Why and why people start a family: needs and relationships

Have you ever wondered why a wedding ring is placed on the ring finger of the right hand? The fact is that it is from there that the artery passes to the heart. One can only believe that true marriages are made in heaven, and therefore only because of simple, but such true love. Why do people start families? Social science has been actively finding more and more answers to this question for many years, however, the positions of scientists and other public figures on this issue often diverge. And this is not surprising, because the more serious the question, the more difficult it is to find an answer.

Karmic dependence

Upon reaching a certain age, a person’s worldview is formed in accordance with the standards of modern society. From the earliest years, almost everyone observes the development of the family institution, thanks to which a scheme for building their own life is gradually created in their subconscious. It would be great if any child had the opportunity to observe home comfort and warm relationships between parents from the very beginning of their journey. Perhaps then the most common problems among young people today would not arise, including the fear of starting a family, a hasty decision in choosing a partner, an irresponsible attitude towards already formed ties, and so on.

It is important to note that there is another opinion: often unfavorable conditions within the family give the child special motivation and the desire to overcome all this “darkness”, thanks to which he continues to build a life purely at his own discretion.

However, regardless of the circumstances presented, every person sooner or later falls in love, and often more than once. If the relationship brings comfort and a feeling of happiness to both partners (and it is different for everyone), the couple decides to seal it through marriage. Now the spouses have to work together to build their beautiful future. Now the two have a common goal - to be happy. This is why it is so important that energy relations know no boundaries. The stronger they are, the more satisfaction each spouse will receive from life.

Realization of sexual instinct

Someone will say that it is possible to have sexual contacts without starting a family. Undoubtedly. However, in the family we receive a socially approved implementation of this natural instinct, which is psychologically important for most people (remember how society treats people who are promiscuous).

Plus, in the family the level of sexual relations is usually higher and allows spouses to give meaning to the process itself, which is often absent in extramarital affairs.

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A feeling of freedom is the key to a happy family

Why do people start a family if they are often supporters of independence? This situation is especially relevant in modern times, and initially, after all, each of us is born absolutely free (the exception is some dependence on parents at a very early age). In simple terms, freedom can be explained as the ability to make decisions independently and act exactly as a person sees fit. Thus, the beauty lies in eliminating the influence of external factors and the feeling of discomfort. But why does society often resist this? You just need to implement this condition, even while married! After all, in this way you can kill two birds with one stone: fully enjoy your independence and feel the most comfortable feelings in the world.

At times it is impossible to understand why people start a family if they cannot provide each other with freedom, if only because it is natural. It is foolish to believe that the main goal in life is to meet a partner, start a family, have children and spend the rest of your life doing household chores. This is incredibly boring, and the funny thing is that people often agree with this judgment too late, when the dependence has already been formed and the relationship between husband and wife is ruined. You can’t assume that everyone’s life will change dramatically after marriage. We must strive to ensure that the spouses are undoubtedly happy together, support and evoke positive emotions in each other, but in no case try to make their own adjustments to the other’s behavior, his attitude to life and views on certain things. “No one owes anyone anything,” everyone will understand this statement in their own way: some will accept it, and some will condemn it. Nevertheless, we have the right to independently choose a life partner, which means that only we know whether to fall in love with a person easier or to still take a risk and be happy from it.

How to create a friendly family? Basic rules in a family with a child

In the modern world of the development of computer technology and new areas in the information structure, every person becomes more or less dependent on gadgets. That is why ordinary friendly communication fades into the background. In order to return it, you must:

  • One of the most important aspects of starting a family is understanding your child's little joys. Try to remember when your baby was happiest and repeat that moment! Find enough time to devote to your child. It is during the time that you spend with your child that you will be able to learn about his desires and experiences.
  • New acquaintances. To start a family, you must immediately accustom your children to a daily routine. Show your baby a child his age who is making the bed and doing his homework. It can be used as an example, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Otherwise, children may think that you don't love them and become very upset.
  • If you have a free minute, talk to your baby. During a walk, breakfast or other free moment, ask how he is doing, what he did in kindergarten or school. Keep the dialogue going if necessary.

The most important thing is to talk to people, and your child is no exception, rather, on the contrary, a shining example.

Comfortable relationship

Already in the 17th and 18th centuries, such a science as social science began to emerge. Family and family relationships are a critical aspect of this field. Modern scientists and psychologists have published a huge amount of literature on the formation of good relationships within the family. However, this is often not enough for a comfortable family atmosphere, because everyone individually must clearly answer the question for themselves: why does a person need a family? Only one thing is clear: for comfort, because this concept has practically no limits (comfort exists in everything).

Thus, it would be advisable to consider the main components of cozy relationships in the family:

  • Mutual respect is the basis of marriage, because romance and youthful love disappear sooner or later, which is quite natural.
  • Mutual understanding, which is closely related to giving the spouse absolute freedom, as well as a sincere interest in his or her life.
  • Avoiding routine by introducing new shades into your life together. Tools for this can be all kinds of travel, events, or even the imagination of one of the spouses, and if you are very lucky, then two.
  • Respect for the personal boundaries of the partner: a person cannot be property, otherwise family relationships will turn into a monumental failure.

All this will help maintain a bright feeling for many years. It should be remembered: family is a great work that cannot be postponed or abandoned by going on vacation, but the reward for that is happiness.


One obvious and very utilitarian feature is convenience. It is more convenient for a person to live in a well-functioning family mechanism than outside it.

When people connect their lives, then not all responsibilities fall on the shoulders of one person. He ceases to be a loner, and the main value lies in mutual assistance, as well as in the division of affairs between spouses (and subsequently between children).

In contrast to “emotional refuge,” comfort, as a function of the family, can be conditionally classified as “old.” After all, if previously people had few opportunities to make their life and housekeeping easier, over the past decades a huge technological leap has been made, allowing even avid singles to live comfortably.

Of course, it would be unreasonable to talk about the complete disappearance of this function, but its influence has become less than before.

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A woman’s purpose is to give her energy

Why and why do people start a family? This can be explained with particular ease by the purpose of the male and female half of the population. Thus, it is inherent in nature: a woman is happy when she feels her man and fruitfully develops relationships in depth by giving him an excess of her energy. The fact is that all women have an innate ability to love, although there are no specific recipes for this. Nevertheless, any representative of the fair sex who has set herself the goal of achieving an extremely comfortable relationship will definitely find a solution to all issues and obstacles along the way. Real feeling is different in that a woman does not require anything in return - she only needs the acceptance of her own energy by the man she has chosen. And then, like a sorceress, she will be able to give happiness to both. A woman will support her man in any situation, which is very important for him. She is unlikely to let her passion fade and will remain faithful.

The purpose of a man is to create

For any man, the answer to the question of why people start a family is similarly associated with providing and receiving comfort. But the fundamental difference from the female understanding of this aspect is the development of relationships in breadth, that is, the man always acts as the creator. It is impossible to imagine his life without having a favorite activity that benefits not only him and his family, but also those around him. A representative of the stronger sex is not able to fully work on a relationship with a woman until he has the opportunity to do what he loves. And vice versa, professional activity will progress many times more successfully if a man can receive additional energy from the woman he loves.

Thus, a man is not able to be a creator without love (at an early age this love comes from the mother, and later from the wife), and a woman cannot give her energy without a man. This means that love must have a direction, you can give yourself to someone or something, therefore, directly through a man, a woman learns to love the whole world. This is where the expression comes from: “Behind every successful man there is always a great woman.”


Family is where a person expects to trust and be trusted.

From childhood we are taught not to trust anyone: unfamiliar uncles, unfamiliar aunts, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, as well as the local police officer, who is not a local police officer at all and is not a policeman at all.

But that's not the point. From childhood we learn the model that we cannot trust anyone, even if we really want to. Therefore, life will definitely give us situations where we will become even more confirmed in this belief...

But inside we still want to at least trust someone. Of course, not everyone, but there must be someone who will not betray us and whom we will not betray. This is trust.

You get tired of seeing competitors, enemies, rivals and potential envious people everywhere. You want to trust another person and not make a mistake. You want to trust and be confident. This is what a good family can give us.

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Why do people start a family? Fruitful association

In modern times there are many things created without love: weapons, factories that actively pollute the air, systems of power of man over man, and so on. A world where there is little real feeling is sometimes frightening, because there is a lot of illness and unhappiness in it. That is why you need to create for yourself a world in which love lives. The most competent way is to create it through the formation of a family.

Of course, harmony in the family is also necessary for raising delightful children. Everyone knows that a person with a capital “H” can only be raised in an atmosphere of love. Thus, if we discard sentimental ideas about the family as an ideal unit of society, then we can see and feel a lot of new things, namely: calm, comfort, kindness and warmth. We must not forget that he is happy who is happy at home.

Realization of the desire to be a mother / father

In the head and soul of a mentally healthy person, the desire to realize oneself as a parent almost always arises. This is a common psychological and social need, during which adults voluntarily assume responsibilities for the care and upbringing of their children.

This desire can be called one of the highest forms of the procreation instinct, in which the main energy of a person goes to maintaining his offspring.

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