Beautiful handwriting: in block and capital letters for adults and children

Universal computerization has reduced to a minimum the need to use writing instruments. Most correspondence is typed on a computer keyboard or mobile gadgets. Only pupils and students have to write a lot. However, it is too early to send pens and pencils to museums. In some cases you have to use them. The attractiveness of smooth, correct, legible handwriting is undeniable. By it, people immediately identify intelligence, sophistication, and high style. Therefore, many people want to understand how to learn to write beautifully and make a good impression.

Learning to write correctly with a pen in a notebook - the basics of calligraphy

Calligraphy is the ancient art of penmanship. Its use requires special tools, the main one of which is a pen.

Modern calligraphy ignores traditional rules and not only turns your handwriting into a unique work of art, but also systematizes the writing, making it easy to read. For these purposes, a pen is not required; the entire learning process is focused on the use of a ballpoint pen and plain paper.

Before you start learning to write, it is important to choose the right pen:

  • Comfortable thickness.
  • I write smoothly, easily and without gaps.
  • Non-scratching paper.
  • Creating a fine line.

It is worth paying attention to the grip of the handle. Surprisingly, not all adults know how to hold it correctly.

You can learn to write beautifully by practicing every day, so you will have to be patient. You need to be prepared for the fact that this is long, painstaking work that requires perseverance and endurance.

Oddly enough, you will have to start not with writing letters, but with exercises to warm up your muscles:

Gymnastics for arms

The development of fine motor skills of the hands is directly related not only to the development of speech in children, but also to beautiful, even handwriting. When writing, not only the hand, but the whole arm tenses up. Therefore, every day before training you need to do exercises for your fingers. Alternate unclenching and squeezing, stretching, busting, rotation, lifting.

Gymnastics for the back

Remember how in school your back and shoulder girdle would strain after long periods of writing. A standard set of exercises for the back muscles will help maintain posture. It's no secret that an even posture affects the beauty of handwriting.

In addition to a pen, you will need school copybooks for classes. It was from them that everyone learned the basics of calligraphy in primary school, which they conveniently forgot over time. You'll have to feel like a student again, carefully writing out sticks and hooks in your notebooks.

The recipes should be:

  • In a small check and a narrow line
  • Large checkered and wide line
  • With different tasks (circle along the dots, dotted lines, continue the line).

In the first lesson, you need to write down all capital and lowercase letters on your draft. Next, make a list, conditionally dividing them into simple and difficult to write. There is no common list for everyone that determines the degree of difficulty; everything here is individual. Traditionally, it is believed that more rounded elements are more difficult to draw than straight lines.

You will learn to write letters sequentially, that is, until you achieve perfect spelling of one, do not start the next one, even if practicing it will take several days or weeks. This is the only way to learn to write beautifully automatically.

The main principle of beautiful handwriting is the similarity of the letters. That is, all capital letters A should be almost identical, the same goes for lowercase letters. It is this type of handwriting that acquires visual aesthetics. When practicing, you need to strive to ensure that the letters are identical in height, slope and style.

We follow simple rules

Following some rules will help you achieve excellent results in learning to write:

  • Furniture for writing should be selected appropriately. This means a comfortable backrest for the chair and a table that matches your height. It is unlikely that the training process will be successful if a person decides to sit in bed or in a chair, using his own knees as a stand for a notebook.

  • When thinking about how to learn to write quickly and beautifully, you need to pay attention to the position of your body. The position chosen is, first of all, comfortable. The back should be straight, let the back of the chair serve as support for it. After sitting down at the table, you need to check the position of your knees. Ninety degrees - at this angle let them be bent.
  • Pay attention to the sheet of paper. It would be more correct if it lies slightly to the right of the human body.

How to learn to write beautiful handwriting

To learn to write in beautiful handwriting, all training exercises must be performed according to the following scheme:

  • We decide on the first letter for training; working with it will seem very difficult at the first stage, then it’s a matter of habit.
  • We write down lines with tasks for tracing letters using dots or dotted lines.
  • We write lines in which half of the line is dotted, the rest is for independent writing. At this stage, we check how well the letters we wrote ourselves correspond to those circled. If the quality is different, we continue training with tasks for tracing letters until the obvious differences disappear. If there is a result, move on to the next stage.
  • We write the letters ourselves, each next one should be as similar as possible to the previous one.
  • We monitor the interval. It should be the same between letters.
  • We train speed. As soon as you begin to receive aesthetic pleasure from the written letters, we speed up the pace until the writing becomes smooth and clean at your usual speed.
  • It is very important during the learning process to use the acquired skills in life, even if you write to relatives, the letter assigned in class must be written correctly.

At first it will seem that the handwriting has visually become worse, but this effect is produced by the combination of letters written in calligraphy with those written in the usual way. In the future, you will notice letters that require practice and strive to put them in order.

Video tutorials on the topic

On YouTube you can find many useful channels that explain the rules of the Russian language in a clear and accessible form. Check out the examples below and you can find something to suit your taste.

There is a YouTube channel “Russian Language”, where new short videos with an analysis of the rules are posted every week. Very helpful and detailed. You can see an example video below.

In addition to this, there are other videos in which they prepare for the Unified State Exam or simply review a separate section with the rules.

Studying Russian language and grammar can be endless, because there are so many little-known and difficult words that you can learn something new every day. But the most important thing is that you can write correctly in everyday life and not blush for your texts. And you can reach this level in a month or two of daily training.

How to write letters and numbers beautifully

Learning to write numbers beautifully is just as difficult as learning to write letters. You should use the same exercises for training, the only good thing is that there are a small number of them.

You should not alternate teaching numbers and letters, breaking the sequence.

After finishing all the exercises and training, carefully examine your handwriting. If there are still details that you are not happy with, you can use copybooks with separate elements of letters and numbers.

The next, no less difficult stage is the correct connection of letters and continuous writing. Here, school recipes with a pattern of exercises already familiar to you also come to the rescue. If you have mastered the science of calligraphic writing of letters and numbers, connecting elements will not cause any difficulty.

Dictation is a great option for cursive writing exercises. When you come up with a text yourself or rewrite it from another source, this is a fairly calm situation that does not require haste or unnecessary thought. When writing a dictation, there is a stressful environment familiar from school. You will have to think about punctuation and spelling errors, not handwriting. If, under such conditions, you managed to maintain the calligraphic correctness and beauty of the letters, you have achieved success.

Now you can begin to embellish traditional and easy-to-read handwriting, turning it into a masterpiece with complex elements.

Of course, if you set yourself the goal of having handwriting to decorate cards, write posters or create collages, then:

  • Choose your favorite spelling by browsing through different fonts.
  • Consider the writing direction lines. As a rule, the lines going from top to bottom are thicker than the other elements.
  • Compare your handwriting with the sample you like.
  • Stroke all the lines from top to bottom, making them brighter.
  • Add monograms and other details as in the sample.
  • Print out the alphabet and numbers in your favorite font and trace them as practice

Writing beautiful handwriting is a skillful creative process without limits. You can experiment by changing the directions and pressure of the writing tool, adding new details or erasing old ones.

In specialized stores you can purchase calligraphy pens, inks and various colored markers. The writer's flight of imagination is not limited here.

Start with a warm-up

No matter how you choose to write - cursive or block font, you will find it difficult to produce neat letters without warming up. Start with a couple of curls and after this warm-up, neat and confident letters will begin to emerge from under your hand. A field of spirals made from copybooks is perfect for this exercise.

Or you can just make a couple of curls “out of boredom” in something like this shape.

Simple tips for adults and children

Calligraphy, like any creative process, has its own subtleties and tricks.

You should not compare adults and children in the process of learning to write correctly. If you want to teach your child to write, first of all, conduct a short test. If you are right-handed, take the pen in your left hand, if you are left-handed, then in your right. Try to write at least one sentence. You will feel how unusual, difficult and uncomfortable it is. The feeling that the hand does not belong to you. This is exactly what children feel when learning to write. What seems elementary to us is hard work for them. Therefore, the main thing you need is to be patient.

The following devices will teach you how to hold the handle correctly and adjust the tilt. They can also be used by adults who find that their mastery of the main writing instrument is less than ideal.

  • Banking rubber band . Attach to the handle, twist and put on your hand. This simple device will fix the desired slope.
  • Special simulator . It fits onto the handle, has indentations in the places where the fingertips should be and ensures correct grip.
  • Point on the finger . You can draw with a marker on the child’s hand, indicating where the fingers touch the handle.

Since the process of learning to spell is quite lengthy and will require a large number of copies, in order to save money, you can use a special eraser that erases ink.

How to change bad handwriting

It’s better to learn to write beautifully right away than to relearn it later. A wonderful truth, which, unfortunately, is rarely realized in life.

You can correct bad handwriting by performing the following tasks:

  • Correction exercises where poorly written letters are crossed out one by one and rewritten on another line.
  • Mechanical and diligent rewriting of texts.
  • Only regular practice will help correct your handwriting in the right direction. Lack of haste is important.

Most often, handwriting gets spoiled when a person starts to rush, so it is important to slow down the writing process, controlling each letter. The pace needs to be increased gradually.

When starting to correct your handwriting, the main secret of success will be the realization that this process can drag on for a year. Depending on the amount of time spent on preparation. But the work should be based on the principle: patience and work will grind everything down. When every letter and number becomes a standard to follow, you will understand that learning to write beautifully is real.

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