What kind of guys do girls like and why am I not one of them?

Why might a guy not like you?

Girls don't like guys who can't take care of their appearance.

  1. A beautiful young lady will obviously be scared off by a young man who behaves rudely, in particular towards girls.
  2. You may not like a guy who is too shy or overly sensitive.
  3. They are not attracted to young people who are too silent and withdrawn. Girls prefer cheerful guys who can talk on any topic, lift their spirits, and make them laugh.
  4. You definitely won't like a boor - a person who tries to humiliate others and throw mud at them.
  5. A young man who constantly criticizes everyone and sees everything in a black light will not arouse interest.
  6. Girls don't like whiners. They want to see a strong man next to them.
  7. Boring guys are not appreciated. This can be said about a guy who, apart from studying and at home, does not know or see anything, who does not have any hobbies, and does not play sports. It's not even interesting to talk to such a person.
  8. A guy who is incapable of taking care of himself is repulsive; he has bad breath, uncut nails, unwashed hair, uncleaned shoes. Such a person is unlikely to be able to please anyone.
  9. Girls do not like overly self-confident guys who pretend to be some kind of deity. It doesn't matter how handsome a guy is if he has an inflated ego.
  10. A young man who teaches everyone around him, tells him how to live correctly, what to wear, what to do, will definitely repel any girl.
  11. It’s unlikely that anyone will like a guy who constantly behaves inconspicuously, quietly, and almost no one knows about his existence.
  12. The girl will not date a man who is known as a liar.
  13. A young man who compares all girls, for example, to his mother.
  14. It’s unlikely that anyone will like an irresponsible guy who doesn’t know how to keep his word.
  15. Young people who treat themselves badly are repelled. As they say, first of all, you need to love yourself, then everyone around you will be drawn to you. Whatever you are. In this case, you need to make every effort to change your attitude, go in for sports, and get yourself in order.
  16. Passive people who do not think about the need to make any effort to win a girl and make her interested in themselves are not popular. They believe that everything will come on its own.

Confused messages

What to talk about with a girl: 54 smart questions

What confuses men the most is that a woman who looks interested can act and talk like a woman who doesn't care. Or, even worse, like a woman in anger.

For example, a girl doesn’t take her eyes off a guy and licks her lips, and when he finally decides to come up and speak, he says, “I have a boyfriend,” “I’m not dating,” or “Get away from me, you pervert.” And these confusing mixed reactions really confuse guys. Moreover, having encountered such a reaction several times, the guy will prefer not to approach the girl out of harm’s way. Unsuccessfully waiting for the notorious SMS “Fuck me, I’m on fire.”

Why is this happening?

If, for example, you slept with a beauty you liked and told everyone about it, what will others think of you? That you are a womanizer (with envy) and handsome.

What will they think of the girl? That it is easily accessible - at least. With all the consequences. Of course, I took the simplest example possible

But it very accurately shows how important it is for a girl to save face. And the loss of reputation for a woman has much more serious consequences than for a man.

The man shook himself off and walked away. Well, a womanizer. Well, you bastard. And she still has to get married, have children, start a relationship with a normal man. And if he finds out about her reputation, what will be his reaction? So for women everything is much more complicated. And for good reason.

But - if women did not show any signs that she liked a man, then humanity would die out. Because children would stop being born and people would stop having sex. In order to save humanity, women give men tips.

Signs of an Attractive Partner

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their appearance.

  1. Clean face, no acne.
  2. Slightly unshaven or clean-shaven face. If you have a beard, it should be well-groomed and neat.
  3. With a well-groomed hairstyle, washed hair, an interesting haircut.
  4. Be sure to have clean, neatly trimmed nails
  5. A man should have a pleasant aroma of perfume and fresh breath.
  6. Polished shoes.
  7. Clean clothes, ironed, always chosen for the occasion and weather, suitable in size. The right taste in choosing clothing items is also of great importance.

In a word, girls are attracted to neat, neat and well-groomed young men.

Let's look at what kind of guys girls like based on their character:

  • caring;
  • attentive;
  • erudite;
  • generous;
  • With a good sense of humor;
  • purposeful;
  • self-confident;
  • romance.

I like a girl, but I'm embarrassed to show her to my friends

10 methods to make the right decision

Perhaps the previous story is not about you - you really like the object of your affection in every possible sense - but you know or guess that someone finds her not very attractive. For example, your friends - you are afraid that they will laugh at you and think worse about you. Or are you embarrassed to appear with this girl in public because you know that many people think she is ugly. To many - but not to you.

People who might think something about you as they pass by do not play any significant role in your life to give their opinion any significance. Think about what will make you happy - a relationship with a girl you are really in love with, or with an unloved but dazzling beauty? We believe that it is still the first. If not, read on.

Your friends, if only they are real friends, will definitely accept your choice and will treat your chosen one well - after all, you know what a wonderful character she has, do you really think that they will not notice this? An alarming signal is if one of your close people, knowing about your sympathy, expressed contempt or ridicule at you because you fell in love with an ugly girl - in his opinion. You should avoid the company of such a person; in any case, you should explain to him that such statements addressed to her are unacceptable for you. And, we repeat: no one’s opinion should become a reason for breaking up with a girl you really like.

What to do to please

You need to tidy up your appearance

  1. It is very important to show good manners.
  2. Don't forget about compliments. The young lady will be pleased to hear pleasant words about her appearance, sense of humor, and intelligence.
  3. If she talks about some plans, about her aspirations, support her.
  4. It is necessary that the guy's attention is focused only on one chosen one, so that he is not distracted by girls passing by.
  5. Stay calm when you're around a girl, don't get nervous, don't bend your arms, don't twist your hair, act confident.
  6. Maintain personal hygiene. A girl cares about how a guy looks and how he smells.
  7. Learn to be a good conversationalist. It is important for a girl that the guy knows how to carry on a conversation.
  8. Be sure to be responsible. If you are not studying now, try to find a job, don’t sit on your parents’ necks.
  9. The main thing is to always remain yourself, in any situation or circumstance. There is no need to engage in self-deception, fake, try, seem better than you really are.
  10. If you know about your shortcomings, then you should start getting rid of them, no matter how hard it is, no matter how much time is spent.
  11. Always treat people of the opposite sex with respect.
  12. If you feel insecure around a girl, be in female company more often in order to adapt and not experience such problems in the future.
  13. If you are a boor, finally take care of your manners. If necessary, attend special trainings.
  14. If you think that girls don’t like you because of your appearance, then you need to realize that not everyone pays attention to the color of their eyes, the shape of their nose, or protruding ears. For many, what's inside is much more important. In addition, you can improve your appearance by visiting the gym, going to the hairdresser, if your face is covered in acne - this can be combated with the help of cosmetics.

I have a guy I know who, despite being overweight (he's 20 extra pounds) and short in stature, is very popular with girls. In addition, I can say that he is a notorious womanizer, and has been for many years. He is quite confident in himself, loves himself as he is, never pretends, shows care, is an excellent conversationalist, and has a good sense of humor. This is an example of how advantages can hide disadvantages.

How not to behave

Trying to become a womanizer will not add advantages to you in the eyes of girls

  1. It’s bad when a guy, eager to increase his self-esteem and become popular among girls, starts flirting with everyone he meets. You need to understand that everyone around will know about this feature. What girl would want to communicate, essentially, with a womanizer?
  2. Be overly persistent, react to women's refusals as a call to action.
  3. It is unacceptable to stalk girls, it will not only scare you away, but also intimidate you.
  4. There is no need to use the method according to the principle that if you love someone less, you will fall in love with yourself more. This method only works on girls who have very low self-esteem.

Now you know which guys girls like best. You know how to behave, what you need to do to change. Remember, the end justifies the means. If you want to get attention from a beautiful lady, you will have to work hard on yourself. All in your hands.

Surreal test

One test featured a 100-word text based on René Magritte's surreal painting The Lovers, in which a couple kisses while their heads are covered with a white cloth.

Half of the text accompanying the photos was boring or factual.

And the other half was inspiring or romantic.

This worked as an indicator that determines personality.

The test results allowed scientists to understand how to please a beautiful girl without having an outstanding appearance.

First of all, they showed that men with less attractive faces become more popular with women if they are creative.

Why do women rate men's creative abilities so highly?

This points to evolutionary biology - hidden criteria that force girls to look for the best partner for the birth of healthy offspring and the survival of the family.

Women are more selective when it comes to choosing sexual partners. And imagination and acting abilities are a clear indicator of intelligence.

Creative nature is considered to be a signal that a person can put time and effort into solving a specific problem or can see things from a new perspective, achieve what he wants in new ways, all of which are very useful for survival in modern conditions.

Even if you don’t know how to please a very beautiful girl without being handsome, know that if you have charisma and innovative thinking, you will succeed intuitively.

What we can conclude from all this is that nerds and romantics are at a disadvantage on social media and dating sites, where decisions are often based solely on visual perception.

Therefore, you should not be afraid to leave the house and communicate with girls live.

This is the only way you can show your individuality, artistry, charisma, intelligence and other valuable masculine qualities.

Creative charm is not limited to the choice of a potential girlfriend, it also extends to the choice of potential friends.

Silicone lover2

Surely you have met people whose lips and breasts enter the room much earlier than she does. These people love to modify their appearance in every possible way, making their bust and lips bigger and bigger each time. It's never enough for them. And being in society with someone like that can be, at a minimum, uncomfortable, and at maximum, scary.

Suddenly all these immense forms will explode, since this is exactly the impression that is created. Today, surgeons can do a truly wonderful job of making everyone more confident, reshaping all sorts of body parts. But, unfortunately, even the most highly qualified specialists are unable to refuse their client if she wants to make her size five a size six.

In addition, all these silicone lovers are the same and there is a chance that, when you go to the toilet in a restaurant and return back to the hall, you will not be able to find the one you came with, since the abundance of people like her will be huge.

She helps you achieve your goals without forgetting your own

Very often there is an opinion that men are more comfortable marrying weak women. As if this makes them feel strong and courageous. But this is absolutely not true. Research shows that educated and successful girls get married as often as others.

A study conducted at the University of British Columbia demonstrated that having a smart and strong woman next to a man makes him just as successful. Moreover, this motivates him to reach even greater heights, and she, in turn, does not need endless support in resolving her own issues.

Pros of loneliness

The desire to be alone does not arise out of nowhere. Loneliness has many charms.

The main advantage of loneliness is the freedom to manage your life without regard for others

Woke up from a thunderstorm at 3 am and wanted to walk barefoot in the rain? No problem. Have you decided to move to another city for a week? I packed my things and went. Do you want to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling? You lie there and watch. Loneliness gives rise to a feeling of omnipotence: “I can do whatever I want! The world belongs to me!

When you don’t have to look at others, take into account their interests and habits, you begin to be much more attentive to your needs, thoughts and feelings

Questions from the series come naturally: “What do I really want? What is important to me? Loneliness makes me realize that it is interesting for me, to separate the values ​​​​imposed by the environment from my own. This is firstly

And secondly, loneliness protects against disappointment. Almost all problems in our lives are problems related to people. People get hurt. One said something wrong, the second didn’t call, the fourth betrayed, the fifth is dumb as a plug, the sixth always needs something from you, and the third is always out of place. Loneliness solves these problems at once.

No people - no problems :)

Thirdly, loneliness is romantic. No matter who you spit at, be it Eugene Onegin or Jack Sparrow, the main character is lonely, interesting and often misunderstood. It's a small thing, but nice.

They are beautiful and lonely :)

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