Why do people strive to make a career? Career Growth - Your Goal? Find out how to achieve it! Recognition and status







Career achievements are not always expressed by the title of an administrative position held. In many types of activities, a career consists of mass recognition of the results of a given person’s work by other people. For example, cultural figures, athletes, specialists and others who again and again “with their own hands” create reasons for admiration from other people, without managing their colleagues.

Why do people want to make a career

A relative minority of people truly want to make a career. Leaders are not made, they are born. If you naturally have a suitable brain structure, you will be a leader; if you don’t, then no, no matter how much you try and what trainings you attend.

Having no idea about their own nature, not trying to find out their personal calling, not possessing the necessary knowledge, people strive to achieve what is stuck in their ears and nestled in the subcortex as a result of training, education and euphonious propaganda. A vague desire to make a career, without a clear statement of purpose, in most cases is the result of stereotypes of worldview imposed from outside. Added to this is the instinctive desire to achieve dominance over other people, which mistakenly seems possible only by acquiring an administratively assigned position.

Therefore, if you have a desire to make a career, first honestly, with the necessary justification, answer yourself the question: why? Remember the great historical figures, pay attention to the contemporaries who made political careers, and you will see that not one of them built it to make the world a better place. No matter how populist speeches they shook the airwaves. When you realize this and relate it to your values, then ask yourself the following questions: Am I ready to sacrifice my values ​​for the sake of my career? What knowledge and beliefs should I have in order to ignore the values ​​that interfere with my career?

An applicant for the role of godfather of a mafia clan must have a murder on his personal record. An applicant for the crown of a thief in law must meet a number of criteria for a criminal. Politicians and high-ranking officials in government and management positions in public corporations must also have “sins” that, under certain conditions, can be made public in order to remove them with shame. All those striving for high positions are not so much forced as they are willing to get their hands dirty along the way. Usually this is necessary for good purposes, in order to remove psychological restrictions from those in power, when it is necessary to use power in the interests of the majority of the governed.

Since we (people) are biological beings, it turns out that those who make a great career, reach significant heights of power and huge financial fortunes, from a biological point of view, behave more correctly than those who have not achieved this. After all, they guarantee themselves high levels of dominance, provision of food and other material goods. And if they have a high number of well-fed, wealthy descendants, then they are simply great. And for this you don’t have to be smarter, more erudite and more humane than people who failed to make a career.

Following innate natural and acquired social instincts, rising higher on the steps of power, it becomes easier for those making a career to appropriate more for themselves, steal with impunity, use power for personal interests, and receive veneration from more people. We should not forget that people are predators by nature and that cannibalism still exists in certain regions of the Earth. And just as not every animal is capable of becoming the leader of a pack, so not every person has the natural qualities necessary for a career.

Human nature and social propaganda simultaneously provide the desire to make a career and place insurmountable restrictions on the path to it for the majority of people. And that's okay. After all, if everyone could reach career heights, then the slaughter for them would be bloodier. There are far fewer places at the top than there are people at the bottom of the career ladders.

What you need to know

Many people are interested in the question of how to achieve career growth, grow at work and not get stuck in one position for many years. In some cases, experience, having a diploma with honors and monotonously fulfilling the requirements of your superiors do not help you move up.

  1. It is important to be able to listen and accept criticism and not repeat mistakes in the future.
  2. It will be much easier for a sociable person who knows how to carry on a conversation, ask for help or get information in a timely manner.
  3. No matter what kind of specialist you are, incorrect distribution of working time and irrational systematization of tasks will constantly prevent you from completing work quickly and not breaking deadlines.

Non-administrative specialist career

As noted at the beginning of the article, career success does not always require occupying a high administrative position with the acquisition of authority. Even formal confirmation of qualifications with a piece of paper from the university is usually not required. For example, why does an active athlete need a position with managerial powers? After all, all that is expected of him is motor activity, which will be better than that of his competitors at the given moment and in the given conditions. His career depends on how often and consistently he will be among the best or show winning results in comparable parameters. And it is not so important whether he won against a beginner or against a master whose career is considered successful.

The difference between a specialist’s career and an administrator’s is that each time a specialist is obliged to present the results of his skills, and a manager is obliged to present the achievements of his work team. Despite the constant need to confirm high professionalism again and again, a specialist career is attractive to a large proportion of people. This is also due to instincts. Highly sought-after professionalism is relatively well paid and, therefore, sufficient food and other benefits for oneself and descendants will be ensured. The manifestation of the instinct of dominance over one’s own kind, which generates powerful feelings of one’s strength, forces many to pursue a career as a specialist. For example, imagine the feeling of drive of a singer who has gathered thousands of fans in a stadium and knows that even more people will listen to him by watching the concert on television, and many will do so more than once. Yes, he “turns on” the audience, gives them pleasure, but he experiences an even greater thrill not from the good deed done for people, but from the positive feedback received, confirming his dominance.

Of course, professionals in not all specialties can receive such a large circle of admirers, but in every field there are authorities who have made their careers, whose recognition is enough to satisfy the need for dominance of a career specialist. Only these authorities have the same instincts. By recognizing the successes of others, they want to be on top, no matter what rhetoric they use to cover up their fears and jealousy about the achievements of competitors. After all, only the first, as in sports, gets “everything.” And respected authorities automatically exhibit the qualities of predators. Scandals between the “stars” of show business, injuries and other abominations of athletes, needles in the shoes of ballet masters, wars of “scientific” schools, etc. Nothing personal, only natural instincts.

You ask: What about humanism? Well, in words, of course, he is. Only the instincts still operate the same as those of reptiles. Therefore, when making a career, you should forcefully turn on your mind more often, realizing the nature of the desire for it. Otherwise they will shoot you down on the fly.

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Tales about personnel reserve and career planning

Nobody needs your career but you. The exceptions are wives, and even then not all of them, but only those who want to satisfy their need for dominance and other instincts, taking advantage of the achievements of their husbands.

Other careerists can pull you up with them, they can teach you something useful and equip you with some skills and connections. But only in those cases when it is possible to earn money from you, present the outstanding results of your work as your own, and have a relatively dedicated performer in your person. But in such cases, you will always be left in third roles, and only as long as you constantly demonstrate work efficiency and selfless devotion and obedience. There is nothing immoral about this, because this is the instinctive natural behavior of other human beings. You will sincerely be considered a valuable and convenient subject for the manifestation of their dominance.

Therefore, fashionable fairy tales about the formation of a personnel reserve, about planning the careers of employees, described in the books of inventors and theorists, are just fairy tales. Yes, the bustle under their guise is sometimes present in political parties and in public corporations managed by hired temporary managers who do not care about the future of these organizations, but they need to fulfill nice-sounding “formalities”.

If you delve into the essence of the criteria for selecting personnel reserves and analyze how it works in practice, comparing the quality of politicians and/or managers of the same organization, current and former 20 - 30 - 50 years ago, then the degradation is visible to the naked eye. Alas, the selection is carried out mainly on compliance, willingness to compromise and the ability to comply with the rules of the game, including taking “sins on the soul” in order to be able to punish when trying to show an uncoordinated initiative. And no one has canceled the principle of those in power promoting their heirs. That is, the further it goes, the weaker and weaker the managers become. Added to this are the consequences of the constant degradation of the mass education system due to the decline in the quality of teachers, each next generation of which is the product of training by weaker “teachers” than the previous one.

The results of such personnel work are also influenced by the quality of its performers. After all, the performers are also people with the same instincts as the reptiles, and me, and you. Imagine yourself in the place of a person who realizes that he is selecting those who with a non-zero probability can become his personal boss. How would you ensure your safety and demonstrate dominance? What qualifications do these party or corporate officials have? What social instincts are inherent in these bureaucrats, who are usually aware that the path to the top of this system is closed to them personally?

Another important question is what specific qualities should a careerist who agrees to go through such a sieve have? The fact of the matter is that he should not show individuality, leadership, intelligence, firmness, responsibility for his destiny, but must be flexible, obedient, efficient, loyal, observing rules and concepts. He has no right to grumble if it is not him who is promoted, but a competitor who happens to be in the right place at the right time or an undergrowth related to someone high-ranking.

The rules for training personnel reserves formalized in this particular organization are ALWAYS based on the allegedly inherent equal degree of rationality of people and the same mandatory reaction to external influences. They NEVER take into account the predominance of instinctive behavior over rational behavior, as well as the physical and social uniqueness of each individual. Therefore, they are inevitably focused on non-existent people and lead to the selection of those who verbally demonstrate compliance with these requirements, while ignoring the results of their work.

This approach inevitably leads to the collapse of organizations as soon as the proportion of selected incompetent verbiages exceeds a critical value. A clear example is the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), which collapsed when the number of functionaries who came to it for access to the “sausage” exceeded the number of career specialists. The same can be seen by looking closely at the collapse of the once powerful parties of the so-called developed countries. The same thing affects old and young public corporations around the world.

If your career aspirations fit into such games, then you can play them.

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So should I make a career or not?

Since we (humans) are biological beings, and we have certain natural instincts, then following them is a natural thing. No one doubts the importance and usefulness of the instinctive need to produce children. And states encourage it in every possible way so that there are more taxpayers and consumers. Also, the desire to demonstrate dominance through career achievements is a normal characteristic of representatives of humanity.

Since there are few places on the rungs of each career ladder, and there is always only one at the top, in order to reduce tension in the relations between people striving to dominate, humanity has come up with many social restrictions on competition. If they had not existed, people would have killed each other long ago. Remember history, how many people were killed in the struggle for power. Look at the present: people are killed every day. Honestly evaluate your behavior and even that of those closest to you. The struggle for dominance is everywhere and continuous.

The concepts of morality, ethics, culture, tolerance, equality, brotherhood, rights, laws, criminal and administrative codes and other restrictions on the competition of everyone with everyone have a pacifying effect. People's perceived social instincts and the physical characteristics of the brain "link" the career determination of most people. The brain, the most energy-consuming, and therefore the laziest organ, “deceives reasonable people” by connecting our ability to work. When the mind wants to work hard, for example, for career purposes, the brain automatically suggests less energy-intensive activities and, having subdued the mind, rewards it for idleness in exercising dominance with endorphins.

It is noteworthy that the mythology about the immortality of the soul and reincarnation, which promises new attempts to be born successfully and chances to make a career, extinguishes the need to pursue a career here and now. But let's be realistic. There will be no second or subsequent attempts. Therefore, if you want to show dominance, leaving your mark in the history of mankind, then you need to make a career today. If this doesn't bother you, then don't bother. If you have children and have or will have grandchildren, then you have fulfilled your biological destiny.

If the biological footprint is not enough for you

I repeat, before making a career, honestly answer yourself the question: why? Once you are sure that you want this, clearly formulate the goal, think through the strategy and do not forget about the flexibility of tactics. You cannot break through all barriers with skill alone, and some of your actions will be assessed by many as immoral even with the crystal purity (in your opinion) of your thoughts.

I hope your decision to pursue a career is related to creating good for people, and you are not driven by the desire to become famous by doing some big nasty thing. I hope that for you, the greatest value is human life, and it cannot be overestimated.

Regardless of the type of career (administrative or professional), you will have competitors. Even if you are “holier than the Pope,” or the products of your labor are the most useful and profitable for at least some part of humanity, they will try to trample you. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort not on business, but on fighting scoundrels, obscurantists, money-grubbers and quite decent careerists like you who are pursuing their careers.

You will need to spend resources on taking into account and supporting the interests and goals of your assistants and fellow travelers, because you won’t be able to achieve anything alone. Take care of them!

You will have to re-evaluate some of your moral and ethical values, integrating them into the framework of achieving your goal. You need to realize that not everything that will be done by other people against you is the result of the work of an evil mind. Usually these are mindless instinctive reactions of biological creatures in human carcasses. This will require stocking up on a significant amount of healthy cynicism, learning not to be offended or offended. After all, all attempts to offend or insult are made either out of stupidity or by competitors. They don’t take offense at fools, but they fight their competitors without sniffling out of resentment.

There will also be thoughtful actions of competitors that are harmful to you. Therefore, you need to constantly improve your skills not only in the professional field, but also in the art of competition, learning and applying not the cleanest techniques. Remember, goodness must come with fists.

Don't forget to tuck your modesty in deep. She will only hurt you. It was invented to reduce the intensity of competition between everyone and everyone. By the way, those who will reproach you for immodesty and self-promotion will try to show their dominance over you. Feel free to advertise and promote the results of your work. Without this, no one will know about them, no one will appreciate them, no one will use them, and your goal will not be achieved.

Don't pay attention to the whiners who are content with the biological role. Don’t let their envy and anger towards your success bother you, even if one of them is one of your closest people.


Before delving into the concept of a career, let's briefly describe what it is. Translated from Italian - path, movement. The modern dictionary gives the word “career” the meaning of growth in one’s activities, a professional path. It is also a designation of a profession, what a person does. If you ask managers and personnel officers: “What is this?”, they will say that a business career is a person’s conscious work on his growth. The trajectory of this movement is directly dependent on individual characteristics, desires, internal attitudes, goals, social conditions, type of organization (psychologist Edgar Schein identified 8 orientations - “career anchors”). This is a simplified and generalized understanding of what it is.

What are the common mistakes

You haven't fully asked yourself the question

You haven’t been able to formulate a specific question and continue to keep the abstract image of “good and interesting work” in your head. You must decide what meaning you put into these words. There is no single correct description of a good job; everyone has their own requirements and selection criteria.

What to do

Be honest with yourself and don't generalize. Consider what your goals are when choosing a company or industry. If it is important for you that the work is interesting, determine what this interest is for you. Are you interested in the people working in the company, your responsibilities, or the salary they offer?

Do you believe myths about the industry in general or the company in particular?

Without knowing specific industries, without talking to people who work in companies that appeal to you, you run a very serious risk of falling into a brand trap.

Alena Vladimirskaya

A well-built company image and stereotypes about areas of activity can mislead anyone. For example, a popular belief: PR people drink champagne at events, have fun and constantly communicate with interesting people. Without knowing the ins and outs, you might think that this is not a job, but a dream. But not everyone understands that between three-hour events there are months of scrupulous and routine preparation, sleepless nights and years of developing the necessary contacts.

What to do

In the era of social networks, it is a sin to complain about a lack of communication. You can always let your potential colleagues know the specifics of the job and hear what difficulties may await you.

No one has canceled attending industry seminars or webinars - this will allow you to get to know the industry and its representatives better. You will be able to ask questions, develop useful connections and understand whether this is what you need or not.

Now is the best time to change jobs

If you're looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it's here in 2019. Mark Cendella, CEO of career site Ladders, said 2022 brought the strongest hiring economy in history.

Companies need specialists and talent. They are willing to consider people who are outside the box. Therefore, today those candidates who were not even considered in principle will be in demand today.

What personal qualities will you need?

Promotion requires:

  • determination;
  • responsibility;
  • hard work.

what is needed for career growth

Self-PR, neat and unobtrusive, will also work to your advantage. If a person’s name is always heard, he is known and respected, most likely he will be recommended for a leadership position.

Motivate yourself to achieve to grow your career, despite all sorts of obstacles. Take failures as a new impetus for development. If you look for excuses, are reluctant to analyze and correct mistakes, you should forget about a career shift.

Know how to position yourself correctly. Know your worth. If you mindlessly do a lot of tasks for pennies, they will get used to it.

You should come to work in decent attire, with neat hair and light perfume. Appearance sometimes acts as a powerful argument in getting a position. A stylish coquette in a dress with curled curls will be more attractive to the boss if she has the same experience and knowledge as a colleague in dirty jeans with an unstyled mop of hair.

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