9 signs that a bad mood may be depression

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How to distinguish temporary blues from a dangerous illness.

If we list the possible symptoms of depression, there will be more than one hundred of them, because almost any discomfort in the body or change in the psyche can be its manifestation.

We took the most common symptoms and grouped them into nine groups. They are somewhat similar to the Hamilton Depression Scale, a template questionnaire that psychiatrists, psychotherapists and general practitioners can use to screen for depression. This scale contains a minimum of standard questions that help the doctor not to forget anything and collect as much information as possible.

Remember that the most accurate way to rule out depression is to talk to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Here is a list of signs that may indicate depression.

Who's at risk

There are special categories of factors that can influence the occurrence and development of depression:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. It is observed during periods of growing up in adolescents, during pregnancy, after childbirth, and during menopause. Such life stages are a real test not only for the emotional background, but also for the whole organism. Hormonal changes are always accompanied by increased fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, etc.
  2. Brain lesions. According to statistics, approximately 20% of patients with clinical depression have traumatic brain injuries, 50% have suffered a stroke, and 60% suffer from cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  3. Somatic ailments. These are cardiovascular failure, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, liver, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and others.
  4. Chronic intoxication in alcoholism and drug addiction.

How to prevent the development of chronic depression

Since experts call the main cause of dysthymia a lack of serotonin, the main way to prevent this disease is to maintain normal levels of this neurotransmitter.

The good mood hormone, also called serotonin, is synthesized under the influence of sugar, which is found in large quantities in sweets and chocolate. But there is no need to abuse this method. On the one hand, this can affect your figure, on the other hand, you will become dependent on such goodies. Both, in turn, can cause the development of mental disorders.

Foods high in tryptophan, which is necessary for the natural synthesis of this neurotransmitter, will also help maintain serotonin levels in the body. These include hard and processed cheeses, as well as soy. This amino acid is found in smaller quantities in eggs, mushrooms, beans and lentils, liver, bananas, melon, pumpkin and seaweed.

It is also useful to introduce magnesium and vitamin complexes into the diet, the basis of which are B vitamins. It is especially important to follow these recommendations in winter, when the body experiences an acute shortage of beneficial microelements.

Most mental disorders arise from low self-esteem, and chronic depression is no exception. Good relationships in the family, love and support from loved ones help to form an adequate attitude towards one’s own personality in children, which also serves to prevent the development of dysthymia in the future.

Depression in the context of bipolar disorder

Depression often manifests itself as part of bipolar affective disorder (manic-depressive psychosis).

Most often, with this disorder, people end up in a psychiatric hospital at the time of a manic state, and depression either goes unnoticed or, with the first subtle depressive episode, goes under a different name. And only then, when the stages are repeated, a full and more accurate diagnosis is made.

The manifestation of depression in bipolar disorder has its own characteristics. Firstly, depressive periods here are much longer than manic episodes. Secondly, a decrease in mood after mania is more difficult for patients, because the decline of strength against the backdrop of recovery subjectively seems more depressing. And, thirdly, in its characteristics it resembles endogenous, but it can also have hypomanic inclusions: increased appetite, agitation (excitement with elements of anxiety and motor restlessness) and inadequate fun.


Let's look at the official definition provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Depression (from the Latin depressio “suppression”) is a mental disorder that is expressed in despondency, loss of interest, low self-esteem, guilt, sleep or appetite disturbances, and decreased concentration.

In psychology, this state is assessed as affective, characterized by changes in the motivational sphere, cognitive ideas, negative emotional background and passivity of behavior.

In simple words, depression is a persistent disorder that is very similar to a banal bad mood.

Etiology of the disease

The classification of depression according to the current edition of the manual of mental disorders involves division into the following groups:

  • major depressive disorder;
  • chronic depressive disorder;
  • depressive disorder with specified or unspecified etiology: premenstrual disorders, depression due to health problems, consequences of taking psychoactive drugs.

Most cases of depression have a clear age link: adolescence or age 20-30 years. Due to mental characteristics, women are more prone to depressive symptoms; the exact reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been established. Some depressive symptoms occur in 30% of patients seeking medical help. Less than 10% of those who apply show signs of deep depression that require competent medical intervention.

The state of demoralization associated with unpleasant incidents in the patient’s life differs significantly from clinical depression. There are a number of characteristic signs indicating temporary psycho-emotional difficulties that disappear within a few days without specific treatment:

  • deterioration in mood manifests itself in outbreaks and is not permanent or protracted;
  • as events change, a person’s mood improves and his mental state returns to normal;
  • low mood can alternate with fun and stable well-being;
  • The patient does not have suicidal thoughts, feelings of self-hatred, or feelings of worthlessness.

If the patient is prone to depression due to demoralization, individual signs of major depression may be observed. But even they do not allow us to talk about a disease that requires immediate help.

Diagnosis of depression

Treatment of depression is the sphere of activity of a therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist, optimally their collegial cooperation. Special questionnaires and complaints from patients and their relatives about characteristic changes in well-being and mood make it possible to recognize the signs of depression and make an accurate diagnosis. In personal communication with the patient, the doctor clarifies the duration of the disease, and also delicately clarifies the emergence of possible thoughts about causing harm to himself or others. Also, concomitant pathological conditions are subject to mandatory study: tendency to use alcohol and drugs, smoking, excessive eating, etc.

Of great importance is the differential diagnosis of depression, which makes it possible to distinguish this disease from other similar mental pathologies: bipolar disorder, anxiety, demoralization, signs of dementia or hormonal disorders associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. At the same time, a number of clinical examinations are carried out: a general blood test, measurement of thyroid hormone levels, electrolyte balance, and the content of prohibited psychotropic substances in the blood.

Disease or not

Many people underestimate the seriousness of depression. At the same time, it is classified as a disease and is contained in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) under code F32 “Depressive episode”.

According to WHO, more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. More than half of them do not receive proper treatment because they do not seek help.

Meanwhile, experts in the field of psychiatry note that mortality due to depression is an order of magnitude higher than similar statistics for cardiovascular diseases.

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Reasons why depression may occur

The following reasons can lead to severe depression:

Biological factors

  1. Heredity;
  2. Past serious illnesses;
  3. Age;
  4. Features of metabolism in the body.

Social factors

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Divorce, separation;
  3. Low social status;
  4. Death of a loved one;
  5. Problems at work, at school;
  6. Love relationship;
  7. Job loss.

Psychological factors

  1. Individual and personal characteristics of a person;
  2. Psychological trauma;
  3. Experiencing a difficult life situation;
  4. Prolonged stress.

Complications, consequences

The central risk associated with the disease is suicidality. The statistics of successful and unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide due to depression is high. The disease can completely disable a person. Without therapy, the following consequences occur:

  • symptoms increase and become more aggravated;
  • psychotic manifestations develop;
  • performance is lost;
  • inability to learn;
  • lack of social contacts and adaptation.

Without treatment, a person will experience severe migraines. This excruciating sensation of pain, as if something sharp had been stuck into the eyes. Characterized by intolerance to light and loud sounds. Depression implies an inflammatory process not only from a mental understanding, but also from a physical one. Due to somatic symptoms, people with depression have a higher risk of developing arthritis and psoriasis.

Mental disorder negatively affects overall health. Changes affect all organs, systems and tissues. The disorder itself does not provoke pathologies of internal organs. However, patients with mental illnesses in almost 90% of cases adhere to an unhealthy lifestyle.

After several years of illness, a person is no longer able to cope with his previous work. Self-care skills suffer. Many patients at an advanced stage of the disease are no longer able to get out of bed in the morning.

What causes dysthymia and how it manifests itself?

As with other mental health disorders, experts cannot give a clear answer about the causes of the disease. Among the prerequisites for the occurrence of dysthymia may be hereditary and social factors, the presence of stressful situations, but the main reason, nevertheless, is considered to be the biochemical processes occurring in the human central nervous system.

Serotonin is responsible for the emotional state; a lack of this neurotransmitter leads to the development of chronic depression. Some medications can cause a deficiency of the “happiness hormone”. The chances of developing dysthymia also increase if you have a chronic illness. Alcoholism or drug addiction can lead to the disease.

The symptoms of dysthymia are, in general, similar to the manifestations of other types of depressive disorders, only the severity of the main symptoms differs:

  • the feeling of sadness and emptiness is constant;
  • a person cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, after which a difficult awakening occurs. Other sleep disorders are also possible. This may be constant drowsiness or insomnia;
  • awareness of one’s own helplessness and uselessness in this world, the thought that a person is unable to influence the current situation, a feeling of hopelessness;
  • lack of interest in activities that previously brought pleasant sensations;
  • increased fatigue, decreased overall tone;
  • problems with concentration and attention. Mental stress is extremely tiring, it becomes difficult to make choices and decisions;
  • changes in eating behavior. Appetite may increase greatly or disappear completely;
  • Periodically there are thoughts about suicide or death.

Chronic depression can also have somatic manifestations. The patient may experience headaches, digestive system problems, and joint pain.

Some of the listed symptoms may be character traits, but if such manifestations are more than 80%, then you need to consult a doctor.

Dysthymia does not have a paralyzing effect, the person does not feel the need for complete isolation, he continues to work or study. Those around him simply consider him a slow and reserved person. But if you notice signs of a disease such as dysthymia, treatment should begin immediately.

Chronic depression affects a person's self-esteem, reduces their quality of life and prevents them from enjoying favorite activities, and, in some cases, can lead to suicide.

This disorder can develop differently in different people. The depressive episode may be major, and such incidents may recur with some frequency or not occur at all.

In some cases, dysthymia turns into acute depression, which then returns to a chronic course. Experts call this condition double depression. To prevent the development of complications, treatment of the disorder should begin as soon as the first symptoms are noticed.

What signs can be used to determine that a person is stressed?

Scientists identify 4 groups of main features:

  1. Mental - manifested in the inability to solve complex problems, long concentration and difficulty in making decisions.
  2. Emotional - a person can experience fatigue, apathy, depressed mood, lack of energy, suicide attempts, insomnia.
  3. Behavioral - if you carefully observe a person, you can see sudden mood swings, anger, irritability, nervousness, sadness, and a desire for solitude.
  4. Physiological - increased or decreased appetite, constipation, decreased sexual interest, body pain, loss of interest in favorite activities.
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