What is a man’s love and how not to confuse it with manipulation: remember these 6 signs

It’s easy to understand a man, he’s like an open book... On nuclear physics, it’s written in Arabic script, but it’s open!

A woman needs to be a psychic to figure out what emotions are hidden behind a man’s smile and feigned indifference!

Therefore, we accept lies at face value, and a skilled manipulator seems to be a sincere and loving person.

What is man's love? How not to confuse true feeling with skillful manipulation? Don't make a mistake when choosing a life partner?

Guys like to feel like a rebus, a complex puzzle. They consider the manifestation of emotions to be a weakness, and they turn the heart into an armored safe, which, let alone picking up the key, is scary to approach.

As a result, a woman develops a stereotype: this man is reserved, stingy with compliments, does not lose his head at my smile - which means he does not love me.

Manipulators take advantage of our weaknesses: a couple of kind words, beautiful flowers, broad gestures - and the woman melts like ice cream in the sun...

The rich cry too...

In her soul, every girl cherishes the image of an ideal man: smart, handsome, rich, successful...

There is a catch in the last two points: usually men of a certain type of character and mind reach heights.

They set goals, work for results, and sweep away competitors like trash from the road. But for some reason we believe that “with me he will be completely different, white and fluffy”...

At first glance, such a gentleman is ideal: he showers him with expensive gifts, knows what he wants from life.

At this stage it would be good to take off your rose-colored glasses and pay attention to the details.

Clear signs of manipulation

1. Criticisms . “Your hair is very unruly, maybe you should style it?”, “You’re holding the fork incorrectly, watch it right.”

If he takes the position of leader and mentor on the first dates, what will happen next?

2. Competition . He will say that a man’s love for a woman is demonstrated by actions; competition is unacceptable in the family.

The strong should be the leader, and the weak should stand behind him. Only in the end everything turns out not so rosy: the man will continue to strengthen his authority and power over you.

The woman becomes dependent, and the castle in the air turns into a golden cage.

3. Jealousy of the past . Jealous people will constantly cultivate feelings of guilt in you.

You will have to prove that Masha in the phone book is really a friend, and not the insidious seducer Artem.

Staying late after work? Get ready for an unpleasant scene of jealousy, because your partner already has dozens of options in his head about who you managed to have fun with.

Jealous people convince that such checks are confirmation of their love. In fact, this is a simple manipulation that forces a woman to get deeper and deeper into this swamp.

4. Behavior . Male manipulators are in no hurry to show emotions. Rather, they act according to a proven scheme: flowers, gifts, compliments - this is enough to turn a woman’s head.

And we do not immediately notice that the praise sounds somehow patronizing, and not with tenderness and warmth.

5. Resources . The love of a manipulative man lasts as long as you admire him and elevate him to the rank of a deity.

If you are dissatisfied with something, you stop feeding his male ego - the money tap quickly turns off. This is also a type of manipulation.

6. Depreciation . At first, he will praise you and turn a blind eye to minor offenses. But as soon as you relax, succumb to its charms - the satellite will quickly lower you from heaven to earth.

Such men either disappear or begin to assert themselves at your expense. This is a direct path to complete dependence on a partner, loss of one’s own self.

Relationships with such men are a dance on the edge of an abyss. One wrong move and you fly down, collecting your heart from the fragments.

Why is it important?

Love is the foundation in the relationship between a man and a woman. And any relationship is the foundation of life.

Americans spent 75 years on research that proved that what makes a person happy is not wealth, fame and achievements, but the quality of relationships with loved ones.

When you express your love, you literally pour it into your man and receive it back with double the return.

Take a notepad, pen, write down!

How not to make a mistake when choosing a man?

There are other types of heartthrobs you should stay away from.

Sissy . All his decisions are suppressed by his mother’s authority, because “she knows better.”

To be on the sidelines all your life and endure comparisons with your “celestial” mother-in-law? - No, excuse me.

Aggressor . Behind the ostentatious assertiveness and rudeness hides a real tyrant.

Today he will lift the guy sitting on his chair in the cinema by the scruff of the neck, and tomorrow he will put an apron on you and show you where your seat is.

And, most likely, it will be in the kitchen, and not in the Maldives.

Greedy . When they bring you a bill at a restaurant, he takes out a calculator and meticulously calculates...

What if the waiter included an extra tip in the service? In family life, you will have to think through arguments about why your wife needs a winter jacket and whether she can wear her old one for another ten years?

Narcissus . Believe me, he will spend much more time in front of the mirror than you! He's handsome!

Selfies, likes on social networks, manicures, styling... The narcissist's interests are limited and fixated on his own person.

He behaves arrogantly, as if he does not work for a garden equipment company, but owns gold mines.

Liar, liar . “Yes, honey, I’m already running, the boss delayed me at work,” the gentleman comes up with an excuse as he goes, and you can hear from your voice that you forcibly tore him out of Morpheus’s arms.

You can!

He is the best, and everything will work out for him! You wouldn’t choose a man without the potential for development, am I right?

Believe in him more than he believes in himself. Be sure that he knows how to act in any situation and how to solve problems.

Never doubt his intelligence, strength, wisdom, support him in his boldest ideas. Don't give advice or lead.

Don't be upset if his project fails. Give him the energy to create something new and help him overcome failure.

The main thing is that it works. This is an indicator of a worthy man. So everything will work out.

Next to such a woman, men reveal their talents, are not afraid to take risks, fall and rise with faith in themselves. Be like that and he will appreciate your love.

A man's love for a woman

What is love? Women have already built up a series of associations in their heads: kisses, walks under the moon, romance, family, children...

Unconsciously, they expect this from men and are disappointed if the relationship does not develop as described in romance novels and poems...

What is love for a man? This is a responsibility. Do you think why the stronger sex so rarely says “I love you”? Guys know those three words make them vulnerable.

Along with recognition, a woman receives a powerful weapon, which she will definitely use.

“Well, buy me this handbag, you love me,” “If you care even a little about me, you will never call him again.” Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Psychology claims that love is an integral part of every person’s life.

Don’t think that men are cold-blooded reptiles incapable of showing emotion.

They feel everything, but differently! True love is visible to the naked eye if you know where to look! And you need to evaluate not words, but actions!

Keep it simple . Many men build relationships according to the principle: “if it works, don’t touch it!”

It is women who like to complicate everything and make Napoleonic plans for the future.

You should not expect that your partner will offer to move in with him or get married after just a couple of dates.

On the contrary, this would be an alarming sign: is this a gigolo or a maniac?

But if he strives to maintain tactile contact, listens attentively to your chirping about today's shopping and is worried that your coat is too light - this says a lot!

Dating . Men can sometimes back down. But none of them admits that “yes, I was a little chickened out, everything is developing too quickly and unpredictably.”

Rather, it will sound streamlined: “I need a little time.” Face it, sometimes a man’s personal space has to be conquered millimeters by millimeters.

It’s also not easy for strong and mature guys to change their lives. And sometimes letting a woman in is even worse than flying to Jupiter!

Therefore, accept the rules of his game and do not impose. He will soon realize that he misses your company and capitulate!

If your partner is too persistent, he may well turn out to be a manipulator. After all, you can’t let the fish get off the hook!

Sexual attraction. Puritan morals have long been out of fashion. If your relationship has moved to a new level, take a closer look at how the man behaves?

A loving partner not only takes, but also generously gives pleasure. In bed, is everything subordinated to his interests? Well, this is a typical tyrant or narcissist.

Care . Handing over a coat or moving a chair is basic politeness. But if he is nearby when you feel bad, rushes to help at the first call, allows you to cry on his man’s shoulder - this is love!

He may console you a little clumsily or be completely silent, but he tenderly wipes the tears from your face and allows you to bask in his arms.

Responsibility . Loving men feel responsible for your well-being and try to make your life easier.

A real man doesn't ask for a medal for buying groceries at the supermarket or fixing a lock. He does this to please you! And praise is a pleasant bonus that inspires new achievements!

Male psychology in love and relationships

Why is it generally accepted that the male half tends to gravitate towards diversity, and in Muslim countries polygamy is even normal?

The reasons are as follows:

  1. Lack of love, monotony, boredom and formality of relationships . You cannot calm down and assume that the man belongs to you forever; this is possible with constant maintenance of the fire of love, respect, and support from your spouse.
  2. The complex of forty years - during this period the male population feels the advent of old age, there is a desire to prove their own worth as a man, the ability to attract girls, romances are possible, which leads to the breakdown of the family, although with harmonious relationships and love in the family this does not happen.
  3. Cheating, as revenge, occurs in situations of wife's betrayal, inattention, constant quarrels, lack of attention, lack of understanding in the family.
  4. Psychological compensation - career failures, a way to increase self-esteem and an endless search for a muse.
  5. Narcissistic men with high self-esteem tend to conquer women with high status, but quickly lose interest and again seek adventure, satisfying their interest.
  6. “Males” consider it normal to have affairs on the side; they perceive it as part of the life of a normal man, along with bars and drinking.

So, the psychology of men in love says: in a normal situation, if there is love and understanding in the family on all basic issues, there is no point in looking for other women, he is devoted to the only one.

And the question: “Do men know how to love and feel in general?” - rather rhetorical and depends on the woman and her inner mood, definitely - they know how, but they do not show feelings so clearly, but with the inner confidence that “there are goats all around” it is not surprising that such situations are often attracted to life. It is worth being attentive to thoughts and attitudes.

Change of mood5

Readiness for a love relationship presupposes complete openness to the partner, tenderness, trust, and joint hopes. At the same time, it is impossible to do without fear, pain and vulnerability. True love is as changeable as the seasons. In spring it blooms, blooms and gives new emotions. In summer, relationships are stable, vibrant and filled with feelings.

In autumn, passions gradually subside and love seems to fall asleep. When there is winter in love, partners feel a certain detachment towards each other, coldness and alienation appear in the relationship.

The main thing in order to maintain a love relationship is to adequately perceive changes in the “mood of love” and not react too sharply to the change in love “seasons”. This is not entirely simple, and to be more precise, it is not at all easy. The only thing that can be said for sure is that you can’t do without it here.

Show happiness

Are you happy with him? Don't be shy to show it and talk about it! It is very important for a man to know that he can make his woman happy.

When it comes to sex, men love women who get the most out of being with them, because men crave feeling great.

In relationships, everything is not so literal, but also simple. If you are happy with him, he is happy with you. He understands that we love him.

Appreciate him

While the relationship is emerging, you simply adore him: the actions he does, the way he treats you - all this causes admiration!

Then the shortcomings slowly emerge. A few more years pass, and to the delight of your friends, “How wonderful he is!”, you feel sad about.

Never forget its merits. Our relationships with people have a funny property: people turn to us with the side that we consider.

If you want to see the best in him, cultivate the best in yourself. According to the law of energy exchange, you both will move forward and develop.

Especially appreciate his masculine qualities. For him, this will be the most striking manifestation of love.

Love addiction3

Falling in love is often crazy. The couple not only does not notice anyone around them, moreover, the people in the couple themselves do not notice much. First of all, we are talking about the partner’s shortcomings. But, falling in love passes over time, and harsh everyday life sets in. This is when the relationship begins to tip like a scale.

One of the partners then concentrates on the other, who, in turn, unable to withstand the pressure, begins to “long for freedom.” Such attempts to avoid a partner's excessive affection can be expressed in sarcastic behavior, withdrawal, or a complete break in the relationship.

Whatever it is, you should always leave your partner the right to free choice - who to be friends with, who to communicate with and where to go should be decided by the partner himself. And this is not discussed. If your partner is particularly in no hurry to provide freedom, you need to do it little by little on your own. New hobby, job, new friends. You need to “sculpt” your own world and be sure to become a ruler in it.

Joy and inner happiness will certainly attract a partner. And, on the contrary, if a person is initially perceived as a sufferer, this over time begins to strain and leads to quarrels, and then to separation.

You are right!

Support him, because support brings gratitude and a desire to protect.

And, by the way, public criticism is the surest way to kill the intimacy between a man and a woman, and relationships in general.

Never criticize him publicly. If you are in a relationship, you are only on one side of the barricade, and nothing else.

This does not mean that you should always nod affirmatively and meekly agree with everything. You just need to talk about it softly, correctly and at the same time remain on his side. No witnesses.

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