Why does a girl need a boyfriend? Dating, relationships, feelings

Relationships between a man and a woman have existed at all times of human existence. Over the course of historical eras, moral principles and customs have changed, requirements for partners have changed, the functions of spouses in the family have been revised, but the norm that every woman needs a man has remained unshakable.

In our age of rapid emancipation and so-called “gender equality,” most women voluntarily take on traditionally male functions. The “norm” of our time sounds more and more often and more confidently: every woman should be independent, decisive, strong and rely only on her own strength.

But still, the need for personal communication with representatives of the opposite sex remains one of the most significant needs of an individual. Moreover, the happiness, success, status, mood and health of a person as a whole often depends on the satisfaction of this “vital necessity” laid down by the Creator.

Let's try to figure out why our contemporaries - smart, beautiful and simply beautiful women - need a guy. Why do representatives of the “weaker” sex strive to tie the knot and voluntarily take on additional burdens?

The era of loneliness

Why is this happening? In a world where there is a lot of information and opportunities, it is difficult to make acquaintances, people move away from each other and lose their warmth. This may be due to the fact that every more or less ambitious person who has at least some talents or a banal desire to work has thousands of opportunities to fill his day with a variety of activities, work, hobbies, and at the end of the day just come home and watch a TV series and fall without hind legs. And tomorrow the same series of changing tasks will begin.

In general, time is spent, something happens, life is not so empty, there is even some meaning, goals and objectives. But every time a smiling couple passes nearby, holding hands, an alarming thought about loneliness can flash through your head and sting painfully in your heart. On Valentine's Day, many single people generally experience depression and hatred towards others.

No critical days8

PMS is a scary abbreviation that means only one thing for a guy - sex is not expected in the near future. And besides this, the girl becomes emotionally unstable. Even the smallest trifle can dramatically change a girl’s mood in one direction or another.

A girl can be whiny, angry, or suddenly begin to glow with happiness, and then become sad again. The guy doesn’t have menstrual periods, but his girlfriend’s menstrual days will definitely cause more temporary problems.

Perverted ideas

And yet, why does a girl need a guy? If we go back to the primitive system, for a woman a man was a protector, breadwinner and support. And of course, no one canceled instincts. This is how nature designed people, that representatives of different sexes are attracted to each other in order to reproduce.

Of course, talking purely about the material side of life and satisfying sexual needs is a sign of narrow-mindedness. Although now Western society is creating such ideals that everything is heading towards that. All this is the desire to create a consumer society.

In addition, the films focus on sex scenes and fights. Of course, it looks so cool that teenagers grow up knowing that this is enough. So then people are drawn to their idols from TV screens, but they don’t even notice the possible happiness under their noses.


Another important fact is why a woman needs a man – society. If a woman tries not to get married before the age of 30, neighbors, girlfriends, relatives, colleagues, etc. will peck at you. Here, like it or not, the word “must” works on a subconscious level. Get married urgently. Give birth urgently. And it’s embarrassing to look into your eyes and you’re tired of answering questions.

Hence another reason for the desire to quickly find a man and get married.

And if a woman is with a child, then her heels are on fire. Then the criteria are lowered and the number of claims decreases. In this case, the mansion on Rublyovka is not so important, and the Khrushchev house will do. And salary requirements are rapidly falling exponentially. But the man is in the house, and now let them bite their tongue.

Going to extremes

Why does a guy need a girl? Glossy magazines are full of all sorts of offensive jokes about the fact that a woman is only needed for sex and doing housework. As a rule, they are created by men who were once unlucky with love and who hated the entire female race.

Ladies, by the way, also keep up with the gentlemen, creating feminist camps and bombarding the enemy with caustic jokes. This is how wars happen, as a result of which representatives of both sexes want to find out who should and should not do what. A person with a normal psyche looks at this with incomprehension. Such subjects, because of their grievances, have long forgotten what a beloved guy and girl are.

Sexual addiction3

Yes, today there are many intimate stores offering a huge range of toys for adults, with the help of which a woman can independently obtain sexual release. In addition, many of them go, so to speak, to another clan, that is, they change their orientation. However, no dildo can replace the living flesh of a real man. Regular sex life is necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system of the female body. Endorphins, which are released during sexual intercourse, will lift a woman's mood, making her happy.

Some modern girls claim that they are satisfied with one-time sex, without obligations. But according to psychologists, this is nothing more than fear. The fear of trusting a man, of opening her soul to him, forces a woman to keep her distance. Although, according to the same psychologists, most women get a real orgasm only when sex becomes part of their life together and is accompanied by deep feelings.

Tie thread

Okay, we understand how it shouldn't be. But what kind of relationships need to be built so that in your personal life everything is quiet, peaceful and adequate? A partner should be treated, first of all, not as a means of satisfying lust or as a service personnel, but as a companion, friend, ally.

In addition to everyday life and bed, you should have common values. This doesn't mean that your hobbies have to be completely identical. You can be interested in completely different things that do not intersect in any way. The concepts of moral principles, rules of conduct, and life priorities should be common.

For example, if a man considers money to be the most important thing in life, and a woman considers spiritual development, they are unlikely to agree on everything. It also happens the other way around. One way or another, one will be accused of insensitivity, and the other of childishness. A smart girl or boy is looking for a mate who can understand and not call the most valuable thing nonsense.

To get attention

When a woman starts dating a guy, she expects the man to first of all pay attention to himself. Every reasonable girl tries to find the guy of her dreams who will make her happy. It's no secret that attention, recognition, and respect occupy by no means the last place in the hierarchy of human values. A representative of the opposite sex can satisfy this need.

Agree, no one will refuse a couple of sincere compliments, amazing surprises and other signs of attention.

Of course, you can convince yourself that you are the most charming and attractive. However, if these secret phrases are heard from the lips of a loved one, then this will elevate any lady to the pedestal of honor and lift her spirits. To be loved, desired and unique is the cherished dream of any woman.

Although, according to psychologists, if when building a relationship a girl is guided solely by her own egocentrism coupled with damaged self-esteem, such an alliance will not last long.

Take off your rose-colored glasses

In general, youth is full of disappointments and deceptive illusions. Some people cannot recover from them even at a conscious age. We are talking about those situations when we fall in love with appearance. Both young girls and young boys can suffer from this.

There's nothing wrong with appreciating good looks. And it’s quite another to forgive your soulmate for a disrespectful attitude or turn a blind eye to obvious shortcomings, incompatibility of value systems just because the person is attractive. Although, of course, you shouldn’t refuse such an experience either.

If the fruit seems sweet, you shouldn’t make it also forbidden so that you want it even more. You can try to start a relationship, but at the first signs of neglect or lack of mutual understanding, draw the appropriate conclusions and continue to scan the environment for the presence of a suitable partner.

The importance of simple joys

You can often hear statements that ladies have forgotten how to be weak, tender and defenseless. Why does a girl need a guy if she can earn money herself, achieve success, etc.?

The fact is that the approach is extremely incorrect. Here the young man is treated like a glass box of toys or a barrel of cotton candy. But in fact, this is the same person as you.

Beautiful and smart people can simply share their impressions, walk, talk. Sometimes this is quite enough for happiness. Such ordinary joys are sorely lacking in the modern younger generation. At first glance, they seem insignificant and have no practical value. Of course, consumer inclinations were nurtured in us. And here are some conversations under the moonlight. About what?

Examples of modern relationships

Quite a few people have begun to approach relationships from a material point of view. Each of them wants to benefit from the relationship, which directly affects their life together.

After living together for several months or even weeks, the couple realizes that their characters are incompatible. And in this situation, money or the desire to enjoy a beautiful woman will no longer help.

As a result, the couple finds themselves in a period of separation. Infidelity, quarrels and ultimately divorce begin.

You can often notice couples where the men are slightly older than the girls. This choice is far from accidental. Girls consciously look for an older partner, this is explained by the fact that people their own age are boring and uninteresting.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. The girl was born into a cultural family, where she was instilled with high moral principles. As a result, she wants to hang out with smart and interesting guys. If the majority of her peers are trying to have fun in clubs, they become indifferent to her. After all, such guys often have little prospects.
  2. The intuitive ability to take care of her life makes a woman push away failed young people. After all, investing faith and support in them means waiting a long time and having a chance of failure.

Therefore, a woman tries to choose a formed personality who has already decided on priorities and goals.

Men react to relationships much more simply. Often they don’t care about a bank account or a woman’s figure. The main thing is that she emotionally supports him and believes in his work. Then both partners will be happy due to mutual assistance.

Opinion of others and self-esteem

When understanding why a girl needs a guy, it is worth focusing on the psychological aspects of the issue. Everything is clear with the genital area. There's no escape from hormones. But for some reason, everything does not happen as in the primitive system, where sexual relations were practically uncontrolled and could be promiscuous. Although this is again cultivated in our time.

A person’s psychological state depends on his self-esteem. Everyone needs to know that he is good, correct, and doing the right thing. It is advisable to recognize certain traits that distinguish us from the rest of the human mass. Why does a guy need a girl, if not in order to realize that she considers him the best, the most exceptional?

Of course, there are extremely self-confident people, but even they need to secure some kind of external assessment. When we are praised, we blossom before our eyes. And only those who truly love can sincerely reward you with a compliment. People fall in love when they see a little more positive traits in each other than those around them.

Psychologists' opinion

Why does a man need a woman?
The question can be answered objectively like this: for moral and spiritual support. After all, it is the kinship of souls, not bodies, that brings people together. Thanks to common interests, spending time together and relaxing, a man and woman become close. And most importantly, their connection is based on common memories. Psychologists say that it is more difficult for people to break up the more eventful their past is. Falling in love passes, and feelings may cool down, but only the best moments will always remain in memory. Is there love? Psychologists say there is. It is not only passion that drives people when they promise each other to get stars from the sky every day. Here sympathy and hopes placed on the future also play a role.

Appreciate those who respect you

It should not be denied that even the basis of humanism is selfishness, but this is not a sin if the actions of an individual do not harm anyone. A smart girl will take seriously not someone who will consider her an empty place or his own thing, but a young man who will see in her what she respects herself for.

By the way, it is quite common for teenage girls to fall in love with bad boys and long for the moment when their heart will thaw. Of course, he will remain the same reckless daredevil, and only she will have complete control over him, only she will know his tenderness and sincere devotion. These are girls' dreams. There are also opposite situations, when young guys pursue the first beauties of their course at the university, and they don’t even look at them.

In both cases, there is usually someone nearby who looks at us with admiration, who can be a fairly loyal and devoted companion. But as stated earlier, forbidden fruit is sweeter.

Awareness of the value of calm, trusting relationships comes when the torment of the heart and excessive passions are too tiring and you just want to have a heart-to-heart talk, take a walk holding hands, feel that you are accepted, appreciated, respected. No matter how self-sufficient a person is, he needs all this. After all, people are creatures created to live in society, so we need communication, especially such a warm and pleasant one, like air.

Why does a modern woman need a man?

Most often, a woman wonders whether she needs a man, having behind her the experience of long-term relationships and living together with a partner. If you don’t get distracted by emotions, then we can safely say that many representatives of the fairer sex can easily live without a male presence:

  • work provides the opportunity for financial independence;
  • everyday problems are solved by contacting the appropriate services;
  • sex is possible without obligation.

Negative past experiences often push a girl to make a decision about complete independence. Even having started a relationship with a man, she is in no hurry to let him into her territory, much less consider running a household together with him. Problems of conflicts and resolution of domestic disputes disappear by themselves. Indeed, it’s just as simpler. But, despite all the advantages of living alone, sooner or later the girl begins to realize that she is missing something.

Women are genetically programmed to create a family, otherwise they begin to feel inferior, unfulfilled, and cannot succeed as individuals.

Psycho-emotional components

A woman lives by emotions. It is important for her to feel needed, loved, and to respond in kind to someone. This is true even if she is not focused on creating a long-term relationship. Any attempt by a woman to declare that she does not need a man to be happy is an ordinary lie, self-deception.

Single ladies, as a rule, often experience neurotic disorders caused by a drop in self-esteem, which shocks those around them. A man plays an important role in a woman’s life; he is needed to provide emotional comfort. Next to her companion, the girl becomes calmer, more sociable, her outlook on life takes on a positive tone, and inner humility appears.

When a woman is self-sufficient, she lacks warmth, gentleness, and patience. Inner comfort is possible only if there is attention from a man. But often such independent ladies make excessive demands on their companions, so they cannot see qualities worthy of respect.

If you have a regular partner and a normal relationship with him, the girl becomes more attractive. It is easy for her to attract attention and communicate with others. The fairer sex is sentimental by nature, and awareness of one’s own importance in someone else’s life is inspiring. Everyone wants to feel special.

It's comfortable to be around a man. He gives love and receives it in return. A woman needs to take care of someone and show kindness. This helps to gain strength for new achievements. It is a mistake to believe that starting a family inhibits women’s potential and prevents it from revealing itself. Only being in a state of mental comfort can a woman be able to self-realize. The task of providing this very comfort fell on the shoulders of the strong half of humanity.

A woman finds inspiration in a man. It helps to develop creative or professional abilities and constantly grow spiritually.

A woman needs recognition. Wants to hear compliments, praise, feel protected, needed. Realizing your own worth is the first step to happiness.


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Physiologically based reasons

A woman’s physiology is designed in such a way that psychological comfort requires regular sex. We can say that for intimate relationships it is not at all necessary to make far-reaching plans with a man, and partners can be changed as needed. But it's not that simple. Psychologists say that girls experience full pleasure from sex only if they have a deep emotional connection with their partner.

Regular sex is what a woman needs a man for, he is necessary for her health and good mood. One-time relationships lead to obsolescence, and often to diseases of various types.

Besides, you can’t have a child without a man. Of course, you can do artificial insemination or adopt a baby. But its harmonious development depends on the presence of a complete family, where the relationship between mom and dad will lay down certain principles for life.

Spiritual basis

The girl’s spiritual state leaves an imprint on her entire life. A man is support and support. You can share your painful issues with him, get his opinion on how best to act in a given situation, because an outside perspective is more objective.

In childhood, the girl was provided with protection and care by her parents, but as the child gets older, the need continues. A woman can feel safe only if she has a reliable rear. Of course, good work and the state cope, but this concerns the material plan.

Without moral support, a woman faces stress and her emotional state gets out of control. When a man is nearby, a girl can be sure that her actions and views are shared; if necessary, they will take her side, and the offenders will be punished.

Friends or loved ones can provide support. But nature dictates that it is vitally important for the fairer sex to receive it from a man, so ladies have been looking for the one for years, rejecting thousands of offers. He must be strong so that his capabilities are enough to protect both.

Psychologist Dale Carnegie argued that you can achieve true happiness only if you unselfishly do something nice for others. Emotional and vulnerable ladies cannot constantly concentrate on themselves, so they need a male presence.

The need for love is another necessity inherent in nature. A man awakens a woman’s love, shows her femininity and inner energy. She becomes tender, caring, and more often shows compassion. A man needs a companion to reveal his masculinity, develop a sense of responsibility, and pursue goals for the well-being of his beloved.

A girl needs a guy because she has a basic need - to be significant and appreciated. Only a man can provide this. Even though in psychology the female psyche is considered the most stress-resistant and flexible, but every girl has an urgent need for emotional release through long heart-to-heart conversations. A man’s purpose is to balance the psyche of his beloved, to be for her not only support, protection, but also a friend.


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Religious interpretation

The concept of the traditional family underlies most modern religions. A woman is the keeper of the home and is responsible for raising children. She must honor her husband, love him, be faithful, devoted. The man ensures her well-being, gives her love and care.

If a woman refuses to start a relationship with a man, then she loses her spirituality, her lifestyle becomes immoral, and her true purpose as a continuator of the family, a keeper of home comfort, is lost.

Social norms

Public opinion often serves as a measure of success. Women, planning their fate, often rely on it. Of course, modern girls are tired of constant questions from family and friends: “When will you get married? The years go by!” While some come under pressure and immediately begin an active search for a husband, others abandon marriage altogether, trying to prove their independence.

If a girl gets a man, her entire social circle will immediately know about it. In many ways, the incentive to start a relationship can be the banal envy of others. What girl would refuse to show off her handsome, smart and wealthy companion? This raises self-esteem and status among colleagues and acquaintances.

Relax and love each other

When talking about why a girl needs a guy, you shouldn’t focus too much on money or beauty. It's not bad to have all this. But the most important thing is that you simply feel good around the person, it’s interesting to listen to him, so that you feel that you can talk about your impressions.

The main thing is to treat relationships calmly, not to start them because it is necessary or everyone already has them, and especially not to satisfy sexual needs. These areas need to be separated. Do not reduce relationships to sex and do not assume that love is built only on passion. Planning something here is also pretty stupid.

Don't look at your potential partner as a goal and future husband from the first month. This is your friend, enjoy his company and moments of tenderness together. How things go further will be clear; the road appears under the feet of the one walking.

To feel cared for

When a person is unwell, loneliness is especially acute. And a situation where you don’t even have anyone to talk to leads to despair and a feeling of hopelessness. I really want to cuddle up to a loved one and know that someone will go to the pharmacy, call a doctor, will carefully monitor compliance with bed rest and simply say words of support. And a permanent partner will probably be there when his life partner gets sick. During illness, any person understands how important care and attention are. Many women want to insure themselves in advance in case of such unforeseen moments and start an affair with a guy, counting on his support.

This is a pretty good argument for developing relationships. Only if the only condition is met: help comes from both partners, and of their own free will and from a pure heart.

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