What to do if a woman insults a man in a relationship

From time immemorial, women have been idolized. They are compared to angels, nymphs, goddesses, and mermaids. What epithets do writers and poets come up with to denote the subtle female nature, kindness, warmth.

But why does so much evil and hostility sometimes come from the fair sex? Why is a girl rude when she should embody qualities that men admire? Is it possible to fight female rudeness, and how to create a worthy woman?

Throughout his life, a person, one way or another, encounters rudeness: at work, in government agencies, in queues, in public transport, in public catering. Oddly enough, most of the disrespect comes from representatives of the “fair” sex. Why in quotes? Is it possible to call a woman “beautiful” if she expresses herself in obscene phrases?!

Identify the reason for this behavior

A guy will cope with his beloved’s aggression when he understands the reasons for such behavior.

Psychologists identify seven obvious reasons when a girl humiliates a guy in a relationship:

  • The power of habit. During the candy-bouquet period, the gentleman placed his goddess too high on the pedestal, trying to fulfill any whim, and, without wanting to, he himself “sculpted” Baba Yaga.
  • In the hierarchy of relationships, the man stood at the lowest level. This may be due to the woman’s higher status, position, or higher salary. And the modern Amazon, considering herself the main breadwinner and head of the union, thinks that she is allowed to insult a weak and insolvent gentleman. Because in her eyes he doesn't deserve respect.
  • Breakdown. The girl has so many worries that she can’t stand the stress and takes her anger out on loved ones.
  • Cooled passion, which has turned love into a routine, leads to quarrels and insults for any reason. The girl, trying to prove to her indifferent partner that she needs attention, deliberately raises her voice and hurls accusations.
  • The beloved projects a model of behavior for her own family, where the mother insulted the father, and for the daughter this behavior is natural.
  • Jealousy. A girl with an imperious character, who has crushed an accommodating gentleman under her, cannot stand it if someone from her environment pays friendly attention to her companion, and not to her.
  • Poor health. Illness tends to spoil character, and women are fragile creatures and are subject to mood swings due to illness. Aggression towards a loved one grows out of these problems.

When the cause of destructive behavior is clear, you can move on to the second phase of conflict resolution.

Development soft and information

Hello, this is Lesha Doc .

And in this article I will answer the question of the guy who sent me a letter, and the question is “If a girl is rude, what should I do?”

By the way, I have made 3 new products that may be of interest to you

What to do if you don’t have a beautiful girlfriend or the girl left?

click here

What to do if others show disrespect to you?

click here

What to do if you don’t have a good job, but you need one now?

click here

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally .

On the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential).

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

And here is his letter:

Hi Lesha. Your useful information from the articles helps to change and develop. This is my situation, I don’t know what to do...

I’m 23, she’s 20, we’ve been dating for a year and a half , everything was normal as always, communication was sex, etc., everything was fine, the girl sometimes demanded something but within reasonable limits, in general everything was good and mutual.

Over the past 3 months, the girl has become extremely irritable , and she usually takes it out on me, sometimes I’m walking too fast, sometimes too slow, sometimes I’ve walked around a pole on the wrong side, etc. In general, it’s already some kind of absurdity.

He is rude, sometimes insults my opinion is considered quite rarely , as if there is no more respect on his part at all, he believes that everything should be as she thinks and not otherwise.

She is constantly offended : then I told her, I’m sorry, I don’t have money, we won’t go there, these are immediately ***istic arrogant answers in my direction, or silence and answers in the spirit, clear, understandable, etc.

Or I say, I can’t do it today, there’s a lot of work, she’s having another attack of irritation. Many times I tried to talk to her normally about this topic and the answer was always, “Oh, don’t whine,” “Don’t be stupid,” etc., or she simply shows all her pride and arrogance and simply remains silent.

always ended up having to apologize in the end , but I just don’t understand why. Always get mad about every little thing.

Constantly tells me what to do , sometimes it happened, you won’t drink it, you will drink it, when I say don’t want to drink it, but I want it, immediately irritation, rudeness, etc.

There have been frequent scandals , which naturally don’t lead to anything good, and every time I have to apologize, she can’t stand criticism at all, if I don’t agree with her on something, I’m her number one enemy. I just can’t do that anymore and I don’t want to give it up, I really liked it, if it weren’t for her terrible character.

Since childhood, I often communicated with girls, I don’t experience any complexes in this regard, of course, sometimes I make compromises, but I’m not going to get henpecked , which is what I told her, in the end everything is fine for several days, then again an outburst of irritation on her part.

We see her 2-4 times a week , and honestly my head is exploding, what’s wrong with her? 3 month pms? or does she lack emotions, adrenaline?

PS, at the same time, the sex is still of high quality and desired on her part.

If you also want to receive an answer to your life situation related to a girl, personally from Lesha Doc, then feel free to subscribe ( form below )

So, what can you say about this girl?

This girl is domineering and aggressive , and there are a lot of them in everyday life, you just need to go outside on a summer day and they are everywhere!

A distinctive feature of such girls is their complete disrespect for the male sex.

Why is that?

Because she, in her entire essence, is a man with balls , who always decides everything herself and her decision is a law that no one can refute.

Such girls always argue with men’s opinions and don’t value this opinion; if a guy starts to argue with her, then she immediately begins to manipulate and throws out words like “I feel sorry for you”

The main task of such a girl is to humiliate a man and be superior to him , to prove to him that he is nobody and his name is nothing. Such girls are convinced that all men are second class and do not represent any value; at most, a man is needed for sex and for her whims!

Such a girl can only live with a complete henpecked man, since she is only attracted to such men, because he is a wingman, in other words, she plays the role of a man in such a couple , and the boy plays the role of a timid girl!

Girls with such a worldview are doomed to complete failure, since such a girl will never be happy , yes, she will earn a lot of money, but she will not be happier because of it.

There will always be anxiety inside her , since she will not be able to escape her feminine roots, and any woman wants a strong male shoulder on which she can rely entirely, but such a girl will never have this!

So, what advice can you give this guy?

If she chose you, it means she sees weakness in you , it is this weakness that attracts her to you and at the same time this weakness drives her crazy, a paradox, but it is so!

If you want to lead a worthless life with this powerful girl, then just obey her like a queen , but if you have at least a little male respect left in you, then leave her and run from her like fire, as she will eat your whole brain out!

This article is only a small part of what is on my website ; there is a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls, without wasting your time.

I used to have a newsletter, but now I've moved everything to the website to make it easier to communicate with you.

Now I have 2 websites: lesha-dok.ru and 4mentv.ru. At the same time, every week I add new articles useful to you to these sites , so in order not to miss them, add these sites to your favorites and visit them periodically. Now there are about 450 articles and 70 videos on 2 sites on topics that are interesting to you.

Articles by Lesha Dok (on the website lesha-dok.ru)

Articles by Lesha Dok (on the website 4mentv.ru)

By the way, I have made 3 new products that may be of interest to you

What to do if you don’t have a beautiful girlfriend or the girl left?

click here

What to do if others show disrespect to you?

click here

What to do if you don’t have a good job, but you need one now?

click here

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally .

On the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential).

My personal email: [email protected] (all free)

What guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only your relationships with girls will change, but your whole life in general. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))” Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change your own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!" Maxim, Ukraine

“Alexey, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)” Kostya, Minsk.

Clarify the situation - bring it down to earth

If a woman abuses a man in a relationship because of health problems, then she should be taken to the doctor. When aggression is based on other reasons, it is time for a man to take himself by the collar and turn from an easy-going lamb into a wise lion, showing ferocity only when the matter demands it.

Did the woman outright lie? Have a heart-to-heart talk with her, explaining that such behavior is unacceptable. When all the “i’s” are dotted and the statuses of goddess and slave are removed, the relationship will develop on equal terms.

You should not be hysterical, proving that you, too, are a person worthy of respect. Just explain your feelings and calmly warn that such a relationship is impossible. Continuing a toxic relationship will destroy the connection. Separating for a while is useful as education. The girl, finding herself alone, will understand that she can forever lose the person dear to her. Someone whom she previously considered worthless and incapable of daring actions.

What to do if a girl is rude when meeting you

First, choose the girls you meet more carefully. You shouldn't approach everyone. Secondly, improve your appearance. Third, communicate normally, calmly and politely. Compliance with these rules guarantees 99.9% that the girl will not be rude to you when meeting you.

If you do find yourself in the unfortunate 0.01%, and she is rude to you, remember that this is an ordinary weak woman standing in front of you, and her behavior is caused by complexes or another mental disorder. Look at her sympathetically and wish her a good day. You can sort things out and be rude in response, but you shouldn’t. Who knows, maybe in the future you will cross paths at work or you, for example, will meet her friend. Do you need to be talked about as someone who is rude to women? I think no. Therefore, if a girl is rude when you meet her, politely say goodbye to her and go meet another woman. If in 100 approaches one girl is rude to you, it means that you just ended up with a not entirely adequate friend or a girl in a bad mood. You shouldn’t pay attention to this at all – anything can happen. Laugh to yourself at this fool and go ahead to meet other, adequate girls, pleasant communication with whom will quickly lift your mood.

Why you shouldn't tolerate humiliation from a girl

A man by nature is a leader. And the caustic attacks of a toxic person, the deliberate belittlement of dignity, suppresses the personality and reduces self-esteem. A guy who is humiliated by a girl in a relationship loses the integrity of his nature. His life guidelines are blurred, which negatively affects success in all areas.

The more often a friend resorts to humiliating her partner, the faster his guilt and inferiority complex grows. The feeling of happiness goes away, and the time comes for depression and dissatisfaction with the whole world.

Continuing to endure insults, you doom yourself to loneliness. After all, with the help of gaslighting, a woman, albeit unconsciously, gets you to admit her worthlessness. Which gives her an internal reason to look for a more worthy candidate, capable of “masculine” actions. And he will leave you, like a victim tormented by insults, without regret.

Should you tolerate insults?

Often people give in to their anger and start saying unpleasant things to others. You should understand that if you are attacked with insults more than once and even after you asked the girl not to shout or call you names, then this phenomenon will continue to occur. It's a girl's character to offend. She does not understand that she is making you feel bad and unpleasant. Therefore, it will continue to do so.

Tolerate insults or not? For the first time, you can be patient, because people don’t always get along perfectly when they get to know each other. You simply warn the girl who is insulting you that it is unpleasant for you and you want not to be talked to like that. Give her some time to overcome her habit of at least communicating with you disrespectfully, reminding her that you don’t like it. But if she doesn’t want to control herself in your presence and periodically explodes with insults, then you shouldn’t tolerate it. It will never stop, and you will gradually learn that you are always to blame for everything. You need it? Do you want to be constantly guilty? If yes, then continue to tolerate insults directed at you.

Why is being insulted the problem of the person who is being so disrespectful? It is not your fault that the other person did not like something and decided to express his dissatisfaction. You don't always have to be comfortable and nice to others, just like they are to you. Therefore, unpleasant situations do not yet give another person the right to “get angry.”

The person who insults believes that he is right about what happened. He perceives his opinion as the only correct one, and sees you as the guilty one. Although in fact the following happened: you did not act as the girl wanted, and because she did not like your action, she decided to blame you. In this way, the insulting young lady is simply trying to “knock the ground out from under your feet” so that you doubt the correctness of your actions and take her side. This is a kind of manipulation to make you change your mind and act as the manipulator wants.

If a girl has stooped to the level of abuse, this is a clear sign that she is unhappy. The girl is unhappy only because you did not do what she expected of you. Although happiness is the fruit of the activity of a person himself, and not the result of the actions of other people. The girl who is abusing you wants you to do everything to make her happy. This, in fact, is what she accuses you of: that you did not make her happy. But how can you deprive someone of happiness if it depends only on the person himself? No one can make you happy if you don’t want to be that way, just as no one can make other people happy if they themselves don’t do anything for it.

You shouldn't tolerate being insulted. It's not your problem that the girl didn't like your decision to act differently than she expected. If you do not want to be constantly guilty, lower your self-esteem and be manipulated, then you should not continue communicating with a girl who insults you. This shouldn't be your problem. If she doesn’t respect you, allowing herself unflattering comments, then let it be her problem. And you are free to communicate with those girls who accept and respect your opinion, even if they don’t like it.

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