Sexual promiscuity or nymphomania: a doctor about the signs of sexual disorder in women

Nymphomania is a symptom that applies to women who are characterized by increased sexual activity. This state is formed due to a highly developed libido. He is characterized by a lack of self-control in searching for and obtaining new sexual intercourse with a partner. Many doctors classify it as a psychological illness similar in nature to frigidity. However, nymphomania develops much less frequently in patients.

Causes of nymphomania

A nymphomaniac needs to achieve frequent orgasm, the sensations obtained from making love. It seems to a woman that satisfaction cannot occur if they have only 1 sexual partner. Therefore, constant sexual relations with other men are needed. It is important to understand that there is a certain category of women who are characterized by increased sexual activity, but they are not nymphomaniacs. Therefore, psychologists recommend that patients distinguish the symptoms of nymphomania from other conditions and diseases.

Psychologists and psychiatrists have studied patients who develop nymphomania. Therefore, statistics were collected and analyzed, according to which the causes leading to the condition were identified. All data is shown in the table:

Damage to the brain and skullThe brain contains neurons and neural connections. Psychologists distinguish the hypothalamus, which is responsible for certain needs in human life, including women. Under its influence, the patient experiences drowsiness, thirst, hunger, and sexual desire. It is because of the hyperactivity of this part of the brain that hypersexuality is formed. Libido increases, so arousal is activated. But for this reason, pain syndromes in the abdomen and lower back may develop. If a woman feels increased desire, she gets hot, receptors located in the external genitalia are activated
Increased secretion of hormonesIf the ovaries and uterus function normally, all sex hormones are secreted within normal limits. But if the patient increases their activity, the level of estrogen and progesterone increases. This can lead to symptoms of nymphomania, increased arousal, sexual desire
Women's pathologies, mental disordersMany psychiatrists associate the formation of nymphomania with mental disorders. The patient cannot control her sexual desire, so hypersexuality develops. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and manic psychosis often lead to such symptoms. Somatic diseases include malignant or benign tumors in the ovaries, polycystic disease and other abnormalities

In common parlance, nymphamania was referred to as uterine rabies. But this term is less common. Typically, psychologists and psychiatrists refer to increased libido as nymphomania, which comes from the Greek language. Translated it means bride, passion.


Typically, increased sexual desire develops in girls during puberty, that is, 11-14 years. The following symptoms are formed:

  • increased attraction to members of the opposite sex;
  • irresistible desire, craving for sex, orgasm;
  • frequent change of sexual partners after loss of virginity.

It is these adolescents who for the first time may experience all the signs of developing nymphomania. Therefore, when forming them, it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

Congenital nymphomania, which is difficult to detect and treat, is less commonly identified. This requires contacting a psychotherapist and undergoing laboratory tests, for example, for the presence of sex hormones.

Often, nymphomania can be caused by drastic changes in a woman’s life, which lead to increased sexual desire. This condition is called acquired nymphomania. For example, it is provoked by the following factors:

  • bearing a child;
  • hormonal imbalance due to physiological and pathological factors;
  • the first time during the development of postpartum depression;
  • sexual violence;
  • a situation that causes a psycho-emotional surge.

In the process of studying nymphomania, 2 types of acquired character were identified:

  • climacteric
    - formed after menopause;
  • andromania
    - forms during puberty or already in adulthood.

If a woman experiences menopause, hormonal changes occur in the body. This changes libido up or down.

Usually it should decrease. But there are patients who develop nymphomania. They constantly experience sexual desire that is uncontrollable. This makes them uncomfortable on a moral and physical level.

Imaginary andromania is classified as a separate category. It is characterized by the following properties:

  • present in young women;
  • the presence of constant promiscuous sexual intercourse, which is required for a woman to assert herself;
  • with every sexual act a woman experiences satisfaction and self-realization;
  • After sexual intercourse, a woman believes that she becomes more attractive and attractive to the opposite sex, which is why she has a large number of sexual partners in her life.

Nymphomania and imaginary andromania are dangerous psychological disorders. If they occur, consultation with a psychotherapist is recommended.

There are several psychological abnormalities that can be confused with nymphomania. They have similar symptoms and also require treatment from a professional. For example, promiscuity - areas of the brain are deformed, which causes increased sexuality. The pathology is characterized by the following deviations:

  • dependence on a sexual partner;
  • periodic change of sexual partner with confirmation through sexual contact;
  • constant periods of falling in love with each partner;
  • increased sexual desire.

It is important to diagnose the condition in a timely manner in order to provide the required treatment.

Types of mental disorder

Taking into account the provoking factor, nymphomania is usually classified into:

  • True. Occurs in adolescence. It's going pretty fast. The girl rapidly degrades and begins to behave antisocially. This congenital form is difficult to correct.
  • I think so. The disease acts as a protective mental mechanism. By engaging in frequent sexual intercourse, a woman tries to compensate for her internal feeling of inferiority.
  • Hormonal. It occurs during pregnancy, menopause, puberty - that is, when hormones “jump”. In this case, it is possible to eliminate unwanted symptoms with medication.
  • Mental. In this case, the disease is the result of mental pathologies. It either gets worse or goes into remission.

Clinical symptoms

The following signs are identified that are formed as a result of psychological deviation in the form of nymphomania:

  • constant search for a sexual partner;
  • continuous excitability, which was previously not characteristic of a woman;
  • the emergence of sexual desire immediately after the appearance of a man;
  • complete selfishness and satisfaction of one’s own needs in the presence of a permanent sexual partner;
  • obtaining satisfaction by any means;
  • long-term unsatisfied sexual hunger, even in the presence of sexual intercourse.

The patient completely lacks any sense of disgust; she can satisfy sexual desires with any man. All this is formed at the psychological level. Her mind is completely clouded, the only desire that arises is the need to satisfy her own body. She is not even embarrassed by the possibility of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases or immunodeficiency.

An integral sign of psychological deviation is a constant desire to have fun with a new sexual partner, regardless of his appearance, social status and other determining factors.

Psychologists note the following characteristics of a woman who suffers from nymphomania:

  • constant search for sexual partners, inability to obtain satisfaction from one of them;
  • lack of satisfaction after the second sexual intercourse with a partner;
  • lack of self-control;
  • the patient’s main thoughts always remain on sex, other ideas practically do not bother her;
  • appearance, character, the attitude of a man towards a woman practically do not bother her, the main need remains for sex;
  • constant attraction, desire to acquire sexual relations, the presence of a negative psycho-emotional background and hysterics against the background of their absence.

To get rid of nymphomania, an initial consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist is recommended. Next, they assess the woman’s condition and prescribe the required treatment depending on the degree of the pathological process.

Diagnostic methods

After an initial consultation with a psychologist and psychotherapist, it is recommended to be examined by a sex therapist. This is the primary physician treating issues of nymphomania. Since women most often deny their condition, the help of loved ones and relatives is required to pass a psychological test.

The doctor finds out what exactly worries the patient, what idea brings negative thoughts to her. After drawing up a psychological portrait, the main methods of therapy are prescribed. During the treatment process, the diagnosis must be repeated to determine whether the prescribed medications and lengthy consultations have helped.

Video - nymphomania

Where to meet?

If you don’t know where to find a nymphomaniac, then it’s very easy to find out.
Where would you go for easy sex? Of course, to various clubs where you can pick up a girl. Girls who suffer from an uncontrollable craving for self-satisfaction also go there. How to find a nymphomaniac among all the others? And this is where the main problems begin. There are a lot of people in such places and everyone is busy having fun. It is difficult to keep track of the behavior of specific individuals. Rather, you should rely on luck. Another option is to look for closed clubs where lovers of swing and various perversions go. However, in this case the problem will be in finding such a place. As a rule, people do not advertise establishments of this format at all. Usually information is transmitted personally from person to person.

The most arrogant option is to look for the lady where she is looking for psychological help.

For example, Sexaholics Anonymous clubs and the like. The chance of finding a nymphomaniac there is much higher. However, it should be understood that the girls there are trying to get rid of addiction and it would be wrong to pull them out of the fight again. It is important to know that many women with this disease suffer greatly, falling into depression and remorse.

General characteristics of the condition

It is impossible to visually assess a woman and tell whether she has nymphomania. She never expresses her thoughts about the pathological condition. One can only assume the presence of constant sexual desire during a conversation and a psychological assessment by a specialist.

For a woman suffering from nymphomania, the main indicators are:

  1. Switching sexual desire
    . If a woman suffers from mild nymphomania, in the course of her life she can switch her attention to other needs. For example, prolonged exercise. This condition is especially observed in patients whose lives have been without a new man for a long time.
  2. Nymphomaniacs combined with frigidity
    . This condition is extremely rare. It is characterized by the presence of constant agitation. But at the same time, the patient cannot achieve orgasm even during sexual intercourse with different sexual partners. There is prolonged sexual arousal in the head, but there is no reaction from the genitals. This aggravates both conditions, frigidity and nymphomania intensify.

  3. Lack of maximum satisfaction
    . Even if a woman is able to achieve orgasm, complete release for the body does not occur. She is in constant search, in her head there is a continuous desire for sexual intercourse. Therefore, new sexual partners constantly appear in her life.
  4. Menopausal nymphomaniac
    . This is a woman whose body has entered menopause, physiological changes have occurred, but chronic agitation is still present. The condition may be aggravated by depression, itching and burning in the genital area. The patient is characterized by psychological abnormalities.

After sex and orgasm, a woman continues to experience sexual hunger. There is no satisfaction on the physical plane. The same applies to the psychological state.

Relatives, close people, and the woman herself may suspect nymphomania. But it is completely impossible to cope with the condition on your own. For examination and therapy, 2 doctors are recommended:

  • psychotherapist;
  • sex therapist.

If there is nymphomania or andromania, the patient must independently decide that she needs help. If she is not aware of this, diagnosis and subsequent treatment will be difficult as she resists adequate therapy. Gradually, in such patients the condition worsens.

Negative moments from living with a nymphomaniac

Guys often have an illusory idea of ​​nymph girls. It seems ideal when you don’t have to persuade someone to have sex, and the lady agrees to any kind of pleasure.
However, such a point of view has nothing to do with reality. There is no guarantee that you will always have access to anal or oral sex. Now let's talk about the negative sides:

  1. The girl will constantly want sex. It doesn’t matter at all whether you’re tired at work, your penis hurts, you want to sleep, or anything else. The lady physically suffers without sex and she doesn’t care about your excuses.
  2. A woman, in addition to her restless desire for you, will often masturbate. Orgasm helps her feel normal, which means she needs to cause it as often as possible.
  3. You are unlikely to be able to talk about high things, because... 80% of all dialogue will be about sex.

These are just minor negative aspects of living with a nymphomaniac.
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Therapy methods

Nymphomania is a serious pathological disorder of psychological background, accompanied by physiological changes and discomfort. The condition has a negative impact on personal life. Therefore, treatment is required immediately. The sooner you see a doctor, the lower the risk of psychological complications, negative condition of the genital organs and other parts of the body.

The table indicates the main attending physicians and the need for consultation and therapy.

DoctorNeed for treatment
PsychotherapistThis is necessarily the attending physician, with whom we consult throughout the pathology treatment. He must first eliminate the problem, find its root cause, and prescribe treatment methods. In addition to consultations, he may recommend medications. For example, sedatives, tranquilizers
MRI SpecialistThe need for MRI arises when there is a possibility of developing neurological abnormalities associated with brain pathology. For example, benign or malignant tumor, inflammatory processes
EndocrinologistNymphomania can develop due to physiological hormonal imbalance or serious disorders. Such patients undergo mandatory treatment by an endocrinologist, taking tests for the presence of all hormones in the body. If any of them are abnormal, hormonal therapy is recommended
ImmunologistThe specialist prescribes a specific diet that completely excludes foods that have aphrodisiac properties.
VenereologistIf a woman is promiscuous, her body may develop sexually transmitted infections or even immunodeficiency. The doctor identifies all pathologies, prescribes comprehensive treatment that restores the reproductive system and other parts of the body

As soon as a comprehensive examination has taken place and the main cause of the pathology has been determined, a course of treatment is required. An integrated approach is important so that the condition does not reoccur.

If a woman has increased libido and signs of nymphomania, it is better to start drug therapy in a timely manner. Many psychotherapists and sex therapists recommend the drug Bromcamphor. It adequately controls libido, but does not disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. The patient will experience comfort and slight sedation. It is also important to constantly visit a psychotherapist who monitors her condition. The prognosis for treatment is positive if you consult a doctor in a timely manner before contracting severe infections that can lead to death. That is why nymphomania needs to be controlled and visited by a sex therapist and psychotherapist.

Treatment at the Leto clinic

Psychotherapists, sexologists, psychiatrists, and endocrinologists are involved in eliminating the described diagnosis. Therapy must be comprehensive. Typically it includes:

  • Taking medications. They help stabilize hormonal levels, reduce the level of nervous excitement, and normalize sleep. Sedatives, hormones, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and tranquilizers are used.
  • Individual psychotherapy sessions . The emphasis is on cognitive-behavioral practices that provide intentional release of intimate arousal. Hypnosis also turns out to be effective - during it, the passage of abnormal impulses is inhibited, and a program of socially acceptable behavior is formed at the subconscious level.
  • Family psychotherapy sans. The partner of a nymphomaniac has a very difficult time. The doctor helps restore trust in the family and creates conditions to prevent divorce.

If you suspect you have nymphomania, please consult with a doctor at our clinic. We will help you understand whether you really have this mental disorder. If your fears are confirmed, we will select an effective treatment that will stabilize the situation. Our room - 8(969)060-93-93.

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