How to overcome laziness, apathy, fatigue and start doing everything?

“Laziness was born before me.
Since childhood, it has been very difficult for me to force myself to do something, especially something I don’t like. I often put things off until later, thinking that I will definitely do everything when I have more time and energy. After all, nothing terrible will happen, there is still time. Often I plan a bunch of things for the day, but end up doing nothing. But then I feel remorse for wasting time, not doing an important task, and spending the day uselessly. How do I fight laziness? I try different remedies, but so far she wins. I put off writing my final work until the very last moment, and I felt afraid that I wouldn’t be able to submit it on time, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to sit down and do it. I was distracted by interesting videos, films, TV series, minor household chores - just to avoid doing work. I found a bunch of reasons and excuses: bad mood, lack of inspiration, other things to do, important meetings, poor health. I knew I was being irresponsible. I felt ashamed that I was letting everyone down, including myself. But I don't like being pressured. I need a special mood, inspiration, so that I get down to business. I don’t know how else to deal with my laziness and disorganization.”

— Alena, 24 years old

The story of our heroine is familiar to, perhaps, every person. We are all sometimes overcome by laziness: we put off important things, spend the whole day without doing anything useful. And this is normal - until this bad habit begins to spoil our life, as long as we are able to overcome it.

Sometimes such sabotaging of affairs can be very useful, because initially laziness is embedded in us as a psychological defense mechanism against overwork. And if in general you do not consider yourself a lazy person, you should listen to this important signal from the body and rest on time: this will protect you from serious illnesses that arise due to exhaustion - depression, heart disease, nervous disorders. But if you feel that your laziness has developed into a habit, perhaps this is not just the body’s reaction to fatigue, but a stable pattern of behavior. [1] In this article we will understand the psychology of laziness and tell you how to overcome laziness, which prevents you from living a full life.

  • How to deal with laziness: advice from psychologists
  • How to defeat laziness once and for all: 7Spsy technology
  • Content:

    • Reasons for laziness
    • How to overcome laziness and apathy
    • How to overcome laziness and fatigue
    • How to overcome laziness and start taking action
    • How to overcome laziness and start playing sports
    • How to overcome laziness and develop determination

    Laziness is a strange human condition that cripples his life and prevents him from realizing his talents.

    Moral fatigue, accumulated tension and intrapersonal conflicts are often mistaken for laziness.

    But as soon as a person rests, relieves tension and resolves intrapersonal conflict, he comes to life and becomes active again.

    What is laziness?

    Laziness is a psychological state in which there is no desire and motivation for any action.

    I will tell you my purely personal opinion, which was formed on the basis of many years of working with people. There are not as many truly lazy people as you might think.

    What it is

    From Latin the word lenus is translated as slow and sluggish. This term means a negative quality of will. It is used to characterize the lack of hard work, activity and desire for certain goals. A lazy person is not interested in increasing the efficiency of his activities; he is not focused on results. He prefers to spend all his free time in idleness. In psychology, there is even a concept of procrastination syndrome - constantly postponing important things until later. It is believed that the cause of laziness is the lack of a clearly defined life goal and motivation to achieve it.

    Reasons for laziness

    For the majority of people, the state of “laziness” has reasons.

    -Lack of perspective -Internal protest against something -Internal protest against someone’s psychological pressure -Negative emotional state -Fears -Negative life experiences -Lack of skills necessary for action -Dependence on the opinions and assessments of others -Low self-esteem -Inflated self-esteem - Loss of self-confidence - Disappointment in life - Loss of moral and life guidelines - Demotivation

    If the cause of “laziness” is not found and removed, the problem may worsen. As a result, a person can drive himself to the brink. This can cause apathy, gambling addiction, alcoholism or procrastination. As a rule, the hidden cause of laziness “corrodes” a person from the inside and does not give him peace. Those. laziness is a consequence of another problem!!!

    Basically, the problem of “laziness” concerns primarily men.

    Of course, I would like to say that the reason for the large number of men suffering from laziness is our subtle mental organization, but this is not so.

    The reason for the common male laziness, especially the functioning of the male brain. The male brain is more conservative and less plastic than the female brain.

    Many men, finding themselves in a difficult situation and not understanding how, what and when to do, end up in a dead-end state of consciousness. And until they see a solution to the problem that has arisen, they cannot get out of this state.

    This is often the cause of so-called laziness.

    Of course there are other reasons.

    For example, if a person was brought up only with the “stick” motivation and never saw the “carrot”. Such a person remains “allergic” to pressure, demands and coercion for the rest of his life, especially from close people. And when such pressure begins, a person unconsciously avoids the necessary action. The most difficult thing is that all this happens at the subconscious level and the person does not understand what is happening to him.


    If a person has a negative experience and is afraid to make mistakes. Accordingly, in difficult situations, he unconsciously avoids performing an important or significant action. What looks like reluctance and laziness.


    If a person is dependent on the assessment of others and has low self-esteem. Such a person tries to do everything to earn due appreciation. And his whole life is a desire to earn the necessary assessment from the outside by “correct” deeds and actions.

    But a moment comes when a person has neither the strength nor the desire to live further with such a motive. And then “laziness” appears.

    And sometimes it’s just fatigue, which sometimes accumulates for years.

    Many different subconscious reasons can be a trigger for laziness. And they need to be dealt with. I described only a few possible options

    How to overcome laziness and apathy

    Apathy appears, as a rule, on the basis of accumulated nervous tension.

    The cause of tension may be:

    -Intrapersonal conflicts that torment a person for a long time.

    - Unresolved conflicts with other people (especially with loved ones) that last a long time.

    -Hard to solve problems that a person spends a lot of time trying to solve.

    -A difficult atmosphere at home or at work, which burdens a person for a long time.

    Or something similar.

    Considering the reason that has been pressing on a person’s psyche for a long time, it is necessary to select something that will help him cope with apathy and laziness.

    The simplest and most effective thing that I usually recommend to my clients in such situations is high-quality physical activity.

    Physical activity: Relieves tension. Shift attention away from the problem. They give new impressions, sensations, emotions and strength. Raises self-esteem.

    When a person begins to exercise regularly, within 2 - 3 days he receives the first results. Energy, interest in life and even a good mood appear. He begins to feel the taste of life again.

    But the unresolved problem may continue to weigh on us.

    The second tool I usually recommend is changing the atmosphere. Go on vacation. Start visiting cultural institutions (theaters, concerts, exhibitions, etc.). This will allow you to switch and get new impressions and emotions that are not related to the problem.

    But even in this case, sometimes the problem remains a problem and continues to press.

    If sports and a change of atmosphere do not help, then it is necessary to deal with the unconscious. We need to find what weighs on us from within and free a person from it. I usually resolve this issue through human consultation. This can be done by another quality specialist. As a rule, either a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

    But basically, sports and a change of atmosphere are enough. You can sign up for a consultation with me here .

    How to overcome laziness and fatigue

    In the previous example, we looked at cases in which some external or internal problem leads to apathy and laziness.

    Now let's look at another option. A person has accumulated fatigue, which leads to a lack of desire and strength to do anything.

    In this case, the cause is often workaholism, high responsibility, perfectionism and inability to rest.

    Workaholics devote their entire lives to work activity. Work for them is the meaning of life. If they don't have a job, they feel lost.

    The problem is not even workaholism, but what makes them so? And why do they feel uncomfortable without active work?

    Basically, the cause of workaholism is a false attitude located in the subconscious.

    Here are examples of such settings:

    -A good person must be hardworking! - Selfish people don’t like to work! -Only constant work will give you the respect of the people around you! -To achieve success, you need to constantly work! -You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. And so on.

    A person, under the influence of such attitudes, “works hard” around the clock. He realizes the meaning of his unconscious attitude into life day after day. He plows in order to be respected, appreciated and loved! In order to achieve success or fulfillment! So that he is not considered lazy or selfish! In order to secure a future for yourself and your children!

    But no matter how strong a person is, mental resources have a limit. As you reach your limit, forcing yourself to work becomes more and more difficult every day. A workaholic begins to feel lazy more and more often.

    In the case described above, a person needs to learn how to rest effectively.

    In such cases, I usually recommend that the person choose daily and weekly rest options. Rest should bring joy, new impressions and emotions.

    Plus, a hard-working person simply needs to rest for 10-30 days, twice a year at least! But this vacation should be filled with impressions and a change in atmosphere, climate and living conditions!

    In addition to all this, the workaholic needs to get out of the influence of false attitudes. Because it’s not so much work that takes strength, but unconscious motives coming from limiting attitudes.

    This can be done either independently or by contacting a specialist who understands such problems.

    You can sign up for my consultation here .

    In perfectionism, hyper-responsibility, as well as in workaholism, there are attitudes that have become a false motive for a person’s life. People with such attitudes do not live, but implement their attitudes.

    And until you resolve the issue of attitudes, perfectionism or hyper-responsibility will not go away.

    Let yourself be lazy sometimes

    We are not robots. Sometimes a person still has to allow himself to relax on the couch or watch a movie. The main thing is that your life does not become attached to this sofa. Reward yourself with those “lazy” days after doing something big.

    Don't forget that you can also rest in different ways. Prepare a romantic date, go for a bike ride, make a holiday out of the most ordinary day: the more diverse all areas of your life are, the less chance laziness has to settle in it.

    How to overcome laziness and start taking action

    Very often, the root of laziness is a lack of perspective. A person performs a familiar set of actions at work and at home day after day. But he doesn’t see any prospects.

    Basically, this happens when some more or less comfortable life has been achieved. There is housing There is a set of necessary material goods There is a job that brings the necessary income

    Everything is fine. Everything has been worked out.

    This is where some people have a dangerous moment! There is nothing to strive for! Why stress if everything is fine?

    Laziness appears. Or it would be more accurate to say - lack of purpose. The goals have been achieved - there is no motive.

    A person may begin to look for a motive in harmful activities. And they can delay it.

    Some people who find themselves in such a situation begin to unconsciously destroy what they have. And they do it without realizing it themselves.

    Having destroyed what they have, they come to life again and start their lives all over again. And life is in full swing for them again.

    In such cases, it is necessary to develop your life and define new goals. There is always something that can be improved.

    You need to consciously look for something new for yourself that will impress. Communication with more successful people who constantly find something new helps with this.

    New types of recreation, communication with new active people give new ideas and desires!

    Advice from psychologists

    This section presents professional advice from psychologists on combating laziness, which largely overlaps with the recommendations already given. However, they will be useful. Consider this to be a consolidation of the material and acquired knowledge.

    TOP 7 tips from psychologists:

    1. To get rid of laziness, develop self-discipline . Change for the better. Change your daily routine and lifestyle. It will be difficult, but the results that working on yourself will lead to will be worth every effort.
    2. Expand your comfort zone . This is a good way to get rid of laziness. Although many people advise getting out of it first, you don’t need to do this. This is mistake. The wider your personal comfort zone, the more tasks you will be able to solve without exerting volitional effort.
    3. Break down your goals . Achieve them gradually. One step – one subgoal achieved. It will be much easier this way. This also works with laziness. If fighting it is the goal, you won’t be able to achieve it right away.
    4. Don't be afraid of failure . They will be almost certain. This is life, not everyone and not always people will be successful. It is important to accept this and understand that any failure is first and foremost a lesson. Analyze them to improve. Don't dwell on the bad. This can lead to you falling into a state of laziness.
    5. Motivation is important . Without it, any undertaking will simply be an effort on oneself. This applies to everything: work, relationships and more. Don't work where you don't want to work. Don't communicate with people you don't want to communicate with. You will waste energy, which will bring you closer to falling into a state of laziness.
    6. Plan . Do not violate the points of the plan, strictly follow them. But remember that any plan must be adequate to reality, capabilities and resources. Unattainable goals are bad. This is a breeding ground for disappointment.
    7. Don't forget to rest . Even if you are an energetic person by nature. If you get carried away, for example, with work and don’t find time to rest, you can quickly face burnout. It will cease to captivate and interest, and will not bring pleasure. That’s why you need to rest, get distracted, do something that won’t allow you to get bogged down in routine and monotony.

    If you are a lazy person, will you follow the recommendations we offer?

    Yes. Thank you! I will start working on myself when I finish reading the article.


    Yes, but I don’t know with what zeal yet... The sofa is waiting for me.


    No, I think the recommendations are too general. Few specifics.


    No, I prefer laziness to other people's advice.


    Voted: 6

    How to overcome laziness and start playing sports

    If a person avoids playing sports, he most likely associates playing sports with suffering.

    The person himself may want this, but the body resists. And as soon as a person gives up the idea of ​​going in for sports, he feels good.

    A person can understand that he simply needs sports!!! The motive - to be healthy or strong, or energetic, or beautiful - loses to the fact that for this you have to constantly suffer.

    Such people have practically no feelings of joy, pleasure or self-realization associated with sports activities in their body memory. It is not uncommon for such people to associate sports activities with negative experiences from the past (bullying by peers, defeats during sports games, mental violence from authority figures during training, demotivation).

    In this case: - It is necessary to select a sport for which a person has a physiological predisposition. -It is necessary to find a place where a person can study comfortably. -It is necessary to choose a training regime and duration that will be comfortable for the person. -And think through many different motives. Under the influence of which a person will engage.

    At first, a person will gain positive experience from sports. Under the influence of classes and positive experiences, intrapersonal conflicts will be resolved. Interest and desire will grow.

    When a person has the first real results at the level of the body and sensations, this will become a driving force. This happens already from the second week of daily classes.

    To make it easier, it is better to find yourself a good trainer who will help you practice and motivate you to practice.

    Problems associated with playing sports are often hampered by dependence on the opinions and assessments of other people.

    Such a person in the gym constantly feels someone’s attention on him. It takes a lot of mental strength.

    If a person constantly feels the attention of others during classes, and needs support from loved ones regarding choices and results, it is better to solve this with a specialist. A quality psychologist or psychotherapist will help with this!

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