“Do you respect me?”: what happens if a woman doesn’t respect...

Respect for a man is the foundation of a happy relationship. Having met “the one,” women see only advantages in a guy: intelligence, sense of humor, readiness to help at any moment. But after six months, the rose-colored glasses disappear. It turns out that the chosen one smokes in the car, goes on a solo hike every weekend, and prefers to watch TV series instead of walking the dog. Respect disappears, along with love, passion and harmony. What does respect mean in a relationship, why and why to respect a man, and what happens if you don’t? Let's figure it out together.

What does it mean to respect a man?

Girls! Let's do a little experiment. Write in the comments: do you think that respecting your partner is important? Now answer honestly: do you really respect your chosen one?

Often women understand how important respect is in a couple, but cannot show this feeling to their partner. Respect refers to a respectful attitude based on the recognition of merit. Agree, everyone has advantages. But in long-term relationships, people sometimes stop seeing each other's strengths and focus on their weaknesses.

Reasons for losing respect for a man from a psychological point of view:

  • The attitude “respect must be earned.” Forces your partner to constantly work hard for the sake of your favorable smile. Of course, even an ideal man cannot withstand such a rhythm, gradually losing respect in women's eyes.
  • Lack of an example of a strong man in childhood. Growing up without a father (or with a “problematic” father), girls do not understand the role of a guy in a relationship. They have an example of a strong woman - a mother who solves any problems on her own. In such a scheme, a man seems an unnecessary element.
  • The influence of modern culture. Many films and TV series also do not contribute to the formation of deep respect for the male sex. Guys are often shown as weak, lazy characters who live at the expense of their family.

In addition, many girls have their own list of a man’s responsibilities. If a partner does not fulfill them, he quickly loses his Prince status.

Be gentle and affectionate

In essence, we all want the same thing - a reverent attitude and affection from a partner. Women often accuse men of callousness and lack of romance in relationships. However, it is also quite common for women to be rude to their partner. If now it seems to you that tenderness and even kindness are in no way related to showing respect, you are mistaken.

People think that showing their emotions regularly is a waste of time. Like, my soulmate already knows how I feel about her. Believe me, no!

For many people, tactile contact and a gentle word mean much more than gifts - no matter how paradoxical it may be. So, if you feel that respect in a relationship has disappeared without a trace, start by showing love and care.

Why is it important to respect a man?

What happens when a girl stops respecting her boyfriend? From a girl's point of view:

  1. She notices more and more flaws.
  2. Irritation grows: “he doesn’t help around the house,” “he leaves dirty dishes,” “he chose a stupid gift.”
  3. Libido decreases: a dissatisfied woman is not able to relax and truly want a man.
  4. The quality of sex deteriorates: a feeling of discord in the family is created.
  5. Mutual grievances accumulate, claims mount, quarrels break out for any reason.
  6. The female position changes from “this is the perfect guy!” to “why am I wasting my time with a loser?” Although the person objectively remained exactly the same as on the first dates!

How does a man feel at this time?

  1. Every day he sees less joy in the eyes of his beloved, more pent-up discontent.
  2. It seems to him that his partner has become less attractive. This is explained by hormones: a satisfied woman “exudes” oxytocin, the hormone of love, and a dissatisfied woman “smells” of cortisol, the stress hormone. In other words, there are no more pheromones, the “chemistry” disappears.
  3. The house from a “safe haven” turns into a place of military action, where he hears: “I should do this, I should do that,” “I did it badly,” “How long can I wait,” “But Vika has a husband.”
  4. As a result, the relationship collapses. Everyone believes that the other is to blame. In fact, the reason lies in the lack of respect.

Girls, tell me, have you come across similar examples in life?

Don't be offended or hold a grudge

Everyone knows that women are offended with enviable regularity. Sometimes they cannot even explain what happened. However, this is not a fun game for men. They sincerely don't understand what's going on. A responsible partner who shows you respect will try to resolve the situation to eliminate the discomfort and awkwardness between you. If such situations happen every day, then the man will respect you less and less.

Think for yourself: you are trying with all your might to establish contact with your partner and understand what he is not happy with in your relationship, but he continues to create conflict situations, after which he cannot even explain himself to you. How would you feel?

How to learn to respect a man?

Do you want to save your relationship? You need to learn to respect your partner. Thus, you respect your own choice, yourself. How to do it?

  1. Accept a person as he is. This doesn't mean you have to put up with an alcoholic or abuser! If a guy is rude and communicates poorly with you, you are always free to break off any connection. But there is no need to remake him, to believe that under the influence of your love he will change. If you want to correct your partner's behavior, just talk to him. I often touch on the topic of frankness in articles from the “Ideal Love Relationships” section.
  2. Trust your partner's decisions. It can be difficult for girls to relax and let a man “steer.” However, this is the only way to awaken a sense of responsibility for the family in a guy. I discuss the advantages of the classic distribution of roles in a couple in the publication “As I said, so it will be!”: who should be the head of the family in modern relationships.”
  3. See the virtues of your loved one. Remember how wonderful the man was to you when you met! You appreciated his romanticism or pragmatism, business acumen or deep dreaminess. He has not changed - all these qualities live in him. Remember this, and then you will remain in love for many years.
  4. Do not criticize your partner in front of strangers. It’s better not to criticize at all. You can express your concerns, disapproval or request, but in a gentle manner. For example, using the “Compliment + program + compliment” technique. You will find its detailed description on the official website of Pavel Rakov. It is generally prohibited to criticize a man in front of strangers.

Girls, remember: strong relationships are built on respect. But it is equally important to be able to defend personal boundaries, continue to grow and develop as a person, and build constructive dialogues with your partner. You can learn all this at the free webinar “House of Harmonious Relationships.”

What else do you think you need to know and be able to do in order to become happy in a relationship?

Respect for your husband is the secret of a happy family

Not an easy task

If we talk about respect for husbands, we must admit that many women do not always understand what this means for men. The reason lies in the psychological differences between men and women. Of course, women also need respect, but life shows that married women most of all complain about the lack of love from their husbands, and men - about the lack of respect from their wives. Therefore, the Apostle Paul wrote: “Let each one of you love his wife as himself; But let the wife fear her husband” (Ephesians 5:33). The word “fears,” which the apostle mentions in his instruction to wives, in this context refers precisely to the area of ​​\u200b\u200brespect.

Eastern wisdom

In the east they say: “If a wife respects her husband, then his neighbors will respect him; if neighbors respect you, the whole village will respect you; and if the village respects him, then the whole world will respect him.” A respectful attitude towards your husband is his “fuel”. For a woman who not only loves her husband, but also respects him, a man will want to “move mountains.”

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What is respect

Respect does not mean subjecting yourself to absolute and unconditional submission or suppression. Men absolutely do not want to see a silent and weak-willed slave at home. Respecting your husband means sincerely recognizing his strengths. This means realizing that he is the very first person in your life, and all other people dear to you, including children, parents and girlfriends, are inferior to him in importance.

Only in a family where a wife sincerely respects her husband and trusts his decisions does a full-fledged upbringing of children occur. When the time comes for adult children to create their own families, remembering the relationship between mother and father, they will have every chance to build the right model of relationships with their spouses and avoid many problems.

Here you will find out the answer to the question: “What is missing to be truly courageous?”

What does it mean to respect your husband in practice?

The main and fundamental need of a man is his great desire to take care of those he loves, especially when enough respect is shown to him. A husband feels like a man when he bears responsibility not only for himself, but also for the entire family.

In practice, respecting your husband means:

  • Appreciate his work as the breadwinner of the family.
  • Recognize his status and authority as a leader.
  • Recognize his masculine strength.
  • Treat his interests and hobbies with understanding.
  • Recognize his merits and achievements.
  • Trust his decisions.
  • Appreciate what he does for you and tell him about it.
  • Listen carefully when he speaks.
  • Talk to him without arrogant shades in your voice.
  • Do not criticize or make comments to him in the presence of children and strangers.
  • Respect his parents.

By respecting and appreciating your husband, you contribute to maintaining a good relationship. You are investing in your future, your family and your children. Respect and love form a chain reaction and response.

Be happy!

Olesya Vereshchak, psychologist, teacher, newspaper "Accent"

Newspaper “Hidden Treasure” No. 02 (250) February 2022


There are also hidden signs of disrespect for a woman:

The wife is the last to know everything, and most often from friends and relatives. The husband does not consider it necessary to talk about anything, about his plans, for example, about where they will go on vacation with the whole family.

  • Does not allow you to do what you love or hobby. At the same time, he creates fog, and it looks like he cares about his wife.
  • Doesn't keep his promises.
  • Pays attention to other women, compares them with his wife, while the wife is always in a losing position.
  • Doesn't pay attention to his wife's requests, spending time on gadgets.

Needless to say, living with such a man is very difficult, and the question arises - why live with such a man? In the name of what? Love?

But, let's be honest, what kind of love can we talk about if they wipe their feet on you?

I will never believe that you can love a person who mocks you, is rude, rude, calls you names, humiliates you and does all the other things that can happen in such a destructive relationship.

Personally, I think such relationships are psychological violence against a woman.

= = =

You can justify yourself ad infinitum as to why I live with such a man, but life won’t get better from it. Frequent excuses for why I tolerate such treatment almost always sound the same:

  • I love him;
  • I have nowhere to go;
  • I don’t have a job and my child is small;
  • He loves me, he just doesn’t understand what he’s doing;
  • I feel sorry for him, I’ll leave and he’ll disappear.

I suggest you give it one more try to change your relationship. Try to learn to say the right words at the right moment! Download the free checklist “22 phrases that will save your relationship”!

In consultations, women often say that they have no choice, they cannot break off the relationship because they are financially dependent on the man.

There is always a choice! Another thing is that it’s scary. It's always scary to change your life, especially so radically. I remember when I was already an adult and got married, I once asked my mother: “Why don’t you leave your father?”

In response, I heard, I have nowhere to go, I’m no longer a girl to wander around apartments.

By the way, she was only about 45 years old then.

Unfortunately, the fear of change does not allow you to take care of yourself, create normal conditions for life, and perhaps in the future, meet a normal man and create a relationship with him.

There is such a deceptive moment, it seems that if I understand why my husband treats me with disrespect, then I can change the relationship.

Of course, there are certain reasons why things happen. But will knowing the reasons somehow help influence the situation?


  • Nobody is perfect. There is no need to try to change a person. Everyone has his own path. Better take care of your emotional state;
  • admit that you are not always right. Then you will be able to make decisions and opinions of a man without hysteria;
  • By criticizing, we hide the psychological discomfort inside. But he's not going anywhere. Continuing to judge is not the answer;
  • Write down the positive qualities of a man that you admire. Do not forget about them in difficult times;
  • remember what you are grateful for. And is the criticism worth it?
  • give a man a chance to earn respect: to prove himself, to prove his opinion, to defend his point of view.

Team Growth Phase, Growth Phase

Accept the person with all the pros and cons

Unfortunately, women often start living with completely different men whom they really want to see next to them. You should not hope that you can radically change a person, because such thoughts are quite selfish. You don’t take into account whether a man wants this, you don’t take into account his own self-image. Thus, after several years of claims and conflicts, a person does not change, but respect for each other disappears.

  1. It follows from this that you should stop perceiving people as things that need to be altered and adjusted to suit you.
  2. Accept a person with all his strengths and weaknesses, appreciate his individuality and the beauty given by nature.
  3. Don't put yourself above a man by thinking that you are perfect.
  4. There are no ideal people, so you should also constantly work on yourself.

Respect is acceptance.


Having secrets means that you don't trust your partner or don't trust them at all. Perhaps the reason for the appearance of secrets is embarrassment or fear of telling some shameful things, in your opinion. The only way out in such a situation is to tell everything. If a person really loves you, he will not make fun of you, but will show respect and understanding and help solve the problems that arise.

Enjoy pleasant silence

According to statistics, representatives of the fair sex pronounce about twenty thousand words a day, while the stronger half of humanity “speaks” only seven thousand. What could this mean? The whole point is that men need silence. It is vital for them to rest a little in complete peace alone with themselves.

To satisfy your communication needs and not be deprived, maintain friendships with women who you can trust with your everyday stories about everyday life and family problems. Although it’s probably better not to share the latter. Give your man a rest. After some time, full of strength, he will be ready to listen to you and carry on the conversation.

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Be grateful

Be grateful for your husband. Be grateful for your home. Be grateful for your job, children and close relatives. Women who want more reproach their partner for failure, thereby undermining not only their relationship, but also destroying a bright feeling - love. Show your husband gratitude and you will become a better wife in your husband's eyes.

Earn Trust

Trust is a very delicate thing. But despite this, without him it is impossible to build any relationships, especially family ones. You need to trust your partner as you trust yourself.

The key to building trust is simple. Keep your promises, don't lie about your location, be honest with your partner. Don't say you're going to buy bread if you're going to the mall to buy jeans. And if they said that they went to buy a bakery product, go to the nearest stall and strictly follow the intended route. Trust is built from little things. It is enough to lie or let your chosen one down once to lose trust.

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