The best books about the psychology of men: how a woman can understand a man

If a man easily meets women and quickly builds trusting relationships with them, they say that he is lucky. In fact, finding a common language with representatives of the fair half of humanity is not such an easy matter. Apparent luck is nothing more than knowledge of the intricacies of female psychology. The art of communicating with the opposite sex can be learned. Many books have been written that can make any man an expert in female psychology.

Women who want to better know the feelings of their chosen one are interested in psychological literature. Books on male psychology help to understand men. After all, these mysterious creatures rarely talk about their feelings, and finding out their intentions without special knowledge is not so easy.

He. Deep aspects of male psychology

Author: Robert Johnson

The basic principles of male perception of the world, as well as the opposite sex, are interestingly presented. After reading the book, it will become clear whether men are similar to individual heroes of mythology.

Also, this book can help you find out what place women have in the psychology of the stronger sex, what interests them in ladies, what they cannot stand. What is the difference between emotions and true feelings. The book was written not by a psychologist, but simply by a “passionate person,” as the author called himself. It will be interesting not only for men, but also for women.

“Red pill. Face the truth!”, A. V. Kurpatov

Oleg Ivanov

psychologist, conflict specialist, head of the Center for Social Conflict Resolution

Andrey Kurpatov is not just a psychiatrist and a doctor, he popularizes psychology and psychiatry, giving the common person the opportunity to get acquainted with important ideas that can later be successfully applied in life.

Based on the results of research in the field of neurophysiology and neurobiology, the author explains in accessible language how the human brain works, why it deceives us, and whether something can be done about it.

The popular science work teaches you how to interact with other people and tells you how to use your brain wisely to solve important problems. This book is for those who want to get rid of illusions and look at their life from a new perspective.

The Red Pill is the first book in a trilogy. It also includes “Palaces of the Mind. Kill the idiot in yourself" about how to make your brain work for yourself, and "Trinity. Be more than yourself,” dedicated to three types of thinking.

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Traumatology of love

Author: Vladimir Levi.

This Russian psychologist has proven himself well in such literature. Many people know his books on psychology. This book helps you find out what roles are assigned to each partner in a love relationship. What men think about love and what women think.

Also, after reading the book, it will become clear what mistakes are made in relationships, what traumas love causes to hearts, and how they can be healed. The information presented in the book will be useful for all ages and genders.

“Psychology of emotions. I know how you feel”, P. Ekman

We constantly experience some kind of emotion: we are afraid, happy, sad or angry. We clumsily try to hide them, and sometimes we think that at one glance we understand the feelings of another, but we are often mistaken.

The author explains how to catch the hidden signals that the interlocutor gives through facial expressions and gestures, and how to control and correct your own when necessary.

The ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others is the basis of mutual understanding between people and the opportunity to make your life more comfortable.

Larisa Milova

Even the most insignificant, barely noticeable changes in facial expressions - be it the position of the eyebrows and eyelids or folds in the corners of the eyes - matter. They are the ones who indicate whether a person is afraid or simply surprised, upset about something or tired and wants to sleep.

For clarity, the book is illustrated with photographs and examples. On the last pages there is an emotion recognition test to consolidate what you have learned.

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Man is from Mars, woman is from Venus

Author: John Gray.

This is an eternal classic and the basis for understanding male and female psychology. The book is so popular that every self-respecting person has already read it, especially married people.

The information presented in it gives a complete understanding of the psychology of men and women. It is immediately clear why he or she acted in specific cases. The secrets of behavior of special sexes, their worldview, attitude towards love and the opposite sex are revealed. The book is ideal for those getting married, but will also be useful for those who have already been married for several years.

Harmful psychological literature

Slag . And I believe without evidence that it is harmful. The author imposes a vision of the world, but not a constructive one. Anti-propaganda.

I practiced a couple of “protocols” for clearing mental debris. But I felt like a strange type who, instead of solving problems, programs himself “not to see them.” Instead of cleaning the room, the technician sweeps all the garbage under the sofa. It’s even more difficult to remove from, and it stinks no less. Like everything “fast and effective”, it only puts blinders on.

Later I learned that there are also paid “protocols” for cleaning garbage. Imagine if Jesus were a coach, half a sentence for free: “Love your neighbor like <buy for $50>.”

You don't know anything about men

Author: Steve Harvey.

Read the 10 best books on time management for women

The famous American writer and actor-comedian, known for the films “Street Dancing”, “Fighting Temptations”, has written many books on psychology. Apparently, this science interests him very much.

This and another of his books (“Dream like a woman, win like a man”) are devoted to the psychology of gender relations. And another of his books, “Why men love but don’t marry,” became a bestseller in a short time.

All these books can be recommended to those who are interested in the psychology of men, the principles of building relationships between different sexes. They reveal many interesting things that were hitherto shrouded in mystery.

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“Characters and personality disorders”, V. P. Rudnev

Inna Semikasheva

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. I. N. Ulyanova

Reading, however, is for intellectual readers, but very exciting. Describes the main types of characters using examples from classical literature.

Each person is unique, and character determines how we perceive reality and look at the same things. And to understand other people, you need to know how each of them sees this world.

The book will help you change the perception of yourself and the people around you and will make you think differently about your own mistakes. This is a work about the characteristics of human characters, defense mechanisms and personality and mental disorders, including depression, hallucinations and paranoia.

The basic Instinct

Authors: Igor Vagin, Antonina Gluschai.

Another title of this book is “The Psychology of Intimate Relationships.” Everything is clear here, there is no need to explain what the book is about. Some information about the authors. Igor Olegovich is an academician, a leading specialist in psychology, and the author of numerous trainings. Antonina Ivanovna is a journalist.

Together they wrote many books on the psychology of gender relations and more. This book is in great demand and is very difficult to obtain. But you can download it on the Internet and read it online.

Frank conversation with men

Author: James Dobson.

The famous American psychiatrist, professor of pediatrics, and psychologist wrote many books on the psychology of relationships between parents and children, and between spouses.

This book is more similar to Christian literature. It reminds men of their responsibilities in society and family, what role is assigned to the stronger sex in creating a family - a small unit. How a real father and husband should behave so that the family becomes truly pleasing to God.

“Understand human nature”, A. Adler

Adler, the author of the term “inferiority complex,” talks about the adaptation of the individual in society, the significance of the period of infancy and early childhood, the development of character, its individual traits and manifestations.

Adler says that the foundation of any relationship in society is understanding the other. And mutual understanding can only be achieved by understanding human nature.

Larisa Milova

He argues that a person is responsible for his actions and is able to change behavior, which plays an important role in interpersonal relationships.

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How to survive with a man

Author: Ioanna Khmelevskaya.

The book is interesting and addressed to the fairer sex. Especially for those who have lived many years in marriage and experience great difficulties in relationships with men.

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The psychologist cites some signs that a man has “cooled down” in his feelings for his wife. He also gives some tips for getting out of critical situations and methods for preventing a crisis in the family.

The author reveals some algorithms for the usual train of thought of men, what they constantly think about, what they want, including from women. Written in an interesting language. The book gives advice on how to understand that a husband no longer wants a relationship with a given woman. Explains how to get your husband to have a serious conversation. Typical mistakes in the behavior of women with men are given. The information presented in the book will be of interest to ladies at any age.

The boy is the man's father

Author: Igor Kon.

The famous Soviet and Russian psychologist, sociologist, and sexologist in this book continues the thoughts begun in his book “A Man in a Changing World.”

The author claims that life is much more difficult for boys than for girls. They study worse, get sick more, and do bad things more often. Raising them requires more attention and nerves.

The next question is: how to properly raise a growing man, on whose shoulders the main concern for the family and society will fall. How not to spoil a guy with the wrong methods. How not to overdo it with affection and severity. The writer raises all these questions in his book and then gives the correct answers to them.

Books for young guys 25 years old

Here again we look at interests, but without the desire to manipulate - it is unknown who will pay for all this. Interests at this age: sex (due to lack of experience), BPAN (or an analogue way of self-expression through an inexpensive car), money (due to exorbitant ambitions with a constant lack of funds for their implementation). So:

  • Igor Kon, “Sexual culture in Russia: strawberry on a birch tree.” Excerpts in free interpretation: “Once one of the most popular sex positions, allowing a man to dominate a woman to the maximum and strongly approved in the territory of Ancient Rus' and other patriarchal states, today is repeatedly criticized by representatives of both sexes. Well, feminism has reached unprecedented heights and, to some extent, has penetrated into the male consciousness.
  • In contrast to the previous sexual position, this position, on the contrary, can oppress men who have not been imbued with all the charms of feminism and matriarchal reality. In the position of the woman on top, the latter finds herself in a dominant position, and for such pleasures in Ancient Rus' they could be sentenced to up to ten years of repentance.
  • Yes, I almost forgot - in the old days, you could be excommunicated from the church for practicing such a pose.”
  • Igor Skripnik, “Do-it-yourself car tuning.”
  • Uspenskaya E., “Anthropology of the Indian caste.”

Make him fall in love!

Author: Dilya Enikeeva.

The book by sexologist and psychotherapist Dili Eniseeva will tell you about the ways in which you can win the heart of the man you like.

She will also answer the questions: what kind of women do men like, why some women are alone, while others have no end to admirers. The book gives advice on how not to deal with the opposite sex. It also explains how to recognize signs of attraction in men.

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Make your husband a millionaire

Author: Larisa Renard.

The author assures that it turns out that the financial success of men depends directly on their life partners. It's all about what abilities the wife has, how she can set her husband up for success.

If a man has advanced well in his career, it turns out that his wife is to blame for this. The book gives practical advice on how to make your husband a rich man. The mistakes of women in relation to their husbands are considered. The book is addressed primarily to married women, as well as young girls planning to start a family soon.

“Diversity of human worlds”, P. V. Volkov

The author calls his work “a guide to the prevention of mental disorders.” He writes about the uniqueness of characters and their subtypes, pays attention to interpersonal relationships, mental disorders, and examines specific cases from his practice.

The best book about people's characters in Russian.

Ilya Shabshin

The work encourages you to evaluate a person based on his characteristics and helps you understand how to treat others with tolerance and why you need to do so. Why bother with this? To prevent painful situations that arise due to lack of mutual understanding.

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He just doesn't like you: the whole truth about men

Authors: Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo.

The authors of the book reveal secrets that interest many representatives of the fairer sex.

Why does it sometimes happen that a woman does everything to please the man she loves, gives up her career or studies, follows him to the ends of the earth, changes her appearance, but never gets the desired result.

The answer is simple: this is not your man, you shouldn’t waste your time and energy on those who don’t need you. But how to figure out exactly your man? This is what the book talks about.

"Games People Play. Psychology of Human Relationships”, E. Bern

Ilya Shabshin

consulting psychologist, author of books on popular psychological topics, leading specialist at the Psychological Center on Volkhonka

Berne's model of the Inner Parent, Inner Adult and Inner Child is something that is very desirable for anyone who wants to understand other people (and themselves at the same time) to know.

The international cult bestseller is worth reading for those who are ready to go beyond the usual life scenarios, want to understand the motives of their actions and the behavior of other people and find out why conflicts arise. Bern believes that a person can change his destiny if he wants.

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