Changing your image: where to start? Tips from an image stylist

Getting rid of timidity

What does it mean to change your image? This means you want to get rid of the past, show interest in yourself, attract positive attention, and arouse sympathy. For a woman to completely change herself, it will take a lot of courage and audacity.

Open up to the world from the other side and don’t regret anything. Psychologists advise making changes in your life more often, sometimes radical. Changing your hairstyle, style, and makeup relieves depression, everything sad and frozen.

It has been proven that changing a habitual and boring image can turn a person’s life for the better. Many managed to rise in their careers, experience good changes in their personal lives, and become more self-confident.

Changing your appearance is just the beginning; it is important to change your inner world. To do this, you need to develop your intellect and pay more attention to spiritual perfection.

Why change your clothing style?

It can be difficult to completely change your style because it means giving up years of dressing habits. For example, a girl who wants to meet her loved one or suffers from loneliness puts on jeans, sneakers, a T-shirt, has a short haircut and prefers not to “bother too much” about feminine style - simply because it is unusual and not comfortable for her.

We advise you to read: How to make your clothing style more feminine

And indeed, it is much more comfortable in jeans than in a dress or skirt, and even with heels. But how many chances will she have to attract the attention of that one and only man who will surely pay attention to a girl with a more feminine and romantic style? Even if they have a perfect match in character and attitude to life, the very first thing he will notice in her is her appearance (as well as her appearance in him).

Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice to change your style, especially since it really worked for many.

New image - new life

Now let’s find out what an image is? This is a “put together” image: clothes, hairstyle, makeup, behavior. At first glance, people form an impression of a person.

What elements do people most often focus their attention on:

  • neatness and cleanliness;
  • clothes, hairstyle, makeup for women;
  • posture, manner of movement;
  • timbre, pleasantness of voice;
  • soft, with a twinkle, look;
  • the energy of a men's handshake.

The external image provides others with a lot of information about a particular person. You can change your image, and then the information about you will change, so there is no need to delay this process.

Good for 20 year old girls! They can radically change their hairstyle, hair color, and after the age of 40 they have to carefully think through every detail.

Many women after 40 begin to look at themselves in a new way. A dress that is 6-7 years old ages so much that a woman becomes like an “aunt”. And who in their prime wants to look like an “aunt”? To avoid dullness, a fundamental change is needed.

Stylists will help you radically change your image, but not everyone can find them. If you can’t turn to specialists, you can change your image yourself.

When and where to start changes

When and how radically it is necessary to change the image depends on how critical everything is now. The reasons can be very different: from the banal “I want change” to a change in profession and social status. Whether to change gradually or quickly depends on how much you enjoy the process. There are no boundaries for perfection. Even if the image is good, it can become much better.

Where to begin? You can start by loving the real you and the image you can become. Only a harmonious image attracts. The disharmony between body and image is repulsive. This is at the level of instincts in people. The word "ugliness" means "lack of image." Therefore, it is important to see yourself in the mirror and love yourself as you are.

A good image is built only on love for one’s original physical characteristics. It’s impossible to create anything good if you hate texture and material. Therefore, first the body, face, posture, gait and plasticity. And only then manners, speech, clothes and hairstyle.

How to create a unique image

The main trump card of a young woman who is only over 40 is to be internally free and confident externally. Age is not a reason to be sad, but a need to update your wardrobe, make changes to your hair and makeup, and forget about your complexes.

Where to start changing the image of ladies after 40 years old in order to look not only younger than their age, but also stylish. Stylists advise starting with makeup. Updating your wardrobe is too expensive, and makeup is also expensive, but not too much.

In adulthood, you need to take care of proper makeup, starting in the morning. You can no longer quickly go to the store without putting on lipstick or eyeliner.

If in your younger years you allowed yourself bright makeup, then at 40 you will have to change it. Remove self-tanner and bronzer from your makeup bag: they will make you look much older. At this age, blue under the eyes may appear. Correctors and highlighters can skillfully cope with this problem.

The makeup feature is moisturizing and blush. With age, the skin loses elasticity and color, so choose lifting creams and moisturizing serums for care. If you use foundation, the foundation should have a light texture.

Use concealer to brighten your under-eye area and T-zone. Thanks to this technique, the eyes will become more expressive, fresh, and the skin will begin to glow as in youth. Don't forget about blush. The freshness of your face now depends on them.

Common errors

Stylists point out the main mistake when changing an image is going from one extreme to another.

Many people are convinced that a change in image should be drastic, and everything else will follow, which is fundamentally wrong. Image is, first of all, a mirror of the soul.

If a shy girl puts on a red dress with a deep neckline and at the same time applies bright makeup to her face, it will look at least strange. But if this fashionista decides to introduce elements of a business style, for example, glasses with fashionable frames, or add elements of mystery to her makeup, then her image will sparkle with new colors.

Image makers advise not to flirt in the pursuit of perfection. As a rule, small changes are enough to refresh the image.

Main stages of image change

After switching from bright makeup to a calmer one, you can begin further changes. Next, you need to choose the right basic wardrobe.

Even without buying new things, you can create a base for your wardrobe. Take out of your closet what you wear most often. Now you can go to the store and pick up a couple of suitable things for this item. For example, a white blouse will go well with a skirt and a business suit.

Choose universal items. They make it easier to create a basic wardrobe. The main thing is to consider the color scheme that suits you best.

Forget about faded clothing colors that will make your skin look pale. And you can completely forget about the black top. Pants or skirts can be black, and the top can be light or bright.

Replace black with “rich” blue, bottle green, burgundy, purple, chocolate, graphite.

A girl who decides to change her image can try brighter things, but not flashy ones, but an adult lady should not.

An adult woman should choose quality things. But that doesn't mean they have to be too expensive. High-quality items will emphasize your status and style. Shoes and bags are the most important part of a fashionable look. They must be of very high quality and, if possible, expensive.

You can diversify your wardrobe with scarves, shawls, scarves. Inexpensive, but every day a new look.

The ideal image and style is hair and makeup. No matter how beautiful and expensive clothes you wear, without makeup and with an “auntie’s” haircut, you will not look status-conscious.

Image change and spiritual development

A popular proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” Changing your appearance is the first stage in transformation. It is important to understand that the outer shell should reflect the inner world of a person. Due to a change in image, dramatic changes can indeed occur, but in order to consolidate your achievements, constant intellectual and spiritual development is necessary.

Still, when someone decides to change, it means getting rid of or acquiring some qualities. For example, a modest woman who puts on an expensive business suit expects that in her new outfit she will be perceived as a successful woman. It is worth pointing out here that changes in appearance can give some self-confidence, but in order to achieve real success, comprehensive work on your inner “I” is necessary. Sometimes, in order to achieve a goal, people have to turn to psychoanalysts to resolve an internal conflict, and this is absolutely the right decision.

Only after a person achieves inner harmony can we talk about some kind of global metamorphosis.

My own stylist

If you can’t get to a stylist, you can also beautifully change your style at home.

  1. First decide what kind of new appearance you want. For example, if you only wore trousers or jeans, but decided to switch to dresses and skirts, then leave all the blouses, jeans and the most fashionable trousers.
  2. Then clean out your wardrobe. Throw away old, out-of-fashion clothes without regret. The clothes you put aside should be strictly reviewed: do they highlight your advantages, how easy it is to choose shoes and accessories for your new wardrobe.
  3. Make a shopping list for your new image, so that things match each other, and go shopping. Don't try to buy everything at once, otherwise you will make mistakes.
  4. The right shoes will complement your new look. Mid-heeled pumps will help create a sophisticated style.
  5. Pearl jewelry can also emphasize status and delicate taste. Precious metals will be the highlight of the look. Just don't overload yourself with decorations.
  6. Hair should be well-groomed and neatly styled. Avoid unkempt hair; elegantly tied up in a ponytail or bun looks more feminine. Girls can wear their hair loose. They will emphasize youth and enthusiasm.
  7. If you want to change your hair color, then change it gradually. This way you will find something that will truly make you look younger and more elegant.

Changing the style - in what situations is this necessary?

To understand which direction is best for you to move when choosing a new image, we advise you to determine the priorities in your life. What is most important to you - now and in the future? For example, these situations could be:

  1. you want to make a career and expect to be promoted in the near future, which means you should work on your business image and create an up-to-date office wardrobe that will highlight your career aspirations;
  2. you want to start a family, find your soulmate and get married - then you should think about creating a more feminine and romantic image;
  3. you don’t like to dress up, everything is fine in your personal life, you are not a career woman - then a casual and fashionable look will be what you need;
  4. you are a young mother on maternity leave, or a housewife, or perhaps a novice blogger - in this case, you have a great reason to organize your wardrobe in accordance with fashion trends.

There can be a great variety of situations, but the main rule is to arrange your wardrobe in such a way that it helps you achieve your goals and plans, and does not interfere with them, and also increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

We also advise you to change your style if you want positive changes in life, updating your external and internal resources.

How to change your image with your hairstyle

A haircut or a new hairstyle will help change your image more than clothes and makeup. Moreover, a haircut will help rejuvenate the image and hide the flaws in appearance that appear with age.

The haircut configuration should be selected taking into account the appearance, shape of the face, nose, forehead, and neck. Hair color is also important. After 40, avoid reddish and black colors, which will emphasize wrinkles on the face and neck.

Every woman should know that after 40, hair length below the shoulders, curls, nests or backcombs will make the most youthful looking woman look. If you don’t want to part with long hair, then do your hair in such a way that your neck remains open.

What haircuts will change your appearance for the better? Haircuts in the form of a cascade have a rejuvenating effect. They add volume to any hairstyle.

Page and pixie haircuts are the most popular among short haircuts. The pageboy haircut is becoming especially popular.

It has its own characteristics:

  • Beautifully opens the neck, emphasizing its contours;
  • Hide the ears if you don't like them;
  • Will highlight the beautiful oval of the face.

Styling is the simplest, the main thing is cleanliness and well-groomed hair.

For medium hair, cascading haircuts, bobs, and long bobs are suitable. Cascading haircuts are suitable for hair of any length. At the top of the head, the hair is cut shorter, and then the strands are gradually lengthened.

Long hair looks better with curls and soft waves.


If we talk about how to change a girl’s image, then we shouldn’t forget about makeup. Nowadays it is not necessary to complete special courses or have an art education to learn how to paint beautifully. To do this, you can again turn to the Internet.

Beauty bloggers, of which there are a great many now, are always ready to tell, show and even personally suggest what exactly and how to do. You can choose the appropriate eyebrow shape, choose the desired shade of eye shadow, or learn how to draw arrows without leaving home. All it takes is a little patience and access to social networks.

You should choose the appropriate daily makeup based on the selected examples. But it is important to understand that the girl in the picture does not always look exactly like this. When looking for suitable makeup, you should not look at the one you just liked (most likely, it will not be suitable for every day). It’s better to look for the same model, but with light everyday makeup and try to replicate it.

Hairstyles that require no maintenance

A woman over 40 is an active lady who works and often raises children alone. She requires low maintenance hairstyles.

Bean. This is the most popular hairstyle among women in their prime. Types of haircuts: bob, asymmetrical, layered.

Kare - does not require special care.

Garson - or “like a boy.” Today, older women and young girls cut their hair this way. A haircut suits everyone.

Bangs are a quick trick to change your image. If you want to change your appearance, change the shape of your bangs. It is this detail that makes the face look young, hides wrinkles, and gives expressiveness to the eyes.

If your hair is thick, then choose straight bangs.

Coraya – suitable for square face types.

Graduated. Unevenly cut strands create a feeling of carelessness. Uneven bangs are suitable for any face shape and are optimal for a high forehead.

Torn bangs are most suitable for ladies over 40, giving the image both softness and sexual aggressiveness. Suitable for chubby ladies.

Arched - suitable for women who wear classics.

Curly. A clear cut will help you quickly change your image.

Asymmetrical. Brave girls choose this bangs.

You can avoid plastic surgery and look younger by changing your image.

People around me began to criticize me often.

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How to change my image, because I am constantly discussed in the team? Calm down, take control of your will and weigh the situation sensibly. Yes, it takes away the mood to do something! Yes, this is very unsettling! A victim ceases to be a victim when he decides to take responsibility.

You can’t shift the blame to your upbringing or financial situation. The opinions of others allow you to determine what is worth working on. After intensive work on your appearance and behavior, a positive reaction will not keep you waiting long. After nervous breakdowns and self-isolation, faith in the best is born!

Changed stars

Screen or pop stars change their style and image in order to always look young and attract viewers to their person. Stars who have changed their image look especially fresh and bright.

World-class designers and stylists work on their appearance. Some famous personalities make drastic changes for the sake of popularity and adoration of the public. Italian actress Monica Bellucci tried to change her image so much that she is unrecognizable.

Our actress Larisa Guzeeva also underwent a wonderful transformation. Check out the before and after makeover.

Noticeable changes have occurred with Jennifer Lopez. At 50, she looks younger than her years. The actress surprised with a new haircut and color of her locks. The asymmetrical bob and golden hair color made her look 10-15 years old.

As we can see, women who are not afraid to change their image look much younger than before the change. Let's not be afraid of change either!

Appearance is a barrier to success.

Dreams of a modeling career are just around the corner, but there are flaws in your gait? Do you have merit in your profession, but are you missing out on a long-awaited promotion? Obvious shortcomings hinder progress on the path to self-realization. You should ask independent people for their opinions.

Do not be offended by sound criticism, because it may be potentially necessary. A comprehensive assessment is a valuable aid that can change the way you think. The obvious is usually hidden under habits that many do not want to give up.

Stick to the middle

Many women understand that changing their image means radically reshaping themselves. By rushing to extremes, you can make annoying mistakes.

You need to change your appearance gradually. For example, you are a brunette, but want to become a blonde. First, make light “feathers”, and then move on to a stronger blonde.

In addition to obvious mistakes, there are “traps” that prevent you from moving towards your goal:

  • Ignorance of what the concept of “image” includes.
  • You know what to do, but it's hard to move.
  • Fear of judgment prevents you from fully revealing your attractiveness.
  • There is no desire to stand out, to stick to a “gray” image.
  • It's a pity to spend money to change your image.

Finally: knowledge of how to change your image will allow young girls and mature women to begin changing their appearance without fear. Tell us in the comments how you tried to change your look and what happened.

Second step: get to know yourself

If the new image you choose turns out to be disharmonious with your personality, it will not take root, and you will not be able to create the desired impression with its help: it will be obvious to everyone that this is a story sewn with white thread. Before choosing which mask to wear, you should look at yourself in the mirror (in the literal and figurative sense of the word), determine what your advantages are, what suits you.

What points need to be analyzed first:

  • age;
  • social status;
  • Lifestyle;
  • character;
  • your communication style;
  • your manner of expressing yourself;
  • stylistic preferences in clothing;
  • individual characteristics of appearance (type of figure, face, coloring).

After analyzing your “baggage”, think about what of it you would like to keep, what you would not mind getting rid of, what would be desirable to emphasize, and what needs to be adjusted.

Where to start to change externally?

If a woman has something on her mind, it will be difficult to dissuade her. And assurances that she is already beautiful will not help, because periodically changing her appearance, style, and makeup is a natural need for girls.

The reasons for such a decision can be very different: low self-esteem, falling in love, self-development, the desire to attract attention and become more popular.

So, in order for a girl to change beyond recognition, she needs to act according to plan:

  • Describe in detail the goals you want to achieve with your transformation: make a guy fall in love with you, get a promotion, become more confident, look sexy, etc.
  • Analyze what benefits will be gained from achieving the goal: you will become more beautiful, successful, popular, etc.
  • Select a specific period of time during which you hope to achieve the desired result: day, week, month. This is important, because in a day you can only dress up and change your haircut, but in a month you can lose a couple of kilograms of weight. And these are already serious changes.

So, once the plan is in place, it's time to act.

In society as “out of place.”

Along the way you meet beautiful people, everyone is so cheerful, but you feel constrained? Complexes about appearance develop after observing others. You don't need to invest a lot in your wardrobe - just buy basic items. They will look great for many years. Sometimes letting yourself go shopping and making your loved one feel good is the best anti-stress! The nature of behavior and manners are formed from the inner worldview. Working on your own complexes will free you from many prejudices.

Psychological aspects

First, let's talk about when a radical change in image most often occurs.

  • With a feeling of incompleteness of life, dissatisfaction with it. A person wants to “turn life around 180 degrees” and for this he changes both externally and internally.
  • A person seems to himself to be “dull”, “nothing” and believes that people do not perceive him the way he would like . Then a new style of clothing, a new haircut, jewelry, and makeup are used. Changes of this kind usually entail an increase in self-esteem.
  • Very often, a change in image occurs as a result of choosing a different lifestyle. For example, a girl started playing sports and lost a lot of weight. Now she feels sexy, instead of baggy clothes that hide extra pounds, she wants to wear dresses with a neckline, shorts, and tight jeans.

What can you change about yourself if you’ve already tried everything?

Get a tattoo, eyelashes, nails

Try an interesting manicure - it can add unexpected touches to your look. It is also quite possible that eyelash extensions or eyelid tattooing will add more expressiveness to your look.

Get yourself a tattoo

If you have been dreaming of a tattoo for a long time, and this is not an impulsive decision, then perhaps it’s time to make your dream come true? Choose a salon with positive reviews or make an appointment with a specialist based on recommendations - for sure, even a small design on the body that you like will give you the opportunity to feel yourself in a new way.

Dye your hair an unexpected color

Hair color plays a big role in the overall look. The same woman with different hair color looks completely different. Try experimenting with your hair, but make sure in advance that these changes will still suit you.

Trim your long locks or add extensions if you have short hair.

Of course, you can conduct unexpected experiments not only with hair color, but also with its length. Many women don’t even know what they look like with waist-length hair, only because they have never been able to grow their hair to that limit. Meanwhile, you may well try to grow your hair in the most gentle way possible, or try on false strands.

Also, some people have been wearing waist-length hair for many years, despite the fact that this hairstyle does not suit them at all, and the curls in general do not look very neat due to split ends or dullness. Subsequently, some of them still cut their braids, making, for example, an elongated bob. As a result, their image becomes more fresh and interesting, and their hair looks much healthier.

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