To quit or not - how to make a decision if in doubt? How to understand that it's time to quit

Almost every person spends a considerable part of his life at the workplace. In view of this, the working regime, wages and other conditions should give satisfaction to the worker. It is this kind of activity that is worthy of attention. But if every morning the thought arises: “I don’t want to go to work,” then it’s worth analyzing the reasons for this reluctance.

If this is simple laziness, but everything else is fine, then you need to work on yourself. If you don’t like your job, and there is a whole list of things in which it doesn’t suit you, then it’s best to consider the option of changing your team, office, or even field of activity.

Self-destruction instilled in childhood

How to make a decision when in doubt? There are many ways and tricks that will help you cope with this task. First of all, you need to refuse the recommendations of people who lived in Soviet times. After all, they never had the thought: “I don’t want to go to work,” they only had the understanding that they had to go and should be grateful to their employer for helping them earn their bread and butter. What can I say, such an inveterate thought was introduced to our ancestors by the experienced “slave owners” of those times. And if they were looking for a new job, then before leaving the old one. So as not to take risks and not be left with nothing.

From childhood they were told: “Work, otherwise you won’t earn enough to retire, work in one place so that the state will value you and provide for you in your old age.” You can talk about this topic for a long time, the main thing is, before you hear them, take a look at whether their activities in one workplace were overrated? Do they live without denying themselves anything? Probably not.

Method 9 - Think outside the box

Often a problem has many more solutions than you think. Try to expand the list of possible outcomes of events. Most likely, among them there will be many quite suitable ones. How to do it? There is only one way out - to connect independent sources of information. Search the Internet, ask questions on forums, read books, in the end. This will allow you to look at the problem from a different perspective.

Another way to find a creative solution is to ask your child. There is an interesting list floating around the Internet - 100 rules of the dark lord. Here is a quote from this list:

“One of my advisors will be an ordinary five-year-old child. Any flaws he notices in the plans will be corrected before the plans begin to be implemented.” (c) Peter Anspak

A joke is a joke, but there is some truth here. Children have an unclouded view of things and often see things that adults do not notice or do not want to notice. Therefore, if you have children, why not ask them? The result may be, frankly speaking, unexpected.

Of course, this is not a complete list of ways to make a difficult decision . You could write a whole book, or maybe a series of books, about this. The most important thing is that a decision must be made. Take action, look for options and solve problems. After all, inaction is the biggest enemy of an entrepreneur.

Solution path

Therefore, you should not be afraid to move from place to place until you find a job that will bring joy and not burden your life. That is, first of all, you must realize that there is nothing wrong with changing your job or profession. Do not follow the lead of those who adhere to the opinion established over the years that one must endure and work through force. Of course, it’s good if you like the job, and you will work at it for decades, conquering career heights. But if the work is not to your liking, then there is no need to waste your energy.

Of course, you shouldn’t prove to your grandparents or mom and dad that they are not modern and don’t understand anything. Understand that this is their opinion and they have the right not to deviate from it. Nevertheless, you are a person of a new generation who is more confident and knows what was inaccessible to your ancestors. So just go your own way and don’t let the decision be made for you.

Method 3 - better 1 time on time than 2 times correctly

There was one case in our practice. Two partners decided to open an online sporting goods store. Everything went as usual: the guys made a website using the Insales builder, found suppliers of goods and rented an office. All that's left to do is to develop a corporate identity and logo for the company. We could have not bothered and done everything in the site settings, but these are not our heroes.

It was decided to find a designer and order a layout from him. We spent a month looking for someone suitable: the budget was limited and no one wanted to do the work for 3 kopecks. As a result of the search, a familiar freelancer was found who, out of friendship, agreed to develop the design almost free of charge. It would seem beautiful. But it only seemed so.

Nobody wants to work when they live well, and the designer didn’t want to start working - he was busy with other orders. Another month has passed. The online store has not yet been launched, losses are already occurring: rent for the office, online cash register and all that. When the designer finally did the work, the guys didn’t like it. They forced me to redo it, and that's another month of waiting. As a result, they lost so much money that it was possible to hire a specialist under a contract and pay for his work. Or make the design yourself for the first time. And then, slowly, work on your corporate style.

Common reasons for dismissal

How do you know when it's time to quit? This question has a lot of answers. After all, each person has his own reasons and ambitions. However, there are a number of underlying issues that cause people to break down and leave their jobs. These include:

  • Feeling of self-doubt during working hours. When a person cannot be himself in the office where he spends a large part of his life, over time he begins to burn out. He doesn’t know whether to quit or not, and is carrying an unbearable burden, suppressing his temper and forgetting that he is a person. When the last drop of patience falls into the cup, the employee finds ways to decide to quit, and does it without hesitation.

  • There is not a moment left to yourself. If a job brings income, but a person cannot even afford to go to a hairdresser or undergo a medical examination, then such activity is exhausting, and the search begins for a vacancy that will allow him to take care of himself and live in pleasure. Only workaholics can withstand such a busy schedule, while others leave such jobs.
  • Low salary is a common reason for dismissal. Only a few who do not have any professional qualities agree to work for pennies. The majority of people are not ready to sell their time for a nominal fee, so they leave their jobs in search of a better place.
  • Harmful to health. Whether it's a productive workshop that has a detrimental effect on health, or a dusty office where you can't breathe, many people don't like these conditions. Hence, this becomes another common reason for quitting.
  • Insult and biased attitude on the part of superiors is another nuance that becomes the reason for the dismissal of personnel from the company.
  • There is no opportunity to grow in your career. Before you decide that it’s time to quit, you need to understand for sure whether all doors at the stage of career growth are really closed for you. The lack of such an opportunity puts many people into a stupor, and the desire to work disappears.

In any case, before deciding whether to quit or not, it is worth analyzing the reasons why such a desire arose. Perhaps you are just tired, or maybe you really should leave your unloved, exhausting job forever.

Choice between extremes

Seeing the world in black and white, we always strive to solve problems based only on a choice - yes or no. Meanwhile, in nature there are many colors and tones that make the world more beautiful. Likewise, the compromises that can be made in the search for a solution can make the choice more varied and less difficult. If we manage to find an acceptable option between yes and no, this can be a great success. When making a choice between the profession of a doctor and a musician, we mistakenly believe that this can only be solved radically, by choosing one profession to the detriment of the other. But who prevents a doctor from also being a musician in his free time? And then a doctor is not a life sentence, but just a stage in life. If you realize that this is not your calling, you can change your profession more than once. So why go to extremes, putting yourself into stress with the decision you make?

Feeling in danger

Before making a decision, if you are in doubt about its soundness, it is worth considering whether the work is safe. If while at work:

  • You are being threatened.
  • Your life is regularly at risk.
  • Your activities are associated with dangerous people.

There are two solutions. The first one is to try to solve the problem by contacting senior management. The second of them, if the first did not help, is dismissal. After all, there is nothing more important than safety and a sense of security for a person. You can always find a place where it will be comfortable and safe.

Method 6. “Delay”

If you can't make a choice and make a decision, give yourself a break. When you're excited and your brain is overloaded with information, it's very difficult to make the right choices. Remember how often you made the wrong decision in a hurry and then regretted it? To prevent this from happening, take a break, calm down, and once again carefully analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your choice. There are not many situations in life that require instant decision making, so don’t be afraid to put it off for a while.

Work is harmful to health

How do you know whether or not to quit your current job? Yes, very simple! If your job is harmful to your health and makes you weak, then it is not your job.

No matter how much money you pay for your work, no matter how great the team is and how interesting the work is, if at the end of the month you give half of your salary to a medical institution in order to improve your health, such a place is not worth the candle.

Unbiased analysis

When making a decision, you often have to give up something, sacrifice your interests to choose an alternative. To prevent your loss from being so bitter, try to impartially analyze what exactly you are losing and why it is being done. Does the end goal justify this loss and how important is it to you? When you can understand exactly what you will lose and what you will get in return, the decision may not be as painful and difficult as it first seemed.

To understand the depth of your loss, say to yourself something that you will never do or see again.

Awareness of the need for sacrifice on your part for the sake of a higher goal psychologically sets up a courageous decision to refuse some benefits if this choice is vitally necessary.

Feeling depressed and unsure of yourself

You need to leave your job if you are no longer confident that you like what you do. Doing work for show, you will never be able to feel the joy of the activity. When you are not confident in your strengths and capabilities, leaving your current job, there is a risk of grabbing any thread and going to do just anything. In this case, it is much wiser to quit and wait for time to rest and recover from a job that does not satisfy your ambitions and makes you lack self-confidence. Therefore, in the question of “to quit or not,” it is better to make a decision in favor of leaving.

Method 7 - what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax

You have an issue that needs to be resolved. You think a lot, weighing the pros and cons. My head is already swollen with thoughts, but the decision has still not been made. So free your brain and pour it all out on paper . Take a blank sheet and divide it into 2 halves. In the first, write down the advantages of the solution, in the second, its disadvantages. If one part noticeably outweighs another, you will clearly see this.

But here you need to understand that the arguments can be different in significance. One serious advantage can more than cover the entire list of shortcomings. This is especially important when the choice is between personal interests and business interests. The argument “I will sleep peacefully” will easily negate financial well-being, status, and other things. But everyone decides for themselves - there are no universal recipes and everything depends on personal priorities.

You don't have time for yourself

A good job with high pay and a pleasant team should not become the meaning of life. If you, while receiving a salary, cannot even afford to visit a beauty salon or go to the pool, or even just meet friends in a cafe, then it is better to consign such work to the past. Before you change your job to another, be sure to rest and give yourself the attention of your loved one. This will help motivate you to further search for a job that will leave you time to take care of yourself.

Perhaps you are simply setting your priorities and scheduling your work incorrectly. By doing the work according to a plan written with your own efforts, in some cases you may well have time to devote time to yourself. If no way helps, then it is better to leave the disgusted place and write a letter of resignation.

Rely on intuition and the voice of the body

The body cannot be deceived by the logical conclusions that the brain produces, trying to persuade it to a decision: if the body doesn’t like it, it will let you know about it.

Imagine an image of the future result - the first day at a new workplace. So you meet your colleagues, turn on the computer and start working. Notice how your body reacts. Listen to the sensations: if they are unpleasant and the emotions are joyless, then the body is against it. If you feel that your eyes have lit up, you want to move, dance with joy - or your body, on the contrary, reacts calmly and peacefully - this is a good sign.

The salary level does not meet your needs

Do you work all day long, give your employer your time, and at the end of the month you receive a meager salary that is not even enough for food, travel and entertainment? Is it worth working for such a greedy “uncle” who values ​​your efforts so low?

If you know for sure that your professional qualities and skills allow you to get a higher-paying position, then why engage in charity?

If you don’t know how to quit without problems, then simply calmly and without accusations explain to your manager the reason. Tell him that you don’t have enough money for a normal life, you can even tell your boss about your expenses if you trust him with such questions. The boss will probably make a decision in your favor and raise your salary to the level you want. If, due to difficulties with the financial situation in the company or because of the boss’s principles, they cannot pay you enough, then feel free to write a statement. You don't have to work for pennies if your skills allow you to earn a much higher salary.

Leave with the words that you like everything, and if the situation in the company changes, you will be happy to return to your favorite workplace. This will help you leave a low-paying job with a clear conscience. At the same time, you will not cut off ends and you will be remembered as a professional, competent and sociable specialist.

Method 4 - if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law

Or according to your conscience, as you like. There could be a million situations here. For example, you opened your own business and hired employees. In principle, you can already start working, but here’s the problem: the workers have not yet been registered as required. This requires time, which, as always, is not there. And you decide to start sales and conclude employment contracts along the way . And you can save a little on deductions if you give your salary in envelopes. In general, many acquaintances do not register employees as employees and live happily ever after.

You can’t do this and it’s better to do everything right right away. Savings in this case can result in such losses that you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. Therefore, if you have a choice, whether it is convenient or according to the law, do it according to the law . It's cheaper and quieter.

You are being insulted by your manager or colleagues

Bullying is bad in any form. Perhaps you got to work when there was already a close-knit team there for a long time, and you were taken for an object to drain your soul. Or maybe the manager offends and gets personal with all his colleagues. In any case, it is unpleasant to work in such an atmosphere.

There are several ways out of this situation. The first is to explain constructively and in an accessible way to everyone that you will not allow such an attitude towards your person. The second is to start “teasing” your colleagues in the same way, so that they feel for themselves what you feel. The third is to leave the team, which employs unreasonable people with low intelligence. Of course, it's worth leaving your job when you've tried all the options to improve your relationship, but they turned out to be useless. At the same time, you can leave without a twinge of conscience and unnecessary worries.

After all, as a good specialist, you will always find something better.

Any doubts? The “Descartes square” will help

What does a person rely on when he doesn’t know what to do correctly in a given situation?

It is possible to calculate the development of events down to the smallest detail only if you use the theory of probability. And then the value will be very approximate. However, few of us know how to do this. Therefore, by trusting to chance, you can achieve better results than those when a person intends to “swim against the tide” only in order to prove that the decision was correct.

To learn how to correctly assess the current problem and take the decisive step, use the “Descartes square”.

There are many ways that can show the pros and cons of a decision. For example, you can divide a sheet of paper into two parts. In the first column, write down the advantages that you will gain as a result of the decision made. The second is the cons.

The most effective method is considered to be the “Descartes square”. Now the sheet of paper is divided into four parts, each of which contains a question that requires a detailed answer:

  • Positive aspects of getting what you want. (What awaits if you accomplish what you planned);
  • Positive aspects of not getting what you want. (What awaits if you don’t accomplish what you planned);
  • Negative aspects of wish fulfillment. (What can be avoided if you get what you want);
  • Negative aspects of not achieving what you want. (What can be avoided if you don’t get what you want).

By answering the questions asked in each square, you will quickly come to the right decision. Here you need to evaluate and weigh all the pros and cons that may arise as a result of your decision, and make the only correct one.

What influences the search for the right solution?

What is the right decision? This is the distance between the starting point (task) and the point at which a person will receive satisfaction of his needs and plans (solution). This process involves all components of a person’s personality: mind, temperament, emotions, will, character and motivation. All this both helps and hinders the right decisions. Assess yourself, try to remember what exactly motivates you at that moment when you need to mobilize all your efforts to concentrate on one task. Sweep away the unnecessary and remove the unnecessary from yourself.


When searching for the right solution, a person weighs all the components of the expected success. Choose based on the facts, do not be guided by speculation and illusory “what if.” Ignore information that you consider contradictory, look for a rational grain.


Every action you take to solve a problem must be consistent.

The vector of thinking about the problem should be directed to one point. Take the shortest route, without being distracted by lyrical digressions from the topic.


This refers to a person’s ability to quickly respond to a changing situation. With the emergence of new facts that contradict the decision you have chosen, you should adequately assess the situation and take appropriate measures.


When making a decision that is important to you, it is advisable to abstract yourself from other problems. The brain’s efforts need to be directed to a specific task, the completion of which determines peace of mind, material well-being, or the future in general.


Choose facts that are truly noteworthy. Discard unnecessary information, do not consider important what is not worth your attention and effort.

Life experience

When making serious decisions, you should not rely only on your own experience. Consult with smart people, watch TV shows, look for advice on the Internet or books.


Don't put your abilities first. The successes you have achieved before are a combination of your contribution, the help of others and a happy coincidence of circumstances. Draw conclusions from mistakes, try not to “step on the same rake” in the future.

Concentrate, choose the path you will take to make a decision, calm down and act. In the matter of awareness and development of an action plan, there should not be excessive haste, fanaticism and inflated forecasts about the result. These moments reduce the effectiveness of the process and give victory a bitter taste of dissatisfaction.

Lack of career growth opportunities

There are individuals who cannot live without satisfying their ambitions and aspirations. Therefore, for many, stable work in one place, where they pay well and have a friendly team, is insufficient motivation for activity. There are small offices in which there is no question of advancing anywhere, except perhaps to help the manager, which is sometimes impossible.

In this case, it is better for a person to write a letter of resignation and go to a large company where there are chances of promotion for those who try and fulfill the requirements of management.

When leaving an unpromising job, it is worth explaining the reason. Perhaps someday the company will begin to expand, and you will be invited to an interesting position that will be meaningful to you.

Tips on how to decide to quit if everything is bad

If, summing up, you still decide that there are more advantages in your work than disadvantages, then continue to work and work on yourself. If you still firmly decide that it’s time to leave the office forever, you need to take note of the following details:

  1. You are not obligated to give your time to your manager and colleagues if you are uncomfortable working with them.
  2. Only you have the right to decide what work is worthy of your attention.
  3. Don’t agree to “breakfasts” from your bosses, who once again promise to correct the situation and nothing has changed for a long time.
  4. You do not have to risk your health to work for the benefit of a company that is unable to provide normal work conditions.

Be decisive in your actions and plans. Achieve your goal of working where you will have everything you need: conditions, decent salary, pleasant team. If this is not the case, then feel free to quit and look for a better place.

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