14 ways to find peace of mind and tranquility

Many people ask themselves the question: “How to find peace of mind and tranquility, which will allow you to harmoniously interact with the world around you, while maintaining balance at all levels (mental, emotional and physical) of your Personality”?

Having incarnated, having passed through the veil of oblivion and being in the process of life under the influence of many energies of catalysts, remembering your true self and finding inner balance is not an easy task and this is the challenge that faces everyone.

The peak of this is accessible to everyone, and all its facets are already within us. Everyone installs and configures their system within a comfortable range and boundaries.

A person’s internal balance cannot be achieved by outside influence, it must originate within, no matter how it happens, with or without awareness, but the essence will come from within. The external party can only help with direction, but not with self-organization. Moreover, accidents and “forays” into self-development are not helpful here. To achieve internal goals, you need to treat yourself carefully and work systematically.

Finding peace of mind and harmony with ourselves is the level of our state that is available at every moment of our reality HERE and NOW.

The nature of these things is not at all passive, but on the contrary, it is very dynamic and is realized by many other factors. All this is organized by a combination of: mental activity, energy, body, emotional part. Any of these factors has a serious impact on the others, organizing into a single whole being - a person.

Each of us faces a challenge and it is accepted by each of us, manifested in our free choice.

The internal balance of a person is a necessary condition for life in our World. And if we ourselves do not form it, it will be formed without our conscious participation and brought into a certain low-frequency range allowing us to manipulate, control, and take energy.

That is why our question is directly related to the real freedom and energy independence of everyone.

Accept the circumstances

Past events cannot be changed. If you immerse yourself in long-term experiences, you will only increase the negativity in your life. Acceptance is a conscious level of understanding. You agree that the circumstances came into your life for a certain experience that you must go through. Learn the right lessons from your experiences and move forward without clinging to the past.

See also Morning Affirmations. Set yourself up for a prosperous day.

Why do many people lack a sense of harmony?

Faced with negativity every day, people suffer from psychosomatic disorders. From my work experience, I can say that the question of how to find peace of mind and balance is most often asked by women. The causes of internal imbalance, loss of harmony and mental balance are:

  • unpredictable changes in life (for example, stress);
  • internal personality conflicts;
  • political and economic instability in life;
  • flows of negativity in the media;
  • increased personal anxiety;
  • lack of stability, uncertainty in the future;

The question of how to find peace of mind in life is often asked by people suffering from cancer, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and digestive problems. Sick people seek medical help, but doctors treat only the body, ignoring illnesses of the soul. As a result, health is restored slowly.

When clients ask me: “How to find peace of mind and peace of mind?”, I invite them to put things in order in their lives, fill their lives with positive emotions, and isolate themselves from the flow of negativity.

Develop spiritually

Be alone with yourself more often. In silence it is easier for us to hear ourselves and dissolve in the present moment. Developing mindfulness helps spiritual development and achieving inner peace and balance. You will begin to more easily understand your internal reactions and responses to people, situations, and the outside world. Use meditation and explore other self-discovery practices.

See also:

Meditation is an affirmation for finding inner harmony and joy of life.

Worry and Anxiety. How to get rid of anxiety.

I wish you all the best!

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Irina Crystal


Youtube channel Emeraldway


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What is peace of mind

Peace of mind is a state in which a person feels harmony with the world around him. A state of peace and mental balance is characteristic of those people who:

  • optimistic;
  • know how to control their emotions;
  • have a high level of stress resistance;
  • know how to enjoy life.

The state of peace of mind and harmony is inextricably linked with the positive energy of the individual. Even the ancient sages said: “You only find harmony with yourself and with the world when internal balance becomes your constant characteristic.”

A state of mental balance is associated with good health, psychological health, and constructive thoughts. Psychologists are sure that this is a state that stimulates a person to achieve life goals, do good deeds, and help loved ones.

The concept of mental balance is multifaceted, because each person puts his own personal meaning into this phrase. According to a person who is experiencing financial difficulties, peace of mind comes to people along with money. People with chronic diseases believe that they can only restore peace of mind and peace of mind if they are cured. They don’t know how to become happy differently, to find their purpose. Lonely people believe that they can only become happy through communication with loved ones, since they can be trusted with anything.

Finding Joy in Life by Shifting from an Either/Or to a Both/And Strategy

Within such a framework, a person can exist all his life without ever finding the golden mean of applying his own strength. This is not surprising, because the truth, as usual, lies beyond the extremes.

Instead of choosing “either/or”, a decision in the context of “both/and” is possible. That is: both accept yourself and be happy with everything that you have now (and if you dig deep, each of us will find a lot of reasons for joy), but also continue to want more (but not too much - the difference between these two concepts is significant), committing steps in his direction.

That is, to combine contentment in the present and plans for the future, giving both a plus sign. With this attitude towards yourself and life, the chance of being happy in the present and setting clear, measurable and achievable goals for the future is much higher.

Finding joy in life becomes possible when a person learns not to painfully choose between values ​​that are equivalent to himself, but looks for a way to get both.

How to find peace of mind - advice from a psychologist

Since it is very important for every person to gain peace of mind, I recommend to my clients to change their lives. In order to become happy, you need:

  1. Get enough sleep. A good night's sleep is the key to harmony and well-being. Sleep is necessary for the body to restore spent energy. You should not watch TV in the evening, as movies and TV shows make the brain work and have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. When falling asleep, it is recommended to remember all the good things that happened during the day.
  2. Eat properly. You should start the day with a light breakfast. A person should eat the largest amount of food at lunch. Dinner should be light.
  3. Plan your day correctly. There should be nothing unnecessary on the desktop. Psychologists recommend leaving behind the habit of taking work home. Your daily plan must include time for walks, meeting with friends, reading fiction, and creativity.
  4. Develop self-confidence. You need to give yourself only positive attitudes. If you couldn’t cope with some task, don’t blame yourself for it. It is better to think about where the mistake was made and correct it. Failures should become an impetus for personal growth and self-development.
  5. Conduct psychological relaxation sessions. This unloading must be carried out in the middle of the working day. For a few minutes you need to put everything aside, sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine a beautiful landscape, the sound of the wind, the singing of birds. Having reached a state of serenity, you need to slowly open your eyes and return to your business.
  6. Think positively. It is important to try to think about the good, to remember pleasant life events more often. You need to look for ways to learn something new.
  7. It is necessary to improve self-control skills and develop stress resistance. These important skills will help you constructively assess the situation and make the right decisions.
  8. Learn to enjoy life. To do this, you need to learn to live in the present, not regret the past and make plans for the distant future. There is no need to rush things: everything will happen when it is supposed to happen.
  9. Get a pet. Psychologists have proven that communicating with a dog or cat helps to achieve peace and tranquility.
  10. Tell people thanks. This will not be difficult, but will bring joy to a person. Women's hearts are especially susceptible to gratitude.
  11. Help people. It is important for every person to feel supported. Helping others makes a person feel needed.

A state of harmony requires a fundamental change in thinking. To live in harmony with yourself, you need to get rid of negative thoughts, strive for self-realization, and engage in creativity.

Change your worldview

Staying calm in a stressful situation is not an easy task. And it starts with a change in worldview. Without this stage, it is impossible to calm down, get rid of stress, or make time for yoga every day. The main problem is the fear of being left without money or other material resources that have become a measure of value.

But when a person realizes that everything material is temporary, and in the next reincarnations he will only carry the consequences of his positive or negative actions, life priorities change.

There is time for spiritual practices, good deeds, good sleep and taking care of your health.

Shared yoga practice

Lead a calm lifestyle

An eventful life is considered a role model today. But if you travel a lot, often attend cultural events, meet with friends, maintain accounts on social networks, change hobbies and jobs, then such vigorous activity exhausts the nervous system and wears out the body.

To maintain psychological and physical health, you need to live in accordance with circadian rhythms, follow a daily routine and eat right.

Sooner or later, a modern person faces a choice - a calm and healthy life or an active one, but in chronic stress.

A calm lifestyle does not necessarily mean a bland and dull existence. Each of us, if desired, is able to fill our being with meaning. And the calmer the mind, the more accessible spiritual values ​​are.

What does stress lead to?

The human nervous system sees virtually no difference between emotional and physical threats. If you have an argument with someone or miss a deadline, the body can react just as strongly as if faced with a real life-threatening threat.

Living in this state leads to serious health problems, disrupting the functioning of all body systems. Stress suppresses the immune system, upsets the digestive and reproductive systems, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, and accelerates the aging process. The insidiousness of stress is that it destroys the body unnoticed. You get used to it and stop noticing it.

That's why it's important to know the warning signs and symptoms of stress:

  • Memory problems and inability to concentrate.
  • Seeing only the negative aspects of life.
  • Anxious thoughts and constant worry.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Pain of unknown origin.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Drinking alcohol or cigarettes to relax.

How to learn not to worry and be calm

Once stress has entered your life, it is not easy to get rid of it. To understand how to be calm, you need to know where people most often encounter stress.


A busy schedule, excessive ambition, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team - these factors affect physical and emotional health. The fear of losing a job hangs over every employee to one degree or another. And fear is a direct path to constant worries, and it is impossible to become calmer in such conditions.


In our world, money is the key to well-being, an indicator of success and an opportunity to occupy a high position in society. People experience stress due to lack of money and due to their availability. After all, you can lose money at any time, and then you will have to part with your acquired status.


Another major stressor, causing all sorts of complex and unexpected emotions - from shock or anger to guilt and deep sadness.

The best way to avoid stress is to always remain calm in any situation, no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Sometimes stress cannot be dealt with alone. Friends and family members are good stress absorbers. When you have people you can count on for support, negative incidents are less overwhelming.

The ability to control life's circumstances inspires self-confidence and allows you to cope with stress. Of course, only a few can completely manage their lives, but at the everyday level many are able to take many situations into their own hands: not be late, submit reports on time, keep promises. This alone may be enough to always remain calm.

In addition to life circumstances, it would be useful to control your emotions.

Both modern scientists and the sages of the past agree on one thing - sadness and a depressed state, as well as violent joy, devastate, take away energy and the ability to adequately respond to what is happening.

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