What is the epileptoid personality type?

Epileptoid psychopathy (in the literature you can also find the term “explosive”, “excitable” psychopathy or psychosis) is one of the types of personality development disorders. This is not an independent disease, but a personality disorder.

This disorder manifests itself in excessive excitement, turning into frantic aggressiveness and irritability.

Explosion literally means an explosive eruption of a volcano, accompanied by the release of large amounts of gases. Explosive psychopathy is called that because outbursts of aggression in a person occur unexpectedly, but very violently.

Explosiveness is a tendency to uncontrollable affective reactions with aggression and self-aggression. “Epileptic” - because in character such psychopaths are somewhat reminiscent of epileptics.

What is the epileptoid personality type?

This type of personality is characterized by the presence of a form of painfully low emotional state, which manifests itself in gloomy irritability, a feeling of hostility towards other people.
One can also note tension in the instinctive sphere, which from time to time reaches an abnormal state of attraction. It is important to mention that such a person belongs specifically to the introverted personality type (see Introvert). He exhibits inertia, which is expressed both in motor skills and the expression of emotions, as well as in thinking and personal characteristics. We have a unique training for instant

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It is worth understanding that a person experiences a combination of anger and inexplicable melancholy for several hours and even days. He may be irritated and lash out at other people who do not realize what caused such an attitude. Only from the outside does it seem that the epileptoid’s state is comparable to a sudden explosion. In fact, emotions accumulate over a long time.

The reason for hot temper and aggressiveness can be absolutely anything. Here it is worth saying precisely that a person has simply run out of patience, he is no longer able to restrain himself. It is curious that the effect is not only strong, but also quite long-lasting. You may notice that a person with this personality type cannot cool down.

  • General information about the Epileptoid psychotype
  • Psychological characteristics of the psychotype Epileptoid type
  • Symptoms during childhood
  • Symptoms in adolescents and adults
  • Conclusion
  • Other personality psychotypes (Hysteroid, Schizoid, Paranoid)
  • Training on profiling and personality psychotypes


Psychotherapy is usually involved. Thanks to a competent doctor (and these are the ones who work at the Leto mental health center), it is possible to stabilize the condition of a patient with epileptoid-type psychopathy - attacks towards others stop, he learns self-control, and if a situation arises that provokes an attack of rage, he protects himself from others so as not to take out anger on them.

Group and individual events are held. During the first, epileptic psychopaths learn to interact with each other, during the second, they reinforce such skills with the help of individual conversations.

Drug therapy is used if necessary - this is symptomatic treatment. It means that it is aimed at the manifestations of pathology - psychotherapy is effective in relieving it. Medications usually include sedatives, antipsychotics, and antipsychotics.

Doctors at the Leto mental health center have all the knowledge and skills to overcome this pathology. Call the phone number 8(969)060-93-93 , and our consultants will tell you where to start to get rid of this unpleasant condition.

General information about the Epileptoid psychotype

Experts say that it is possible to make a diagnosis of “Epileptoid psychopathy” in early childhood. Children are capable of crying for a long time without any reason (see Why does a child get angry and freak out). There is no reason to distract them, console them and rein them in. Adults do not realize what is happening, which is why children begin to be so capricious (see How to establish contact with a child), as if deliberately provoking other people. Unlike his peers, the child shows gloomy embitterment. It is worth mentioning the sadistic tendencies. Animals are victims of bullying, as are younger, weaker children who are unable to fight back (see Shyness).

A child in a company of friends is not going to be a leader, but wants to be a ruler who sets his own rules for relationships and games. He wants to command the rest of the company. It is curious that the child shows too much care for his clothes and toys. He is not going to share, he shows aggression when someone tries to encroach on their property. Adults claim that the child does not listen to their advice to share with anyone. The aggressiveness that the epileptoid exhibits at this moment can frighten anyone (see Treatment of fears with hypnosis).

In the first years of schooling, one can note the presence of petty scrupulousness, which concerns keeping notebooks and handling textbooks. Such increased accuracy can become an end in itself, which makes the child forget about the essence of learning, building harmonious relationships with peers.

In most cases, the peak manifestations of epileptoid psychopathy can be noted precisely during puberty. It is worth mentioning the age from 12 to 19 years.

Violent manifestations of emotions (see Emotions) during this period can become a consequence of a painfully depressed state. In adolescence, children often themselves try to find a suitable reason for a conflict situation. Epileptoids at this age are characterized by the presence of intransigence, cruelty, selfishness and power. There can be absolutely any reason for anger. It is always closely related to the absence of significant infringement of interests. The main emotion that guides a teenager is unbridled rage, which includes: severe beatings, indifference to weakness, cynical abuse, inability to take into account a strength that can significantly exceed him.

An epileptoid in adolescence can easily hit an elderly woman or push a child who simply stuck out his tongue at him. He does not realize how unequal the forces are when he attacks an offender who is much stronger than him. During a fight, a person with this psychotype tends to hit his opponent in the genitals. During anger, you can observe how his face becomes flushed with blood and sweating increases.

It is important to mention the tension in the instinctive needs of adolescents. His sexual desire awakens with incredible force. It can come into real conflict with the increased concern of epileptoids about their own health. They are terribly afraid of catching some kind of “infection”. I don’t want to indulge myself with just random connections. Thus, people with this personality type try to have permanent partners.

It is impossible not to mention the dark colors that can ruin romantic love. They relate, first of all, to manifestations of jealousy (see Othello syndrome or delusions of jealousy). The epileptoid will not forgive betrayal (see How to forgive betrayal), even if it exists only in his imagination. The most innocent flirting will arouse violent feelings in such people, causing them to consider their lovers to be traitors who are not trustworthy.

It is worth understanding that separation (the desire for independence) can be especially difficult to manifest in adolescents. They may seek a complete break with their family. The mother and father make the child angry, vengeful, and want to harm in any way possible. During conflict situations, the teenager will take the side of his grandparents, who, unlike parents, tend to indulge the whims of their grandchildren. It is curious that representatives of the older generation do not evoke negative feelings in epileptoids (see Emotional intelligence). They are ready to bend to the interests of their superiors and the people on whom their well-being depends. It is important for them to receive support and benefit specifically for themselves, as a result of which they forget about any pride.

At the same time, the desire to unite with peers is closely connected precisely with the desire to gain power, as a result of which the epileptoid will assert itself (see How to increase self-esteem) precisely among weak, weak-willed and younger children. They are not able to fight back, as a result of which they will perceive the teenager as a real leader who should be followed. In the company of friends, young people of the epileptoid personality type will strive in every possible way to establish their own rules. They will seek benefits specifically for themselves, forgetting about the interests of other people.

It is important to realize that epileptoids feel quite comfortable in circumstances of strict rules and restrictions. They like to be useful to management and want to achieve some advantages. This type of people values ​​formal positions, thanks to which a certain amount of power is placed in their hands (see Psychology of Wealth and Poverty). They want to immediately establish dictatorship over other people in order to get some benefit. Such colleagues are often called tyrants. They are feared for some time, but subsequently a decision is brewing, the consequences of which can overthrow the epileptoids from their place.

It is worth mentioning a fairly vivid reaction associated with hobbies. Epileptoids experience something akin to drug and alcohol intoxication when they gamble (see Treatment of Gambling Addiction). They enjoy the desire to get rich. They more than enjoy collecting different things and antiques. Another hobby for epileptoids is sports, thanks to which they can develop physical strength. At the same time, active collective games cause a certain discomfort in a person of this personality type. He is able to achieve success if he is engaged in applied arts, jewelry work, as he will receive material enrichment. In addition, epileptoids enjoy playing tennis and singing. They like to spend time alone and experience emotions from their activities.

One-sided character in adolescents with an epileptoid personality type. They are most often in a gloomy mood. At the same time, it is worth noting a fairly sound sleep and the presence of difficulties associated with awakening. Epileptoids are real gourmets when it comes to food. They may experience tension with sexual desire, be relaxed, and prone to jealousy (see How to stop being jealous). They are alarmed by everything new and unfamiliar. It is important to adhere to all established rules and formal agreements. They don’t like “empty talk” or fantasies.

Epileptoids are true realists with a practical type of thinking. In relationships with people around them, they can show much greater conformity than it might seem from the outside. They are able to easily adapt to changed circumstances if they can think through how to proceed and what benefits they can get for themselves.

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Psychological characteristics of the psychotype Epileptoid type

Psychologists say that this personality type is considered quite difficult for research due to the presence of certain characteristics. Experts believe that an epileptoid is an emotionally excitable person who experiences tension, a desire for authoritarianism, and sudden mood swings. We can mention such famous people with an epileptoid personality type as: Joseph Stalin, Field Marshal Zhukov. The basic emotion is anger, which makes it quite difficult to establish constructive communication. It is difficult for such people to relieve their irritation, as a result of which they want to find a suitable object among those around them and close people. If ordinary communication partners are able to stop any interaction with an epileptoid, then relatives and family members will have to endure violent manifestations of emotions, pedantry, and the desire to meticulously follow the rules.

It is important to understand what the specific character of a given person is so that life with him is truly comfortable. Do not assume that epileptoids are unbearable people from whom you should stay away. They are quite capable of becoming reliable life partners, showing increased efficiency, and being true friends who will come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

Epileptoids are distinguished by their desire for impeccable order and perfectionism. It is important for them that all things are in their place. You can hear a lot of nit-picking and different demands on loved ones. You will have to conform, live exactly according to the established order, so as not to get reprimanded.

A person with this personality type is considered a real housewife who can boast of having a strong family. It is important for him to create a favorable emotional atmosphere in the house, in which not only order reigns, but also smells of fresh, hot food. It is important to realize which symptom can cause tension in the epileptoid, which can seriously interfere with the life of him and the people around him. It is worth mentioning the combination of outbursts of anger and inhibition that are observed due to the trigger.

Those around you must take into account the specific character of the epileptoid in order to build truly comfortable relationships (see Toxic relationships in the family). It is worth mentioning that perseverance and the desire to see things through to the end make people with this type of personality simply irreplaceable workers. They are not afraid of complex projects or communication with taciturn clients. At the same time, it is quite difficult for an epileptoid to decide on changes, given that ideal order has already been created at home or at work. They strive to occupy a high position in order to avoid subordination. One can only envy the unshakability of convictions. Everything can be ruined only by a nervous breakdown, which is caused by accumulated negative emotions.

Using the “7 radicals” methodology in the personnel management system

Recruitment specialists every time try new techniques and methods that allow them to most effectively and accurately evaluate a candidate. This is due to the fact that any mistake made at the selection stage can result in large losses for the company.

People can be most effective when the tasks they perform best match their competencies and character traits. The easiest to learn are those rules of behavior that require less effort from a person. If he performs a job for which he has to apply a large amount of resources (intellectual, psychological, physical), then the likelihood increases that sooner or later he will burn out emotionally. A properly selected employee will learn faster, be more productive, be motivated to work and require less supervision from the manager.

That is why, when searching for a new employee, it is extremely important to take into account the individual characteristics and competencies that are necessary to complete the tasks. So, for example, for the vacancy of an active sales manager, you should look for an open, sociable person who can easily establish contact and find an approach to anyone, who is ready to negotiate and correctly defend his point of view. And for the role of an accountant, it is important to consider such personal qualities as attentiveness, decency, perseverance, the ability to work with a large amount of information, love of analysis and order.

So how can you evaluate all these characteristics at the interview stage? There are a large number of methods, tests, questionnaires; There are even entire instructions for conducting competency-based interviews. Each of them is useful in its own way, but, perhaps, their main disadvantage compared to the “7 radicals” typology is the time that needs to be spent on analyzing and processing information.

The technique developed by Viktor Ponomarenko, in turn, allows you to determine the leading psychotype of a person in the first minutes of acquaintance, and then, with the help of additional questions, understand what accentuations still exist in him.

You can get a first idea about the “7 Radicals” method by reading Viktor Ponomarenko’s book online. But it is worth remembering that no skill is formed without practice. That is why it is so important to develop it, constantly honing your skills in real time.

By understanding the psychological type of employees, the manager will also be able to:

  • set goals and delegate correctly;
  • easily motivate people to complete complex tasks;
  • develop staff;
  • predict possible behavior of people in difficult situations;
  • know which subordinates can and should be promoted;
  • find an individual approach to everyone;
  • it is easier to find the causes of conflicts and reduce the percentage of their occurrence;
  • negotiate more effectively;
  • understand the reasons for people's behavior;
  • use the strengths and growth areas of employees to develop the business;
  • select suitable career development options;
  • it is correct to fire employees if necessary

The technique can be actively used not only in business and personnel management, but also in personal relationships and raising children.

Fortunately, the modern Internet provides endless opportunities for those who want to develop and grow. Our online program “Self-Knowledge” is perfect for anyone who has decided to start their path of self-improvement, but does not yet know where to start. It will allow you to determine the main growth areas, the direction of movement and find out what exactly you should start developing first.

And before moving on to the conclusion, we suggest taking a short test based on the material in the article:

Symptoms during childhood

Parents should pay attention to the following behavior patterns. At first, the child is too diligent in tidying up the room, putting all the toys in their places. Then he shows excessive nervousness, outbursts of anger, which may seem like ordinary resentment. The manifestation of cruelty towards animals and domestic plants deserves special attention.

The child is capable of defending his own position too fiercely, actively arguing with adults. This should not be confused with the completely natural “I myself” crisis, which blossoms at the age of three. Remember that competent correction of a child’s behavior will help him in adulthood.

Symptoms in adolescents and adults

Teenagers may suffer from mood swings, which include unexplained sadness and irritability. They want to wreak havoc on any suitable object. If symptoms develop for too long, you may experience their transformation into extremely negative character traits. Epileptoids in adolescence show too violent emotions. Gradually, irritation accumulates to spill out as a result of the most innocent reason.

Already in adulthood, a person shows irritability, anger, and experiences mood swings. Psychologists say that adult epileptoids are distinguished by an extreme degree of selfishness, tension in the process of activity, persistence and rancor (see How to forgive an insult).

Among the negative traits we can mention unhealthy pedantry and pettiness, which is why people with this personality type are extremely unbearable in communication. They actively seek marriage to enjoy family life, but can be nagging about disorder. The most harmonious relationship will develop between an epileptoid and a sanguine person, who will not get stuck in worries or grievances after the words of a loved one. It is important to understand that loved ones must soften the tension of the epileptoid. He, in turn, will feel grateful that they managed to keep him from getting into negative situations.

In progress

People with this personality type are distinguished by increased patience and perseverance. They are able to achieve all their goals (see How successful people became successful) thanks to their character. They like to act within strictly defined boundaries and lead other people. You can safely choose the profession of a military man, accountant and analyst. You can achieve success thanks to the presence of order in actions, systematicity.


V.V. Ponomarenko, in his “seven radicals” method, claims that owners of the epileptoid psychotype often have an appearance that the German psychiatrist Kretschmer once classified as athletic-dysplastic. These are broad shoulders, a short neck, a large chest, and women have masculine figures.

In the figure, this body type is located in the center

Physique and character according to Kretschmer

IMPORTANT: not every epileptoid has an athletic-dysplastic physique, but every individual with developed muscles, a short neck and a large chest is, as a rule, an epileptoid.

This psychotype always selects clothes according to the circumstances. In everyday life, he prefers a sporty or work style. No tinsel or decorations allowed. The clothes are comfortable, allowing you to be ready to fight and start a fight at any moment.

Short haircuts. Trimmed nails. Comfortable shoes.

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