Patience is an important quality for every person. Where to “pick up” patience and who needs it?

When I googled what patience is, it said:

“The ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming angry or upset.”

I have always tried my best to be patient in my life. Although I know that when I can be patient, I always get better results. Being patient is a pretty simple concept, but for some reason it can be so difficult to put into practice.

Practicing patience will help you better cope with the challenges life throws at you. Patience also brings peace, optimism, hope and confidence into your life.

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles disappear.” — John Quincy Adams

The key message is very clear - when you practice patience, you are more likely to lead a successful and happy life.

In this article, you'll learn why patience is good for you and how to practice patience so you can take better control of your life.

Required quality

It’s not for nothing that these proverbs are so tenacious, because patience is a quality of a person that has no equal. This is a valuable ability for self-control, to control oneself in any situation. This is endurance and the ability to wait. Self-control under negative conditions.

The word “patience” means the ability to calmly and restrainedly wait for some results or events. This quality helps to achieve success in any area of ​​life.


People of angelic patience. They perceive a calm attitude towards responsibilities and solving daily problems with restraint and will not panic if an unusual case arises. Everything can be solved!

Cancer will be dissatisfied if they start rushing him, urging him on - this is not to his liking. But even in this case he will not be nervous.

Cancer loves comfort and coziness. He will not like to find himself in an unkempt place. He will try to leave it as soon as possible, and if this is not possible, he will try to transform it.

Where is it used and who needs it?

The ability to endure is useful where circumstances do not depend on will and desire. It will preserve strength in trying to overcome obstacles and save you from rash actions. Who needs it?

  • To parents. This group needs a lot of it. Raising the younger generation is not an easy task. There is often a clash of interests, which can result in quarrels, disputes and resentments. Here adults simply have to be patient. Firstly, because they are responsible for the child, and secondly, because they set an example of dialogue for their children. They want to raise patient children.
  • For students. Different categories of students need patience in order to sit until the end of the lesson, finish the homework they started, finish reading a book, finish studying a play, and finish much more.
  • Bosses, chiefs and the like. Patience is what will help the boss explain the task to the end, listen to the subordinate and argue intelligently at meetings.
  • Subordinates. It is needed for high-quality completion of tasks and instructions, communication with superiors, and with other employees in the office.
  • For children. You need patience to wait for your mother in kindergarten, to finish your porridge and to draw a cactus.

Patience is an internal resource that everyone needs, regardless of social and property status, age and gender.

a lion

There are patient people among Leos. However, this sign with royal habits is not distinguished by patience. But it’s not only the lack of proper respect for their own person that irritates them - their demands on others are much higher.

Firstly, Leo does not like monotony. Repeating the same text or movement eventually just starts to piss him off. Secondly, Leo will be extremely annoyed when he finds out that the previously discussed plan has been changed without his consent. Thirdly, having caught someone in a lie, Leo has a desire to tear the liar to pieces.

What does impatience lead to?

They say impatience is the best way to waste time. And indeed it is. Lack of patience leads to the fact that the work started is not completed and there is a need to start all over again every time. This applies to absolutely any business. If we talk about your own business, then if abandoned halfway, it will also result in a loss of money.

Impatience can poison the life of someone for whom “delay is like death.” Basically, these are people aimed at immediate and undoubted results, who want a quick return on their activities.

The inability to tolerate spoils relationships between people in any area of ​​life, leading to divorce, dismissal, stress, illness, and accidents. Impatient people are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and hypertension. For those who are especially uncontrollable, traffic jams, queues in stores, or raising children become torment.


Patience towards Aries is not included in the list of advantages. He begins to get nervous everywhere: stuck in a traffic jam, standing in line, when a flight is delayed or when claiming luggage. An impulsive and hot-tempered character pushes Aries into a frontal attack.

Being a good organizer himself, he refuses to understand why the transport arrived at the wrong time, the equipment repairman did not have the necessary tool, and it was impossible to call the waiter.

He begins to solve any issue immediately and with his pressure he will achieve his goal.

Where can I get it?

The Bible says patience is a virtue. How to become virtuous? With age, as a rule, comes wisdom. And one of the components of wisdom is patience.

Of course, each person’s threshold of patience also depends on their temperament. Some are already born with a developed ability to endure. What should someone do who doesn’t have enough innate patience?

In order for life to find harmony, it is necessary to learn patience and acquire it. There are a lot of recommendations on how to develop this quality in yourself.


Gemini's patience manifests itself in different ways in different areas of life.

Gemini can tolerate others for a long time, listen to their reasoning, and make joint plans. Especially if you yourself have something to say, while they listen to him. When someone pulls the blanket over themselves, filling all the free space, Gemini gets offended and expresses disappointment.

Not everything is in order with Gemini's persistence when it comes to everyday topics. He can start several things at the same time, very quickly become deathly tired and abandon everything.

Counting to 10

This method mainly refers to that aspect of patience, which is defined as endurance, self-control. Before you lose patience and give vent to your feelings, you need to count to 10 in your head. During these ten seconds, the initial emotions will give way to reason or at least lose a little of their fervor. Of course, particularly impatient subjects count very quickly. But still, the first five seconds will help. Gradually the count will become slower, and with each unit it will be easier to mobilize patience. An intelligent person will immediately feel the difference.

No need to endure through force

And now I will tell you exactly the opposite. There is no need to endure through force. If you use willpower to be patient and endure something by gritting your teeth, then you will also earn yourself physical illnesses and mental problems. Why such a contradiction?

You often hear advice that you need to be patient, endure and everything will be fine. But here two opposing concepts are confused, and many psychologists do not understand the essence of the matter.

If you wait for something through force, use willpower, try very hard to be patient, then this is not the patience that a person needs and which saves him from many of the problems that I spoke about. Let's say you're standing in line, you start getting angry, you lose your temper. But then you remember that this is not right, that you need to be more tolerant. You begin to restrain your anger, trying with all your might to hold it back. This is where you make a big mistake. By not allowing anger to manifest itself outward, you are thereby driving it inside, where it will begin to localize in the body and cause illness.

You create unnecessary tension, which leads first to an energetic and then a physical block.

But how does real patience, which is a sign of wisdom and which we need, differ from the patience when we squeeze emotions and drive them inside.

I'll tell you now.

Fill in waiting time

Time is very valuable. The patience of many people threatens to burst in those moments when they have to wait. Waiting seems like a waste of time and a reason why other things don't get done. The more importance a person attaches to time, the more likely it is to lose patience. This can infuriate one person and drive another to despair. In any of these cases, the quality of life deteriorates, the mood tends to zero, and hopes are lost.

But there is a way out. To ensure that having to wait does not become a challenge, you need to effectively fill the waiting time. So the “waiter” will turn from a victim into a ruler over time. You can read a book while waiting in line, write poetry during a long drive, do visualization while waiting for a traffic jam to clear, or exercise while walking with your child.

What is patience?

He who is patient is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.

Proverbs of Solomon, 16:32

Patience in life manifests itself as the ability to persevere through various adversities , wait for the most opportune moment and prioritize the long term over the short term . When a person is able to endure various difficulties with fortitude, he can not only keep the direction of his path unchanged, but also gets the opportunity to build right relationships. After all, any relationship requires patience.

Waiting for the right moment allows you to get the greatest results . If we plant seeds ahead of schedule, they may not sprout. If we strive to achieve something for which we are not ready, we may fail. Patience in life is important as taking action at the most favorable moment. This applies not only to professional activities, but also to relationships. Patience is certainly a virtue that everyone needs, but it should be explained why this quality is sometimes considered a sign of weakness.

It seems that patience contradicts such qualities as courage, determination, pride, determination, and so on. After all, outwardly, patience in life looks like passivity, refusal to act, sometimes unreasonable. But in fact it turns out that it does not contradict, but rather complements such active qualities. Patience can lead a person to those circumstances where acting actively is most effective.

The right choice of time for active action can give more than continuous action, which very soon will make you run out of steam and give up on the goal, simply because there is no strength or results. The reasonable use of patience for active people will be a factor of restraint, accumulation and concentration of forces for one precise, decisive action. One large and rapid stream of water is more destructive than many small fluctuations. Likewise, a person, acting decisively and possessing strength, is able to achieve more.

For less active people, patience manifests itself as the flow of a small river that, day after day, grinds out a huge stone. “And if you repeat the blows often, even though the ax is small, it will cut down a mighty oak.” Such patience manifests itself as constant influence, an accumulation of results that will accumulate day after day.

The difference between these two patience is that some people are more inclined to be active, but their constant desire to be active weakens them so much that they cannot do anything serious while remaining in place. Other people tend to act every day, but little by little, and they do not always have the desire to rush somewhere, overcome something and achieve something. This patience means that you should approach the task like growing a garden, gradually and methodically. However, nothing prohibits combining these two methods. For example, an athlete, in order to achieve the best result, is forced to keep in shape constantly, but actively train and reach the peak of his abilities only before competitions.


This is an excellent time strategist, able to calculate the time required to complete certain tasks. Capricorn will not rush to complete everything quickly; quality is important to him. In this regard, Capricorns are very patient people.

If mistakes and mistakes can be avoided, he will try to do so. For example, it is said that the potential of concrete when laying a foundation will be realized in 4 weeks; it will withstand these deadlines, unlike many in a hurry.

Capricorn is in no hurry either in terms of making financial decisions or in terms of personal relationships. He is always careful, unless falling in love can turn his head.

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