Short Orientation Test. Intelligence Questionnaire (IQ)

Try to take the Short Orientation Test CAT online - it is designed to diagnose the level of a person’s intellectual abilities. The CAT technique belongs to the category of intellectual tests that help determine a person’s IQ based on the main parameters: information assimilation, speed and accuracy of material perception, flexibility of thinking, ability to choose optimal solutions, ability to analyze, literacy.

Psychologist's opinion. The short orientation test KOT is optimally suited for selecting applicants for the civil service, law enforcement agencies, and for applicants to universities. Using the CAT methodology, you can analyze the qualities of applicants, obtain detailed information about the psychological state, business qualities, and ability to adapt to the world around you as a whole.

Psychophysiological examination: Ministry of Internal Affairs, law enforcement agencies and army

Great attention is paid to testing in law enforcement agencies that have connections with deviant and criminal populations.
In this case, a full examination is carried out not only upon hiring, but also with a certain frequency during the period of adaptation and further service. Particular attention is paid to employees of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These structures automatically issue “red cards” to applicants who have even minor psychological deviations, or who have had dealings with a narcologist or psychiatrist.

In this case, management needs not only a psychophysiological examination, but also complete anthropometric data. The well-known proverb “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, as interpreted by HR specialists when hiring a new employee, sounds like “Both the body and the psyche must be ready for stress.” And the loads are often colossal. That is why personnel officers use psychophysiological examinations: tests and projective techniques that allow them to identify the necessary psychometric parameters.

Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory or MMPI

(English: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is a personality questionnaire developed in the late 30s and early 40s at the University of Minnesota by Stark Hathaway and John McKinley. MMPI is the most studied and one of the most popular psychodiagnostic techniques designed to study individual characteristics and mental states of a person. Widely used in clinical practice. "MMPI" is a registered trademark of the University of Minnesota.

The methodology was based on a quantitative comparison of the responses of representatives of the normative group with the typical responses of patients in whom one or another syndrome complex clearly predominated in the picture of clinical disorders: hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathy, psychasthenia, paranoia, schizophrenia, hypomania.

In the USSR, adaptation of the technique began in the 1960s as the “Standardized Multifactorial Personality Test” (abbreviated as SMIL). The MMPI2 technique was published in 1989. Authors: J. Graham, A. Tellijen, J. Bucher, W. Dahlstrom and B. Kammer.

CAT test online: questions and answers

Test cat.
Questions and answers. quick online test A businessman bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $550, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car.

And when the psychologist receives all the answers to the questions that interest him, the stage of data analysis begins, that is, the results of the CPP obtained using a polygraph are deciphered.

An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car.

Anyone can sign up to check their compliance with the requirements for officer candidates. This doesn't just apply to new recruits. But you must voice your desire to undergo the appropriate tests when visiting the military commissariat, that is, before the start of all future events.

There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges.

CAT provides psychodiagnostics of the following parameters of intelligence: ability to generalize and analyze, flexibility of thinking, speed and accuracy of material perception, literacy, choice of optimal strategy, etc.

Three partners in a joint stock company (JSC) decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. – $3,500, P. – $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less profit will T receive than if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?

Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final message will be: All progressive people are party members. All leading people occupy major positions. Some party members hold major positions.

Next, you can familiarize yourself with the performance tests for police officers with the answers to them.

Also during the test, a specialist psychologist can check your associative thinking using several folk proverbs and sayings.

When conducting CAT testing, a person is first introduced to the rules and instructions, then they are offered the tasks themselves to complete.

You are given the opportunity to take the CAT test online for free and get the correct answers to it in the diagnostic results.

One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with: “1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.”

Before a young mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, she usually undergoes an ultrasound to assess the condition of the internal cavity of the uterus.

The police are not only respect and authority, but also a career with decent financial support. University graduates and young people who have graduated from schools or colleges become police officers.

It is recommended to take the free psychological test CAT with answers as a training or just out of curiosity to assess your erudition and your mental abilities.

Employees with experience, after the initial selection, are allowed to participate in the competition for management positions, they are sent to study at specialized universities or immediately enter into contracts.

Tips on how to pass the online CAT test

  1. Preparation: The basis for success is solving training exercises. CAT is a collection of numerical, logical and verbal problems, so it is recommended to train in the same way as for aptitude tests. There is no need to memorize the answers - just delve into the topic, understanding the general logic.
  2. Rest: Psychologists advise relaxing the day before the assessment and taking a break from training. This way the information received can be assimilated much better.
  3. Calmness: One of the key skills when taking assessment tests is the ability to cope with stress and the ability to concentrate.
  4. Care: Although there is not enough time to think, it is recommended to carefully read the conditions and answer options. Often, candidates make mistakes due to inattention or because they did not fully understand the task.
  5. Planning: If a question is difficult, it is better to skip it and move on to the next one. This will save time, and the candidate will have time to complete more tasks.
  6. Confidence: Generally, methodical preparation increases self-confidence. If the candidate has solved all the tasks and there is still time left, they return to the most ambiguous questions. But you shouldn’t double-check everything – there’s a high chance of getting even more confused.

Types and categories of compliance

Agnosticism: what is it in simple words, a brief overview, theories

Today there is no single unified list of questions to check the psycho-emotional background and personal qualities of military personnel. Various questions can be asked, including narrowly focused ones (for example, to determine the level of education).

Among the methods, the most common tests are MIOM, MBTI, A. Bas-Darki, Luscher's MCV, California CPI method, Freiburg FPI method, Leary's DME interpersonal test. With their help, the specifics of several psychological qualities of a person are determined at once. To analyze a number of personality components, more narrowly focused questionnaires have been proposed (M. Rokeach’s test, D. Goland’s test, Yovaishi’s questionnaire, R. Cattell’s technique, CAT, etc.).

The most popular assessment program for future officers is the Method of Studying Characteristics of Thinking (MIOM). These are subtests classified into 9 categories, each of which contains a number of tasks for the analysis of a specific psycho-emotional component.

For example, “MIOM-1” is a test of a serviceman’s general awareness, on the basis of which a conclusion is drawn about the citizen’s erudition and common sense. “MIOM-2” is aimed at the ability to classify proposed objects according to general, often not clearly expressed, characteristics.

The list of other types of tests for studying the characteristics of thinking looks like this:

  • “MIOM-3” – analogies;
  • “MIOM-4” – categorization;
  • “MIOM-5” – arithmetic test;
  • “MIOM-6” – establishing numerical patterns by constructing logical series;
  • “MIOM-7” – figures (skills for mentally operating figures on a plane);
  • “MIOM-8” – cubes (by analogy with the previous one, the difference is that the proposed figures are three-dimensional and in three-dimensional space);
  • “MIOM-9” – memory (analyzes the ability to remember and process information).

The completed forms are processed by specialists with specialized education (psychologists) and assigned a category that reveals the level of potential of the serviceman. There are 4 categories in total:

  • A man with the first category is recommended first of all, as he is able to quickly perceive new information and learn various skills.
  • The second category is simply recommended, whose answers contain errors (from a psychological and logical point of view) and lag behind the first category.
  • With the third category, a person is recommended conditionally.
  • Holders of the fourth category are not recommended for service and high positions.

The psychological test is not the only thing that awaits applicants for officer ranks. They also conduct conversations in the form of interviews, where psychologists ask their professional questions

What are some sample questions asked?

Test cat problem analysis

On a psychological test, the psychologist asks various questions (for example, “Why did you want to become a police officer?”). Then the applicant is asked to draw several figurative drawings (“I”, “Holiday”).

Then, the Luscher color psychological test is carried out. In this case, several cards with colors are placed in front of the candidate and they are told: “Pick up a card of the color that you like best.”

The colors are deciphered as follows:

  • green - the need for self-affirmation;
  • purple - escape from everyday reality;
  • blue - some kind of attachment or desire for constancy;
  • brown - a person’s need for constant protection.

Next, the applicant is given a paper with a test on more than 500 tricky questions, to which there are only 2 answers - YES or NO. In this case, they ask, for example, about this: “Do you like to play with small children?”, “Do you enjoy being in a large company or a crowd of people.”

Army test: essence

  • This is a very simple task: in front of a person there are six circles, quite colorfully colored. In this diversity, the one who is being tested is required to see the number that is hidden inside the circle.
  • You can take this test for a while - the recommended duration of looking is one minute. At first glance, it seems that this is a task to determine visual acuity or the presence of such a phenomenon as color blindness (when a person poorly distinguishes shades of colors or generally perceives colors as completely different).

The problem is not only color blindness

  • But everything is much more complicated. psychological problems are also hidden behind whether a recruit can cope or fail in all six rounds of the army test

Professional advice from departmental psychologists

When undergoing testing at the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following professional recommendations should be taken into account:

  • If the instructions state that there are no false or correct answers on a particular test, then this is actually not the case. This is a psychological trick;
  • Often tests will repeat similar questions. If they give different answers, then it is perceived as a lie. This should not be done;
  • After passing the test, you must receive the document in your hands. Then an independent expert will analyze the applicant’s own mistakes.

Before starting the test, it is better to ask a departmental psychologist about all possible problems and diagnostic nuances that may arise in the future.

Difficulties passing the test

  1. Poor preparation:
    Often candidates do not know what questions they will face during the interview.
  2. Difficulty finding tasks in a specific company:
    Each company creates its own version of a short assessment questionnaire, and the one that is publicly available only gives a general understanding of the structure.
  3. Lack of time:
    As a rule, little time is given to complete the assessment test: for a short questionnaire it is 15 - 20 minutes. This is how the employer evaluates the speed of reaction and the level of skill development. This is not enough time to fully think about each task.
  4. Stress:
    Interviews and assessments are stressful and can make it difficult to concentrate on your work. So even capable candidates get bad grades due to stress.

Although the methodology for preparing for an interview is not difficult, many applicants make common mistakes:

  • completing exercises that are not related to a specific company;
  • training for similar tasks;
  • ignoring your own mistakes.

What it is

CAT (short test)

created to determine the level of development of a person’s mental abilities, the speed of his reaction, flexibility of thinking and accuracy of perception.

It was developed at the end of the 20th century as a Russian adaptation of the Western Wonderlic Personnel Questionnaire. It presents multiple choice examples that assess different aspects of a person's consciousness and thinking.

Online Logic Test Example:

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The questions are designed in such a way as to diagnose all parameters of intelligence and assess the professional suitability of the applicant for a specific position.

The questionnaire is used to determine the ability to perceive and analyze information, skills in working with numbers, graphs, making quick decisions, building an action plan and developing a strategy.

HR offers it when applying for government positions related to finance, management, and PR. The Cat test is carried out online or in person during interviews. It allows you to assess your financial skills and determine your level of logical thinking. In 2022 and 2022, it is used in the selection of personnel of the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, as they evaluate reaction speed, analytical skills and information processing. Testing is also used to form a personnel pool.

Preparing for CAT

CAT evaluates not only existing knowledge, but also potential, inclinations, talents, and psychological inclinations. Before the interview, you can easily prepare for them by doing training exercises and working on mistakes. Although free examples of questions for orientation tests can be downloaded in the public domain (for example, for the Ministry of Internal Affairs), standard questionnaires are rarely offered for employment. As a rule, companies come up with their own tasks or adapt existing ones.


Preparing for a short screening test is not much different from preparing for aptitude tests.

  1. Do as many training exercises as possible. Despite the fact that it is impossible to predict the tasks, they are typical in structure and most often differ only in numbers or words. The more training exercises of each type (numerical, verbal, logical) are solved, the higher the likelihood of employment.
  2. Learn from mistakes. Training exercises allow the candidate to identify his strengths and weaknesses. To improve your results, find questions that are challenging and focus on that topic. Working on mistakes and repetition leads to sustainable learning of the material and prevention of mistakes in the future.
  3. Read comments to tasks. When completing the training exercises, each task is provided with a detailed commentary with a solution that justifies the correct answer. This helps you understand the topic and learn how to cope with similar tasks.
  4. Focus on other people's results. Before starting the training, it is recommended to analyze the completed tasks and try to understand why the answers to the cat test were given. After that they are solved independently. In the future, this is worth repeating with what caused difficulties. In addition, before starting training, it is recommended to find out the specifics of the company’s work. This will help predict the overall focus of the interview questionnaire.

Specifics of the technique.

Test wounds test in life safety (grade 9) on the topic The civil service has its own specifics - an internal affairs employee is required to meet certain standards established at the legislative level. The selection of employees is carried out by the Center for Psychodiagnostics (CPC). The department must comprehensively screen potential police officers. Those who wish undergo psychological diagnostics. By asking tricky questions at the central performance training center in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the expert determines the general professional suitability and personality traits of the candidate.

All diagnostics are divided into: 1. Lie detector analysis of an individual.2. Using the CAT test, mental abilities are determined.3. The psychological characteristics of an individual are determined by the SMIL test.

In addition to polygraph tests, experts conduct personal interviews with each applicant. Based on the results obtained, people are identified who are capable of working as police officers, as well as those who cannot serve there. SMIL, CAT or detector: what are the differences

Passing the CPD at the Ministry of Internal Affairs is always a whole complex of comprehensive analyzes of the subject’s personality. There are tests that must be completed within a strictly allotted time, but there are also methods where the time interval is not limited.

SMIL test – determines individual personality characteristics. It contains more than half a thousand questions that the applicant is asked to answer without hesitation. You can answer either yes or no. There should be no ambiguous or vague answers. There is no statutory time limit; in fact, the test can last from 30 minutes to several hours. However, there is a clear distinction between questions: some should be answered affirmatively, others – negatively.

Approximate questions that are best answered in the affirmative: 1. Do you love your Motherland?2. Do you like to read?3. Do you want to get rid of shyness?4. I have never had problems with the law!5. I have never used drugs!6. I love helping other people!7. I have no outbursts of unmotivated aggression!8. I always try to help my family!9. I love pets!10. I don’t like everyone I know, but I still communicate with them without problems!

Approximate questions

wasps that are best answered in the negative: 1. I love to cause pain!2. I often feel irritated with other people because they don't agree with my point of view!3. I often quarrel with relatives!4. I had an alcohol addiction!5. I am not satisfied with my sex life!6. I get personal satisfaction from criticizing others!7. I fight often!8. I had obsessive thoughts about killing other people!9. It’s difficult for me to cope with irritation on my own! 10. I despise people of other nationalities or faiths!

Nobody knows exactly what questions the Ministry of Internal Affairs will ask at the CPD! The expert independently decides when exactly to stop testing SMILS. In addition, the expert can check the degree of creative thinking using several folk sayings or catchphrases. Associations should be pronounced according to the principle of the first thing that comes to mind. For example, if a person is called a “black sheep,” then he somehow stands out from the crowd.

Unlike SMILS, CAT is a quick analysis of mental abilities. The test contains approximately 50 questions, which must be answered in a quarter of an hour.

In the allotted time, it is important to answer the maximum number of questions; if a citizen gives more than half of the correct answers, then the test is considered to be passed positively

For example, the 12th month is:• April;• July;• September;• December.

Or choose how many identical pairs of numbers are in the exercise:• 123678 123678;• 234786 235678;• 786566 786566;• 231453 232456.

Diagnosis of the trustworthiness of a prospective candidate for the Russian police necessarily includes the TsPD polygraph. Modern polygraphs used during the passage have high accuracy rates. This means that when the subject gives a false answer or feels emotional excitement, the polygraph examiner will see it. The detector equipment reads certain body parameters, such as breathing, pulse, muscle contractions, skin resistance, etc.

Practice of techniques in HR. Is it that scary?

In most cases, methods for psychodiagnostics are offered to respondents when applying for a job that requires certain psychological parameters: resistance to stress, moral standards, communication skills. The employer’s desire to get an employee “healthy, handsome, sociable, without bad habits” creates a number of obstacles on the way of the unemployed to his position. However, the expectations of businessmen interested in their own profits are certainly justified and create the necessary level of competition. As a rule, responsible persons and senior employees are offered to undergo a psychophysiological examination. The need for this procedure is due to the need to quickly find out what potential lies in a future employee, and “whether the game is worth the candle.”

In addition, many techniques help to identify employees’ motivation to work and help improve the enterprise’s management system. Managers who do not skimp on a psychological coach or an experienced HR specialist rarely face the problem of staff leaving or the hiring of employees who are unable to fulfill their job responsibilities.

How does the military registration and enlistment office conduct professional selection?

In military registration and enlistment offices, non-staff professional selection groups are created, including relevant specialists, to carry out professional psychological selection activities.

Stages of professional selection

Activities for psychological professional selection of conscripts are carried out in two stages:

  • the first stage
    - during the initial registration of citizens for military registration;
  • the second stage
    - from the moment of registration for military service until reporting to the draft board.

At the first stage

During the period of initial military registration, the non-staff professional selection group of the military commissariat conducts military-professional orientation of citizens, their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination.

At the second stage

are carried out:

  • measures for military professional orientation of conscripts for the acquisition of civilian professions (specialties) related to the military, training in military specialties;
  • continues the socio-psychological study of conscripts in order to clarify the conclusions made at the first stage about their professional suitability;
  • additional psychological and psychophysiological examinations of conscripts;
  • selection of conscripts for training in military occupational specialties in public associations.

Vocational selection at the stage of initial registration

At this (first) stage the following is carried out:

  • military professional orientation;
  • socio-psychological study of citizens;
  • psychological and psychophysiological examination.

During military professional orientation, citizens are provided with information about military specialties and military positions, given personal recommendations on training and service in specific military positions, and the procedure for training in military specialties in public associations is explained.

In the socio-psychological study of citizens:

  • military registration documents and information received from places of study or work are analyzed;
  • individual conversations are held with each conscript aimed at identifying sustainable professional interests, abilities and personal qualities;
  • Behavioral characteristics are monitored during the conversation and examination, aimed at identifying signs of neuropsychic instability, lack of understanding, intelligence and psychomotor characteristics.

Psychological and psychophysiological examinations are carried out in order to determine in citizens the levels of development of professionally important qualities necessary for successful training in military occupational specialties in public associations.

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, conclusions are made about the professional suitability of citizens for training in military specialties.

Taking into account the conclusions made based on the results of professional selection, the military registration and enlistment office compiles lists of citizens for training in military specialties in public associations and training in military educational institutions. At the same time, first of all, they include citizens with the first or second category of professional suitability.

Conclusions on professional suitability are entered into the conscript's registration card. The results of the socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination are recorded in the conscript’s study sheet, the log book of the work of the professional selection group of the military registration and enlistment office and are attached to the documents of the conscript’s personal file.

Professional selection at the recruitment stage

At the second stage, that is, during the period from the initial military registration to the appearance at the meeting of the draft commission, the professional selection group of the military registration and enlistment office:

  • carries out activities for military-professional orientation of conscripts for the acquisition of civilian professions related to the military, training in military-accounting specialties in public associations;
  • continues the socio-psychological assessment of conscripts in order to clarify the conclusions made at the first stage about their professional suitability;
  • conducts additional psychological and psychophysiological examinations in order to clarify the level of neuropsychic stability of conscripts;
  • participates in the selection of citizens for training in military occupational specialties in public associations;
  • analyzes the results of activities for the professional selection of citizens for training in military occupational specialties in public associations.

The results obtained during professional selection activities are taken into account when making conclusions about the professional suitability of conscripts for military service in military positions (according to classes of basic similar military positions).

Use of CAT in professional counseling

In professional counseling, COT is extremely rarely used as the only diagnostic tool; therefore, CAT data are usually considered in conjunction with other psychodiagnostic indicators, the results of interviews and other data used in the counseling process. However, although rare, there are situations (as in the example below) when it is the results of the ICT that are most significant for the counseling process.

a) Integral indicator

When providing career development counseling to working professionals or senior university students, the test subject’s results should be compared with the existing indicators of the professional group most similar to the test subject’s profession. With results above M+sigma, there is a high probability of successful career growth; It is often advisable to obtain additional education.

Example. Elena, 28 years old, head nurse of the surgical department of the hospital. She graduated from school with a silver medal, dreamed of becoming a surgeon, but did not continue her education after medical school due to the birth of children. The hospital management repeatedly suggested that Elena go to study, but she refused, believing that “the train has left, there are not enough brains.” Before taking the test, she doubted her capabilities: “What intelligence, I had brains and shriveled up.” Completed 35 tasks correctly in 15 minutes. After reading the result and comparing it with a table similar to Tables 2-3 from this work, it was as if her wings had grown: she had faith in her abilities. A few months after testing, I successfully passed the exams for medical school.

A result that goes beyond M-sigma does not always correspond to low professional success. However, the opportunities for professional growth, changing the nature of work, and mastering new technologies for such workers are usually limited, which should be taken into account when providing professional counseling. It is also worth noting that clients extremely rarely consider the cause of their difficulties in work or study to be of an insufficiently high intellectual level; as a rule, they use psychological defense mechanisms to explain these difficulties or ignore them. This situation may require the work of a consultant that goes beyond the scope of professional counseling.

When professionally counseling high school students and school graduates, you should compare the test subject’s indicators with the data of students from an educational institution similar in profile and “prestige” to the educational institution where the test subject is going to enroll. If the test taker's result is below average, the test taker's achievement motivation should be assessed (high achievement motivation increases the likelihood of successful admission to and study at a university), as well as his desire and ability to intensively prepare for entrance exams. If the result is below M-sigma, you should consider the feasibility of entering this university or the possibility of paid education. According to our data, the possibility of enrolling in free education at reputable metropolitan universities is problematic if the KOT indicator is below 18-20. It should also be taken into account that individuals who have indicators below M-sigma for a given university often experience significant difficulties in learning, which can be partially compensated by high motivation and intensive studies.

b) Structural analysis

As already indicated, it has an auxiliary value due to its low reliability. The ratio of verbal and mathematical factors of intelligence can, along with other characteristics, be taken into account when choosing in favor of a humanitarian or technical education. When counseling adults, it makes sense to pay attention to very low performance in solving mathematical problems, which is a limitation for professions that require manipulation with numerical material (salesperson-cashier, accountant, etc.). A large number of missed (without answers, even incorrect) mathematical problems in the absence of a time limit for solution is relatively common and indicates low self-esteem of one’s mathematical abilities.

c) Features of motivation

Features of motivation can be assessed by taking into account the time spent on completing tasks after the mandatory 15 minutes, the number of tasks completed in additional time, as well as the number of tasks left unanswered (missed). Due to the lack of clear criteria for assessing these indicators, one should be quite cautious in drawing conclusions.

Example. Alina, 10th grade student, English school, excellent student. He plans to study as an international lawyer at a prestigious university. Parents would prefer an economics education for their daughter, but do not insist on it.

In 15 minutes, Alina completed 32 tasks correctly (the integral indicator is above the average for all existing groups of students and for all but one group of professionals), and she managed to view all 50 tasks and complete them (that is, give answers, including erroneous ones) 45 of them (32 are correct, 13 are incorrect, so no additional time was provided for solving. Structural analysis gave the following results:

total tasksrightwrongmissed
space tasks 4211
logical tasks 431
meaning words and phrases 201532
math. natural 44

The results of the structural analysis indicate the superiority of the verbal factor over the mathematical one. The small number of omissions indicates Alina’s high motivation. We can assume a tendency toward perfectionism in the subject: she managed to complete the last task in 15 minutes; perhaps there was a desire to “solve everything,” which determined excessive haste (an error in the attention task).

Based on the testing results, taking into account data from other methods, several humanitarian specialties were proposed. Receiving an economic education was considered inappropriate, taking into account Alina’s desires and the predominance of the verbal rather than mathematical factor in the structure of intelligence (despite the overall high test score, the test subject managed to solve less than a third of mathematical problems). After discussing the results, Alina decided to attend preparatory courses at Moscow State University in the 11th grade.

What questions does a psychologist ask at the CPD?

SPFI is carried out in relation to all citizens entering service in units of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate for operational activities (criminal police units, operational search and operational technical units), employees when moving to operational activities, as well as in relation to all other categories in the direction of psychologists of the Center.

The number of employees examined by polygraph, as a rule, remains the same from year to year, starting from 2002. In Fig. 1 (see p. 115) shows the percentage of persons who were examined using a polygraph as part of professional psychological selection in 2006.

Of 803 people examined in 2006

The recruitment process in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Service in the authorities is, first of all, stability and social guarantees. It is no coincidence that young boys and girls graduating from universities or colleges are interested in employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Work as internal affairs officers can be found both for graduates of technical schools or colleges, and for universities. Some positions require a college degree. For example, to get involved in investigations, inquiries, or licensing and permitting departments, you need a legal education.

But having a diploma does not guarantee employment.

You will have to go through a selection process that includes:

  • Military Medical Commission (MMC);
  • polygraph;
  • testing.

Tests for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs differ from employment as a manager or accountant in commercial structures. First of all, a Russian police officer must be psychologically stable and be able to make informed decisions. In addition, physical fitness, the absence of bad habits and negative personal tendencies are important.

Online example of a psychological test at the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

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During employment, a comprehensive examination is carried out, taking into account the opinions of doctors and psychologists. Physical fitness is checked by a military medical commission. And during testing and a polygraph, intellectual development, the presence of destructive tendencies and positive qualities are assessed. For this purpose, the tests CAT of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SMIL, Raven and Luscher testing are used.


In fact, deciphering the CPP is quite simple. The fact is that a fairly impressive number of people strive to get into law enforcement agencies. But at the same time, not all of them want to get into the service in order to receive the honor of protecting their compatriots from criminals. Many strive to join the police precisely because of the above-mentioned salary, and some simply do not have a stable enough mental state to withstand all the hardships of working in the police. Often, people who are identified as having criminal tendencies want to join the authorities; this is precisely what the Center for Criminal Investigation exists for.

The transcript will not really delight you or impress you - originally it was the Center for Psychological Diagnostics, which was opened in 1996 to provide selection and psychological support for people who come to serve in the authorities. The fact is that the loads of such work are often very high, and not every person who considers himself strong and balanced can withstand long-term work in the organs. That’s why the CPD is carried out - what used to mean a psychological center, today is a short name for the full range of psychological examinations that any candidate for a position in law enforcement must undergo.

CAT test online: questions and answers

Here you can get acquainted with the questions of the CAT test online and without a time limit. The list of questions for reviewing the CAT test online is given below:

  1. The eleventh month of the year is: October,
  2. May,
  3. november,
  4. February.

“Severe” is the opposite in meaning of the word:

  1. cutting,

strict, soft, hard, unyielding. Which of the following words is different from the others:

  1. definite,

doubtful, confident, trust, faithful. Answer Yes or No.

At the same time, the employee is asked about their readiness to undergo the procedure, its expected duration and possible questions.

  • Signing the declaration of passing the test. This document confirms the voluntary participation of the employee in the procedure.
  • Conducting an explanatory conversation. During the test, all questions that will be asked during testing are discussed and clarified.
  • Technical preparation for testing. At this stage, the specialist conducting the procedure (polygraph examiner) attaches the necessary sensors to the body of the person being tested. After this, he calibrates the polygraph, since in some cases it is necessary to adjust it to the individual characteristics of the body.
  • The actual testing. At this stage, the subject is asked questions according to a pre-approved list.

The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies. The house is good not in appearance, decoration, but in the hospitality, hospitality of the owners (look not by appearance, but by deeds). 24 It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times Words are not always worth trusting; It is preferable to see something with your own eyes than to listen to the testimony of other people. 25 Pour in on the first day In Russian schools until about the beginning of the 20th century, students were spanked every week, regardless of who was right or wrong. And if the “mentor” overdoes it, then such a spanking would last for a long time, until the first day of the next month. 26 They wait three years for the promised one They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed indefinitely. But it is worth noting that some questions may differ from those proposed in the publication.

​​Tests for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Therefore, you need to be prepared for unexpected questions. In order to successfully and without problems pass an interview with a departmental psychologist and tests for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to have excellent health, have peace of mind and be in good physical shape.

This cannot be taught - such human qualities must be a priori. Important! They consider the situation with their relatives to be similar. The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not hire applicants whose close relatives were in prison. During the psychological test, the psychologist asks various questions (for example, “Why did you want to become a police officer?”)

Then the applicant is asked to draw several figurative drawings (“I”, “Holiday”). Then, the Luscher color psychological test is carried out

The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not hire applicants who have close relatives who were in prison. During the psychological test, the psychologist asks various questions (for example, “Why did you want to become a police officer?”). Then the applicant is asked to draw several figurative drawings (“I”, “Holiday”). Then, the Luscher color psychological test is carried out.

In this case, several cards with colors are placed in front of the candidate and they are told: “Pick up the card of the color that you like best.” The colors are deciphered in this way:

  1. brown - a person’s need for constant protection.
  2. blue - some kind of attachment or desire for constancy;
  3. purple - escape from everyday reality;
  4. green - the need for self-affirmation;

Next, the applicant is given a paper with a test on more than 500 tricky questions, to which there are only 2 answers - YES or NO. In this case, they ask, for example, about this: “Do you like to play with small children?”, “Do you enjoy being in a large company or a crowd of people.”


KOT methodology (Short orientation, selection test with answers, V.N.

Buzina, E.F. Wonderlic). Intelligence Questionnaire (IQ).

Correct answer: 5th

  1. Gasoline costs 0.44 rubles per liter. How much (in kopecks) does 2.5 liters cost?

Correct answer: 110

  1. The meaning of the words miner and minor is:

1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite. Correct answer: 3rd

  1. Which two of the following proverbs have the same meaning:

1 - the first pancake is lumpy, 2 - the beginning of a dashing misfortune, 3 - the hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies, 4 - it’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat, 5 - an old friend is better than the new two.

Correct answer: 1st and 2nd. The test contains 50 questions and you have 15 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. Work as quickly as possible. If you fail at any part of the test, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one.

Stimulus material for the CAT technique. 1. The eleventh month of the year is: 1 – October, 2 – May, 3 – November, 4 – February.

2. “Severe” is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1 – sharp, 2 – strict, 3 – soft, 4 – hard, 5 – unyielding.

3. Which of the following words is different from the others: 1 - definite, 2 - doubtful, 3 - confident, 4 - trust, 5 - true. 4. Answer Yes or No. Abbreviation "A.D." means: “AD” (new era)? 5. Which of the following words is different from the others: 1 - sing, 2 - call, 3 - chat, 4 - listen, 5 - talk.

6. The word “immaculate” is the opposite in meaning to the word: 1 – unsullied, 2 – obscene, 3 – incorruptible, 4 – innocent, 5 – classic.

Main indicators of ICT

The main indicator of the test, which allows you to give an integral assessment of intelligence, is the number of correct answers given in 15 minutes (standard test execution time). The test result should be compared with the available data for the corresponding age and professional groups (as already noted, there are no Russian-speaking population norms for IOT yet). Tables 1-3 can be used to supplement the test manual. It should be noted that the data presented in them were obtained in groups of 10 to 40 people (testing was carried out by students of the Institute of Applied Psychology and Applied Mathematics) and cannot be considered full-fledged test norms. The test subject's result, which falls within the interval M + - sigma, where M is the group average and sigma is the standard deviation, should be recognized as corresponding to the age or professional norm (about two thirds of the subjects in this population show it).

Additional diagnostic capabilities appear when, after completing tasks against time, the subject is given the opportunity to complete the task without taking time into account (for separate calculation of tasks completed in 15 minutes and without taking time into account, it is advisable to replace the subject’s pen after 15 minutes, using a different color for replacement). At the same time, opportunities arise both for elements of structural analysis of intelligence and for taking into account such indicators as additional time spent on solving and the number of additional tasks solved, which make it possible to indirectly assess the motivation of the subject.

Structural assessment of intelligence based on CAT is difficult due to the different number of tasks corresponding to different aspects of intelligence and their varying complexity, but in some cases it is possible. However, it should be noted that such data is not reliable enough and can only be used for a rough estimate. It is advisable to distinguish the following types of tasks, which are focused primarily on identifying one of the factors in the structure of intelligence.

1. The meaning of words and phrases (20 tasks, it is possible to select tasks with words and phrases) - verbal factor

2. Mathematical sequences (4 tasks) - numerical factor, low level of difficulty.

3. Mathematical problems (13 tasks) - numerical factor, medium and high level of difficulty.

4. Logical tasks (4 tasks) are closest to general intelligence (according to Spearman), and are represented by tasks of a relatively high level of complexity.

5. Spatial tasks (4 tasks) - spatial-symbolic factor.

6. Awareness (3 tasks).

7. Attention (2 tasks).

For each type of task, the number of tasks solved correctly, solved incorrectly (with an error) and missed (no answer was given) is counted - see below for an example of counting; Missed answers can be combined with those solved incorrectly when counting. Since the number of tasks for most types is small, it usually makes sense to assess only the ratio of the verbal and numerical factors represented by a relatively large number of tasks; It makes sense to meaningfully assess the level of development of other factors only if there is a zero or 100% result for a given factor.

What is a polygraph and how to pass it

Some people have the misconception that it is very easy to fool a lie detector. This begs the question: why is it needed then? But it's not that simple.

Indeed, it is quite possible to complete the test without noticeable biophysical changes (we wrote about the specific history of polygraph deception earlier), but the fact is that for the first twenty minutes you will be asked “calibration” questions, setting up the device individually for you.

So, the same reaction to all questions asked by a specialist, of course, will not harm you, but it will not help you either. Moreover, the test results may be canceled and a new one assigned. The whole secret is not to keep all emotions under control, but to show the desired reaction to the question at a certain moment.

Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the polygraph examiner does not become wary.

We offer for viewing a short video about taking a polygraph test in modern realities.

What is a SMIL check?

SMIL tests - 566 statements, next to which you need to put yes or no. Each question must be answered as quickly as possible, and without thinking. There are no wrong answers in the test. There is no “I don’t know” answer

,so you need to choose between the two proposed options. If you do not answer one of the questions, the test results will be unreliable. The time to complete the SMIL is unlimited.

The conclusion is drawn up on the basis of the graph that is obtained by answering the statements. With normal answers, the line is no less than 30 and no more than 70 along the y-axis. Thus, there should be no less than 30 points on the T axis and no more than 70 points for each column.

There are 10 main cycles and additional ones. Some sites offer a test with the scale displayed in red or green. The subject can see where he scores points.

S test

Below is part 1 S of the test for candidates for military service, which the military registration and enlistment office offers 120 questions for professional psychological testing, examples and answers:

S test, which is offered by the military registration and enlistment office for 120 questions, all the correct answers to the questions:

Secret No. 1


  1. Place a thumbtack inside your shoe under your foot.
  2. When you are asked a security question, for example, “What is your name?”, answer and step on the button.
  3. Pain causes a slight surge of emotions and is reflected in the detector readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, when telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. sensors will react to a lie in the same way as to a question about your name.
  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in the almost identical polygraph readings and gives you a positive resolution.
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