Comfort, positive energy and peace of mind: what can be gained by working sincerely and with all your heart

Declension of the noun calm (which case)

Declension of words by case in singular and plural.

CaseQuestionUnitMn. number
Nominative(who what?)calmnesspeace of mind
Genitive(who, what?)peace of mindpeace of mind
Dative(to whom; to what?)peace of mindpeace of mind
Accusative(who, what?)calmnesspeace of mind
Instrumental(by whom, what?)calmnesspeace of mind
Prepositional(About who about what?)tranquilitytranquility

Scope of use

Slang Military term Politics Idiomatic expression Heat engineering

Translation of calm

We offer you a translation of the word calm into English, German and French. Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service

  • To English
  • To German
  • To French
  • calm
    - peace, serenity, silence keep calm - stay calm
  • public peace
  • inner tranquility
  • absolute calm - absolute calmness
  • serenity of nature
  • strange calmness
  • composure
    - self-control, composure
      peace of mind
  • equanimity
    - equanimity
  • cool
    - cool
  • order
    - order
  • countenance
    - face
    • Ruhe
      - peace, composure, peace and tranquility of nature - Ruhe der Natur
    • calmness in communication – Gelassenheit im Umgang
    • touch calm – Bezug auf Frieden
    • oasis of calm – Oase der Stille
  • Beschaulichkeit
    - peace
  • Gemütlichkeit
    - comfort
  • Ruhe Stille
    • tranquillité
      - peace, serenity, silence oasis of calm - havre de tranquillité
    • philosophical calm - calme philosophique
  • tranquilité
    - serenity
  • équanimité
    - equanimity
  • placidite
  • pondération
    - balance
  • Hypo-hyperonymic relationships

    peace calmness

    What is calm like (adjectives)?

    Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

    complete external spiritual icy strange imperturbable serene relative ordinary internal absolute amazing cold complete Olympic former unshakable seeming visible deep external alien feigned unnatural social own ostentatious stone majestic lost habitual great former philosophical confident professional necessary deceptive perfect sinister necessary unshakable unexpected extraordinary iron amazing acquired sudden emphasized made extraordinary dead incredible peaceful indestructible majestic quiet unearthly endless stoic personal embodied enviable deliberate

    What can calm do? What can you do with peace of mind (verbs)?

    Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

    condescend to give back to reign to disappear to embrace to leave to seem to take over to be transferred to be given to change continue to be said to evaporate last to fly away to recover to spill over to look hide to do leave to be transmitted to make to hide cost to surprise irritate to last to spill over to establish begin to fill enough to make feel act evaporate infuriate remind to amaze remain reign fly away yield to be disturbed frighten guess lead hide appear deduce kindle foretell return have violated sink surge lead

    Associations to the word calm

    face voice country city shower house state view people eye kingdom border poor presence earth family north society heart future horror street current place empire world sea storm Poland life business rear road attitude work region planet galaxy minute death background panic hand consciousness Moscow appearance capital region tournament company conversation hall Little Russia camp flogging man help Europe comparison case answer waiting look father

    Synonyms of calm

    apathy apathy silence serenity dispassion friendship calm harmony peace silence equanimity insensitivity rest respite feast peace recreation restraint consent silence quiet poise calm calm composure coldness

    Hypernyms for calm

    1. peace state

    Hyponyms for calm

    1. calmness serenity

    Scope of use of the word calm

    General vocabulary Legal term Slang Military term Business vocabulary


    If you work sincerely, from the heart, and enjoy your work, then you will feel peace of mind and inner comfort. You are not so restless, nervous, and do not react so sharply to any problems or controversial issues. And even when difficulties arise, you don’t start to panic too much.

    The feeling of fatigue and laziness disappear on their own, because you are passionate about what you love.

    Increased Productivity

    When you work from the heart, you are in high spirits. And you don’t need to look for additional motivation to go to the office and start performing your duties - you will do it with great pleasure. In a job you don’t like, unfortunately, you have to do your best to maintain a fighting spirit and look for motivation in the form of money, prospects for career growth, some kind of happy future, etc. When you sincerely enjoy your employment, then you no longer have the need to artificially set up and convince that, in principle, you do a good job.

    Sincerity and love for your busyness is also the key to your productivity. When you don’t like doing certain tasks, it’s harder for you to concentrate and force yourself to get to work. And when you enjoy the process, you don’t feel tired or lazy. The output is good results and high productivity.

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    Calmness as a personality quality is the possession of a reserve of internal happiness in volumes that can easily block the appearance of worry, anxiety and unrest.

    Calm is the excess of the energy of internal happiness over the negative energies of the external world. A person shows concern and anxiety when he mentally weighs the scale of the threatening situation and realizes that he is not ready to meet it fully armed. There is not enough inner happiness to overcome the negative impact of external factors.

    A calm person is such a “big ship” that its load waterline practically does not change under the influence of the load.

    A calm person, possessing significant reserves of inner happiness, can be an excellent mentor, because he is able to be compassionate. In other words, he will calmly enter the state of another person and will be able to provide him with real help. People feel this saving power of calm and are drawn to it. When you are around calm, you become calmer.

    A sober mind and a clear mind maintains calm in any situation in life. Therefore, it perceives objects of the external world in an equally balanced way and does not encounter internal conflicts and contradictions.

    Calm allows you to see things as they really are. In response to problematic situations, it always finds time for reflection and reflection, therefore it acts rationally, relying on a deep analysis of the situation, and not on impulsive antics and emotional outbursts.

    Calmness, coupled with self-control and other strong-willed personality traits, helps to survive in critical situations and achieve success in other life scenarios.

    Calmness sincerely trusts God and people, has a benevolent and friendly attitude towards the world around it. At the same time, he does not show excessive attachment to objects of the outside world. Excessive attachment is the enemy of peace. Walking hand in hand with self-control, calm carefully controls the unconscious attachment of the senses to everything they see, hear and feel.

    Calmness is the ability, through the power of asceticism and knowledge, to “untie” feelings from attachment to surrounding objects. In order to show calm on a regular basis, a person needs to control his thoughts and desires, that is, he needs to keep his lustful mind and its tentacles – feelings – in check. Feelings imbued with egoism instantly become attached to the objects of their desires. They start begging: “I want a new car, buy a new house, let’s go to the Maldives.” Having been attracted by an object, the senses do not allow a person to be calm. The slave of the senses loses peace.

    A calm, reasonable person, controlling his impulses, does not follow the desires and whims of his feelings.

    A calm person is aware of his imperfections and, being strict with himself, is not afraid to make mistakes. Thanks to this, he is condescending towards others and accepts them for who they really are.

    Calmness shows the way for self-development, gives respect from people around, adds self-confidence to a person, frees one from fears and complexes.

    A calm person speaks quietly, but, amazingly, everyone listens to him attentively. What's the mystery? Why is this happening? The casket opens simply. A calm person does not include his false ego when communicating with other people. Accordingly, people do not turn on their false ego. Active listening is when the egos of the speaker and his listeners are asleep. In addition, they listen to those they respect. Calmness always evokes human respect. Some loud talkers raise their voice, trying to take the floor, seize the initiative, and satisfy their importance. Raised tones instantly awaken people's egos. Confrontation arises, arguments and quarrels begin. Nobody listens to anyone. Everyone screams at the same time. A fountain of emotions and nothing more. When there is selfishness in a person’s words, no one will listen to him. Calmness does not give something or someone special significance; his ego, like a careless watchman, is forever dormant. Therefore, it evokes sympathy and, like a magnet, attracts people to itself.

    Calm is the opposite of tension, irritability and anxiety.

    In the human community, a woman serves as a generator of peace. She is endowed by nature with the hormone of calm. The energy of calm in women is six times stronger than in men. When a woman is calm, a man experiences self-confidence and is inspired to personal growth. That’s why a man “pecks” at calm women. Realizing that he has little of this quality - he has optimism or pessimism, but little peace of mind, a man subconsciously reaches out to someone who has plenty of this quality - a woman.

    A calm person has a sense of proportion and does not tease the balancing forces with any idealizations. Being mobile and flexible, it easily adapts to the harsh realities of life.

    A calm person is aware of himself and his place in the world and does everything possible to maintain harmony with it.

    Peter Kovalev

    Other articles by the author:

    Positive energy

    Doing something you love gives you a boost of strength and vigor. If you work with all your heart, sincerely, then you will be charged with positive energy from your work. After all, when we do what we like and enjoy it, the body produces hormones of joy and happiness - endorphins. We ourselves begin to radiate positivity and charge others with it.

    Therefore, if you feel that you have acquired negative thinking, then look for the problem in your busyness. Perhaps you are doing something you don’t like, subconsciously experiencing discomfort, and don’t admit it to yourself, but it manifests itself in your gloomy mood. There is a reason to think about changing your profession or change your attitude towards your current one.

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    Quotes about calm and harmony

    Serenity of thoughts and feelings - this is how you can describe the state called “peace”. How to achieve it, how to feel spiritual harmony, how to achieve complete peace of mind in your heart and head? Many writers, philosophers, psychologists and others have tried to answer these and other questions.

    Their opinions can be found by reading selected quotes. We have collected the best aphorisms on a separate page. Short but profound, they will become indispensable at different stages of life.

    Harmony is when a pure body acquires a pure soul.

    In order for me to live in peace with people, I must first of all live in peace with myself. Harper Lee.

    Grace is the outer expression of inner harmony. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach.

    When a person gets along with himself, he gets along with the world. Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury.

    If you can breathe slowly, your mind will calm down and regain vitality.

    We all know how to calm ourselves down.

    Be calm. Think less. Is there a wild forest without wolves? We'll figure it out sooner or later.

    Inner peace is the happiness of the spirit, a state of serenity, peace and mental peace.

    The brain functions well only when the soul is calm.

    Our peace of mind and joy of being depend not on where we are, what we have or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our state of mind.

    Go to the tree. Let it teach you peace.

    When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words. Confucius.

    Calmness is nothing more than proper order in thoughts. Marcus Aurelius.

    Only an insurance policy can give a person complete peace of mind.

    The calmer a person is on the outside, the more pain he has on the inside...


    If you are unhappy with your job, you radiate negativity. This happens because you are irritated, angry, complaining and otherwise broadcasting bad emotions. Accordingly, those around you are not eager to do business with you. After all, people are always drawn to optimists, cheerful people - those who can give pleasant positive emotions.

    When you do what you love, you are energetic, cheerful, full of enthusiasm, and radiate positivity. This means that you automatically become attractive to others. Moreover, we are talking not only about bosses and colleagues, but also about those people with whom you come into contact outside the office.

    It’s not for nothing that they say that on the first date, in order to impress a potential partner, you need to resort to the following trick: start talking about the work that gives you pleasure, which you are sincerely passionate about. Then your eyes begin to “burn”, and your interlocutor is captivated by this. When a person talks with love and enthusiasm about what he loves, then at that moment it’s hard not to fall in love with him.

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