Bad mood: what to do? How to overcome apathy and depression?

Problems at work, instability, difficult relationships with loved ones and other troubles in life lead to a deterioration in a person’s internal emotional state and irritate him. Negativity grows like a snowball and causes chronic dissatisfaction with life in general. The personality becomes gloomy, lethargic, cheerless and depressed, a loss of strength is clearly visible on the face, and the ability to work decreases. During the day, all people change their mood, which is formed under the influence of certain factors. However, if a person is unable to correct it and understand why it is sharply declining, this is a reason to think about it and contact a specialist. Next, I will talk about the mechanisms of internal negativity and explain what you need to do if you are always in a very bad mood for no reason.

General information

Most often, negative emotions have a clear explanation that is fairly easy to identify. The methods of fighting are also simple - you need to do something that brings moral satisfaction - get a good night's sleep, turn on your favorite song, chat with loved ones, eat a delicious dinner or cry a lot. However, the more serious the reason for the loss of emotional balance, the longer the period of time required for recovery. Severe shocks often provoke the development of many mental disorders - depression, neuroses.

Constant bad mood is a type of mental illness. It is divided into the following groups:

  • Suppression is the most common type of illness, with which almost everyone is familiar. The patient feels melancholy, sadness and sadness. Tearfulness may occur, and hatred of oneself and others may appear.
  • Pessimistic – manifested by total self-flagellation and lack of faith in one’s own strength. Thoughts often enter my head: “How bad everything is, but it will get even worse,” “I won’t succeed,” “The weather is disgusting, and tomorrow it will get even worse.” A pessimist sees negativity everywhere and is dissatisfied with everything.
  • Apathetic - complete ignorance of what is happening around. A person is passive, he no longer has the desire to do anything. The disorder can be combined with a depressed and pessimistic mood.

Understanding where normality ends and pathology begins is quite difficult. It is believed that one can speak of an illness if bad emotions persist for 2 weeks or more. And if the appearance of such a condition was preceded by deep emotional upheavals - separation from a significant other, death of a loved one, dismissal from work - the person will need the help of a highly qualified psychiatrist.

What is depression?

This is a mental disorder : a person becomes depressed, anxious, but cannot even explain to himself what the cause of this anxiety is. As a rule, such a state is caused by a certain unpleasant event - the person could not accept what happened and everything further lost its meaning.

This condition cannot be cured on your own; you need the help of a specialist.

Therefore, loved ones need to pay attention to the first signs of mental illness.

What can cause a bad mood

Lack of good spirits is a normal part of our lives. This is a completely normal reaction of the psyche to various situations and events. However, people often think that depression is just a depressed state that will go away on its own, and they are very mistaken. Depressive syndrome is a serious psychological disorder that has extensive symptoms, in which depression is only one of the signs of the disease. Standard methods of raising the patient's mood will not help - specialized therapy is necessary.

What is apathy?

Apathy is a decline in vitality; it is not a separate condition, but an alarming sign of impending depression.

A healthy person only needs to rest to get out of this state.

Many people say that they are deeply depressed. Believe me: the one who says this does not suffer at all - he is trying to manipulate others, to evoke their love and care. But especially impressionable people mistake even a bad mood for depression and can really bring themselves to it. Therefore, there is no need to panic right away, but there is no need to act either.

What is apathy?

Does it happen without a reason?

Sadness and sadness can appear without a clear reason. I attribute this to various somatic processes in the human body (changes in hormonal levels, various disruptions in brain activity) or to the effects of chemicals such as drugs and alcohol. Also, the reasons for a constantly bad mood can be:

  • consequences of acute infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis);
  • tumors, both benign and malignant;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • congenital anomalies.

Often people believe that they have no good reason to be sad, their problems are insignificant and of little significance. However, if you dig deeper, facts such as a difficult relationship with your spouse, failure at work, and a quarrel with your parents come to light. It is important to understand that even minor troubles in life can have a detrimental effect on the psyche, becoming a provocateur of depression or neuroses. With the latter, a person experiences a disruption in the metabolic processes of norepinephrine and serotonin. As a result, everything seems to be fine in his life, but due to a defect at the cellular level in the metabolic mechanism, the personality feels depressed and hopeless.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Biology of emotions

I will explain why there is a bad mood,

The next fact is that a person’s own ego is depleted. What does this look like in practice? People constantly set some limits for themselves, for example, they go on a diet for a long time, and do not allow themselves to fully rest and relax. As a result, brain exhaustion occurs, aggression, irritability and discontent arise.

The more stringent the restrictions are set and the longer the period of their existence, the stronger the feeling of dissatisfaction. The phenomenon is accompanied by high blood pressure, which increases the secretion of the hormone cortisol. The latter is the provocateur of the deterioration of the general condition.

You think about a difficult situation for a long time, but still cannot find a solution.

Thinking carefully about life's big questions seems, on the surface, to be a very sensible approach. But sometimes, from searching for a solution to a problem, this process turns into marking time.

Sonya Lyubomirsky

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, author of the book “Psychology of Happiness. New approach."

It's hard to stop yourself from endlessly repeating thoughts about life because you feel like you're learning deeply about yourself in the process. In fact, this is not true. You are just spinning the wheels on a kind of psychological bicycle, but you just can’t get anywhere. This worsens your already bad condition and reduces your motivation.

Two signs indicate that you are marking time and not looking for a way to solve the problem. These are unpleasant emotions, such as anxiety or anger, and the inability to switch to other ideas due to constantly returning to the same thought.

How to cheer yourself up

Take a break. Read a book, watch a movie with an exciting plot, listen to music, take a walk in the fresh air.

Take 15-20 minutes and write down your thoughts on paper or talk about the problem with a friend, and then come up with a solution plan. This will move you from thinking to action. “You may realize that your life situation is not nearly as hopeless as you thought,” emphasizes Sonja Lyubomirsky.

Why is there a constant bad mood for no apparent reason?

There are a huge number of reasons for the accumulation of negative emotions, and all of them, in combination or separately, create an overall picture of the mood. It is impossible to single out just one factor influencing the emotional state; usually there are always several of them. The reason for depression may be unexpected both for the patient himself and for those around him - a traffic jam, an argument in line, being late. Next, I will describe the most common symptoms, causes of detachment and bad mood.

I don't want anything

Almost everyone knows the feeling when you realize that you have no strength to do anything, you feel empty, you don’t want to get out of bed. People who are not well versed in psychological subtleties consider this state of mind and body to be banal laziness. However, there is no such thing as laziness, but there are signs that relate to it. The latter have a direct connection with mental health.

Feelings of apathy can manifest themselves for many reasons:

  • diseases of a somatic nature (pathologies of the endocrine system, consequences of injuries and operations, hormonal changes);
  • a sharp emotional outburst (death of relatives, divorce, betrayal, episode of violence, loss of ability to work);
  • the presence of mental disorders (chronic depression, anxiety disorder, neuroses, schizophrenia);
  • exposure to chemicals from outside (drugs, side effects of medications, alcohol, cigarettes).

In people prone to mental illness, an apathetic mood usually occurs upon the onset of or after a period of constant stress (stress at work, family troubles, session).

I always want to cry

This condition is usually observed in people who have experienced unpleasant and difficult events in life (death, divorce, problems at work or school). After a certain period of time, your health should return to normal on its own. However, tearfulness and sadness can be symptoms of neurosis and chronic depression. If crying occurs for more than two weeks in a row, then you should seek help from a specialist. The first thing you need to do is visit a therapist, and he, having determined the degree and cause of the disorder, will give recommendations or refer you to a psychotherapist.

After drinking alcohol

Contrary to popular opinion, alcoholic drinks are depressants. They cause short-term pleasure, after which a period of depression and sadness sets in. Such an inner feeling pushes you to take a dose again, which will bring relief. Alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on the metabolic process of neurotransmitters, and therefore cause a depressed state. A special name has been coined for this disease – alcoholic depression.

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If a person does not have such an addiction and simply had too much at the holiday, then the mood of depression will soon pass. However, if your mental well-being is very bad, then you need to seek help from a medical institution.

On your birthday

Why is there a complete absence of good emotions on such a joyful holiday? In childhood, it is a celebration of gifts, delicious treats and loved ones. But with every year of growing up, a person’s perception of this day changes in a negative direction. The reason for this is usually the following:

  • The holiday is associated with aging and reminds us that the days count and we are all mortal.
  • This event is a vivid reminder that a person has grown older, but has not achieved his life goals. This is very noticeable during a midlife crisis.
  • The celebration does not go according to the birthday boy’s script, and he may be very upset.

Experiences of an existential nature often plague one’s birthday and this is quite normal. If the sadness goes beyond the limits and has dragged on for too long, then I recommend contacting a specialist.

My husband is always in a bad mood

If your significant other is in a terrible mood all the time, he looks depressed, sad, crying, then this is a clear sign of some kind of mental problems. Perhaps the spouse has chronic depression or neurosis. But before you go to see a psychotherapist, you need to be examined in a regular clinic for somatic pathologies, which can also adversely affect your mood.

Everyday problems

Changes in emotional nature are often associated with the time of year. These symptoms are especially pronounced in the autumn-winter period. To get away from the seasonal blues, it’s enough to drink the vitamins your body needs, change your attitude to the weather, take a cool shower in the morning, and change your outfit to a brighter one. The same applies to everyday troubles - you just need to switch your attention to doing what you love, communicating with pleasant people. If you can’t get rid of the feeling of anxiety on your own, sign up for my consultation, I will help you get out of a difficult life situation.

It's all because of menstruation

As the menstrual cycle approaches, the female body reacts with increased irritability and sometimes aggression. This is explained by the fact that during menstruation, in the body of the fair half of humanity, there is a lack of progesterone, which lowers sugar and increases the production of adrenaline. Women feel fear and nervous tension. B vitamins will help minimize emotional instability.


Expectant mothers experience sudden mood swings quite often - increased absent-mindedness, nervousness, anxiety, sentimentality, uncertainty, tearfulness, etc. All these symptoms are the body’s response to hormonal changes. In order to avoid consequences, a woman is recommended to do what she loves, which brings moral satisfaction and joy.

Male depression

What to do when a man is in a very bad mood - this question can often be heard from loving wives and mothers. The stronger half is also susceptible to emotional disorders. To fight this condition, a person needs to make it clear that he is not alone and has a reliable rear and support in the form of his beloved woman. A sincere conversation, a look at the problem from a different angle and a delicious dinner will quickly bring your man back into action.

A friend complains about life and you start to feel sad too

This is where emotional contagion comes into playC. Herrando, E. Constantinides. Emotional Contagion: A Brief Overview and Future Directions / Frontiers in Psychology is a simple, even primitive psychological phenomenon. University of Hawaii psychology professor Elaine Hatfield explains that during a conversation, people naturally repeat the facial expressions, posture, and rate of speech of the interlocutor.

The movements of the muscles involved in this process (for example, when you frown) activate neural connections, and they give rise to the same feelings in you that the interlocutor is talking about. This feature of the brain is designed to help us empathize with others, thereby strengthening social connections.

How to cheer yourself up

Take a break from the conversation, say go to the restroom. Remind yourself that the bad mood you are experiencing at this moment does not belong to you, but to your friend. And the best thing you can do is listen to your loved one, and not solve his problems.

The influence of mood on health

Prolonged stress directly affects well-being in the form of cardiovascular ailments. The human body puts all its efforts into restoring emotional balance. With persistent disorders, the patient's cortisol concentration increases noticeably, which can cause increased fatigue and decreased work activity. There is a suppression of immune forces, causing problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ask a question

Method 3. Get creative

Any creative activity, especially in the company of friends or children, gives unforgettable emotions and delights the soul. Create something new. Let it be:

  • versification,
  • incendiary music on improvised instruments,
  • dancing,
  • letter on canvas,
  • graffiti on walls or cars,
  • cooking,
  • playing guitar,
  • or just drawing on wallpaper together.

Anything! All this will bring a smile, fun, pleasure and satisfaction from the creative process and the resulting joint result.

How to be in a great mood in the morning

In order to have a positive day, you need to try to do the following:

  • get some sleep;
  • wake up exclusively to the pleasant melody of an alarm clock;
  • take a shower;
  • put on clothes prepared in the evening;
  • before going to sleep, be sure to ventilate the room;
  • you need to get out of bed slowly so that all your muscles have time to tune in to physical activity;
  • do exercises and have a hearty breakfast.

Method 2. Delicious food plus your favorite sport

A sweet slice of chocolate, sugared strawberries in cream, crispy cheburek or aromatic oriental lamb kebab (whatever you like!) can put everything in its place. I ate and my mood seriously improved. However, you shouldn’t regularly “eat up” depression. You’ve treated your body, made it happy, stop.

And next time, go for a workout at your favorite sports club. It’s better to choose an activity that suits your liking so that it doesn’t become a burden:

  • water aerobics,
  • strip of plastic,
  • volleyball,
  • tennis,
  • run
  • and so on.

Firstly, this way you won’t have to reach for the fork and spoon again. Secondly, you will burn the calories that you ate in the blues last time. And thirdly, a proven fact: good old endorphins are produced and overcome bad mood already in the 20th minute of training.

By the way, even a walk in the park works wonders! Don't forget to bring a water bottle.

Precautionary measures

  • They start taking the prescribed drug with a small dose - for the first couple of days they take a quarter of a tablet. Gradually the dose is increased to normal. This way the body adapts better. The course is completed by reducing the dose.
  • The first effect appears only 2 weeks after the start of treatment. Sustained action - after six months. All this time you need to take the drug without skipping or breaks.
  • The products cannot be combined with melatonin, St. John's wort, products and dietary supplements based on sibutramine, 5-NTR. The combination of the two can increase serotonin to dangerous levels. They also cannot be combined with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. When writing a prescription , the doctor takes these points into account.
  • to take antidepressants in parallel with visits to a psychotherapist. If the drugs normalize the biochemical processes in the body, then this doctor will help normalize the psychological state after depression.

Method 5. Breathe deeper

Very deep breathing through the solar plexus will allow you to calm down, immerse yourself in yourself, and, as it were, cleanse yourself of problems. You need to breathe as follows:

  • take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your diaphragm and stomach,
  • hold your breath for a second,
  • then a noisy exit with the mouth.

As you exhale, release your bad mood, bad thoughts and foggy consciousness into the air. Inhale and fill your body with purity, freshness and joy. And try not to think about anything at these moments. Actually, nothing.

Meditation really helps. Otherwise, there would not be so many variations of world yoga practices. Devote at least 10 minutes to yourself and your breathing.

How to recognize dysthymia and when to see a doctor

To draw a clearer line between disorders, psychiatrists suggest What Is Depression? / American Psychiatric Association focus primarily on mood and self-awareness rather than on specific physical symptoms. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at yourself.

Dysthymia can be considered DSM-IV to DSM-5 Dysthymic Disorder Comparison / Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration when at least two of the following are present:

  • weight changes;
  • sleep problems;
  • lack of energy;
  • low self-esteem;
  • difficulty concentrating and making decisions;
  • feeling of hopelessness.

If this condition persists for more than two years (in a child - more than a year), this is a serious reason to consult a doctor: a therapist or psychotherapist.

The doctor will conduct a Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) / Mayo Clinic examination and ask about your well-being, lifestyle, and chronic diseases. Perhaps he will suggest getting tested. This is necessary to rule out other problems that may manifest themselves as symptoms of a depressive disorder. For example, lack of energy and weight changes are often associated with hypothyroidism—insufficient production of thyroid hormones. In this case, it is necessary to correct this disorder so that the symptoms go away on their own.

The diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder is made if chronically depressed mood is not explained by physiological reasons.

It's not just people with narcissistic disorder who are selfish.

Our brain as a whole is quite selfish - and there is nothing terrible in the fact that a person puts himself first.

This manifests itself in a situation when, for example, you instinctively respond to your name (although, perhaps, they were not addressing you) or when you first find yourself in group photographs, and then look at the others.

To confirm the hypothesis of such self-centered prioritization, scientists from the UK and China invited 102 people to participate in an experiment. The gist of it was this: people assigned three colors (blue, green and purple) the labels “friend”, “stranger” and “me”. Then two colored dots appeared on the screen and after a while disappeared, and in the place of one of them another black one appeared. Participants had to indicate which colored dot was replaced by a black dot. People responded most quickly to the dot with the “I” marker. Short-term memory helped them prioritize "I" even when the dot with that marker was on the screen longer than others, although it would have been wiser to keep an eye on the ones that disappeared.

“Imagine that you keep two things in mind,” one of its authors, Tobias Egner, comments on the experiment. “If during a test you remember one thing faster than another, then that’s what you prioritize.”

What about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), again it's a matter of stigma. It is generally accepted that people with NPD are overly focused on themselves and their own achievements, which is why empathy suffers - those around them with their needs fade into the background. This is partly true, but this is only a defensive reaction and a desire to capture the attention of others and feel significant. According to psychologist Alexandra Abroskina:

“High self-esteem does not equal self-love. <…> He [the narcissist] tries to cram as much love inside himself as possible, but this emptiness cannot be filled.”

Method 9. Get plenty of sleep

Allow yourself to go to bed early on this lousy day and get a good night's sleep. Perhaps there is no better cure for the blues than thinking about your spoiled mood tomorrow.

Adequate sleep is the cheapest, most effective, efficient and health-improving thing that nature could come up with. The next morning you will definitely be full of energy, strength, optimism, new ideas and a good mood again.

It is important not to drink tea or coffee before going to bed, not to watch TV, to ventilate the bedroom and, preferably, to make the bed with fresh linens. Don't forget to change your pajamas!

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