4 features that you should not pay attention to when buying a smartphone

Many people choose a smartphone rather superficially: they look at the model, choose the amount of memory and decide on the price. Plus, the smartphone should be more or less beautiful and fit well in the hand. More advanced users delve into the specifications of the phone: battery capacity, display type, number of cores and the manufacturing process used to make the chip, in order to know as much as possible about its performance. In addition to these indicators, there are other important parameters that we often forget about - they also affect the speed of the device and even our user experience. It is worth noting that even the most experienced of us forget these functions. Let’s figure out what parameters we should not pay attention to when choosing a smartphone.

What do we not pay attention to when buying a smartphone?

What does a negative person mean?

A negative person is primarily someone who affects self-esteem.
If a person is not confident in himself, any passing remark can plunge him into the abyss of despair. Even an innocent person can act as a negative personality. For example, a teacher or boss who expresses his desires and orders in a demanding form looks like an accumulation of negativity to a touchy and vulnerable person. There are also so-called “energy vampires” who specifically generate negative emotions in others, provoking scandals, physical discomfort and other unpleasant reactions. Such people have many psychological tools in their arsenal that are powerless against self-confidence and equanimity.

Everyone is familiar with elderly grandmothers who cause scandals in stores and clinics. These negative personalities became like this from a lack of emotion and attention. With age, many opportunities to receive bright emotions are lost, and by causing negativity in others, you can get a response, find yourself in the center of attention and get emotional release.

Another type of people are those who assert themselves at the expense of others. This could be a boss, any official, a friend, a classmate, a relative, or even a spouse. Such people do not know how to create something meaningful and the only way to raise self-esteem is to humiliate those who succumb to provocations.

Among colleagues

Many people are faced with manipulation outside the home, which raises another question: “How not to succumb to provocations at work?”

The team is not always friendly and adequate. Sometimes, when a person comes to work, he encounters people who are not ready to tolerate the smile on their face and the fighting spirit of their co-worker. They are ready to disrupt his mental and emotional state in every way. How to prevent this?

  1. Do not react to the words and actions of provocateur colleagues if their actions are limited only to endless questions and attempts to ruin your mood. Instead of a compliment, they may say that your hairstyle leaves much to be desired. Such people are able to put pressure on pity or feelings of inferiority, reminding you that it was you who were deprived of your bonus last month.
  2. If such provocateur colleagues interfere with your work, then try to have a serious conversation. Prepare a “safety cushion” for yourself by discreetly turning on a voice recorder or asking a friend from work to witness the conversation. Explain that if the provocations do not stop, you will be forced to contact the company’s management.
  3. Your friendly conversation went nowhere, but you still have notes or evidence that a manipulative colleague is interfering with work? Contact your superiors and ask them to influence this person.

Causes of eye disease

1. Stye can be painful and irritating, but it usually goes away on its own within a few days. If the stye does not go away within 3 months, it may be a rare form of cancer known as sebaceous carcinoma. The same applies to barley, which always appears in the same place.

2. Eyebrow hair loss Hair loss occurs for various reasons. If the hairy part of the eyebrow begins to disappear, this may indicate serious problems with the thyroid gland.

3. Blurred Vision If you use a computer frequently, you may experience burning eyes or blurred vision. If the picture becomes blurry when you look at the screen of a gadget, it looks like you have acquired computer vision syndrome.

This will cause terrible discomfort in the future. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately so that he can prescribe drops and vitamins.

4. Blind Spot A small blind spot in an area of ​​visible space can have a deep meaning. If you see it with flickering lights or a wavy line, it could be the result of a migraine. The appearance of blind spots may be accompanied by headaches.

5. Protruding eyes This may be due to thyroid problems. The most common cause of bulging eyes is an overactive gland known as hyperthyroidism.

6. Yellowed whites of the eyes This condition is known as jaundice. It often appears in newborns with immature liver function, but jaundice can also occur in adults. If jaundice occurs in an adult, it is a sign of problems with the liver, gallbladder or bile ducts.

7. Blurred Vision People with diabetes are more at risk of eye diseases. The most common is diabetic retinopathy. This disease affects the circulatory system of the eye. It is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

8. Double Vision, Dim Vision, or Loss of Vision If you experience sudden double vision, dim vision, or loss of vision, contact your doctor immediately. All of these could be signs of a stroke.

Thus, the eyes can indicate health problems. These problems cannot be ignored and if they occur, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, everything in our body is interconnected.

Learn to listen to your body's signals, because it is your best advisor.

How to protect yourself from negativity at work

First, a simple truth: a person who radiates negativity will never achieve success in life. Just know that this is a loser who is pushing away opportunities and people.

Such a presentation will strengthen your self-confidence and allow you to be more calm about all his antics. Having turned on your inner core, you are already 70% ready to defend yourself. All that remains is to learn some tricks. Here they are:

As soon as you are rude, stop the frantic wave of thoughts! It seems that you are about to tear a person to shreds! And why not, it will become easier. Well, if you want to feed the negative, you can show your knowledge in a three-story mat. Otherwise, exhale, then inhale deeply and put on a mask of indifference. The first seconds are the most important. If you are able to hold back your reaction, then you are superior to your opponent. Why would you stoop to his level? Be taller!

Be prepared for negativity. Forewarned is forearmed. You already understand that an eruption can occur at any moment, so do not be surprised by human behavior. Take this for granted, and your rambunctious colleague will dry up from lack of reciprocal emotion.

Do not conduct the conversation in a “1 on 1” format. Involve the people around you in the conversation, and your colleague will instantly reduce the pressure. It will become uncomfortable for him to offend you when several people are watching and evaluating his behavior. Nature is at work here: everyone wants to show their best side. It's like a computer program aimed at survival in society, and you are a hacker who uses it for your own purposes.

Ignore Ignoring is the best way to deal with a negative colleague. The absence of your emotions is the most unpleasant punishment for this kind of people. Install a kind of filter that eliminates the person from your field of vision. Try to avoid communication as much as possible, and if you have to make contact, answer briefly and immediately switch your attention. Remember, ignoring does not mean playing silent

If a person suspects something, the situation may worsen. Try to do this carefully and unobtrusively.

Accept other points of view Yes, it is difficult. But sometimes it’s not about them at all, but about you

Maybe you are melancholic, taking everything to heart, or just lazy! Try to figure out what your colleague is pouring out on you: a bucket of slop, or constructive criticism. It may turn out that all you have to do is submit reports on time, and problems at work will disappear on their own.

Large explanatory dictionary

ATTENTION, -i; Wed 1

Concentration of thoughts or vision or hearing on something. object. Send to. for sth. Listen with attention. Distract c. enemy. Hold in. listeners. Turn to. for sth. Attract smb. V. to smth. Take in. (take account). Give in. someone, something (to do something or something). Sharpen in. on something (concentrate). Be the center of attention (attract everyone's interest). Leave someone or something unattended. (neglect). Zero attention, a pound of contempt (colloquial; show no interest, ignore someone, sth.). Thank you (thank you) for the. (form of polite conclusion of a report, speech). The book is worthy of your attention. I'm all in. (listen carefully). Attention listeners, viewers (title line of announcements). Just a moment! (a call to shut up, concentrate, listen). 2. Caring, sensitive attitude, disposition towards someone. Surround with attention and care. Manifest in. to each other. Earn c. (cause a favorable attitude). It’s not the gift that’s precious, it’s the... Attention! in sign. introductory sl. (a call to shut up, concentrate, listen).

No attention to how it's spelled

LEAVE - I'll leave, you'll leave, owls. (to leave). 1. who what. Bringing where n. or passing, giving to someone, give, put, put, etc. Finding no one, he left a note. Leave the manuscript with the editor for review. When I left, I left instructions. || ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

WITHOUT - (without stress, except in those cases when the emphasis is transferred from the noun to the preposition, for example, without sense, without salt) and without (see), preposition with gender. 1. Indicates the absence of someone, the lack of presence of something; ant. With . without money. Drink tea without... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

without - (without stress, except in those cases when the emphasis is transferred from the noun to the preposition, for example, without sense, without salt) and without (see), preposition with gender. 1. Indicates the absence of someone, the lack of presence of something; ant. With . without money. Drink tea without... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

WITHOUT - (without stress, except in those cases when the emphasis is transferred from the noun to the preposition, for example, without sense, without salt) and without (see), preposition with gender. 1. Indicates the absence of someone, the lack of presence of something; ant. With . without money. Drink tea without... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

LEAVE - LEAVE, love, see; possessed; Sovereign 1. whom (what). When leaving or leaving, do not take it with you (intentionally or forgetting). O. book at home. O. children in the village. O. suitcase in the carriage. 2. what. Save, save. O. I'm eating (food) for dinner. O. reserve the right to do... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

leave - love, see; St. see also leave, leave, leave, be left, leaving someone what 1) someone what Putting, putting, placing, etc. where l. forget or intend ... Dictionary of many expressions

leave - love, see; St. who what. 1. who what. Putting, placing, placing, etc. where l. forget or deliberately do not take it with you when leaving. O. car under the window. O. things in the storage room. O. cigarettes at home. O. for a while. O. due to absent-mindedness. 2. Pass to whom... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

not to pay attention - to ignore one’s ears, to step over and not to move one’s ear, to close one’s eyes, to ignore, not to want to know, to pass by, not to notice, to neglect, and not to turn one’s nose or one’s eyebrow, to turn one’s back, to ignore, not take into account... Dictionary of synonyms

Turkish wars of Russia - . I

Relations and wars between Russia and Turkey until Peter I (1475 1689). Relations between Russia and Turkey began from the time of the latter’s conquest of Crimea in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

METHODS OF MEDICAL RESEARCH – I. General principles of medical research. The growth and deepening of our knowledge, more and more technical equipment of the clinic, based on the use of the latest achievements of physics, chemistry and technology, the associated complication of methods... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Source of the article: https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/dic_synonims/255210/%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82% D1%8C


Ego is worthless. We are not of the slightest interest to others. Some people will be inspired by your independence from others People care about their own problems, not your actions Someone will still think badly of you Listening to other people's opinions, you devalue your life Someone else's opinion is unlikely to change anything, so don't rely on it get hung up Never listen to the opinion of a person who does not live the way you would like. Realize that other people's opinions are a problem. Respect, sympathy and support are just excuses for your weakness. If you are criticized, you grow. Much more important is what you feel, experience and experience at the moment of changing yourself

You don't care about the opinions of others. Charisma is a person’s ability to not care about other people’s judgments and thereby attract their attention. Charisma = confidence = self-esteem = independence = self-control. Increase one of these qualities and the others will also increase.

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I would like to believe that among the arguments you found something interesting and motivating for yourself. Let's move from theory to practice. We will learn how to become a charismatic person and use this quality to not be swayed by other people's opinions.

We often hear the word “charisma”. For example, what a charismatic actor or he is a very charismatic guy. But if you ask yourself the question “what is it like to be charismatic?”, then your thoughts come to a dead end. Well, so cool, cheerful, with an inner core...

Probably the best way to describe what charisma is is the following: a charismatic person is a person who knows exactly what he wants, is confident in it and is not afraid of the opinions of others, thereby attracting people to him. He can directly say “fuck off” and nothing will happen to him for it. He's like, what can you do?

How to move into this category of people? How to attract affection without sucking up or listening to the opinions of others? Let's figure it out.

#1 Be confident

You need to be confident in your behavior. After all, confidence is synonymous with charisma.

For example, if you cut your hair bald, then wear this hairstyle with pride. As soon as you put on a hat and begin to avoid others, they will definitely talk about you in a ridiculing tone. Therefore, once you decide to make changes, stick to it until the end.

Of course, self-confidence is a very broad topic that many psychologists have been studying for years. You can write a separate large article about it, which would not fit into one issue, so here are just a few ways to increase your self-confidence:

  • Focus on your past victories and successes
  • Take charge of your life
  • Don't be afraid of your shortcomings, the best confidence is not being afraid to be real
  • Do something worthwhile that you will be proud of
  • Engage in continuous self-development
  • Dress in good clothes so that the external state “spreads” to the internal
  • Use the little things: look into the eyes, take comfortable poses, watch your posture. This idea deserves its own paragraph.

#2 Pay attention to detail

[adsense1] In life, it’s the little things that decide everything: how a person communicates, how he dresses, what pose he takes, what thought he wakes up with, and even how he greets. This bunch of small actions shapes a person and determines one or another level of success.

Let's highlight the biggest little things that are found in every charismatic person.

  • Optimism
  • The ability to listen and understand, to give your warmth and energy
  • Calmness and restraint
  • Respect for others
  • Smile

Of course, there are many more of these qualities. All of them are not developed immediately, sometimes with hard work. But the effect from them covers all expenses.

#3 Don't be afraid to respond to insults

Attention, not suitable for everyone! On occasion, you need to be able to beautifully put a person in his place. Sometimes it’s worth showing your teeth and responding to obvious manipulation. People are all the same and they are also afraid of public opinion.

There is a good book on this topic called Black Rhetoric. In it, the author tells how to switch your role in communication from a follower to a leader, manipulate the conversation yourself and learn to defend yourself verbally. The audio format takes only 5 hours, which means the book can easily be read in a week.

#4 Charisma = confidence = high self-esteem. So love yourself the way you are

We hear this from every iron, but for some reason it doesn't work. But while we're on the subject, just know: there are people who achieve success despite their shortcomings. You can just search for “flaws of celebrities” and you will learn a lot of new things about world stars. Maybe this will motivate you not to notice your flaws.

#5 Face your fears

If you dig deeper, it turns out that fighting fears is simply one way to increase self-confidence. But it is so potent that it deserves its own paragraph.

Overcoming fears is very effective if you want to become stronger. Moreover, you need to be honest and destroy your worst fears , and not just “fears”. Jumping from a parachute or a bridge, public speaking, going to a spider exhibition - these are the things you can do to not be afraid of the opinions of others. These things are actually interconnected.

#6 Be independent

Reduce questions: what do I look like, does it suit me, what do you think about my new hairstyle, etc. Choose for yourself what to buy, what to cook, and what to do in a difficult situation. Now you are the master of the situation.

This will help you become more mature and wean yourself from the advice of others. After all, it happens that even though we don’t like the opinion, we get so used to being assessed from the outside that we can no longer make an independent decision. And this leads to a loss of confidence, and, as we already know, a loss of charisma.

#7 Know exactly what you want and go for it

Take a piece of paper and write down all your “wants”, both material and spiritual. This will help you find your direction so you don't get blown away by every oncoming wind.

Determining your desires and moving towards goals is one of the types of self-control. And as you know, a person is satisfied with himself only to the extent that he can control his life. So find yourself and take control of your life yourself! Let opinions guide other people!

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you have gained at least a little motivation and are ready to take the throne in your life state. Good luck!


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Neuter nouns starting with “-i” in the nominative case should be written in adversative (negative) expressions like “don’t <do> <this-and-such>” according to the following rules:

If one specific material object is meant, then the word naming it is written in the accusative case: “do not point the blade at yourself.”

The names of non-material objects (non-material, non-material, speculative) in expressions of such a construction are in any case written in the genitive case, since an immaterial object cannot be used as a material one: “don’t pay attention” (singular); “don’t give in to fads” (plural). There are also items that are conditionally intangible, i.e. themselves speculative, but presupposing a material embodiment directly related to them: “do not interrupt treatment” (taking medications and medical procedures); “do not refuse a new appointment” (invalid without documentation). Then, depending on the context (general meaning) and the construction of the phrase, it is possible to use the accusative case: “do not stop treatment” (singular); “I don’t like the new appointment” (plural). In similar expressions of an affirmative nature “”, the corresponding nouns are written in the nominative case: “follow the order” (singular); "observe the restrictions" (pl.

h.). However, if the statement is made using the method of reverse (inverse) negation (reversal (inversion) of negation), a construction of the form “not”, then the noun with “-i” is placed in the instrumental case: “Don’t be bothered by his increased attention, he is a decent person” (ed. . h.); “Do not ignore the doctor’s instructions” (pl.



The expression “don’t pay attention” is used in Russian in one meaning:

  • Points to something insignificant, insignificant, not entailing any serious consequences: “Listen, Lyuska has been making eyes at me for about a week now. “ Don’t pay attention , she does this to everyone in turn.” Synonyms “don’t take it into account”, “don’t take it into account”, “don’t give it any importance”, “don’t take it into your head”, “don’t take it into account” > per soul” (emphasis on “on”). Partial synonyms: “don’t take it into account”, “don’t have it in mind”, “don’t take it into account”.
  • Can be used in interposition, i.e. clarifying words are inserted between “worth” and “attention”: “ not worth your attention .” The same goes for synonyms.
  • It is also used in inverse (reverse) spelling, as well as synonyms: “ Don’t pay attention .” And it’s better not to have it in mind if you’re thinking about something serious.”


The word “attention” is an inanimate neuter noun of the 2nd declension in the school tradition (I academic). Consists of the prefix “v-”, the root “-nim-”, the suffix “-a-” and the ending “-e”

Setting stress and division for transferring attention.

Case forms:

  • Name attention (singular); attention (plural).
  • Rodi of attention (units); attention (plural).
  • Yes to attention (singular); attention (plural).
  • Accusative attention (singular); attention (plural).
  • Create with attention (singular); attentions (plural).

Prepositional: attention (singular); attention (plural).


We write to Pravilno.ru

You need to know the spelling of these words:

Check another word:

Ignore or ignore?

The phrase “ignore” corresponds to the syntactic norms of the Russian language. In it, a transitive verb with the negation “not” controls an abstract noun in the genitive case.

To choose the correct version of the phrase “not to pay attention” or not to “pay attention”, we will establish what words it consists of. This phrase consists of two components:

  • transitive verb “to convert”;
  • inanimate noun "attention".

The verb is the main word; it controls the noun. This is where a dilemma arises: which case form of the noun to choose:

  • accusative case form (what?) attention;
  • genitive form of (what?) attention?

Let's compare the use of these forms of the analyzed noun:

  • pay (what?) attention;
  • not pay (what?) attention.

In the Russian language, with transitive verbs with negation, in some cases the use of the noun in the form of the genitive case clearly predominates, in others the complement is used in the form of the accusative case, and sometimes there is an optional control depending on the specific speech situation.

Genitive case of the noun "attention"

Let us point out one essential detail that deserves the closest attention in choosing the case form of a noun. The verb “to convert” is used with the negative particle “not”. This means that the entire syntactic construction has the meaning of emphasized negation.

Second point. The object controlled by the transitive verb is expressed by the abstract noun “attention.”

In the presence of such conditions, the laws of the syntax of the Russian language come into their own. From two alternative options, we will choose a phrase with an addition in the genitive case of the noun.

On the topic under discussion, we will consider in more detail the conditions for choosing the genitive case of a noun for transitive verbs with negation.

Genitive case of a noun for verbs with negation

Let us take note that when expressing a complement with abstract (abstract) nouns for transitive verbs with negation, it is the genitive case form that is used, for example:

  • does not miss an opportunity;
  • gives no reason;
  • does not hide pleasure;
  • does not lose hope;
  • does not show understanding;
  • doesn't like noise
  • makes no concessions.

The genitive case of a noun is also used in a number of cases: 1. with the dividing-quantitative meaning of the complement

  • Would you like some ice cream?
  • Should I give you some jam for tea?
  • I can't get water from the well.

2. with verbs of thought, desire, perception, etc.

  • not to see the light;
  • not feel cold;
  • don't know the formula;
  • don't want bread;
  • do not want publicity;

3. verbs “have”, “receive”, “get”, “acquire”, “grab”, etc., used with the particle “not” always have the meaning of complete negation, for example:

  • have no desire;
  • not receiving news for a long time;
  • I didn’t get any coupons;
  • lacks courage;

4. if the sentence contains the particle “ni” or negative pronouns and adverbs, for example:

Do you know..

Which option is correct? (according to last week’s statistics, only 43% answered correctly)

Did not like? – Write in the comments what is missing.

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  1. 1. Alina Saibel 854
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  5. 5. Kirill Tuchkov 75
  6. 6. Anastasia Lee 70
  7. 7. Ksenia @@ 60
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  9. 9. Kirill Kovalev 50
  10. 10. Nikita Alkin 46
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  3. 3. Kristina Volosocheva 13,330
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  7. 7. Darth Vader 12,491
  8. 8. TorkMen 12,391
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  10. 10. Vlad Lubenkov 11,825

The most active participants of the week:

  • 1. Victoria Neumann – bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
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  • 3. Daria Volkova – bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.

Three lucky people who passed at least 1 test:

  • 1. Natalya Starostina – bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
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The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days via VKontakte message or email.

Sometimes there are incidents with the placement of punctuation marks, justified by the fact that individual words or combinations are confused with introductory words and people begin to be tormented by the question of where to put a comma. Something similar happens, for example, with the combination “I ask you” or “We ask you”, which are confused with the “politeness formula” “please”. Let's see what the rules say: "I ask you" is separated by commas or not.

Which is correct: not to pay attention or not to pay attention?

Answers are available after registration


In this context of not paying attention, let us turn our attention (forgive the tautology) to the NEGATION “NOT”, which is used with the verb. This means that the verb requires the genitive case of the noun

In stable phrases with transitive verbs with negation, an addition is more often used in the form of the genitive case of an abstract being not to feel the desire, not to make a secret, not to give free rein, not to miss an opportunity, has no idea and not to pay attention.

I’ll write the CORRECT answer right away, because reading the forums, I’m almost going wild with gross mistakes

Girls and boys, as well as their parents! The correct spelling is “ignore”! Test question: who? What?

I hope those who didn't know will remember for the future

What errors do you encounter most often on the Internet? What hurts the eye?

A more correct option would be: don’t pay attention.

That is, it is implied that the noun must be in the genitive case.

Don't pay attention to what? - attention.

But the second option can also be found.

Yes, in principle, in our time it will be correct to do both. Previously, in Soviet times, any Russian language teacher would have said that it is correct to write with the letter “I”. Since in such a sentence the presence of the word “own” is implied. So it turns out: “Don’t pay attention.” Currently, the rules do not require any specific spelling.

I always believed that you should say “ignore”, that is, the last word should be in the genitive case

But in modern Russian it is allowed to use the word “attention” in this phrase also in the accusative case, that is, you can also say “not to pay attention”

Good afternoon, the correct answer to this question is: don’t pay attention. Since in this particular case, you must put the word you are interested in in the genitive case, and you will have one ending with the letter i.

I think it would be more correct to say “Don’t pay attention.” At least that's what I always say or write. So far I haven't had any problems with this expression. I hope they will correct me if I wrote it wrong.

In general, the use of both options is legal, since verbs with the particle “not”, according to the norms of the Russian language, can be used with nouns in the form of two cases - both genitive and accusative. Personally, the genitive case of the noun in this phrase seems preferable to me: Don’t pay attention.

The correct spelling of this word would be: ignore

The word attention is put in the genitive case because this case can be applied to it. As a result, it turns out that the spelling with the nominative case is incorrect

The word “attention” in this case must be put in the genitive case. That is, make it answer the question “what?”

Therefore, the correct option would be: “Don’t pay attention.” Remember this.

And so and so; depending on which pronoun to use: don’t pay your attention or don’t pay your attention. I think we should say correctly: “Don’t pay attention,” as they taught at school when they learned Russian!

I think we should say correctly: “Don’t pay attention,” as they taught at school when they learned Russian!

Speak calmly

The way we communicate is often much more important than what we say. If the situation is heated, then it's time to talk about it. However, the dialogue should not be aggressive. It is better to use sentences that begin with the words “I”, “me”, “me”, for example: “It annoys me when you do this. Could you do things differently? Most likely, the interlocutor will listen to you and also express his opinion.

Sometimes it is worth calling in a third party for help. Another person can objectively assess the situation. Maybe after the dialogue you will not become friends with the one with whom the conflict is brewing, but at least you will be able to communicate normally.

Working alongside people you find difficult to get along with is a rewarding experience that will show you how you can cope with problems.


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Dictionary of methodological terms

ATTENTION. The form of mental activity, the subject’s concentration at a given moment in time on some

real or ideal object (subject, event, image, reasoning, etc.). The physiological basis of V. is the appearance of a focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex and simultaneous inhibition of surrounding areas. At any given moment in the cortex there is an area with optimal conditions of excitation, with which the most vivid work of consciousness is associated. V. is characterized by level (intensity, concentration), volume (breadth, distribution), switching speed, duration and stability. Selective focus is the main property of V. In order for V. to be focused on what is needed for learning or solving a problem, it must be controlled. The appearance of V. in the process of perception means that a person not only hears, but also listens, or even listens or listens, not only sees, but also looks, peers, considers; his perception turns into operating with data and sometimes obtaining them for a specific purpose. The presence of V. means, first of all, a change in the structure of the mental process, a transition from perceptions and observations to purposeful activity. V. is regulated by the needs of the individual and is maintained by the activity of the body. The main types of V. are involuntary and voluntary V. A distinction is made between external V., the object of which is located in the external world, and internal V., associated with a person’s awareness of his activities, his inner world. The teacher’s consideration of the individual characteristics of students from the point of view of V.’s character is an important condition for the effectiveness of classes. ATTENTION IS INVOLVED. See involuntary attention. ATTENTION VOLUNTARY. See voluntary attention.

Stop feeding the beast

The term “emotional vampires” was used above.

We are talking about parasitic individuals who literally feed on your attention and affection, leaving you emotionally devastated

Before you start investing your emotions in these people, think about the fact that you will end up losing all your energy. Because of this, you will not be able to take even a step towards solving their problems.

You will never be able to satisfy their thirst for your love if they are determined to feel and act like a victim.

You can offer your support to those who need it: a friend or even a stranger.

But try not to lose sight of the moment when your efforts begin to become unnecessary

Or when people calling for your help become more like rivals vying for your attention

You don't have to solve other people's problems, especially when they don't want to. They just want to be endlessly pitied. So you have to know when to leave!

When you feel that your internal resources are being depleted, just step aside and leave everything as it is. There is nothing wrong with refusing to take part in someone's contrived drama.

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