” written?

    You should write “restrained” with one “n” if the word is a short passive past participle. The lexeme in question was formed from the verb “to hold back.” The participle is expressed in the neuter and singular form. The sentence answers the question “what has been done?”, denotes a sign of action and performs the syntactic function of a predicate.

    Example sentences

    Consider sentences with the short participle “restrained”:

    1. I guessed that his promise was unlikely to be kept.
    2. Research should not be limited to limits that leave no room for imagination.
    3. The word was kept: Sasha bought bread, washed the dishes and did his homework.
    4. The outbreak of political conflicts was temporarily contained.

    How to control your emotions

    The word “emotion” is translated from Latin as “shock.” This is truly an amazing phenomenon and mental process that is still poorly understood.

    Emotions excite a person and express his subjective attitude to real, past and possible situations. In addition, they motivate to act, study, learn new things, and set goals.

    How to restrain emotions if they are spontaneous and natural manifestations of human nature? Do they need to be suppressed if they shape how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world?

    Emotions in themselves do not harm the body; the degree of their intensity can be harmful. Too strong emotions, whether they are negative or positive, are stressful for the body. Prolonged strong emotions lead to mental and physiological illnesses.

    Despite the fact that the emotional nature of humans is not fully understood, research in this area confirms the ability of people to control emotions through willpower.

    An emotionally stable person is not one who is completely devoid of the ability to feel and experience, but one who has learned to regulate his psycho-emotional state.

    Some people, due to their temperament and character, are reserved and little emotional, “cold”, others are too sensitive and anxious. All people experience emotions, although they express them differently. Even the most reserved and always calm person can laugh uncontrollably or cry bitterly if the stimulus for such emotions is strong enough.

    Perhaps every person has once wondered how to learn to control their emotions.

    Recommendations for those who want to learn to control themselves and not be an overly emotional person:

    • Understanding the nature of emotions

    Knowing and understanding the nature of emotions makes them easier to experience. Analyzing the causes of strong feelings helps to understand them. The strength and tone of emotions is influenced by the mental and physical state, past experiences and moods of the people around us.

    The phenomenon of emotional contagion is a clear example of the fact that a strong emotion can arise because all the people around us experience it. For example, panic in a crowd spreads like lightning. The solution to the problem is very simple - move away, leave the society “infected” by emotion.

    So in other cases, having learned the source or cause of emotions, you need to try to eliminate them.

    A person may be irritated because he has a headache, and his loved ones will conclude that he is angry or offended at them for no reason. You always need to control your emotions!

    • Physical methods

    Body position, posture, facial expressions and gestures not only express, but also contribute to the emergence of emotions. A smile both speaks of a good mood and causes it; Brave people look into the eyes of their interlocutor, so in order to suppress fear you need to look at your opponent; You can reduce the level of aggression by relaxing your shoulders, arms, jaw, and so on. By noticing and noting what emotion your body is signaling, you can regulate it.

    The answer to the question of how to learn to control yourself lies within itself - learn to do it, in the literal sense. When a person seems to hug himself with his arms or connect them behind his back, he restrains emotional impulses. They say about a restrained person that he controls himself, about an impulsive person that he lets his hands go.

    The best body posture that helps to exercise self-control is a calm, relaxed, but at the same time confident posture, that is, one in which it is comfortable to be.

    Athletes know how to control themselves. Physical activity and exercise develop willpower, endurance and help express accumulated negativity in a safe way. Don’t forget about such an important physical method as rest and healthy sleep.

    • Reformatting emotions, feelings and thoughts

    Positive thinking is an important component of the ability to control emotions and feelings. Without faith that you will be able to control yourself, it is unlikely that you will succeed.

    To change negative experiences, you first need to correctly label them with a word, name them, and then identify the desired positive emotion or state. When it becomes clear what to strive for, you need to try to convince yourself that this state already exists now, at the present moment. Self-hypnosis is one of the ways to reformat a negative emotion.

    • Humor is a great stress reliever

    The method of finding something funny or stupid in a difficult situation helps to get rid of pessimistic obsessive thoughts and feelings. If you can’t find anything funny, you can dream up. For example, if you have to listen to unfounded reproaches, imagine how the offender’s nose lengthens or he himself decreases in size, and his voice becomes funny, like that of cartoon characters.

    Dislike for oneself, inability to set goals, perfectionism, and excessive self-criticism hinder psychological self-regulation. If such problems exist, you should try to get rid of them yourself or by seeking help from a psychologist.

    In what cases is the word “restrained” written?

    It is necessary to write “restrained” with two “n” if the word acts as an adverb (“how?”). According to the spelling rule, as many “n” are written in an adverb as in the adjective from which it was formed.

    Thus, the analyzed lexeme comes from the full adjective “restrained”. This means that the doubled consonants “nn” are preserved. In a sentence, this attributive adverb performs the syntactic function of an adverb.

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    Note! In rare cases, the word may be a short neuter adjective "restrained." The spelling of the adjective from which this word was derived is also preserved: “restrained.” Answers the question “what?” In this case, “o” will not be a suffix, but an ending.

    Example sentences

    Let’s read the sentences in which the adverb (short adjective) “restrained” occurs:

    1. Andrei bowed reservedly and left the room.
    2. Mikhailov said with restraint that he would try to find someone.
    3. His movement was restrained, but no less graceful.
    4. The public reacted very restrainedly to the actions of the authorities.
    5. Pavel approached his brother, they hugged restrainedly and went into the house.
    6. She nodded reservedly and didn't even look at her friend.

    Restraint Discreet

    Restraint as a personality quality is the ability to control one’s thoughts, words, emotions and actions.

    One day a student asked the Teacher: - Teacher, recently I discussed the topic of sincerity and naturalness with friends, but as a result, everything was mixed up in my head... The Teacher smiled: - And what is your question? What's mixed up with what in your head? “The most important thing that I cannot understand is the difference between sincerity and naturalness. I think it's the same thing. “This is not the same thing,” said the Teacher. - A sincere person may not be natural, but a natural person is always sincere. - Sorry, Teacher, I still don’t understand. - When you are sincere, you do not hide your feelings. When you are natural, you don’t hold them back. The student thanked the Teacher.

    A restrained person is natural due to the fact that he does not need to strain his will every time he needs to hide his feelings and unruly emotions. At any given moment he manifests what his level of consciousness is capable of, he has nothing to restrain. Therefore, it is a mistake to imagine restraint as some kind of inhibition, self-torture of the individual, the accumulation of negative emotions or a series of refusals to achieve due to fear of failure and the subjectively perceived powerlessness that arises in response to this.

    However, restraint is not achieved by itself; with a dirty, stupid mind, stricken by pride, there is no point in even thinking about this personal dignity. A mind defiled by pride is not able to listen and hear another person, perceive new knowledge, progress and develop. He wants to speak himself without holding back, and during pauses in the dialogue not to listen to the interlocutor, but to think about what he will say next. A dirty mind is fenced off from the outside world by pride, it feels superior, this means a mind in ignorance. The ability to listen is endowed by a person whose mind is free from ignorance and selfishness, possessing the main quality - simplicity.

    Restraint implies purity of consciousness. A person takes an internal exam to control the chatter of his mind. About sixty thousand thoughts run through my head every day. Until a person learns to control his mind, monitor his thoughts, not think about all stupidity, negative things, he will not see restraint. Intemperance in thoughts results in incontinence in words, emotions and actions. It all starts with thoughts, with the tongue they unleash and ends with specific actions and deeds. When a person is accustomed to controlling the chatter of his mind, he automatically, naturally and without any effort always speaks to the point, limits himself to a minimum of words and enters into a conversation only when his response is needed. Empty conversations exhaust any person, taking away a colossal amount of energy from him. Restraint helps save emotional energy and redirect it to the right things.

    So, restraint presupposes asceticism of the mind for simplicity, control of thoughts, and the development of purity of consciousness. The structure of restraint is completed by asceticism of the mind towards purposefulness and concern for the good of other people. If a person has a goal, he knows what should and should not be done. A restrained person, having gone through all the above-mentioned ascetics, learns the art of respecting other people, recognizing those around him as worthy individuals. This is a fundamental point. Restraint does not mean entering the role of a person with iron nerves, suppressed feelings and stifled emotions, an understanding interlocutor. Restraint is seeing another person's dignity, respect and tolerance for him.

    A restrained person is a reasonable person. Like other people, he has to face difficulties, extreme situations, difficult life circumstances. There is a certain period of time between the stimulus and the reaction to it - this is the time to choose how to react to situations. Reason means choice. A restrained reasonable person is free to choose, and he always chooses whether to do it or not to do it, he never acts automatically, mechanically, he always chooses. Possessing purity of consciousness, it is quite easy for him to do this. The Egyptian proverb says quite rightly: “The wisest is the one who knows how to subordinate his feelings to the dictates of reason. Both a fool and a wise man can become angry, but a fool blinded by anger becomes a slave to his anger. In the heat of rage, he himself does not know what he is doing, and all his actions turn out to be evil for him.”

    During the reign of Paul the First, the duty of one of the court lackeys was to unlock the door when the sovereign passed to the half of the empress. This happened regularly at six o'clock in the morning. One day Pavel arrived a few minutes earlier. He sees: there is no footman. The Emperor flared up with anger. And the footman went into another room, but, hearing footsteps, he hurried to his place. Pavel raised his stick at the footman. The footman hastily took his watch out of his pocket, brought it to the emperor and said: “Sire!” Now it’s still five minutes to six... “I’m sorry,” the emperor answered, lowered his stick and, without a shadow of the anger that had raged in his eyes just a second ago, calmly entered the door opened by the footman.

    Many vices are “mowed” under restraint. A simple example. A man and a woman meet. He initially intends to introduce her to the “herbarium” of his numerous victories, but behaves “with restraint,” knowing that such a line of behavior often brings much greater and quicker results than haste. He is sure that the woman will not withstand the temptation and will fall into his arms. Where there are selfish and selfish interests, restraint does not dwell. You need to call a spade a spade. Depending on the context of the relationship, this could be hypocrisy, deceit, treachery, greed, in a word, any of the vices or a group of them.

    Restraint is based on equality and respect. Wrong relationships develop at first rapidly - “and I throw myself into love like into the sea,” and then unhappily. Real, correct relationships develop initially restrainedly, and then happily. Restraint involves not jumping over stages of relationship development. A woman, for example, has not yet gotten used to a new acquaintance, does not know anything about him, she wants to gradually and restrainedly move towards rapprochement. And he already treats her as if they were newlyweds on their honeymoon.

    Restraint has nothing to do with being withdrawn, sullen and withdrawn. A reserved person respects people and therefore behaves naturally and at ease, showing good manners, courtesy and friendliness. His speech is rich and his movements are expressive. He knows how to listen to people and does not care too much about his importance and significance. On the contrary, without attracting undue attention to himself, he allows people to confirm his importance. Such an interlocutor arouses interest. He could only say a few sentences throughout the evening, but in the memory of those around him he will remain a charming and excellent conversationalist. Vividly demonstrated restraint, if it manifests itself in a wide range of situations, is called “equanimity.”

    A restrained person is not inclined to make hasty decisions; when asked by his opponent, he often answers: “I’ll think about it.” He will always think before speaking. In a company of egoists, everyone thinks about how to take the floor so that they can hear him and see what a significant person he is. A reserved person does not need this; he likes to be alone and think, but he also feels comfortable in the company of one or several friends. He does not like empty conversations and is distrustful of people who lavish compliments left and right. In a word, restraint likes not to talk, but to listen, to have several friends, to communicate in a company of one or two people, to work silently, and to be wary of rewards and praise.

    Petr Kovalev 2013 Other articles by the author:

    In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

    restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, restrained, more restrained, more restrained, more restrained, more restrained

    Share the meaning of the word:

    In the Dictionary of Synonyms

    cautious, cold-blooded; moderate, calm; fulfilled, non-categorical, phlegmatic, philosophical, self-possessed, not quick-tempered, suspended, self-controlled, knows when to stop, imperturbable, icy, inhibited, calm, precisely calculated, economical, stopped, restrained, cold, curbed, weakened, unenthusiastic, dryish, phlegmatic, dry , balanced, dispassionate, hidden, modest, stingy, sedate, reserved. Ant. intemperate

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