Studying child psychology: the best books for parents in 2022

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
TOP 10 best books on child psychology
1How to talk so children will listen, and how to listen so children will talkBest-seller
2Secret supportHelps to take the right role in the child’s life
3Raising children without yelling, threats and punishmentReview leader
4An independent child, or How to become a “lazy mother”Easy to read
5The most important book for parentsWide range of directions
6The happiest kid on the playgroundThe best about raising children from 0 to 4 years old
7Child's emotional intelligenceThe best analysis of children's mental behavior
8Brothers and sistersAimed at resolving children's rivalry
9American children play with pleasure, French children play according to the rules, and Russian children play until they win.A non-standard view of the education system
10Hygge. Danish Children's World The most practical

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Good parents sound worthy! But how do they become them? Of course, on an instinctive level, we feel what is best to do, what is best to say to the child, but sometimes we lack the opinion of a professional who would explain the reasons for the child’s tendency, for example, to whims and hysterics, and would make it clear how to correct it. When children do not obey, show aggression, get nervous and withdraw into themselves, parents’ nerves deteriorate and they give up, but neither is acceptable!

Child psychologists are confident that everything can be corrected as long as it is still a child. Shouting and threats are sometimes able to correct the situation, but this is a temporary result, after which everything will happen again. Literature that teaches educational methods comes to the rescue. We have created a rating of the best books for parents on child psychology, which are popular all over the world. Faber, Petranovskaya, Gippenreiter, Makhovskaya and others will help you better understand your child.

Faber Adele, Mazlish Elaine “How to talk so that children will listen, and how to listen so that children will talk”

The books of these authors are known all over the world. Their first book was published in 1974. Since then they have been working in tandem. Both women have pedagogical and psychological education and extensive experience working with families. Each of them has three children, so many of the stories are described from personal experience.

The book “How to Speak So Children Listen...” has been on the Russian market for about 20 years. Many compare it with Gippenreiter's books. Many people don’t like it because of the primitivism of its drawings and examples, because of its American style and ideology. But the vast majority of parents consider this book a reference book. After all, it helps:

  • learn better about the psychology of children from preschool to adolescence;
  • understand why they behave this way and what to do to correct the situation;
  • accept feelings - yours and your child’s, be able to reflect them;
  • learn to listen and hear what your son or daughter says and wants to say;
  • improve relationships with children and in the family as a whole.

You can read the description and purchase the book here.

“The Secret World of Children in the Space of the World of Adults”, Maria Osorina

At first it may seem that the main theme of this book is not new. The author talks about how a child learns about the world around him using the most common objects and methods that all parents use. The book is notable for the fact that as the narrative progresses, the importance and impact of parental actions become increasingly clear. How does a lullaby form a baby's idea of ​​space? Why do kids make “secrets” and “hiding places”? Why is a child afraid to be alone at home and in unfamiliar places? Maria Osorina deals with these issues on the pages of her book.

"Your Baby from Birth to 2 Years" by William and Martha Sears

A useful guide for a woman who recently became a mother for the first time. The authors not only describe all the intricacies of caring for a baby. They also answer the simplest questions: which feeding method to choose, how often to bathe and feed the baby. The authors can be completely and completely trusted, because they have not one or even two, but eight children!

Zaryana and Nina Nekrasov “Stop raising children - help them grow”

Zaryana and Nina Nekrasov are mother and daughter, authors of popular books for parents about NOT raising children. Nina Nekrasova (February 1, 1952) teacher, methodologist, more than 35 years of experience working with children of all ages. Zaryana Nekrasova (August 28, 1974) journalist, editor, teacher.

In their books we will see two points of view at once: both the parent and the child. In the joint work of mother and daughter, both opinions, sometimes completely irreconcilable, are taken into account. The book is divided into three parts. The first part is about love for a child, what it is and how to deal with it. The second describes the problems of parents that make it difficult to understand their children. The third part is about age characteristics and difficulties of each period. In the book you will find:

  • unusual and original advice;
  • workshops;
  • tests;
  • games;
  • interesting and instructive stories.

Irina Mlodik “Book for imperfect parents or Life on a free topic”

Before this, we talked about books that are designed to protect our kids. Here, through the prism of children's behavior, special attention is paid to parents. After all, the child’s life will depend on them.

Irina Mlodik (November 6, 1966) – psychologist, psychotherapist, Gestalt therapist, author of books on child and adult psychology. All her books are written in simple, understandable language. They are easy and interesting to read. But they touch on important themes of parent-child relationships and self-acceptance. The main idea in this book is that we ourselves are children of imperfect parents. As parents, we are also imperfect. And that's okay. The author will try to think about this. The book will be useful to those who:

  • doubts that he is a good parent;
  • experiences excessive anxiety for children;
  • is ashamed of himself or his baby;
  • tries to change the parenting style that was established in childhood;
  • wants to better understand his children.

You can read the description and purchase the book here.

Faber Adele, Mazlish Elaine “Brothers and Sisters. How to help your children live together"

Another work by these writers. A lot of books have been written about the relationship between children and parents. There is very little about understanding between brothers and sisters. But often in families, conflicts occur precisely because of misunderstandings between older and younger children. Children's quarrels sometimes turn the life of all household members into a nightmare, and adults do not have the strength to do the right words and actions. This is where the advice from this book comes in handy.

Yes, many will say, there was a Western bias here too. Trainings for parents are alien to the consciousness of Russians. But if you ignore the presentation of the material and delve into its essence, then everything will fall into place. Like the previous one, this book is equipped with a large number of pictures, stories, and examples. She will help you:

  • improve relationships between children;
  • do not deny your child’s feelings, even if you don’t like them;
  • react correctly if children fight;
  • do not impose roles;
  • Take competition between children calmly.

You can read the description and purchase the book here.

"Don't yell at children" by Daniele Novara

All psychologists insist that yelling at a child is unacceptable. Only in practice it can be quite difficult to restrain yourself. No matter how old a child is, situations when parents lose their temper are inevitable. By doing this they only further inflame the situation. Daniele Novara explains in his book that shouting can only achieve the suppression of a child’s personal qualities or an acute protest in response. Therefore, the author strives to teach parents how to deal with conflicts with children correctly: not just to do without swearing and mutual insults, but also to learn from such situations a lesson for the future.

Janusz Korczak "How to Love Children"

The author of the famous story “King Matt the First,” Janusz Korczak (1878-1942), is not only a writer. He is a great Polish teacher and doctor, educator and protector of children. Korczak created the Orphanage and headed this orphanage until his death. He died with his students in the gas chamber of a concentration camp.

He himself was never a father, but devoted his whole life to childhood. “The idea of ​​serving children became my son’s idea.” With these words, we will read the best textbook for everyone who cares about children. This small book is also called the Bible on education. It reflects the main pedagogical views of the author:

  • a child is a separate person from birth;
  • he differs from adults only in the lack of life experience;
  • all children are unique, they cannot be compared and forced into standards;
  • a child has rights, and one of them is the right to be who he is;
  • Children must be loved and respected and raised by example.

1. “Help me do it myself,” Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori is a psychologist and teacher originally from Italy, as well as the author of a world-famous educational methodology. In her book, she tells how to awaken a child’s thirst for new knowledge, how to properly motivate him and help him achieve his goals. All material is presented through the prism of the Montessori principle, familiar to many mothers: parents must give the child complete freedom of action and self-expression. The author urges adults not to dictate their terms to the baby and not make decisions for him. According to Montessori, you need to leave the baby to himself, creating the right environment for his development.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya “Secret support: attachment in a child’s life”

Educator, psychologist and publicist, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Petranovskaya (April 20, 1967) is known to many for her books for children. For example, the “What to do if” series. For many years she has been dealing with the problems of adoption, orphanhood, and assistance to foster families.

She assigns a special role to attachment in a child’s life, developing and popularizing this theory in her books. Including in “Secret Support”. This book on child psychology is for parents, especially mothers. But it is also important for men, future fathers, to understand what affection is and what significance it has for the development of the baby. The author touches on such important topics in education as:

  • build a harmonious relationship with your child;
  • the importance of “their” adult for the baby;
  • teach you to trust the world around you;
  • live through the difficulties of age;
  • be a support and protection for your children.

And many other questions that we, parents, lack answers to. Practical advice is given at the end of each part.

You can read the description and purchase the book here.

Yu.B. Gippenreiter “Communicate with the child. How?"

Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter (March 25, 1930) - Soviet and Russian psychologist, professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Specialist in the field of experimental and child psychology, child-parent relations.

Her book “Communicate with your child. How?" first published in 1995 and immediately became a bestseller. Since then, it has been republished many times, and in 2008 the second part of this series, “Continuing to communicate with the child,” was published. So?" Now both books have been combined with one more in the collection “The Most Important Book for Parents.”

And yet it is the first book that is especially important. After all, she launched a humanistic approach to education, when the authoritarian style prevailed in most families. The book is divided into lessons. The scientific basis is flavored with vivid examples, which makes the material easier to understand. In this book you will find:

  • important keys to understanding children;
  • tips on how to talk about your feelings;
  • learn how to help a child, but not live for him;
  • how to teach a child to be responsible and independent;
  • You will understand that it is not too late to correct any mistakes.

You can read the description and purchase the book here.

Rating of popular books on psychology

When raising a child in a family, you need to constantly explain something to him, show him his importance in this world, and find compromises. After all, through communication with family and friends, a child perceives the world around him and develops basic trust in it. He needs his parents' understanding. Give children spiritual warmth and love.

Note to parents! Lack of understanding and lack of attention from parents may be behind a child’s bad behavior.

Characteristics of the TOP 10 popular books on child psychology:

Characteristics of the TOP 10 popular books on child psychology
No.Book titleAuthorFocus
1.Unboring child psychologySatya Das, Ukrainian family psychologistCharacteristics of 7 children's characters, important principles in education
2.Attachment in a child's life. Secret support Lyudmila Petranovskaya, Russian authorCharacteristics of 3 age groups, reasons for the child’s behavior, advice for parents
3.An independent child or how to become a lazy motherAnna Bykova, Russian author, psychologistThe principle of the “lazy mother” is revealed: more independence for the child, less guardianship from parents
4.How to love a childJanusz Korczak, Polish writerThe principle of education is given: the manifestation of parental love without deification and suppression of the child’s personality
5.Don't yell at childrenDaniele Novara, Italian psychologistRecommendations on how to resolve conflict situations, the technique of “active silence”
6.After three it's too lateIbuka Masaru, Japanese authorRecommendations for raising children under 3 years old, 25 key points
7.Freedom from educationDima Zitser, Russian writer, Doctor of Pedagogical SciencesThe problem of domestic violence is revealed
8.Children from heavenJohn Gray, American psychologist and writerMethod of education through cooperation with the child
9.When your child is driving you crazyEda Le Shan, American writer, educator and child psychologistAnalysis of family conflicts, ways to avoid parental mistakes
10.How to deal with childhood angerMadeleine Denis, French psychologist and teacherHow to respond to children's anger, joyful creativity as a principle of education

Satya Das "Unboring Child Psychology"

This is a book by the popular Ukrainian family psychologist Satya Das (Sergei Yakovlev), who specializes in family relationships. A literary work from the series “Smart training that changes lives.”

It talks about how to build relationships with children and unleash their creative potential, the wonderful inclinations of a creative personality.

The book was published in 2022 in Russian, has 181 pages, AST Publishing House LLC. Average price: 240 rub.

Satya Das "Unboring Child Psychology"


  • the text is written with humor and is easy to read;
  • information is presented clearly;
  • a book about the principles of raising children;
  • “secret phrases” are given to help children discover their talents and become successful and happy people;
  • the characteristics of 7 children's characters are presented;
  • reveals principles and words that destroy parent-child relationships;
  • has positive reviews;
  • best-seller.


  • black and white illustrations.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya “Attachment in a child’s life. Secret support"

The Russian author, a famous psychologist and teacher, reveals the topic of relationships between children and their parents. The most important thing for a child is the love and understanding of his parents.

The book was published in 2015 in Russian and has 219 pages. Publisher: "AST". Average price: soft cover – 380 rubles, hard cover – 770 rubles.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya “Attachment in a child’s life. Secret support"


  • accessible and understandable information;
  • answers to a variety of questions are given;
  • how to act in a specific situation and choose the right solution;
  • characteristics of three age groups are given;
  • Recommendations for parents on how to behave in different situations are presented;
  • reasons for the child's behavior;
  • specific proposals for solving problems are offered;
  • context of the book: the basis of life is parental love;
  • has positive reviews and is popular with parents;
  • is a bestseller.


  • high price;
  • illustrations in the form of black and white pictures.

Anna Bykova “An independent child or how to become a lazy mother”

A practicing child psychologist and talented teacher presents a book that makes parents aware of mistakes in raising their child. Excessive guardianship and trusteeship of a child by their loved ones does not allow him to be independent and learn to be a confident and responsible person.

The “lazy mother” helps to reveal the necessary qualities in the child, trying to “slow down” her parental activity and give her child more opportunities to express himself.

The book was published in 2022, has 272 pages, black and white illustrations. Publisher: "Eksmo". Average cost: paperback - 290 rubles, hardcover - 400 rubles.

Anna Bykova “An independent child or how to become a lazy mother”


  • clear and easy to read text;
  • reveals the consequences of excessive care and parental care;
  • practical advice was given on how to instill in a child hard work and independence according to the “lazy mother” principle;
  • no boring moralizing;
  • has positive reviews;
  • is popular
  • bestseller of the year.


  • black and white illustrations.

Janusz Korczak "How to love a child?"

The book is a manifesto, a unique life philosophy of the Polish writer, revealing the theme of the love of parents for their child. It is the atmosphere of understanding provided by loving parents that helps a child grow into a confident, successful and happy person with his own views, thinking and freedom of expression.

The book was published in 2014 in Russian and has 480 pages. Publisher: "AST". Average price: 642 rub.

Janusz Korczak "How to love a child?"


  • clear presentation of the text;
  • the author expresses his thoughts sincerely and kindly;
  • interesting life stories and practical advice are given;
  • context of the book: manifestation of parental love without deification and suppression of the child’s personality;
  • the basic rights of the child are highlighted;
  • the importance of spiritual communication with children is revealed;
  • is a “parenting bible for raising children”;
  • has good reviews.


  • no illustrations;
  • high price.

Daniele Novara "Don't yell at children"

The book by an Italian psychologist reveals the topic of conflicts in the family and provides methods for resolving them. Daniele Novara believes that the presence of conflict situations can be useful in the development of a child’s personal qualities and the formation of normal relationships within the family. You just need to react to them correctly: without shouting, calmly and self-possessed.

You cannot raise a child by screaming, you can only scare him. The one who lacks patience, endurance and love for his child screams from powerlessness.

Foreign Psychology was published in 2016 in Russian, has 275 pages. Publisher: Alpina Publisher. Average cost: hardcover - 670 rubles, soft cover - 499 rubles.

Daniele Novara "Don't yell at children"


  • easy to read text;
  • advice was given on how to build your relationships with children of different ages, taking into account their psychology (from preschool to adolescence);
  • context of the book: resolving conflict situations without shouting and orders, humiliation and assault, taking into account the child’s opinion;
  • the technique of punishment is revealed - “active silence”;
  • good reviews of the book;
  • for a wide age category of readers.


  • relatively high price;
  • There are many real-life examples of conflict situations in foreign families, which are not always applicable in Russia.

Ibuka Masaru "After three it's too late"

A unique work to help parents raise a child by a Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Sony Corporation, contains recommendations for the development of preschool children. The author emphasizes that in order to raise a happy and smart child, he needs to be given useful information when necessary, namely until the age of three. During this period, children are able to quickly and efficiently absorb information.

The book by a foreign author was published in 2015 in Russian and contains 224 pages. Publisher: Alpina Publisher. Average cost: softcover 422 rubles.

Ibuka Masaru "After three it's too late"


  • easy to read text;
  • the main idea of ​​the work is the early development of a child;
  • the principles of raising children are given (25 key points);
  • describes simple teaching techniques that help develop a child at an early age;
  • the book is intended for a wide audience of readers;
  • original design with funny illustrations;
  • has positive reviews.


  • There are no specific methods for constructing the learning process.

Dima Zitser “Freedom from education”

The book by a Russian writer, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, reveals the topic of relationships between children and their parents. The important issue of violence in the process of raising children in families is raised. At the same time, generally accepted rules and their own parental views are imposed on the child, which lead to alienation and lack of joy in communicating with children.

Zitser offers other educational methods that take into account the child’s psyche and age-related difficulties. Their principle: to educate with love and respect, watching the child. Taking into account all children's interests, parents must reveal the hidden abilities of their child and his needs.

The book was published in 2016 in Russian and has 272 pages. Publisher: LLC Publishing House "Peter". At an average price: for hardcover 416 rubles.

Dima Zitser “Freedom from education”


  • clear and easy to read text;
  • information is presented with humor;
  • child-parent relationships are considered as relationships between equal individuals;
  • context of the book: education as a creative search that brings joy and satisfaction from learning;
  • a non-standard approach to the psychology of education, which is easily applicable in practice;
  • textbook for parents;
  • makes you think and rethink your relationship to the educational process;
  • has positive reviews;
  • Recommended reading for loving and thoughtful parents and grandparents.


  • the author’s thoughts related to personal experience, which many readers do not share; however, they are interesting in themselves and provide food for thought;
  • black and white pictures.

John Gray "Children from Heaven"

The book by an American psychologist and writer will help both the child and his parents find mutual understanding. Some new aspects of the attitude of parents towards children and their upbringing are revealed here. The author's positive attitude is conveyed from the first pages of the literary work.

Helps to understand the psychology of both young children and adolescents. You can build your relationships through cooperation using certain methods.

The book by a foreign writer was published in Russian in 2016 and has 352 pages. Publisher: "Sofia". Average price: softcover 261 rub.

John Gray "Children from Heaven"


  • easy to read text;
  • tips that work in practice are presented;
  • five principles of “positive education” are given;
  • teaches how to communicate with a child using new methods;
  • is a bestseller;
  • has positive reviews.


  • some metaphors and humor may not be understandable to the Russian audience, since they are intended for the American reader;
  • introduction too long;
  • no illustrations.

Eda Le Shan "When Your Child Is Driving You Crazy"

This is a practical guide to pedagogy and child psychology by an American writer, which shows various cases of conflict in families. The classic edition of a literary work allows parents to understand the essence of the conflict and the reasons for the child’s bad behavior. Analyzing family conflicts, the author gives recommendations for their quick elimination.

The book by a foreign writer was published in 2022 in Russian. Has 384 pages. Publisher: "AST". Average price: hardcover 343 rub.

Eda Le Shan "When Your Child Is Driving You Crazy"


  • confidential tone of communication between the author and the reader;
  • easy to read text;
  • changes the approach to education;
  • typical mistakes in education are presented;
  • availability of ways to avoid parental mistakes;
  • teaches you to think;
  • recommended reading for parents, psychologists and psychotherapists;
  • positive reviews.


  • not found.

Madeleine Denis "How to deal with childhood anger"

An unconventional view on raising children is presented by the popular French psychologist and teacher M. Denis. The educational process turns into joyful creativity based on pleasant communication. At the same time, the child can be taught to understand where anger comes from and how to deal with it. After all, it is so important to manage your emotions. Parents should calmly respond to children's behavior.

The book was published in 2016 in Russian and has 96 pages. Publisher: Clever Media Group. Average cost: paperback 230 rub.

Madeleine Denis "How to deal with childhood anger"


  • easy to read;
  • Advice was given on how to behave for parents with children of different ages (from 1 to 3, from 3 to 6, from 6 to 10 years);
  • examples of dialogues are considered;
  • context of the book: aggression and capricious behavior are normal, the main thing is an adequate attitude towards this;
  • the emotional intelligence of children of different age groups was considered;
  • has positive reviews.


  • a format of little use for those who want to obtain more extensive information.

V. Levi “How to raise parents, or a New non-standard child”

Vladimir Levi (November 18, 1938) is a famous psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author of books for a wide range of readers, member of the Writers' Union. His popular science books on psychology are written for a wide range of readers and translated into different languages.

“The New Non-Standard Child” is a book on the psychology of education for parents. But reading it is useful and necessary for everyone who deals with children. Moreover, it is perceived not as a collection of parenting tips, but as fiction. The author harmoniously interweaves stories from life, poems, vivid examples and funny stories. In the book you will read about how:

  • and why children are sent to us;
  • educate yourself as a parent and an adult;
  • respect your child as a person, accepting him as he is;
  • raise a child happy and confident;
  • to love your child, it’s not for nothing that the author always refers the reader to Janusz Korczak’s book “How to Love Children”
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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