Only peace! How to effectively relieve stress and calm your nerves?

Currently, acceleration and progress, many people live in a state of constant stress, without even noticing it. As a result, outbreaks of diseases, worsening psychosomatics and, of course, nervous disorders. More than a third of the entire population suffers from panic attacks, phobias, and fears. It’s not for nothing that the saying “all illnesses come from nerves” appeared. There is a lot of truth in it. How to cope with oppressive stress and put your nerves in order will be discussed in the article.


Stress, irritation, insomnia are clear signs of dysfunction of the nervous system. This problem can be solved by:

  • sedatives;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • balanced diet;
  • eliminating anxiety.

But is it possible to stick to all this?

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life does not help to fully relax, and not everyone can afford a vacation at a resort. For this reason, in order to keep your nerves in good shape, you have to take sedatives. After all, as you know, all diseases are caused by nerves, therefore, the problem cannot be left to chance.

In the rating, we have collected the best sedatives that help prevent an impending nervous breakdown. Just remember, self-medication can be harmful to your health, so you must consult a doctor before using any medication.

Stress prevention: how to protect yourself from overstrain?

It is impossible to completely eliminate all stressful situations from life, but we have the power to make sure that they do not interfere with living a full and happy life. There are very simple rules that help calm your nerves and live in peace with yourself.

Accept or change

The medieval monk-thinker Carl Friedrich Ettinger wrote: “Lord, give me the serenity of spirit to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The causes of stress can be external circumstances, and they are not always in our control. But changing the attitude towards each specific situation is entirely within the power of the person himself. The good news is that often after this happens, the person begins to see ways for change in the “outside world.” Any stress is “black glasses” that distort the real picture of what is happening.

All stressors are divided into three types:

  • something we cannot influence. Rising prices, the government, the weather, the character of an unpleasant colleague - all this can be depressing, but it is not in our power to change them. So is it worth worrying about them?
  • something that can be changed. These are our own erroneous decisions, suboptimal actions, careless words spoken in the wrong place and in the wrong place. It is wiser to influence them than to be nervous;
  • what we ourselves consider stress. Excessive worry about the future and worries about the past not only steal time from the present, but also create tension that is not easy to cope with. Reassess your values, and some of the anxiety will go away on its own.

This is a great guide for dealing with stress. Don't blame yourself for things that are beyond your control and don't take responsibility for things that go beyond your capabilities.

Flexibility of thinking

The next time life brings you trouble, think about how to use it to your advantage. Negative experience is also experience.


The effect can last from several hours to days. They typically cause physical depression, muscle relaxation and sedation due to various types of drugs, there are a number of other effects depending on what substance was taken. They inhibit most body functions and therefore significantly affect the ability to drive, operate machinery, and participate in tasks requiring muscle coordination. Here are some effects:

  • feeling of relaxation;
  • reduction of anxiety;
  • decreased intensity of physical sensations;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • slurred speech;
  • shallow breathing;
  • slow heart rate;
  • muscle dysfunction;
  • decreased dexterity;
  • impaired learning skills;
  • interruptions in memory.

Sometimes unexpected and paradoxical side effects occur, such as anxiety, nightmares and aggression.

Although sedatives should never be mixed with other substances, especially those that cause drowsiness: depressants such as ethanol, cold medicines and opiates (codeine, heroin). Fatal respiratory depression can occur if two of these substances are mixed. If someone is difficult to wake up and you suspect they have used medication, seek medical attention immediately.

Ecstatic dancing

This is the practice of intuitive movements to music. There is no need to memorize steps or follow specific steps. Dancers are led by rhythm, mood, experience. Ecstatic dance is a kind of meditation in motion, experiencing emotions, a way to cope with stress and relieve tension.

And although the name smells a little like a sect, the activity itself is more reminiscent of a disco, where people came just to have a blast.

Fyodor Balandin

Head of the “Public Speaking” department at Business Speech.

“Was it possible to do that?” - this is the first thought that arose in my head when I came to the ecstatic dances. No one here tells you how to dance. Whatever you do will be right.

There are three unusual moments for those who, like me, went through the clubbing 90s. You can't talk on the dance floor here. Talk with your body, gestures, sounds - please, but not a word. They dance without shoes - barefoot or in socks. And one more thing: no stimulants - neither legal nor illegal. Just you, your body, music and your experience.

Here no one evaluates you, no one holds you back, you can do whatever you want, but with respect for others. Here, with the help of music and through your body, you meet yourself. Sometimes this meeting is pleasant. But sometimes your “shadows” begin to crawl out of you, and this is not very pleasant, but useful. Someone famously said: “One trip to ecstatic dancing replaces several trips to a psychoanalyst.”

What you need to get started

If you have the “dance like no one is watching” skill, theoretically any space with music will suit you. But it’s better to look for a special group where ecstatic dancing is practiced. Organizers usually try to create all the conditions so that participants can focus only on their feelings, for example, they prohibit photography and video shooting. No equipment other than your own body is required.


Phenibut is a modern nootropic sedative for adults and children. The main task of the drug is to improve mental processes, attention and microcirculation. The main active ingredient is aminophenylbutyric acid.

Among the indications for use it is worth noting:

  • feeling of fear;
  • anxiety;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • other neurological diseases.

As an adjunct to primary therapy, Phenibut is used in the treatment of headaches, tension and dizziness. The tablets are effective for motion sickness (sea sickness), Meniere's disease, and benign positional vertigo.

Among the negative properties is the need for regular monitoring of liver function (tests for the amount of enzymes) during long-term use of the drug, as well as blood tests.

Important: at the moment the drug is available with a prescription from the attending physician.

Causes of stress and tension

The factors that cause stress are very diverse. In psychology, they are called irritants - they change the state of the body, throw it out of balance - homeostasis. However, not every stimulus is strong enough to become a stressor.

Physical (physiological) stimuli

This is everything that affects our body. Cold, heat, pain, excessive exercise, lack of sleep, not enough or too much food - any of these problems can become stressful and cause tension.

This type of reason, in turn, is divided into:

Chemical reasons

They are triggered by the action of not only those substances that we are accustomed to consider negative: taking alcohol or drugs, smoking. Such stress can be caused by an excessive dose of medications or vitamins, coffee, tea or even water (more than 10 liters of clean drinking water per day can be fatal to a person).

This type of stress also occurs when poisoned by various heavy metals or environmental problems.

Biological reasons

Stress occurs when the body is poisoned by viruses, pathogenic microorganisms, and bacteria. Note: the body has its own stable, already established system of microorganisms, which is considered normal and familiar to it. But if some bacteria become too few or too many, this condition is already considered stressful.

Physiological reasons

These include improper daily routine, cold or heat overload. Too much noise or pain, too much or too little movement also lead to stress.

Unfortunately, a person often brushes off the consequences of such stressors, tries not to notice headaches or muscle pain, a constant feeling of fatigue, or heaviness in the stomach after overeating. But if stress is not eliminated, it can result in illness or even death.

Psychological stimuli

Psychological stress occurs under the influence of a number of factors. But if the physical reasons are quite simple to list, then the situation with psychological ones is much more complicated.

There are many psychological causes of stress; it is impossible to take them all into account. In order for a factor to become a stressor, it is necessary for our body to consider it as such. The meaning of the stimulus for us has a great influence. The same event can become stressful for someone, but leave someone calm; it all depends on how a person treats him.

Moreover, over time, a person’s attitude towards the same event changes. For example, in her youth, a girl may attach great importance to the shortcomings of her appearance, and leaving the house without makeup will become a great stress for her. In old age, this becomes unimportant, and a woman will calmly accept the fact that she goes to the store without makeup.

Stressors that cause tension are external and internal.

External stressors

These are various events that can be both sad (loss of a job) and joyful for us. For example, the birth of a child is extremely stressful. On the Holmes-Ray stress scale, it scores even higher than the death of a close friend.

Psychologists distinguish several types of stressful experiences:

  1. Death of a loved one. The maximum severity group of causes of psychotrauma. These also include the expectation of death: for example, among relatives or friends of seriously ill people.
  2. Problems with finances. Financial difficulties are one of the main, if not the main, causes of stress.
  3. Loss of control both over oneself and over situations in one’s life. An ancient curse “May you live in an era of change!” It's rooted here.
  4. Illness, loss of sense of security. Fear of pain, death, illness is a loss of a sense of security. And they plunge a person into a state of severe stress.
  5. Difficulties with work. Unfortunately, most people in the modern world consider work to be a strong source of negativity. The attitude of management, dissatisfaction with salaries or relationships in the team, difficulties in the work process trigger a state of constant mental tension and do not allow you to relax not only on weekends, but also on vacation.
  6. Communication problems. Relationships with people not only bring joy, but also irritate, anger or make you despair. This means they can easily put you into a state of stress.
  7. A separate group is considered to be problems in the family: with spouses, children or parents. This type of event often exceeds the previous groups in severity, with the possible exception of death and illness.

Worry about loved ones, especially children, is a constant source of stress for a modern parent. Did the child make it to school? Is everything okay with him? Are adults and peers hurting him? Did he get involved with bad company? Cover all these questions with one application “Where are my children”. With it, you will always know where your child is, what is happening around and can quickly reach him in any situation. Down with stress!

Internal stressors

These are our experiences. One of the most likely reasons for this group is considered to be intrapersonal conflicts. This is a state in which a person is overcome by conflicting emotions and motives; when he sees different goals at the same time, but cannot decide on anything; when he doesn’t understand how to act and what is important to him and what can be neglected.

Internal causes of stress also include constant pessimism, a negative attitude towards people or oneself, the inability to realize one’s desires, lack of self-esteem, etc.


Strong sedatives that are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions are combination tablets. The most effective tablets, as recommended by doctors, are:

  • Pantogam;
  • Phytosedan;
  • Novo-passit;
  • Persen.

As practice shows, strong drugs in most cases are taken without a doctor’s prescription, without taking into account contraindications and indications for use. As a result, good anti-anxiety medications can contribute to a variety of side effects.

For example, the strong sedative drug Persen is contraindicated for use:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • people who are allergic to any of the components;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • cholangitis;
  • as well as deficiency of maltose, sucrose and lactose.

Novo-passit is strictly prohibited for use in childhood (before reaching 12 years of age), with myasthenia gravis, pregnancy, and acute gastrointestinal diseases. For this reason, before purchasing a sedative, you should definitely seek professional advice from a doctor.


Calligraphy can hardly be called a new hobby: it has been around as long as writing. However, periodically the art of beautiful writing becomes fashionable, and now is just that time. Not the least role in this was played by the artist Pokras Lampas and his movement of calligraphic futurism.

Paint Lampas for Nike,

What you need to get started

Pablo Picasso mastered the classics before moving on to cubism. This approach will also work in calligraphy. Even if you want to say a new word in art, you should start with the basics.

You will need pens, a pen holder, ink and paper. A set of basic exercises with detailed explanations can be easily found on YouTube.


Substances based on plant extracts are considered mild sedatives. Mild sedatives have a cumulative effect, so it will take 2 to 3 weeks of regular therapy to see improvement. For this reason, it is recommended to wait before drawing conclusions regarding the effect of a particular drug.

If stress requires urgent intervention or it has an acute form, it is better to resort to the use of stronger drugs based on a synthetic active ingredient.

For example, the sedative Chamomile Extract has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and mild sedative effects. Helps normalize the functioning of all types of metabolic processes. With long-term use, it increases the level of glycine in the body, thus reducing muscle spasms and relaxing the nervous system. A natural, mild sedative that helps to relax during neurosis and fall asleep during insomnia.

Peony tincture is the best sedative, which increases the body’s ability to resist hypoxia through its high content of organic acids, tannins, and phenols. Prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia and neuroses. Sedatives are contraindicated in cases of excessive weakness, increased drowsiness and arterial hypotension.


The name comes from the English stand up paddle, and the phrase comprehensively explains the meaning of the activity: it is moving on a board while standing and with a paddle. This activity has several varieties that allow you to conquer both the waves and the surface of a river or lake, which is relevant for most of Russia.

There are several types of SUP:

  • SUP touring - leisurely movement through calm water. During the process, you can consider the surrounding area and attractions.
  • SUP surfing is a type of surfing in which the athlete rows with an oar rather than with his hands.
  • SUP racing - speed racing.
  • SUP downwind - rowing on open water in the direction of the wind.
  • Whitewater rivers SUP - whitewater rafting.
  • SUP fitness - exercises on a board lying on the water.

Some types of SUP may look like an easy activity, but in reality it is necessary not only to paddle, but also to maintain balance. To do this, you have to use the muscles of the legs, abs, and back. Extreme varieties like rafting require mandatory equipment.

What you need to get started

You will need a paddleboard - a board that can be inflatable or hard, as well as a paddle. Ideally, a beginner should take one or more classes with an instructor. The specialist will explain what and how to do and correct the technique.

In addition, before going out on the water, find out who might be there besides you. For example, in St. Petersburg, classes are held in the mornings, before the departure of excursion ships.

Under stress

Modern realities of life simply cannot do without stressful situations. For this reason, when stressed, it is better to resort to drug treatment. One of the most effective sedatives is Herbion. Active ingredients of the drug:

  • lemon balm essential oils;
  • peppermint;
  • hop cones.

Herbion helps to effectively cope with irritability, anxiety, overexcitation, hyperactivity, and insomnia. Before starting treatment, we strongly recommend that you visit a doctor and carefully read the instructions, because the drug has a number of contraindications.

How to calm down at home

If stress catches you at home, the best thing to do is take a bath or shower. Immediately after stress, you need to do a little gymnastics. Physical exercise helps quickly get rid of adrenaline, which enters the bloodstream during stress. You can sit down several times quickly or walk from room to room at a fast pace. Then breathe slowly for a few seconds. Then lie back in your chair or sofa, close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.

Sometimes the mundane environment in the house is annoying. You just need to change the curtains, put up new wallpaper, rearrange the furniture, hang pictures with beautiful landscapes. And the mood will immediately change.

For irritability

Increased irritability is another condition of the nervous system that negatively affects the quality of life. For irritability, it is recommended to take lighter sedatives, such as Phytosedan. Phytosedan is the best panacea for mild nervous disorders. The drug has a minimum number of side effects, because it contains only natural herbal ingredients:

  • liquorice root;
  • sweet clover;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • valerian.

It is recommended not to take the sedative during lactation and pregnancy.

Body strengthening

To restore your body and mind, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Physical activity has a positive effect on the body. Constant movement, sports and other physical activity have a positive effect on the condition of the body, and, consequently, the nervous system improves;
  • control your diet. The body must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances found in food products every day;
  • rejection of bad habits. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to starting the morning with coffee and a cigarette, this habit should be forgotten. It’s better to completely give up all bad habits, such as alcohol, cigarettes, stimulants. The excitement that occurs due to receiving a dose of nicotine is quickly replaced by an inhibitory reaction;
  • sauna and bathhouse. Such methods help cleanse the body and soul. Elevated temperatures and hot steam together help cope with many diseases, the body and nerves relax;
  • harden. Water has a positive effect on the nervous system. If you harden yourself, you can strengthen your immune system. It invigorates and strengthens the body. There is a more extreme way to harden yourself - winter swimming. It may seem strange, but the health and calmness of walruses can only be envied. If you go down into an ice hole, your body will be very grateful;
  • drink as much water as possible. Many people know the 8 glasses method. This is how much water a person should drink per day. This cleanses the body well, removing toxic substances;
  • massage. A great way to get rid of many ailments and relieve stress. The body gradually loses its flexibility, the joints become less mobile. A good massage will speed up blood circulation and trigger metabolic processes.

Fast acting

Another fast-acting sedative for nerves is Afobazole. The best modern tranquilizer and anxiolytic, which has a positive effect on well-being, stimulates thinking, helps treat withdrawal symptoms in narcology, relieve anxiety disorders and normalize sleep. The tranquilizer is really effective, but it is not recommended to use it without a doctor’s prescription. Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • absence of “addiction” syndrome;
  • minimal number of side effects;
  • high and fast efficiency.

Contraindicated for use by women during lactation, pregnancy, and also prohibited for use by children under 18 years of age.


Podcasts are specially recorded shows in audio format. They appeared in the early 2000s, then began to lose popularity, and are now experiencing a renaissance.

Podcasts can not only be listened to, but also recorded. This hobby is suitable for those who like to broadcast to the public in one way or another. At first, LiveJournal and other blogging platforms were used for this, then social media feeds, Instagram and YouTube accounts.

It’s most logical to compare podcasting to creating your own YouTube channel. The same transmission, only the entry threshold is lower. There is no need for a video camera, background, or light, and all you have to do is edit the audio track. But you still can’t do without a script if you want to make your podcast truly interesting.

What you need to get started

The minimum equipment you will need is a good microphone, a computer, a program for recording and editing audio - not much. Your main tool is your head, which will have to think a lot about the topic of the podcast, the plan and possible guests.

Research the question

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